From Friends to Lovers - Book...

By KrisBlowe

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The fourth installment of the series, From Friends to Lovers. If you haven't read Book III, please stop! Save... More

Chapter 1 - Crimes of Passion - May
Chapter 2 - Paging Doctor Jackson - May
Chapter 3 - Revelations - May
Chapter 4 - Next Level Bromance - May
Chapter 5 - Who He Cheating With? - Early June
Chapter 6 - Retail Therapy - June
Chapter 7 - Everybody's Plotting - June
Chapter 8 - This Thing Called Love - June
Chapter 9 - The "Comeback" Divo - Late June
Chapter 10 - The Darker Side - Late June
Chapter 11 - Cheers To You - Early July
Chapter 12 - Breaking Boundaries - Mid July
Chapter 13 - Busy Bodies - Late August
Chapter 14 - Don't Be Suspicious - September
Chapter 16 - Bad Influence - Late September
Chapter 17 - I'm The Real Deal - Early October
Chapter 18 - The Interviews & The Confession - November
Chapter 19 - Tying Up Some Loose Ends - November
Chapter 20 - Family Ties - Thanksgiving Week Late November
Chapter 21 - Getting Caught Up - Late November
Chapter 22 - Sexual Eruption - Early December
Chapter 23 - Ultimatums - Mid December
Chapter 24 - Many Hours Later - Mid December
Chapter 25 - Sexploration - Mid December
Chapter 26 - Six Degree of C² - Late December - Early January
Chapter 27 - In Conclusion - February - August

Chapter 15 - That's What Love Can Do - Mid September

288 14 23
By KrisBlowe




Two days before Chris and Giovonni were scheduled to leave to start the tour with Normani, Chris received an unexpected text from Michelle's father, John. He was in Atlanta to visit his cousin that suffered a heart attack recently. John wanted to know if he could visit the twins. Chris' first question was.


Chris TEXTING: is your wife with you?

John TEXTING: no she's not.

Chris TEXTING: okay then, that's fine. Nothing against you, but you know that your wife and I are like oil and water.

John TEXTING: thank you, send me the time and place and I'll see you then.


Chris and John agree to meet the next day at Chris' house so that the boys would be more comfortable in their own home. The rest of the day went on as planned. The following day John arrives right on time at ten in the morning. He greeted Chris with a firm handshake and a hug the became awkward as it went on longer than Chris anticipated.

John sat in the family room and watched the boys play with Erica and each other. They would occasionally walk or run by their grandfather, but they basically ignored him. John didn't seem like his usual, so Chris asked the obvious question.


Chris: if you don't mind me saying, you seem a little unlike yourself. Is your ... [John: cousin] going to be okay?

John: yeah, he should be fine. Just needs to lay off the greasy foods and beer.

Chris: okay, then it must be something else.

John: [sighs and takes a long pause before speaking] ... yeah, I finally went through all the boxes you sent to us, and I found her diary. I didn't wanna read it, but I needed to. [holds the dairy to his heart before opening it where it was bookmarked]

... she ... [sighs and hands Chris the diary and points to a paragraph in the middle of the page]

... read it for yourself.


Chris takes Michelle's diary from John and reads it to himself.


Michelle's Entry: I must be the worst mother in the world. I look at these adorable babies that I grew inside my body - these babies I gave birth to. I hate the fact that he's their father. I see him in their faces and I can barely stand to look at them sometimes. I know it's my "DUTY" to do what's expected of me as a mother, but I just wanna scream into the pillow. I wouldn't hurt them, but God forgive me please. I just thank God, Erica is here. Sometimes I wonder if they'll think she's the mother and not me. I hate myself for thinking like that.


Chris closed the diary and hands it back to John.


John: [shaking his head] I don't know where her mind was, my sister had postpartum depression so ... [shrugs his shoulders]

Chris: it's okay, I don't want to think about their mother potentially hating them. [shakes his head]

... CJ, MJ, come and say hello to Grandpa!


Moments later Chris' phone rings, he excuses himself when he sees that it's Clay calling him.


Chris: hey baby!

Clay: [sniffling] baby, I got some bad news.

Chris: oh no!

Clay: [can be heard sobbing through the phone] my grandfather died.

Chris: oh my God, no! I'm so sorry. Where are you?

Clay: [fighting back the tears] I'm leaving with my mother and Carl tomorrow.

Chris: okay, hmm. Mr. Jones is here to see the boys, so I'll come over after he leaves.

Clay: okay thanks. See you then. Love you!

Chris: I love you too! See you in a bit.


