Soulmates -Dance is their sou...

By PoojaKuila

7.7K 305 175

Fanfiction by a Kriyaansh fan. The story continues after Kriya leaves because of the promise she made to her... More

Just another guy
Prince charming's Princess?
Prince isn't all Charming!
Reality Check!
Guilt trip!
It went Viral!
After effects!
Blue Valley?
Poles Apart!
Emotional takeoffs
Crashed landings- Part I

Guilt Trip Rolling

480 24 17
By PoojaKuila

(St. Louis College, Mumbai)

Everyone exists the rehearsal hall and walk towards VP sir's cabin, everyone tensed about why have they been called for. Meanwhile Swayam thinks of what Sharon had said to her about some news. When the team reaches VP sir's office they're a lil taken aback to find Sharon looking tensed and  Shivam and RDX sir already there. This seems like something related to footloose. What's gonna happen? Keep reading!

* everyone almost entering the office, exclaim in unison, except swayam who is looking at Sharon's tensed face*

"What's the matter sir? Why have we been called?"

RDX sir: Guys! Show some manners!

Swayam: Sorry sir. Good morning sir. May we come in?

VP sir: It's okay. Come in everyone. I have a very important news to share with you all. I'm hoping to get some cooperation from all of you.

Everyone: Yes sir. Tell us. What is it?

VP sir: ( In a very serious tone) Like you all know that footloose finals are only a month and a half away, and we've been fortunate enough that atleast one team of our college is going to participate in it. Sadly Team Dazzling couldn't make it to the finals because of unfair reasons.

On hearing this Dazzler's faces falls in disappointment.

RDX sir: Relax guys. Listen to what VP sir has to say.

VP sir: After footloose eliminations RDX sir had been discussing about Team Dazzling's mishap with the authorities of footloose and after proper investigation it is proven that KR college did copy your routine, due to which they've been disqualified from the finals.

Everyone hoots and gives high five to each other in excitement.

VP sir: And And And, Team Dazzling's have been given another chance! So now both teams will compete in the finals. You all have to work extra hard and bring the trophy in St. Louis. We are very hopeful that you guys will win!

Nobody speaks! Rather everyone is in a state of shock!

Neha: (Excited) Matlab Babu also participating!

VP sir: Babu??

Swayam: No sir she is very excited for her friends!

VP sir: You may all leave now, except Shivam, Sharon and Swayam. Please stay back RDX sir needs to give you a heads up on the event details.

Everyone: (Finally comprehending what they just heard) Omg! Sir thank you so much! We're so excited.... Can't believe this. Sir you have no idea how happy we are. Thankyou so much!!!!!!!

RDX sir: Well! Sir can definitely see that!

Everyone hugs and hoots and is jumping with joy. They exit the office, expect the owns who were asked to stay back!

RDX sir to Sharon and Swayam: So since you both are from the opposite teams and also a part cultural team and have been working really well until now, I and VP sir believe that there should be a neutral member in the cultural team so that there is no issues in future and everything is fair. So Shivam will be co-assistant cultural secretary, along with Swayam. I'm hoping all three of you will make an even better team and work towards a common goal that is welfare of this college and it's student?

Swayam: Yes sir! Sure. We aren't sure how we'll make it possible but we'll do our best sir.

RDX sir to Shivam: I hope you fit in with the team and work together. VP sir is very confident of you, hope you won't let him down.

Shivam: Surely will keep up to everyone's expectations!

RDX sir: You all may leave now, and all the best!..

All three of them: Thank you sir!

Everyone exists VP sir's office and walk towards the canteen, out of habit the gang was waiting outside and heared everything that RDX sir told Swayam and Sharon.

Nil to Everyone: (Pointing at Shivam) Look! This is that same guy right? Who cheated Sharon for his team's victory??

Simmi: And see how Karma works! KR college shoo sad.

Vicky: (Mocking) All your hardwork in waste. Now what will you do?? Cry?? Oh please don't cry I'm out of tissues today.

Bharat: (Rudely) That is why he was kicked out of his college, and soon you're going to be kicked out from here too.

Amar: (Sarcastically) Guys don't be so mean. Look at his face. Doesn't he look guilty already?

Rinni: (Genuinely) Oh yeah! He does look sad!..

Swayam: Guys enough! We got what we deserved right. Finally both out teams are going to participate in finals. Let's not waste our energy on him rightnow. And like you guys must have already heard he is technically a part of the team now atleast during every event.

Nil: Yeah right! So that we never do anything successfully? He is going to ruin everything again. How can we trust this backstabber.

Vicky: We aren't going to discuss anything with him around. What if he has more "plans" against us?

Finally Shivam speaks: (Guilty tone) Guys I'm genuinely sorry for whatever happened. And I've apologized many times. I won't do anything against you guys now that I'm a part of this college too.

