What Happened To Ordinary Mat...

By Stardust_lupus

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This is my very first book ever written, which (unfortunately was when werewolves were the trope) as a young... More

Chapter 1 Once In A New Moon
Chapter 2 Aunt Mary
Boys Povs Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Once In A Full Moon
Boys POV Chapter 3
Boys POV Beginning Of Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Mates
Boys POV Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Wolves
Chapter 5 Aunt Mary's POV
Chapter 6 Brused Side
Chapter 7 Cuteness
Chapter 8 There Goes Breakfast
Chapter 9 Explore
Chapter 9 Boys POV
New Book
Chapter 10 Who Doesn't Like Their Birthday
Chapter 11 Mall Trip
Chapter 11 Mall Trip Boys POV
Chapter 12 forest party
Chapter 13 headache from hell
Chapter 14 do whatever I say
Chapter 15 regretting this yet?
Chapter 16 'Lovin it '
17 Time With Ashton
Chapter 18 Blood Moon Party
Chapter 19 Day One
Chapter 21 Day Three
Chapter 22 Dream?
Chapter 23 side effects
Chalter 24 Will It Last?
Chapter 25 breakfast
Chapter 26 Make-out and Marking
Chapter 27 Grocery shopping with grey?
Chapter 28 Good girl
New book Announcement

Chapter 20 Day Two

106 4 0
By Stardust_lupus

Waking up do a pounding headache I groan hating the feeling of a kangaroo bouncing around in there feeling a sudden urge to vomit I dive out the bed and towards the bathroom vomiting right into the toilet bowl the feeling causing my throat to burn like it's on fire suddenly a hand holds my hair back as another rubs my back. Sparks rush through me before I heave into the bowl again bringing up the contents of my stomach making the mistake of looking inside I see a pungent quick with orange chunks that look like carrot however knowing that they aren't carrots and regretting paying attention in biology I know it's my stomach lining you hear that folks those carrot looking things in your puke is your stomach lining fun fact right?

Finally, I'm just dry heaving now flushing the toilet someone helps me to my feet and leads me towards the sink talking a disposable toothbrush I brush my teeth as the hand still rubs my back and the other goes through my hair looking in the mirror I see a tired Ashton blinking his eyes a lot

"Sorry," I say sheepishly

"don't be it's alright," he said looking at my reflection

Looking down I mutter the most embarrassing words of this week

"I liked it" no I'm not talking about the sick I liked the kiss well more than liked I loved it.

"liked what?" feeling embarrassed that he didn't remember I look down and continue to do my teeth before rinsing my mouth and quickly leaving making my way to the closet I change trying to distract myself from the hurt feelings.

Pulling on a baby blue sweater with a black cat on the right side I pull my jeans on which were grey with rips in the knee then I pull on my black ankle boots but not before putting socks on and before all that I put on clean underwear and no I didn't change in front of him he was in the bathroom doing his business.

"Ava liked what the puking or kissing?" he asked appearing behind me he remembered the kissing

'of course, he did stupid' my conscience said looking down my face heat up

"the kiss" I mumbled trying to put my hair in a messy bun

"good so did I," he said putting his arms around my waist and looking at me in the full length mirror his figure towering over mine

"you did?" I asked looking at him

"course I did even though you were drunk you're a good kisser"

"thank you could you grab my jewelry bag it's next to the door?" I asked still trying to do my hair

"sure thing doll," he said before kissing my cheek and removing his arms from me watching his move he was still shirtless his back rippled with the movements just then I realized he has a tattoo on his back trying to get a glimpse of it however I don't because he's heading back

"Thanks," I say as he hands it to me taking it he wraps his arms around me again looking into the bag rummaging around I look for something to wear

"how about the butterfly earrings," he said from behind me spotting them I pull them out looking at them grabbing his left hand from around my waist I pull it out to my side facing the palm upwards

"stay," I say to him before putting on of the earring's in his palm along with the back of the one I'm holding going towards the mirror I carefully put it in reaching towards his hand for the back picking it up I place the back on however when I reach for his hand again it's not there feeling my hair being pushed away from my right ear I spot him placing it in gently more gentle than I did seeing his concentration I smile he's so cute feeling him put them back in I turn and face him.


"I wanted to," he said his cheeks tinting and his hand scratching the back of his neck aww.

Looking at my outfit I look back at him

"I like you with no makeup," he said reminding me that I need to remove my make up from under my eyes I look like a raccoon crouching down I grab my suitcase and pull out a pack of wipes removing one I clean my eye feeling a hand touch the one I'm cleaning with I remove it and look at him through the mirror

"Could I uh try?" nodding I hand it to him spinning me around he cups my right cheek taking the wipe over my eye carefully then switching he does the next then boops my nose with the wipe before doing my whole face around my lips my cheeks everywhere finishing he boops my nose again and smiles.

"I need to get changed," he said looking at me nodding at him I think he's going to let go but he drags me with him down the hall to a mahogany door opening it he leads me in. The room is large like mine the walls a deep blue his bed smaller than mine but is in the same place as mine with tv opposite it he has a bathroom and closets his bedding was a deep blue like his room, his curtains open so the light shines in his room was very similar to mine apart from it was personalized it has a desk a computer it looked lived in he had wooden carvings of things like animals. Looking at a big one on his desk I walk up to it its the most detailed one and the largest it was of four wolves by a river which I'm assuming they were all lying down the smaller one was in the middle of the three of them sleeping as the heads of the others were resting on it. Ir was beautiful I wonder where he got it.

Walking out the bathroom in a towel around his waist he made his way towards the closet. Watching him look through his clothes I thought guys just threw anything on clean or dirty.

