I See Your Soul [An Original...

Od onlylovingmj

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[Completed] [18+] It's summer, 1979 when Michael Jackson turns 21, releases "Off the Wall," and meets his fir... Více

Author's Note
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Old Habits
Chapter 3: Glorious
Chapter 5: Butterflies
Chapter 6: August 29, 1979 🧁
Chapter 7: Make a Wish
Chapter 8: Going Steady - Part One: The Rebel
Chapter 9: Going Steady - Part Two: Are you Awake?
Chapter 10: Going Steady - Part Three: Dare
Chapter 11: Going Steady - Part Four: Truth
Chapter 12: Going Steady - Part Five: What a Nightmare
Chapter 13: Remember the Rules
Chapter 14: Got to be There
Chapter 15: Remain Calm
Chapter 16: Just Listen - Part One
Chapter 17: Just Listen - Part Two ⚠
Chapter 18: Just Listen - Part Three
Chapter 19: Thanksgiving Day - Part One: Laura
Chapter 20: Thanksgiving Day - Part One: Laura (continued)
Chapter 21: Thanksgiving Day - Part Two: Dinner
Chapter 22: Thanksgiving Day - Part Three: Goodnight
Chapter 23: Debussy
Chapter 24: And Chocolate
Chapter 25: And You
Chapter 26: Come Fly with Me
Chapter 27: Family Day - Part One: Destiny
Chapter 28: Family Day - Part Two: Lunch
Chapter 29: Family Day - Part Three: The Water War 💦
Chapter 30: Family Day - Part Four: The Michael Jackson Experience
Chapter 31: Family Day - Part Five: Fish
Chapter 32: Anytime, Anyplace
Chapter 33: Live in Sin
Chapter 34: Hope is Dead
Chapter 35: The Hawk
Chapter 36: Sunflower 🌻
Chapter 37: Magic
Chapter 38: Cheers
Chapter 39: For Us
Chapter 40: Symphony
Chapter 41: Singing in the Rain
Chapter 42: Lazy Boyfriend
Chapter 43: I Promise
Chapter 44: Fifty-five Nights
Chapter 45: Fucking Fish
Chapter 46: Love Is A Donut 🍩
Chapter 47: Everything You Need to Know
Chapter 48: Growing Up
Chapter 49: A Totally Different Person
Chapter 50: Escapism (Part One)
Chapter 51: Escapism (Part Two)
Chapter 52: Escapism (Part Three)
Author's Note & Open Discussion

Chapter 4: Tonight

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Od onlylovingmj

The days passed slowly as Fall grew closer and Michael and Nicole's friendship blossomed. They would continue to speak on the phone every night, sometimes for just a 10-minute check-in, other times for hours, whispering together until the early morning. Each conversation was new as they learned about each other. Some nights were focused on poetry and literature or philosophy and religion. Other nights Michael would be fascinated by Nicole's day, asking a dozen questions about who she saw and what they spoke about or what games she played with the Johnson children. Nicole was equally fascinated by Michael's animated recaps of performances, rehearsals, long days in the studio, or a sudden creative breakthrough.

And, of course, a few nights were filled with harmless flirtation. Michael's cheeks would flush when Nicole would giggle and ask about her favorite "Off the Wall" tracks, "Get on the Floor," "I Can't Help it," and "It's the Falling in Love." She loved the tenderness and joy in his voice when he sang and found herself wondering if he'd been in love before. She would tease, asking the name of the girl he was singing to. Michael would just shrug in return, instantly picturing himself in her living room again, holding her cheek, smelling her perfume, tasting her glorious lips.

Each night ended with one small thing in common, Michael would softly ask, "How much longer until I can see you again?" Most often, Nicole would giggle and whisper coyly, "soon." Until one night, "soon" became "eight days" which quickly turned to six and reality began to sink in.

Nicole and Michael were each reserved, private people, so these intimate late-night phone calls were out of character for them both. Nicole, who usually found herself seeking entertainment from a good book, was now excited by the opportunity to hold her own dialogue with this stranger. She was consistently baffled that a man as worldly as he would be genuinely interested in speaking to her night after night. She would surprise herself in her vulnerability, unsure why personal reflections of her childhood and even life's most mundane moments, held his attention. Regardless, Nicole found comfort in him and a trustworthiness unmatched by anyone she'd met before.

Michael's interest was certainly sincere. He was entranced and intrigued by Nicole. Her honesty, openness, and confidence was more than refreshing... But what would she be like once they were in the same city? A phone relationship was one he could manage. But a face-to-face relationship? He knew he would be no good at that. Michael valued his solitude and flexibility with his high-demand work schedule, and any female relationship he'd had in the past had dwindled for exactly this reason; they always wanted more. More time. More money. More effort than he felt comfortable committing. And while there was a part of him that felt compelled to end things before it got too serious, Michael just couldn't stop calling her. Butterflies wouldn't stop roaring in his stomach when she whispered, "goodnight, Michael" after a long chat. And when he finally closed his eyes to sleep, he would only dream of her soft lips kissing him again.


