Enemies Of The State : Dark!K...

By vampireeediaries

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This fiction follows the events of just how Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes lost everything that tied the... More



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By vampireeediaries

{10 years ago}

"Tyler is now free to come back to Mystic Falls." Caroline looked shocked, staring at him with utter disbelief. "What?" That smile appeared on her features, electrifying his every nerve.

God, the effect she'd had on him.

"He's your first love," He'd looked at her with nothing but love and affection, taking a deep breath before adding the next part. "I intend to be your last....however long it takes"

Klaus Mikaelson clutched onto the steering wheel until his knuckles went a ghostly white at the memory that'd somehow weened it's way back to his head.

It was a vow he thought he was willing to break when first making a run for that Deveraux witch. It was something that'd seemed like the most important task in his life at the time, when his priorities should've been with Caroline Forbes in the first place. It drove him mad with guilt and regret for leaving the town in the first place.

"Do you not think we should undagger our poor sister?"

His thoughts were cut with Kol's voice, who was looking at the back with worry. They had thrown Rebekah's desacated self in the backseat, not wanting to leave her on display for everyone to see.

"Leave her be. She's much more pleasant like this," Klaus replied grimly. Needless to say, he was still angry with the words thrown at him by the Original.

Of course, Klaus loved his little sister, even if she drove him mad half the time. No matter how much she professed his hatred for him, he knew that she'd have to get over her feelings eventually. They did have centuries ahead of their lives.

He hadn't felt time move so slow like it seemed in the last couple days. The only other being when he was living with the hunter's curse. It was one of the only times he had thought about switching it off.

"Run me through the plan again," Kol huffed, facing the front. "We are dealing with a ridiculously neurotic vampire with her humanity turned off. There's bound to be complications."

"Highly concentrated vervain," Klaus tried to focus on the road. "The Witch conveniently had a supply made."

"I still don't understand why her friends are tagging along. Don't they hate eachother?"

Klaus furrowed his brows, looking in the rearview mirror. A black SUV was following them not far behind. He could see Stefan driving with his heightened vision, a distressed look on his face.

The group had insisted on joining, and the his mind was too disoriented from the anger and worry to protest. As long as he was there, however, they couldn't hurt her.

He swore nothing would ever hurt Caroline again. Not even him.

"I'll handle it," The hybrid replied monotonously. "They won't be a problem."


Caroline raised her eyebrows. Now this was an interesting turn of events. She hadn't thought Bonnie had any living witch relatives left. Not ever since her grams passed away and her mother turned into a vampire

"You're a Bennett witch," Caroline examined. "That's a surprise."

"In the flesh," Amelia smiled. She could point out the similarities between Bonnie easily, but there was something about her that was...off-putting. What threw Caroline off, however, was that she sensed a sort of darkness surrounding the Bennett witch that felt eerily familiar.

It was sort of darkness Caroline had felt consume her slowly on the inside.

"Right," Katherine stepped towards Amelia confidently. "So what's the price, Amy? You know you're the only one that can give me what i want."

"The blood of the Petrova doppelgänger is the price i require," Amelia sat down in front of her dark magic alter. "Your hand, if i may?"

She extended her hand towards the witch, who immediately drew out a knife and a small vial. Caroline noticed her chanting something under her breath as she cut the doppelgänger's hand open with a swift flash of the blade, letting the scarlet blood quickly fill up.

"Perfect," Amelia hummed as she closed the vial when it was filled to the brim. "This will come in handy."

"Great," Katherine tapped her high heel impatiently. "I have places to be and things to do, so can you put that witchy woo into good use already?"

Taking the Ascendent out of her bag, she held it out to the witch, who took it carefully.

"The Coven wont be happy when Malachai is walking around free," Amelia examined the piece of metal. "Luckily for you, i don't abide by nature's law."

With that being said, she took the knife and similarly dragged her palm across the blade, blood dripping onto the Ascendent. The witch began chanting in a language Caroline didn't understand, but it seemed diabolical. Nothing like Bonnie seemed to practice as lightening erupted from above.

"Ready?" Katherine held onto her hand tightly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. A dark cloud had appeared above them, evidence of Amelia's magic working as she began chanting louder.

Caroline couldn't reply, because she suddenly felt an unimaginable force pull her under, her vision suddenly going into darkness.


"I was expecting something much more evil than this."