"how about that grey hoodie," I said looking at it. It was nice and looked comfy seeing him pick it up along with a white shirt he held them

"black jeans," I said to which he pulled them out along with some underwear he walked towards the bathroom and emerged a few minutes later his hair messy and he didn't look that bad watching him pull on some converse he stood up and walked towards where I am looking behind me he looked back at me

"do you like it?" he asked looking in my eyes

"like what?" I questioned. Wrapping his arms around me he spun me to face the wood sculpture


"yeah it's beautiful," I said truthfully

"I made it," he said after some long silence

"you did?" I questioned I didn't know that

"yeah I made all of them" he said scratching behind his neck again

"do you want one?" he asked out of the blue he's asking me if I want one wow that's big. Shaking my head at his offer his gaze drops talking me by the hand he leads me out the room quickly and down all the stairs and outside towards my friends before leaving me walking away he muttered to himself something I couldn't hear.

"whats up with him?" molly asked looking towards Ash's retreating figure

"I don't know," I say sadly we were having a good morning after that kiss last night now I don't know

"lunch is soon," Chloe said sitting down next to Hunter

"wait, lunch?"

"yeah you were asleep for early the full morning unless you were doing something else wink,wink," Molly said smirking

"uh I'm still a V," I said hitting her arm



"great so we have five virgins oh man," She said pointing to me Chloe Hunter and the twins

"actually in not so you have four," Hunter said speaking up

"wait you aren't?" Chloe asked a sad look filling her eyes

"no," he said

"oh okay" was all she said before leaving to get food following her I got a burger.

Ashton's POV:

Feeling shame run down my spine at her words I pulled her out my room she didn't want one are they bad 'but she said they were beautiful' my wolf said. 'but she didn't want one she just didn't want to hurt our feelings' i tell him as I leave her with her friends walking away I try to hide tug of shame I feel, am I not good enough? are they stupid? Sure I carve things but is it stupid? " of course it is" I mutter out loud walking towards my room I decide on what to do. creating a plan so she would want to go there again.

I push the door open her scent already invading my space her wonderful scent walking towards my closet I grab a plastic container from the back opening it, I place it on my desk picking up my sculptures I place them in the box carefully once the shelves were empty apart from one I closed the container and put it away grabbing another for the one on my desk however this wasn't plastic it was a gift box one that I got to place this one specifically, this was going to be her mating ceremony present from me but deciding she didn't like it I put it at the back with the others so she'll never have to see it again. Looking at my empty shelves I just fill them up with some books that didn't fit in my bookshelf sitting on the bed I run my fingers through my hair it's nearly time for the party looking out my window I see the blood moon for the second time once yesterday and now today getting up when I heard the music I went outside to get some booze spotting her with her friends under a tree I sat down at a bench watching her she had a drink but wasn't drinking from it just fiddling with it she looked magnificent how I wish I could just kiss her but I don't think I could the hurt feeling on her face when I left her haunted me taking a sip of my beer I settle back and watch

Ava's POV:

Going to my room I change into a deep red dress with three silver wraps around the stomach the skirt was lace and red the whole dress had gold sparkles and it had a wavy V line. Putting on a pair of black pumps putting on a butterfly necklace moving to my makeup i did a black smokey eye and added some dark red liquid lipstick that matched the dress and finally curling my hair like the night before

Leaving the room I went outside towards where my friends were we agreed to meet at the tree we were at, at lunch sitting down I was handed a cup of something talking a small sip I got lost in thought about Ashton how his mood drastically changed when I said I didn't want one of his carvings I was just doing it to be polite I did want one I just thought it would be too soon sighing after a while I decided to get up taking a deep breath I get up and go yo look for him to apologize and hopefully make up I liked the way he was this morning he was so curious and helpful looking for him spotting Greyson and Kingston in the kitchen I walk towards them

"Hey uh, have you seen Ash?" I ask looking around the room hoping to spot him

"uh no maybe he's in his room"

"uh thanks," I say going to walk away however I get pulled towards Kingston

"he's kinda drunk take care of him" he whispered before kissing my cheek then letting me go.

Walking towards his room the music was fainter knocking on his door I git no answer slowly opening it I spot him on the bed mumbling to himself a beer in his hand. Shaking my head I walk in however he doesn't notice walking towards his bed I sit on it next to him looking towards me a grin splits his face

"Hello pretty lady I'm sorry I can't sleep with you my heart is somewhere else," he said looking away taking the beer from his hand I put it on the bedside table much to his complaints

"do you know Ava?" he questioned

"yeah," I said

"so you know how beautiful she is oh Ava shes gorgeous I wish I could tell her everything it would be so much easier then we all could be together forever" he mumbled away

What does he want to tell me?

"what do you want to tell her?"

"I can't say its a secret but I hope she accepts us then" who's us I wonder he probably should mean him he's just that drunk

"you should tell her the longer you keep secrets from people the more they are going to hurt them," I tell him nodding he looks a the ceiling then back at me

"Hey Ava you're pretty today" he mumbles he's a cute drunk

"Hey Ash"

"did you see a lady leave I promise I didn't sleep with her see my clothes are still on" he gestured down himself

"uh yeah she left"

"ahh good, now you come to Ash," he said smiling I got on his bed into his open arms.

"mmm my Ava so soft" he mumbled to himself

"my Ava stay with me?"

"yeah ill stay and I'm sorry"

"my ava sorry for what?"

"saying I didn't want one of your sculptures and upsetting you"

"my Ava does want?"


"then my Ava shall have but later," he said snuggling his head into my chest

"sleep ash"

"you stay?"

"I'll stay," I say kissing the top of his head and falling asleep myself

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