John sees that Chris was stressing after the phone call. He told Chris that he could spend an extra night in town if he could come to visit the boys tomorrow. Chris said that it would be okay if he stayed longer, but John said it wouldn't be right for him to stay without Chris being there and insisted that Chris go take care of what he needed to. Chris agreed with John and rushed over to Clay's mother's house. When he arrives, Clay, Cindy, and Carl were loading suitcases into the back of Carl's pick-up truck.


Chris: [in shock that they were packing already] um hello, I came as soon as I could.

Cindy: [walking over to Chris and hugs him] thank you for coming.

Chris: I didn't ask, but ... hmm ... who?

Cindy: [realizing that Chris didn't know who had died] David Sr.

Chris: [shakes his head] oh God no. I wish I was leaving on Tuesday.

Clay: [pulling Chris to the side and kisses him] hey baby, thanks for coming.

Chris: no issues. [kissing Clay back and hugs him]

Clay: we're gonna drive through the night.

Chris: to Charleston?

Clay: nah, they were in Columbia visiting Dee.

Chris: the fuck?

Clay: yeah, I know. I'll call you tomorrow.

Chris: okay drive carefully. Text me when you get there. Doesn't matter what time.




David Sr. and Betty [Clay's paternal grandparents] were in Columbia to see Devernon (Dee) play his first game as the starting running back for the University of South Carolina. Betty decided to put her differences aside and let David Sr. have his moment with his grandson from his first child.

The day after the game Devernon went out to lunch with David and Betty. What he didn't tell them was that his maternal grandmother would be there as well. When she arrived late, Betty accused David Sr. of trying to ambush her. Forty plus years of repressed anger bubbled to the top.


Betty: [wholly disgusted to see her former childhood friend] I can't believe this. Did you set this up?

Gracie: I didn't know about this either. [turns to Devernon] boy!

David Sr.: don't be mad at the boy. I wanted to bury the hatchet between us.

Betty: and bury your mistake?

David Sr.: Betty please, we can talk about what happened at another time, but I don't want to call this young man's mother a mistake.

Betty: you're right, I'm sorry Devernon.

Dee: I understand ma'am, and please call me Dee.


After everyone agreed to be cordial for Devernon's sake and out of respect for the other innocent person in the situation, Devernon's decease mother, Denise.


Betty: I don't know why I never thought about this, but David, Denise, Devernon. [giggles and turns to Devernon]

... will your children's name start with D as well?

Dee: no ma'am.


Once lunch was complete, David Sr. and Betty toured Columbia. They went to the site where David Jr. was killed by the bank robber. Betty and David Sr. had to walk away from the spot immediately after placing the flowers down.

Later that night, David Sr. explained that even though he never let Betty know, but his biggest regret is that he never got to know Denise. Betty says that she understands, but that it was too painful for her all those years ago. Feeling a twinge in his chest, David Sr. told Betty that he was tired and wanted to go back to the hotel room.

Around three in the morning, Betty woke up to find that she was only in the bed. She called out for David Sr. and didn't receive a response. David Sr. would use the bathroom several times during the night and would frequently sleep in his chair closer to the restroom as it got closer to sunrise. She looks for him in the bathroom and then in living room area of the suite. She finds him slumped over the arm of the sofa.


Betty: [giggling] you and that weak bladder. I'm just glad neither one of us needs Depends yet.


When David Sr. doesn't grumble at her digs on his "weak bladder," Betty taps him on the shoulder. The wasn't any response to the tap either. Betty shakes and calls out his name. When she doesn't receive a response from that, she begins to shake him vigorously. She grabs her phone and dials 911.


Betty called Cindy to inform her about what happened after the doctor pronounced David Carter Sr. as deceased.




Michelle's father came to visit the twins on the following day. The visit was pleasant for him.


John: I just want to thank you so much for allowing me to see the boys. I hope that you'll allow us to be part of their lives.

Chris: You're welcome and of course, you're their grandfather. They won't get to meet either one of my parents. I need them to have grandparents.

John: I'll speak to Daisy, cause she's just being vengeful for no reason. I know what my daughter was doing. Nobody's perfect. So can you two get along?

Chris: only if the agreement is reciprocated.


John agrees with Chris about making sure that his wife doesn't go out of her way to be a complete bitch to Chris. They also agree that Chris will visit them every time he's in Columbia.


Clay and Chris video call each other when Clay woke up after the long drive and sleeping in all morning. They tell each other how much they missed each other. Chris told Clay how much he wishes that he could be there to support him and to give "Grandma Betty" his deepest condolences.