Sunday, August 5, 1979

August was a big month for Michael. In just a few days, "Off the Wall," his most personal piece of work to date, would finally be released to the public. Then, just a few days later, Nicole's arrival to California. And at the end of the month, marking his official end of boyhood, Michael would turn 21-years-old.

As the days approached for his album release, Michael's nerves grew higher. He warned Nicole in one of their late-night heart-to-hearts that his workload would increase in preparation, meaning lots of interviews, photo sessions, and evening performances, making it more difficult for him to call regularly. While he did speak the truth, maybe it was also his subconscious fear trying to push her away.

However, Nicole was understanding. She had her own work to consume her. Preparing for an international move and leaving her whole life behind in pursuit of an education was a lot for any young person. And though there was comfort in knowing she would have at least one friend, Michael was busy, and the last thing Nicole wanted was to become a burden.

Today, Michael would be visited by JET magazine for a casual photoshoot and interview scheduled to hit the stands right after his album release. JET was one of the few consistent allies, always saying kind things and dispelling rumors about the Jackson family, so Michael was eager to welcome them and grant this exclusive interview. His team had been working hard to get cover shoots with a few more 'universally recognized' magazines, but they just weren't interested. 

How could Donny Osmond be on the cover of Rolling Stone but Michael Jackson couldn't!? 

Again Michael pushed those thoughts away, reminding himself to stay humble. One day, every magazine and television program in the country would be begging him for an interview.

A slender black man with glasses, Rob, conducted the interview. Speaking casually like old friends, Michael instantly felt comfortable.

Rob: Thank you again for having me back, Michael. I love being able to stop by and catch up with you. So how are you? How's the family?

Michael: We're all doing very well. Thank you for asking.

Rob: Remind me, how many of you kids are still living here?

Michael: It's umm, me, LaToya, my youngest brother, Randy, and the baby of the family, Janet.

Rob: How does it feel to be the oldest of the boys still living at home? Still unmarried?

Michael: Oh, I don't mind. I like being here with my mother. I don't feel it's time for me to leave yet. Everything has to feel just right... I do things by feeling and force and I just don't feel it's time for me to move away yet.

Rob: But don't you ever want your own space?

Michael: I have plenty of space! I would die of loneliness if I moved out now. Most people who move out go to discos every night. They party every night. They invite friends over and I don't do any of those things. I don't really go out at all unless I'm working or there's a show or something I really want to see. But we always have people just walking around the house here. I always have my sisters or someone to talk to when I want to.

Rob: So you don't go out partying every night, but do you do date? We've seen you out with Miss. Tatum O'Neal. She's very lovely.

Michael: Sure, she's great! We're really good friends.

Rob: So when all your JET fans ask, what do you want them to know about you two?

Michael: I want all those people who read JET to just know that we're mainly good friends. We go out dancing and have a good time, you know. People take it to crazy means and crazy extents and it's nothing like that, I just tell them we're really, really, really good friends. That's all I say. And they say, 'well, how good of friends are you? Is there any romance going on?' And I say, 'yes, sometimes but not all the time.' I don't know why people are so fascinated by these things. I like to meet girls and date and things, you know, I'm just very shy and I think these things should be private.

Rob: I understand. So no plans to run off and get married and move out any time soon?

Michael: Oh no! Not anytime soon. I'm very shy, really, and it's difficult to meet girls because I like being home all the time. It's hard to meet anyone really.

Rob: I'm sure the girls wouldn't mind coming to you! You're a good looking guy, I'm sure you could have your pick.

Michael: Oh gee, I don't know. Those girls can be a little scary to me. You wouldn't believe some of the mail I get-- I mean some of it gets real vulgar. Some of the mail gets real funky, not polite at all. They send pictures and all kinds of things. They tell you all the stuff they want to do to you and everything and how they're going to do it. Like the guy used to always pick up the phone and call the girl, she would never call the guy, she would sit there all day until the phone would ring for her. But now the girls will bother you to death! Calling and coming over and wanting you to take them out and see you and talk to you all the time. I like girls who like to do their own thing. Who don't need to be so busy with me all the time but are still nice you know? I think a girl should still be a little soft sometimes too. Classy. I meet some girls, some who say they're fans and things, you know... We were running out to our car after a show one time, there was this beautiful girl with blonde hair. She was trying her hardest to pull me into her to kiss her, she said, 'you're so sexy, kiss me!' but when I showed no kind of interest in her she said 'What's wrong you fag?' and walked off. I was so shocked that someone can speak to people that way! And someone who says they're a fan. I love our fans. I always try to be kind and respectful to them but it's hard when sometimes you don't get that respect back. I'm human too.

