By KaiWuLin

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Description When an S-class elite assassin-raised captain of a special ops suicide squad comes home from a hi... More

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By KaiWuLin

Beauty and the Bodyguard - Chapter 275

Chapter 275: CH275

Yushu shook her head to stop thinking about the mess. She stood up to greet Lin Yi. “Shield Bro, you’re back! Need help?”

Yushu didn’t want to be a leech and just eat without doing anything- she’d help if help were needed.

“You can walk around and see if there’s any glass bottles. Some iron wires work too.” Lin Yi instructed as he tossed the branches onto the sand.

“Oh. What d’you need bottles and wires for?” Yushu asked curiously.

“Glass bottles can be used to magnify the Sun’s light and the wires are for hanging the meat.” Lin Yi explained as he made his way to the dead shark.

Yushu nodded. They did learn stuff like this in biology, but they were never taught to use them in practice. “Couldn’t you twist a stick on wood and use the friction for fire?”

“Yeah, but that’d be a pain.” Lin Yi replied as he cleanly cut open the shark from the middle. He then proceeded to clean the intestines out.

Yushu walked around the beach, not brave enough to wander off too far. She didn’t see any glass bottles, but she did manage to find some rusty metal wires, probably from some fisherman’s boat.

“Shield Bro, looks like you’ll need to use sticks……” Yushu said as she handed the wires to Lin Yi.

“Ah……” Lin Yi smiled bitterly. “Alright, I’ll quickly drill a stick on some wood later- you can help blow at it.”

“Oh, okay.” Yushu nodded. She did remember learning that technique in history class.

The sticks were way too fragile- it must’ve been a long time since it rained here, too, since the sticks were as dry as they got. Lin Yi snapped them right after applying force.

“Lin Yi, do you find that fun?” Elder Jiao’s voice sounded beside Lin Yi’s ear.

“Elder Jiao?” Lin Yi paused before smiling bitterly. “How else am I supposed to start a fire?”

“Just use the Dragon Mastery chant when you drill the stick- your energy will go from your body into the wood!” Elder Jiao said.

“You can do that?” Lin Yi wasn’t expecting a function like this.

“I told you, anything you’re touching can have energy sent to it if needed.” Elder Jiao explained.

“Uh… I know, but what I mean is, you can even do that to sticks?” Lin Yi found it quite hard to believe.

“Don’t you know about the energy conservation law? Energy can be changed into another form- the energy inside you is all-powerful, and it can be converted into any source of energy.” Elder Jiao said with a tint of disdain, a little speechless at Lin Yi’s ignorance.

“Hm?” Lin Yi had no idea the energy inside him was this useful. “Then can I use this energy for fuel when my car’s out of gas?”

“No.” Elder Jiao said crisply. “It’s true that this energy can be turned into energy for the car engine, but you can’t turn it into fuel! You’d probably be able to power the engine if you somehow manage to make contact with it while driving……”

Lin Yi was a bit speechless- He really was thinking too much. Although, he was happy enough with the new information he’d just gotten. He spoke the chant mentally and felt the energy inside him go to the stick……

“Fuu……” The stick burned up all of a sudden, scaring Yushu, who had been blowing at it. It almost seared her hair.

“What the-!!” Yushu dodged to the side as she patted at her chest. “Shield Bro, that scared me! What’s with this fire, where were the signs?”

“What signs?” Lin Yi was pretty shocked himself- the stick just flamed up all of a sudden!

“I read in a history book that smoke always came out of the stick first when cavemen did it… The fire comes slow!” Yushu wiped at the sweat on her forehead. “Well, maybe you were too strong, you’re even better than cavemen!”

“……” Lin Yi didn’t know if that counted as a compliment- what the hell was Yushu even comparing him with?

“Add wood to the fire- I’ll go prepare the shark.” Lin Yi left the fire to Yushu as he walked over the the shark. He quickly cut the shark meat into smaller pieces before dousing it in seawater for a bit, so as to remove the sand and dirt on it. Getting some seawater to seep into the meat would also add some flavor to its bland taste.