Giovonni came over to take Chris, Erica, and the boys out to eat as a distraction for Chris and Erica. After returning from the restaurant, Chris said that he was tired and wanted to go to bed. Giovonni stayed over for a while, "just in case!" Erica said that he should make sure that Chris would be okay. Giovonni shrugs his shoulders and starts walking towards the master bedroom, turns back around and grabs a bottle tequila.


Giovonni: [enters the bedroom to find Chris sobbing into the pillow] come on, come here.

Chris: [wiping his face] what are you doing?

Giovonni: be quiet and just let me support my friend.


Chris allows Giovonni to hug him.




After Cindy met with Betty to talk about the funeral arrangements, they returned to the hotel room to call the other family members. Betty asked Cindy to go out with her for a walk. Clay and Carl clear their grandparent's belongings out of the room that their grandfather died in. They brought everything to the room across from theirs in the hotel that they were staying in.

As soon as Carl got the last bag into the room, he took off to visit his old friends. Clay waited for his mother and grandmother to return. Cindy was back on the phone, planning for everything. Cindy said that he should go get some fresh air when his grandmother broke down after saying that he looked so much like David Jr.


When Joshua and Nico found out what happened from Devernon's Instagram post. They reached out to both of them. Clay said that he needed to get away from the grieving for an hour or so. They agree to meet up at a bar in the Five Points area.

After giving Clay a long loving hug, Nico and Joshua sit with Clay in a booth. While they were talking about the first time, they met each other, the underlying sexual tension about almost all of their interactions kept coming up. At first, they would change the subject when anything they discussed turned sexual. Clay became uncomfortable after he realized that he was thinking about sex at the moment. Seeing that Clay was saying less and less, Nico tried to focus on Clay's wellness.


Nico: you look so tense.

Joshua: he needs one of them magical rub down. That should release all of his tensions. [chuckling]

Nico: hmm emm, you mean like the way he released yours?

Joshua: [turns to Clay] this nigga opens up my freaky side, then gets mad because I had some needs filled by someone else.

Nico: yeah, cause I opened it.

Clay: [chuckles] y'all wild as hell. You two were destined to meet up.

Nico: [giggles] yup.

Joshua: you know what I never understood? [Clay and Nico shrug their shoulders as they wait for Joshua to follow-up on his remark]

... why y'all didn't stay home? I mean, if I lived that close to campus, I would.

Nico: then we wouldn't be friends right now. [rubbing on Joshua's thigh]

... my mother said, and I quote, "your lazy ass ain't gonna miss any classes because you didn't have a ride!"

Clay: mines said the same thing damn near.

Joshua: not everybody lucky to come from families like y'all. [as soon as the words left his mouth, he wished he could pull them back in]

... sorry, my bad. I didn't ...

Clay: it's fine, don't gotta treat me like I'mma break or some shit. [giggles before taking a sip of his beer]

... ya know, I remember when y'all use to say me and Chris was always horny.

Nico: [smiles] Y'all were. If you weren't in town for ... [shaking his head as he looks at Clay lustfully]

Clay: [blushing] what?

Joshua: [bluntly] he wants a threesome with you.

Nico: WE ... we wanted to try a threesome with you. He never had one and ...

Clay: [cutting Nico off] but ...

Nico: [cuts Clay back off] we know, we know. It's just a fantasy. Just imagine how tight he is. [rubbing on Joshua's back]

... he told me what y'all did.

Clay: we only did it that one time. And that was just jacking in the stall.

Nico: no, he told me bout that time in Atlanta.

Clay: what about it, we ain't do nothing. [looks over at Joshua, who puts his head down to avoid eye contact]

Nico: you did the same thing to him, that you did to me. When you get drunk, you eat ass! [tilting his head to the side]

Clay: [nervously chuckles] nah.

Joshua: yeah, you did. Nigga I told you my ass was wet.

Clay: iight whatever. I ate your booties. Like you said, I was drunk. Y'all always putting me in situations where I end up giving in to my horniness.

Joshua: sure, ain't nobody forced you.

Clay: nigga you literally put my hand on your dick.

Joshua: [laughs] okay.

Nico: You so nasty. Chris must be getting that ass ate every night, huh?

Clay: [proudly] Yup! [desperately wanting to change the subject]

... so sup with your brother?

Joshua: don't change the subject.

Nico: that dick, probably hard as fuck. [peeking over the table]

Joshua: Okay, okay, I think we made him uncomfortable enough. [chuckling]

Clay: [confused] wait a minute, you were just fucking with me?

Nico: [licking his lips] yeah, but you did eat our assess. Now, he loves that shit. [winking at Joshua]

Joshua: [blushing] okay, enough. He gotta get going ... right? [asking Clay as he became to one was embarrassed]

Clay: yeah, thanks for lunch. And, for taking my mind off my grandfather for a little while. [chuckles]

... I'm starting you think y'all tryna get me.