Nil: No you're not! We'll never consider you as a Lousian.

Vicky: And about apology, take that apology and fuck off from here. Don't even be around us, that will be better for you.

Swayam finally getting irritated: Guys!!!!
rehearsal hall right now!!!!

Sharon hasn't said a word since then, and this did not go unnoticed by Swayam. He asks the gang to go ahead and wait for them in the rehearsal hall while he makes up an excuse about cultural related work to talk to Sharon privately.

(In the old corridor)

Swayam and Sharon stand facing each other, Sharon too lost in thoughts is unable to look directly at Swayam.

Swayam: What is the matter Sharon? Are you okay?

Sharon:.....(Still lost)

Swayam shakes her by her shoulder and she jerks into reality..

Swayam: Sharon. Look I'm tensed please tell me what happened?

Sharon: I'm scared! (Sobbing)

Swayam: (Concerned) But why? Sharon Rai Prakash and Scared doesn't sound right in the same sentence!

Sharon: Exactly why it burdens me.

Sharon: Swayam. Promise me you won't tell anyone?

Swayam: I've promised you before and im doing it again. I promise I won't tell anyone about us and whatever you're about to tell me. Well I have to tell you something too. (nervously)

Sharon: I trust you Swayam. You've always understood me, without even having to explain anything to you. I am so proud of my decision to be with you, "as a couple".

*Swaron Background music playing*

Sharon: Swayam I'm very happy that finally Team Dazzlings made it to the finals but I'm all the more scared now. Whatever happened with the team was because of my foolish mistake. I let down the team. And was all my fault.

Swayam trying to cup her face but she turns around and continues speaking

Sharon: Everyone has been upset all this while, I could see that they were, it's just that because it's me they couldn't call out on me. I'm too disheartened by whatever happened and the dancer in me is giving up each day. (Crying) Swayam I'm lost! The Diva in me is lost. I never thought I'll ever be in a situation where I'll look down on myself. I've always aimed for perfection and I was the one who made the team lose. It's our good luck that we got another chance. But I don't wanna ruin it for the team again. I don't have it in me. I can't,..... Dance!!! (Crying in her palms)

Swayam who is all teary by hearing this is speechless, he feels shattered to Sharon like that but let's her speak.

Sharon: Swayam you remember how I used to insult Kriya and you guys? I always called Kriya Behenji, for the sole reason because she wasn't a Dazzler, but truely speaking she always was one, infact more than any of us. She fought her way through every milestone. She made everything possible that seemed impossible then. True fighter! And today without hesitation I feel she was by all means better than me. I knew it then but was too shallow to accept. Infact rightnow I envy her. She left but made sure that she got her team qualified for footloose. I don't know whatever happened between her and Rey, and as a best friend to Rey I'm angry with her too, but I in true sense miss her. She brought out the best in me, trying to bring her down made me focus on the best in me. I really wish she were here. Swayam I feel really lost. I'm a loser Swayam! Please help me! Please help me!

Sharon turns around and hugs Swayam and breaks down. Swayam is at loss of words and cries while soothing Sharon.
After a while he breaks from the hug and cups Sharon's face and looks at her with care and love

Swayam: You're not a loser. You understand that! You're not a loser!

*Sharon tries to oppose but Swayam shuts her up by placing his index finger on her lips.*

Swayam: The fact that you realize all of this and could let it out takes a lot of courage, and no loser could ever do that. First thing you need to do is stop blaming yourself. You trusted someone and that's a good thing, what happened after that wasn't in your control. You aren't the culprit, Shivam is!

The Sharon I love isn't this, you're not a loser baby. You're just giving up easy. And that's not the girl I know. And having said that whatever you're feeling RightNow is okay. I will never look down on you or judge you. It takes courage to talk about these things. Sharon just have a lil faith in me and yourself. I promise we'll get through this together. We'll do whatever it takes to bring the Diva back. Honestly it's not gone anywhere, it's only hiding somewhere. We'll find it. And I promise you that soon you'll be mocking the "weakling me" like you did earlier and we'll all fight like we used to.

Sharon smiles through her tears in hearing Swayam's comforting words.

Sharon: Thankyou Swayam for always understanding me!

Swayam: If I fail to understand You Sharon then I won't ever be able to understand myself. You give meaning to me, and without you I just don't make sense.

Sharon: (Hugs him tightly) Thank you Swayam! Thankyou!..

Sharon break from the hug and asks Swayam

Sharon: You wanted to talk about something too right?

Swayam: (Recollecting) Oh yeah! I wanted to tell you this earlier but I wasn't sure how to. Also I didn't wanna keep anything from you.

Sharon: (Dramatically) Hawww! You're hiding something from me!! Who is she?

Swayam: ...... Kriya!!!

Confusion plastered over Sharon's face

Sharon: What!!!!!