Lin Yi then pierced the wire into the meat after washing it. He then walked back to Yushu, who looked up at him. “What do I do now, Shield Bro? I’m done here!”

Lin Yi handed a shark meat skewer to Yushu. “Hold this for a sec.”

He then looked for the two longest branches in the stack before sticking them side by side with the fire between them. He then hung the skewer on them. “There- we’ll just need to wait for a bit. Don’t eat too much though, we don’t have water.”

A while later, the meat started getting some color. A nice aroma started coming out from it, and Yushu gulped in anticipation. “Shield Bro, is it ready now?”

“Yeah, it’s okay if it’s a bit raw. At most you’ll just have some diarrhea.” Lin Yi said as he turned the meat.

“I’ll wait then……” The thought of having to poop made Yushu go pale- there were no toilets here, and there wasn’t even any toilet paper! Pooping here in front of Shield Bro? There was no way she could do something so shameful!

“Ah…..” Lin Yi chuckled as he removed the wires. “It’s ready. You eat the middle part; it’s more cooked there.”

“Okay……” Yushu used some sticks to take out a piece of shark meat before nibbling at it for a test taste- she then gulped it down. Shark bones were big, but Lin Yi had gotten rid of them already- there was only meat left.

“Aahh, it’s so good!” Yushu couldn’t believe it- she didn’t know shark meat could taste this good! “This tastes so much more better than shark fins! How come everyone only eats the fins? They don’t sell the meat in the restaurant, too, do they?”

Chapter 276: CH276

“Haha… You’re probably just hungry……” Lin Yi laughed- Yushu was from a rich family, and the food that occupied her plates were top tier- she only found the shark that delicious because of how hungry she was. Shark meat would definitely not be as appealing under normal circumstances when compared with more conventional seafood items like eel and carp.

Many fishers all threw the sharks back into the sea after chopping off their fins- it was cruel, but that was a simple testament to just how unpopular shark meat was.

A lot of the cheaper fish balls in markets were actually made from shark meat, too, since it was cheap.

Lin Yi, however, wasn’t much for shark fins- he preferred non-pricey meat over stuff like that any day.

Yushu had a smaller appetite, and couldn’t take another bite after two more pieces despite how tasty she found it to be. She leaned back and put a hand on her stomach. “I’m so full! But that sure was good, Shield Bro! Let’s bring the rest back home for Yao Yao to try!”

Yushu wasn’t one to forget sharing something good with Mengyao- Lin Yi could tell how close the two were despite their bickerings.

“We’ll need to be able to contact Uncle Fu first, though.” Lin Yi said as he put his phone on the sand, thinking of letting it dry in the sun for a bit.

Letting the moisture on the motherboard evaporate would still save the phone before the rust and corrosion reached it.

It was something Lin Yi had heard from a friend- he decided to give it a shot.

An accident in a theme park was nothing major enough to involve the criminal police, but this particular accident involved Chen Yushu. The director himself had given the order, and Song Lingshan hadn’t much choice but to personally come down to the park for an investigation.

She looked for witnesses, all the while calling for backup from HQ to have the nearby coasts searched.

In all honesty, however, falling into currents like that with one’s legs and waist tied up pretty much meant death- how was one supposed to swim like that?

Lingshan paused briefly upon hearing of Lin Yi’s involvement in the accident- it was that man again. She didn’t find Lin Yi very likeable, but the man did help her out twice, once during the bank robber hunt and the second time during Heibao’s capture.

Both instances were pretty big deals that yielded Lingshan a lot of credit, since Lin Yi had rejected it. Lingshan had weird, unexplainable feelings towards Lin Yi because of that.

It wasn’t really gratitude, but Lin Yi getting into an accident was definitely not something Lingshan would like to see.

“Captain Song! The coast police’s made contact, there aren’t any survivors in a one kilometer radius! Do we enlarge the search area, or…?” It was Liu Wangli, from CP1. It was the criminal police team that Lingshan had come with.

“Let me consult someone first……” Lingshan sighed. There were only two possibilities- either the two victims were washed up even farther away, or sound asleep at the bottom of the ocean.