Nico: [pretending to be offending] who us?

Joshua: [pretends to be offended as well] yeah, who us? You think that we wanted to try something new with a trusted friend? NAAAH! [chuckles]

Clay: [laughs] honestly maybe a year ago when I was ... you know.

Joshua: I know. Body ready, but not mind.

Clay: [laughs] I'm shocked you would be saying this.

Joshua: [chuckles] me either.

Nico: you can't honestly believe that we'd ask you to "cheat" on your faith ... oh yeah, that's right, he ...

Joshua: [cutting off Nico] ain't here. But we need to go too.


When the three friends all stand up to wish each other farewell, they all adjust their erections. Each one noticing that they were all hard, they all chuckle along with one another. After Clay leaves them in the restaurant, Joshua and Nico sit back down and talk about him.


Joshua: wish he wasn't here for that.

Nico: me too, cause you know he would tear that ass up good.

Joshua: he was hard just now.

Nico: you still hard? [Joshua nods at him]

... meet me in the stall. Gimme bout twenty seconds to get my pants off.

Joshua: let's imagine he came in with us.

Nico: nigga, I'm so horny right now.


Nico stands up and proudly shows Joshua that his dick was jetting straight out in his pants. He walks into the restroom, cleans up the toilet seat, takes his pants off, faces away from the door to the stall, and straddles the toilet. No words were exchanged as Joshua enters the restroom stall, whips out his massive erect dick and rubs the tips against and around Nico's asshole.

Nico moans with pleasure as Joshua bends down and lubes up his hole with gobs of spit. As soon as he stands up, Joshua rams his dick straight into Nico's ass. Nico's moans and Joshua's grunts made the session extraordinary due to the thrill that they might get caught.

The thrill was too much for Joshua, this session was the quickest in his life. He let loose a primal groan as he overfilled Nico's hole with an enormous load. After he was finished nutting, Joshua pulls his dick out and passionately kisses Nico.


Joshua: sorry for cumming so quick.

Nico: oh my God, that was one my biggest nuts ever. [moves to the side and looks at the wall where his load was slowly sliding down the wall]

Joshua: I want a threesome.

Nico: you know he won't do it.

Joshua: he was hard as fuck. You know he was thinking bout it.

Nico: [grabs some tissue and cleans himself up] yeah, but he won't. But this was soooo fucking hot! [hands Joshua's some tissue]

Joshua: [takes the tissue from Nico and wipes the leftover ejaculate and Nico's cream off of his dick] thanks, I wanna do this again next week.




After making some last-minute changes to his set, Chris' performs his scheduled songs with Giovonni and Normani. The last songs of his set were with Normani, they performed sultry renditions of Love Sex Magic by Ciara featuring Justin Timberlake and Primetime by Janelle Monáe featuring Miguel. Chris hadn't performed such a sexual routine with a female artist since he and Michelle were still performing on stage together.



When he had five left to his lead performance, the lights on the stage when completely dark. A single spotlight came on, highlighting Chris at the front center of the stage. The crowd was still in a frenzy after Chris and Normani's undeniable chemistry on stage together. Audience members were fanning themselves and saying "oh my God" repeatedly. Trying to get the audience to calm down, Chris blushed uncontrollably after his failed attempts to gets the screams and chants to subside.


Chris: Thank you, thank you. I'm so touched. Thank you. [half bowing to the audience with each "thank you"]

... this next song is for my grandmother-in-law and to anyone else that has the loves of their lives. We love you Mrs. Betty ... [the lights slowly become brighter behind him to highlight the orchestra as they begin to play]

... You've turned a boy into a good man
He made a queen feel like a princess

One kiss at the perfect moment
Bruises start to heal

Chris & Background Singers [Chorus] [Ooooh] That's what love can do
[Ooooh] It's not what love will do
[Don't you turn your back no] That's what love can do
[Don't walk away no] [Ooooh] Ooh, I tell you what you did for them
Every day we've found [Ooooh]
Something else that makes us believe
[Don't you turn your back no] 'Cause that's what love can do
[Don't walk away no] BETTY that's what love can do every day

Chris: You are now the most important
You and he have built that fortress
One night we could make it alright
There's no need to run, ooh


When the mornin' comes, we see your eyes
And feel the sun, and we know we're right where we belong
And we may not know until we're grown
Who you are or what you know
Not everybody finds a love like YOURS, ooh






As soon as Chris could fly back to Atlanta, he hopped on the last flight leaving Los Angeles at two in the morning. Although he was days late spent the day with Clay, Cindy, and Carl. Bringing the boys was something that Chris knew would help Cindy.