Rob: Is there a message you'd like to give to some of those over-eager ladies right now?

Michael: Umm, just that I love them and I appreciate them and thank them. I really do. I don't like to break hearts. I don't really know these people, and gosh, it's a weird thing! You have to portray an image in show business and these people are into you for so long, buying your records, you're all over their walls. They wake up seeing you. They go to sleep seeing you. They wake up thinking about you. You're totally on their mind. And when they meet you in person they feel they've been knowing you for a long time. But I don't know them. You see, that's the painful part of show business-- the breaking of hearts. Do you know what that does to them? You have to be careful because sometimes love can reverse on you. They feel they can't get you and they'll go to the point of plotting and planning terrible things on you or do terrible things to hurt you. That's why it's important to be nice, but sincerely nice.

The two continued to chat, walking the property and taking photos. As Michael toured the yard, introducing Rob to his newest family pets, Janet and LaToya appeared from the kitchen. Michael knew that this living situation at his age wasn't typical to most people, but few things about his life made sense to most people. He loved living with his mother and sisters. They were friends to him and his greatest confidants.

Together with Rob, each young woman shared her current projects and interests. Janet had just wrapped her two season stint on the popular sitcom "Good Times" and was now pursuing other acting opportunities. LaToya was currently learning the songwriting craft in hopes of releasing her first solo album in the upcoming year. Then Rob hugged them each farewell and promised to return when LaToya's album was ready to drop.

The three siblings continued to walk, aimlessly enjoying the weather. It was a beautiful day, the trees were full of orange and yellow leaves and several fallen ones crunched beneath their feet. The sun was warm and bright against their brown skin.

LaToya: Just a few more days until 'Off the Wall' comes out! Aren't you nervous, Michael?

Michael: Hmm, maybe a little...

Janet: 'A little?' I'd be terrified! What if people hate it?

Michael: Why? Did you hate it!?

Janet: No, of course not--

LaToya: She didn't mean anything by it -- It's a great album, Michael! It's going to be a hit, I just know it! 'Don't Stop' already plays on the radio 20 times a day!

Michael: I'm not nervous. I worked really hard and I'm really proud of it. That's all you can do, you know? It's real different from what everyone is used to so they might not like it, but there's nothing I can do about that. It came from the heart. We did our best. Everyone who heard it so far seems to love it! The record label and you all-- even Nicole and I don't think she would lie about that --

LaToya: Nicole Larson? The country singer?

Janet: No-- her name's Nicolette! I didn't know you two were friends?

Michael: No-- Nicole... She's a friend I made out in Texas. She doesn't listen to pop music much so I gave her my demo copy and she's really liking it!

Janet: How do you know she's not just gassin' you up?

Michael: ... Well, I guess she could be... Just doesn't seem like she would. She's real sweet and honest in that way, you know? We've been talking every night and sometimes she'll just bring up one of the tracks and say it's been stuck in her head all day. That's a good sign, right?

LaToya: Oh...?

Janet: Is she pretty!?

For a moment, Michael paused, remembering the way she laughed at her bite of chocolate cake.

Michael: Yes, she's beautiful... I can't wait to see her again. We have a date next week--

Janet: You're going back to Texas just for a date?

Michael: No, she's moving here...

Michael quickly recounted the story of his and Nicole's meeting, starting with dinner and giggles over a tower of sugar packets and blushing when he ended the story on their first kiss. Janet squealed like the schoolgirl she was.

Janet: Woah, you kissed!?

LaToya: Oh Michael, that's so romantic!

Janet: So where are you going to take her?

Michael stopped walking suddenly with his hands still tight in his jean pockets and looked down at his black leather boots in the vibrant grass. The girls stopped a step later and looked back at him.

Michael: I -- I don't know?

LaToya: What about a really nice dinner and a movie? Girls love that!

Michael: No...

Janet: Or to a club! You could go dancing?

Michael: No...  It has to be something real special. I want her to get to know me. The real me.


Friday, August 10, 1979

The day had finally come. It was a tearful goodbye to her parents, friends, and coworkers as Nicole promised she wouldn't let California change her and she'd be back before they knew it for Thanksgiving break. Her car was packed to the brim with clothes, photos, and her favorite books. Her journey would take two days but she felt confident in going alone. Her map was carefully plotted and highlighted with a timed itinerary of the best and safest places to stop for a snack or bathroom break. Nicole even had a long list of phone numbers; her parents, the hotel she'd be staying at for the night, the car insurance office and emergency lines, her regular mechanic, and a second emergency number -- just in case. The only number missing was Michael's.