Swayam: No no not like how you're thinking oh God! Sharon I've tired to get in contact with Kriya since she left. I haven't said this to Rey because he's to stuck up rightnow and isn't ready to listen to. I've been in contact with Kirya's mother for a past few days now, trying to get updates about Kirya's wellbeing.

Sharon: (Nervously) What happened to Kriya??

Swayam: Well her mother told me that Kriya had been distant since they've left Kriya doens't speak to anyone, rarely leaves her room, is always depressed. Her mother got to know the that she used ti dance which aunt was against of, but after they moved seeing Kriya like that Aunty realised her mistakes and even allowed Kriya to pursue her passion for dance. But Kriya had given up on dancing. I've sent hundreds of emails to Kriya because she stopped using her mobile completely. Her mother tried to get her therapy, she didn't go. Kriya has become completely lonely. When you said fighter rightnow, it ached my heart because my best friend is fighting with herself rightnow. (Crying) It breaks my heart when aunty cries over the call about how guilty she feels and how Kriya isn't the same anymore. Sharon I didn't wanna hide this from you but right now it seems very important to tell you everything. I miss her. I really do. I wish I could do something for her.

Sharon: ( Crying) Oh my god! I wasn't expecting this. That means she left because of her Mom. Kriya! I don't know her conversation with Rey but right now I can't think of it. I can't believe she would change like that. I can't imagine her like that. We weren't friends but I do feel really sorry for her. Swayam we need to do something..

Sharon gets a call and it's from her mother, she immediately answers gesturing Swayam to wait!

Mrs RP: Sharon beta! How are you darling? I'm so so sorry for not answering you calls. I just got your message from my assistant. What is it beta? You're alright?

Sharon: Mom! (Controlling her tears) I miss you! I just wish you were here!

Mrs RP: Awww my poor baby!.. I miss you too. And I'm gonna make it up to you this time. This weekend we're going to your Masi's place in Mussoorie. She bought a house and has invited us for the house warming. You know you're Masi loves you a lot. This could be an opportunity for us to spend time together and we both will get a break from our lives? I know you need this beta! What do you think?

Sharon: (Feeling hopeful) Yes mom I wanna go with you, this will help me too. Love you mom. Thankyou! I'll start packing tonight. I'm really looking forward to it.

Mrs RP: I'm glad your agreed. I've been really missing you a lot. I'll book out tickets and I'll meet you at Mumbai airport on Friday night. I'll come directly Singapore. I'll send you the flight details soon. Bye darling! Love you!

Sharon: Love you too mom!.. (hangs up the call)

Sharon: Swayam!!!!! Mom called she's meeting me!!! Infact we're going to Mussoorie for a short trip this weekend. I'm sure I'll feel better after this trip I so needed my mom rightnow. And that doesn't mean I don't need you (shy)

Swayam: Wow! That's really great! You definitely need this. A change in routine life will be a stress buster for you. I'm so happy for you..

Sharon: (Hugs him) and yeah about Kriya don't worry. Everything will be fine. I'm hopeful. And don't ever think I'll have a problem with you talking to her. She's your Best Friend. And what you're doing is what best friends should do. I'm really proud of you Mr. Swayam Shekhawat!

Swayam: (Smiling) Thank you Miss. Sharon Rai Prakash.

*Both laugh and exit the old corridor. Meanwhile Rey who excused himself from the gang earlier in the canteen actually went somewhere else. He has been pretending really well. While Swayam is in contact with Kirya's mother that Rey has absolutely no clue about, Rey is trying every means to find a contact with Kirya. He tried to search her on every social networking sites and failed miserably. He calls her no everyday and there's no luck. Rey feels angry and disheartened at the same time.*

Rey's POV

Kriya! Where are you? How do I reach out to you? Since I last spoke to Swayam his words have been ripping me apart each day. How did I not think that you could be hiding something? Kriya I really want to make things right. I really miss you, nothing is right since you've left. I almost ruined my friendship with Swayam. I couldn't be of any help to Sharon. I know since the eliminations she's been really lost and I could see it I just couldn't help her. Because rightnow I can't even help myself. I need you Kriya. You were always there when I needed someone to understand me. I need you to tell you how much I love you. I've never been able to tell you how much you mean to me. I shouldn't have left that night infact I should have stayed back and talked to you and explained myself to your mom. You had to leave because of your Mom I agree but why couldn't we be together? You really hated me that much! My heart refuses to believe it while my brain does the opposite. Kriya I'm struggling every single day to cope with this. I've been keeping myself busy but even then your thoughts don't leave my mind. I miss you Kriya please come back (cries)

Someone overheard all of this, who ? And what's gonna happen? Let's find out in the next chapter

[Thankyou everyone who read and comment on story. I hope you like this one too. I'll update really soon this time. Do leave your comments on this one too. Do Follow my fan page on Instagram: shaktikunwar_fc]

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