Increasing the search radius wasn’t going to do much at this point.

The director was in the middle of a call- Lingshan reckoned that the stress he was facing had to be pretty great as well. After all, the one who’d fallen down was Chen Yushu, the precious daughter of House Chen!! It wasn’t hard to imagine what would happen if the girl had just died off like this……

Lingshan then dialed up Yang Huaijun, who was now officially a deputy executive director, in charge of the criminal investigation and economic investigation teams. He was Lingshan’s direct superior other than Director Chen himself.

“Song, what’s wrong? What’s happened? I’m in the middle of a meeting.” Huaijun asked.

“Hm? Are you not at the police station, Captain Yang?” Huaijun wasn’t expecting Huaijun to not be around today. “Have you heard about the theme park accident?”

“What happened at the theme park?” Huaijun’s phone had been off the whole time- he’d only turned it on since they were taking a break from the meeting right now, and Lingshan happened to call during this window of time.

“Chen Yushu and your friend Lin Yi- they were bungee jumping when the rope snapped off, and the two fell into the sea together……” Lingshan reported. “We’ve contacted the coast police to carry out a search with a one kilometer radius, but the two haven’t been found. They’re asking me if they should increase the search radius, or…… I’m thinking that chances of finding them alive are pretty low- the two were tied up together when they fell in the ocean… Hopes are slim even if they’re good swimmers……”

“Hopes are slim?” Huaijun repeated the words, amused and speechless.

His heart had tightened upon hearing Chen Yushu’s name- it’d be really bad if something happened to Chen Yutian’s little sister!! Hearing Lin Yi’s name following right after gave Huaijun instant relief- Yushu had fallen down together with Lin Yi, and this meant that the girl was sure to be safe. After all, even Huaijun himself wouldn’t have any trouble in getting out of a small situation like that, let alone Lin Yi! Lingshan was thinking too much.

“That’s right- they’re either farther away, outside the one kilometer search radius, or at the bottom of the ocean!!” Lingshan said. “Either way, the chances of them still being alive are slim.”

“Song, you can tell the coast police to pull back now.” Huaijun said.

“Oh? Are you saying we should give up on the search, captain?” Lingshan had been thinking the same thing, but the incident involved Chen Yushu! She was feeling quite troubled.

She didn’t like her sister Chen Yutian too much, but Lingshan was never one to mix personal and professional affairs together.

“Give up? When did I say anything about giving up?” Huaijun said with a smile.

“But Captain Yang, didn’t you want the coast police to pull back?” Lingshan blinked.

“Pulling the coast police doesn’t mean we’re giving the search up!” Huaijun said. “I didn’t tell your team to pull back, right?”

“But……” Lingshan wasn’t catching on. “Even the coast police couldn’t find anyone, how are we supposed to carry out the search?”

“You’re not gonna search the sea. Tell your men to get some boats and move along the coasts- you’ll probably find them after a bit.” Huaijun said, giving Lingshan a shortcut.

“Along the coasts? Captain, are you saying we should search for their corpses that drifted to shore?” Lingshan simply didn’t think that the two could still be alive anymore.

a bit early today

Chapter 277: CH277

“Just do the search and you’ll see.” Huaijun said with a smile. “Alright, Song- I’m gonna get back to the meeting. I’ll call you later.”

“Oh, okay…..” Lingshan didn’t know what the captain was getting at, but he’d given the orders.

She had the coast police pull back first before she borrowed a speedboat from Wangli’s men. They started moving along the coasts.

“Captain Song… The corpses wouldn’t have drifted to shore this fast, right..?” Wangli didn’t understand what they were doing.

“It’s Captain Yang’s orders! Just keep your eyes open and search!” Lingshan didn’t understand what Huaijun was thinking herself, and thus couldn’t explain it. One thing she knew for sure, however, was that Yang Huaijun was the one she most looked up to- she’d always carry out orders coming from him.

Wangli shut up immediately upon hearing that it was the old captain’s orders- much like Lingshan, Wangli looked up to Huaijun a lot. There had to be sense in what they were doing if it was Huaijun’s orders.