The Gemini Coven stood where it was supposed to be, still as broken down and eerie as Klaus remembered it to be. He hadn't the best memories stemming back to this place. The only difference he noticed, however, was that the home was visible.

It proved that his Caroline right here. He could practically feel her essence lingering by, no matter how crazy that had sounded. It was something he adored about her, she had the ability to make her presence known in a crowded room.

"There's nothing evil about it, Damon" Elena observes as she stepped out of the car. "Without Kai here, of course."

"Don't know about that" Bonnie said grimly, keeping her distance from the home. "I'm sensing malevolent magic. It means something terrible has happened here."

You lot don't know the half of it Klaus thought as he approached the stairs ascending into the coven. He had heard all to well what Kai Parker had done
here, killing his little siblings in cold blood.

Of course, he was as evil as it gets, but even he couldn't imagine killing the little family he had left. Not permanently, anyways.

"What do you suppose we do now?" Kol spoke lowly. "You don't think the ascendent's still in there, do you?"

Klaus stayed silent, only walking into the abandoned home stiffly. He could only pray that the old piece of metal was still where it was hidden, but even he knew the chances of that were slim.

He immediately made a beeline towards the bedroom where the ascendent was strategically placed, praying to whatever was above for him that it was still there. Praying that the damned thing wasn't in Caroline's hands.

"I've read about this place," Stefan said glumly as he followed with the rest. "What would Caroline even want with this place?"

"I have no idea besides her wanting the ascendent," Bonnie replied. She was uneasily leaning against the broken down walls. "It doesn't make sense."

Kai's old room wasn't packed up when Klaus entered it, dried up stains of his siblings blood were still evident on the floor. Of course they didn't touch this room. It was full of evidence of the most horrific thing to happen to the Coven.

"Is it there?"

Kol appeared behind his brother, a concerned expression on his face, but Klaus' nightmares were just beginning to come true as he broke into the closet. A distinct outline made by the ascendent made by dust was as clear as day. It was gone.

He didn't say a word, only kicking down the closet in a sudden fit of rage.


When Caroline came to, she was greeted by Katherine's hand pulling her up. The rays of light and silence made her certain she wasn't the in dark cemetery anymore.

In fact, she was right in the middle of Mystic Falls, but void of people. It was just them two, standing in the middle of a parking lot.

"How the hell did we get back to Mystic Falls?" Caroline groaned, rubbing her eyes as she adjusted to her sudden new surroundings. Katherine stood next to her, looking around in disbelief.

"I cannot believe it worked," She whispered to herself. "Thank you Amelia Bennett,"

"Excuse me?" She nudged her. "Explain. Right now."

She laughed, beginning to examine her surroundings. Caroline rolled her eyes, beginning to grow agitated.

"We," Katherine finally started explaining. "Are in the prison world. The same prison world Kai Parker currently resides in."

"So you're telling a crazy person is here, as we speak?"


Caroline scoffed, walking around the strange replica of her home town. She didn't think it would end well at all, the whole breaking a sociopath out of a prison that was made specifically. But without her emotions, she wasn't at all fazed.

"Caroline!" Katherine called out, "We need to split up. You search the right side of town, and i'll search the left."

With that being said, the doppelgänger flashed away in a blink of an eye. The blonde groaned, not wanting to participate in the 'Find-the-Siphoner' task Katherine was obsessed with.

But obviously, she didn't have a choice in the matter, leading her to search every part of the right side of town. Including her own home. It strangely irked her, doubting that this Kai person would want to live there of all places.

After what seemed like hours had gone by, Caroline decided that she desperately needed a drink to get through this twisted treasure hunt.

Making her way inside the large grocery store that was placed in the middle of town, she immediately flashed towards the liquor aisle. Bourbon was lined in a neatly against the rack, and she quickly took one of the shelf, eager for some sort of release.

But as soon as Caroline opened the bottle, she'd heard sounds coming from the patio furniture display. Crunching sounds, as if someone was eating.

"Oh hell," The vampire mumbled as she approached the display with complete caution.

Pulling apart the umbrella, surely enough, there was a boy sitting on the lawn chair, eating pork rinds without a care in the world.

Caroline looked at him incredulously.

"Rough day, huh Caroline?"

She didn't say a word.

The boy shook his head, laughing.

"Oh god, manners. I'm Kai!" The boy who now had that dreaded name exclaimed with a sick smile, pulling the bag towards her.

"Pork rind?"

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