Last night marked the third day in a row he hadn't called, and now Nicole was moving without even knowing what the phone number in her new apartment would be. She had no way to reach Michael. It was hard not to feel a little heartbroken. Maybe he wasn't interested anymore? And Nicole tried to convince herself that that's okay. With or without Michael, Nicole was looking forward to this new chapter. A new life where she could finally start fresh. And surely there would be plenty of other beautiful, single men in California she could pursue. 

After two long days and over 800 miles, Nicole made it to the city of Angels. It was beautiful. The streets were fast and busy, the buildings towered into the sun. Palm trees and long-haired, long-legged young people lined the sidewalks of UCLA. She rolled down her windows breathing in the salty air. Everything felt fresh and light. Her apartment was just walking distance from the college campus and she couldn't wait to explore.

After picking up her keys and finalizing her lease, Nicole found unit 217. It was a small space, though perfect because it was hers, and hers alone, that came mostly furnished with a living and bedroom set.

It was close to 3 PM when she finished unloading the majority of her things and fatigue started to set in. Nicole had almost drifted to sleep on the couch when she heard a loud knocking on her door. Maybe a neighbor stopping by to introduce themselves!? Nicole hopped up, tired but excited for the opportunity of a new friend. She opened the door with a gasp to see a bouquet of red and pink roses nearly as tall as the man holding them.

Nicole: Hello?

Delivery Man: Good afternoon. I have a delivery here for Miss. Nicole Dillard?

Nicole: Oh, yes-- that's me. Please, come in...

The man entered, setting the bouquet gently on the floor. It stood over three feet tall with an extravagant sparkly bow tied around the vase. There must've been at least 30 -- no, 50 stems! In a moment the man was gone and the room was silent again.

Still in shock, Nicole leaned forward to inhale the scent. Her eye caught the small paper envelope clipped in the center. In a familiar scratch handwriting, a folded card read simply,

Welcome to LA! I've missed you. I hope you're ready for our date? Pick you up at 7. Love, MJ

Sinking softly to her knees, Nicole was speechless, not that there was anyone to talk to anyway. 

Michael found her. 

And he missed her! 

And their date would be tonight!? 

Nicole's mind raced trying to decide what to do next. She was so tired but the idea of taking a nap now was impossible. She needed to shower. But where's the soap? Or towels? Or shampoo? What would she wear!? Her body turned to panic as she jumped to her feet and raced for the bathroom.

The hot shower soothed her tired muscles and quickly relaxed her anxiety. Excitement crept in its place as she pictured Michael at dinner like the night they met. She could see his big brown eyes set perfectly above strong cheekbones, glowing in the candlelight of a table set for two. He would smile without ceasing, shyly at first, then laughing proudly in that way she adored. What would he wear? Maybe a blazer this time... Where would they go? Maybe shopping downtown or stroll on the beach...

After an hour of throwing around her clothes, Nicole decided on a pair of merlot-colored flared corduroys and a sheer black blouse with floral print. The thin straps and fitted body made her feel sexy but a soft wing over each shoulder kept her modest and sweet. After further consideration, she slid on thick black boots, the heel making her stand a little straighter but  easy to slip off if they walked in the sand.

Finally pleased with her outfit, Nicole focused on her hair and makeup until the clock hit 6:45. Panic returned as she tried not to sweat. Maybe she should go sit outside? No, that just looks desperate. Nicole sat as patiently as possible on the sofa watching the minutes tick by, hoping she wasn't over or underdressed. When finally, at 6:57, the doorbell rang.

Bill: Good evening Miss. Dillard.

Nicole: Bill?

Bill: Yes, ma'am. It's a pleasure to see you again.

Nicole: Yes, of course... You too...

Bill grinned. It was clear Nicole was disappointed, but he knew she was in for an incredible night.

Bill: You look lovely! The car is right this way. Do you have everything you need?

Nicole: Uh, yes, I think so -- and thank you...

She followed him silently down the stairs to a black Rolls Royce. The engine was off as he opened the door for her to crawl into the empty back seat. She gave Bill a moment to get situated in the driver's seat and start their journey, before she questioned him with the obvious.

Nicole: Hey, Bill... So um, where's Michael?

He grinned again.

Bill: He'll be meeting us at The Forum.

Nicole: 'The Forum?'

Bill: Yes ma'am. It's a concert hall.

Nicole: Oh! Are we seeing a play? How fun!

Bill: Not exactly. Mr. Jackson is performing tonight.

Author's Note: The scene is set! Are you ready to dive in?

Read Michael's real interview with JET Magazine - August 16, 1979  [in the 'external link']:  


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