Yushu was playing with some sand with her butt on the ground as she built a sand castle. She dug a trench after setting the castle up, enjoying her time.

Lin Yi looked at the occupied Yushu, a smile on his face- Yushu sure was carefree.

He turned to the phone he’d put on the sand, picking it up and inserting the battery. He pressed on the power button and the phone turned on- his friend wasn’t wrong.

Lin Yi dialed up Huaijun’s number right away, but his phone was off. He hesitated before typing in Lingshan’s number.

Lingshan’s ringtone filled the air, and she pulled it out only to stare at it with wide open eyes- it was Lin Yi’s number!!

She was expecting it to be Director Chen- how could Lin Yi be calling her if he was dead? Hadn’t he drowned?

Wangli didn’t understand why Lingshan wasn’t picking up the ringing phone. “What’s wrong, Captain Song? Why aren’t you picking that up?”

“Oh… It’s nothing.” Lingshan blinked herself back into reality and quickly picked the phone up. She was a cop, and didn’t believe in ghosts at all. “Hello? Lin Yi?”

Lin Yi was a little impatient as he waited for Lingshan to pick up- what the hell was this tigress doing, he didn’t know how long his phone would last!

“Song Lingshan, hurry and have someone pinpoint my phone’s location and tell Uncle Fu to come pick us up! I’ll talk later!” With that, Lin Yi hung the phone up- he didn’t know that Lingshan was already on the search, and assumed that she’d have plenty of questions to fire at him. He wanted to refrain from using his phone as much as possible- who knew when it’d shut down all of a sudden?

There was a GPS installed in his phone, and Lin Yi had no guarantee that the phone would last.

“He’s… alive?” Lingshan stared at her phone in disbelief- it really was Lin Yi! Lingshan was now sure that the guy was still alive, but she didn’t know where he was.

“Alive?” Wangli blinked. What was the captain talking about?

“Liu Wangli, you contact the tech department and have them pinpoint 152xxxx1234’s number!” Lingshan said to Wangli.

“Understood!” Wangli didn’t receive an answer to his question, but that wasn’t important. He had orders to carry out.

It wasn’t long before they got Lin Yi’s coordinates. Lingshan typed them in and realized to her surprise that Lin Yi was two kilometers behind her on a coast!

Huaijun was right! Lingshan finally understood what the captain meant- he’d been sure the whole time that Lin Yi had survived, that he’d be on land!

Lingshan frowned- it seemed that this Lin Yi kid really was quite something! She didn’t want to admit it, but Lin Yi had clearly proven himself. It seemed that Lin Yi really was a bit stronger than her… but just by a bit! Obviously, Lingshan wouldn’t lose to him in terms of combative ability!

Lingshan couldn’t wait- she called Lin Yi’s phone right after getting his coordinates, looking to confirm Yushu’s safety.

Yet the call got cut off after she rang Lin Yi- she called again to find out that he’d turned his phone off.

Lingshan was both helpless and frustrated- the guy didn’t want to answer her call! Yet she also understood that Lin Yi’s phone might be low on battery, as the guy wouldn’t have rushed the call from earlier like that if that weren’t the case.

Lingshan’s guess wasn’t far off, but Lin Yi’s phone wasn’t out of battery at all- it was completely broken. He was just about to pick the phone up when he realized that the screen was frozen. The only way to restart it was by pulling the battery out, but he wasn’t able to get it turned on again.

Did this Song Lingshan even check his coordinates like he’d told her to? Lin Yi smiled bitterly, hoping that the tigress wasn’t completely brainless.

Lin Yi had chosen to contact Huaijun and Lingshan directly precisely because of how dangerously close his phone was getting to breaking down- Uncle Fu would still have to get into contact with the police before he could get the coordinates, and Lin Yi wasn’t sure if his phone would last throughout that whole cycle. It’d be much simpler and straightforward to have Lingshan help him.

He spotted a speedboat heading their way, realizing that Lingshan wasn’t a complete tigress after all.