Cindy told Chris that Betty enjoyed the tribute he did for her and David Sr. Chris was only able to spend a day and a half with the Carters before he had to fly back to Los Angeles to do his solo performances on Wednesday and Thursday.




Extremely Jet lagged, Chris spends all day in bed on Thursday and Friday morning. Giovonni, decided to cheer Chris up.


Giovonni: [while on FaceTime with Clay, enters Chris' room] ... wake up.

Clay on FaceTime: WAKE UP! [Giovonni slaps Chris on the thigh]

Chris: UGH! Go away! How did you get in here?

Clay on FaceTime on Giovonni's Phone: baby wake up! I got some good news!

Chris: [coming from under the covers and groans] what is it?

Clay on FaceTime Clay on FaceTime on Giovonni's Phone: his will after my died and left me and Carl half of everything.

Chris: oh wow. I'm happy for you, but sad that it came this way. But still happy and so proud. I love you. I wish you were here.

Clay on FaceTime on Giovonni's Phone: hey Giovonni, hug him for me.

Chris: [Giovonni climbs on the bed and tries to hug Chris] ... no, stop, I'm naked.

Clay on FaceTime on Giovonni's Phone: ooh, lemme see, lemme see!

Chris: [giggles] I'll show you later. Do you want your boyfriend to see?

Giovonni: you my boyfriend too.

Clay on FaceTime on Giovonni's Phone: [chuckles] just the duties, no bennies!

Giovonni: I get the voice. You get that and everything else.

Clay on FaceTime on Giovonni's Phone: [laughs] you get it for the stage.

Chris: really, your taking about me, like I'm not laying right here?

Giovonni: yeah, all nakey and shit! [playfully tugs at the comforter]

... get the man a booty show!

Clay on FaceTime on Giovonni's Phone: yeah, lemme see. Hey, put the phone under the sheets for me.

Chris: if you try, I'll break your hand.


When Giovonni playfully tugs on the comforter again, Chris pushes him of the bed with his foot. As Giovonni was falling he grabs onto the comforter and snatches it off Chris, exposing his naked body.


Chris: YOU PLAY TOO MUCH! [grabbing some pillows to cover his naked body]

Giovonni: ouch.

Clay on FaceTime on Giovonni's Phone: [laughing loudly as Giovonni turns the phone to face himself] ... I miss playing with you like that. You remember that one time we wrestle naked.

Giovonni: okay, y'all need to talk bout this without me.

Clay on FaceTime on Giovonni's Phone: hey, boyfriend, you still on duty.

Giovonni: not for this. [rubbing his back] I fell on Chris' boots. I'm bout to go.


After Giovonni leaves Chris' room, Clay calls him on FaceTime and ask to see "his booty." Chris was giving Clay a show, Giovonni enters without knocking. When he walks back into the bedroom area of the suite, he gets an eye full. Chris was lying on his back; his legs were spread eagle while he stroked his erection. Shocked at what he saw, Giovonni froze momentarily before turning around and saying.



Giovonni: I dropped my room key, keycard.

Chris: [covering himself up] oh my God! Are you sure you didn't want to see me naked? Maybe you should just take a picture? [picking his phone up and addresses Clay]

... I think he's JUST like you. Oh my God.

Giovonni: I'm sorry, trust, I didn't need to see that. Can I get my keycard?

Chris: [looks on the floor and sees the keycard] it's right there. [pointing at the card]

... so get it and get the fuck out!

Giovonni: I'm sorry, SORRY CLAY!

Clay on FaceTime on Chris' Phone: [laughs] it's cool, I don't blame you. That body's tight. HMM!

Chris: [mean mugs Giovonni as he picks up the keycard for his room and promptly runs out of Chris' room] ... it's not funny!

Clay on FaceTime on Chris' Phone: I'm just dying, because I can only imagine the look on his face and on yours. That was probably ask awkward as my mother catching us on the couch. [laughing]

Chris: [laughing] on my God, that was embarrassing. I wanted to die that day. I'll never forget the look on her face.

Clay on FaceTime on Chris' Phone: [laughs] some people like that shit.

Chris: I'm not one of them. This is for your eyes only.

Clay on FaceTime on Chris' Phone: I already know that. I gotta go talk to the real estate agent to get the ball rolling. Love you.

Chris: I love you too. Send me some pics.

Clay on FaceTime on Chris' Phone: okay, I'll take some after I get out the shower.

Chris: [giggles] I was talking about the property, but you can send me those kinds of pictures any hour of the day!

Clay on FaceTime on Chris' Phone: [laughs] iight bet. Big Dick Daddy coming your way.


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