“Shu, someone’s here to pick us up. We’re going home.” Lin Yi called out to Yushu, still busy with her sand castle.

Lin Yi was never actually worried- even if his phone was dead he knew that it’d only delay their rescue, since Huaijun would’ve known for a fact that both he and Yushu would be safe.

“But Shield Bro, I didn’t finish the castle yet!” Yushu complained, a little unwilling to let her fortress go to waste.

“Ah, I’ll help you take a picture with their phone for a memento.” Lin Yi said with a laugh.

“Alright then.” Yushu stood up and patted at her clothes. The sun had dried her salty and wet clothing long ago, but it still felt pretty sticky and uncomfortable.

Chapter 278: CH278

Lingshan had planned to give Yushu some words of comfort- she wasn’t on good terms with Yushu’s brother, but that was her personal life. She had to console and stabilize the victim as a police officer, after all.

But one look at that sand castle and Lingshan kept her mouth shut- apparently, words of comfort had no place here……. Yushu’s first words towards her only made Lingshan even more speechless.

“Why’d you come so fast, Lingshan Sis! My castle isn’t done yet……” Yushu’s eyes were on the sand castle she was cruelly leaving behind as she walked over very unwillingly.

Lingshan almost made a retort to that- one look at those eyes of Yushu’s and Lingshan knew that she was doing this on purpose!! The girl had never liked her ever since she was a child, and wasn’t that just because she’d rejected her brother?

So she couldn’t even say no to a guy she didn’t like? Lingshan couldn’t quite understand what little girls were thinking these days- couldn’t she get a boyfriend that wasn’t Yushu’s brother?

On top of that, there was also the fact that her brother was weaker than her! Why would Lingshan get a boyfriend who was weaker than her? Was she going to have to protect him in the future if they got into trouble??

“Give me your phone!” Lingshan was in the middle of getting pissed off when Lin Yi asked her for her phone.

“Huh?? Why?” Lingshan paused, but still handed her phone to Lin Yi. She subconsciously assumed that Lin Yi had a phone call to make, since his own phone was probably out of battery already.

Yet Lin Yi never went to the dialing pad- he opened up the camera and walked over to Yushu’s sand castle, making sure to get every angle as he circled it.

“Oooh, nice, Shield Bro! That’ll be a really nice memory!” Yushu said excitedly as she ran over to her castle. “Shield Bro, get a pic of me and my castle!”

“Why… are you taking pictures of the sand castle?” Never would Lingshan have expected for Lin Yi to use her phone for something like this- she was really getting pissed off now. “Lin Yi! Are you for real?”

“Remember to email them to me when you get home. Texting them to me is fine too.” Lin Yi handed her phone back without answering the question.

“Don’t have the time!!” Lingshan couldn’t believe it- not only did this guy fill her phone with sandcastles, he even wanted her to send them to him! Who did he think she was? Song Lingshan had always had a powerful image, a proud princess no matter whom she was facing!! There was that tension between Yushu and her, too, because of the whole thing with her brother Yutian! How could Lingshan just send these pictures to her, she’d be throwing her pride away!

“No time? Okay then, remember to ask if I have the time next time you call me for help.” Lin Yi shrugged casually.

Lingshan gritted her teeth and stomped violently in the sand before forcing a few words out. “Fine, I’ll send them!!”

“Ha…..” Lin Yi smiled, knowing that the tigress would submit.

Yushu, on the other hand, had wide open eyes as she stared at Lin Yi and Lingshan in disbelief. She’d asked Lin Yi to take a picture of her and her castle really to just piss Lingshan off a little- she wasn’t expecting someone with a temper like Lingshan’s to send the pictures to her at all! She’d most likely say she’d deleted them if Yushu did end up asking her for them afterwards!

Lingshan’s ‘Don’t have the time’ was also within Yushu’s expectations as well- she felt proud enough that Lin Yi had managed to get Lingshan’s phone and fill it with pictures of her sand castle already.

After all, none of the guys around Song Lingshan would dare use her phone for something stupid like that!

Even Chen Yutian, the big-shot of Songshan City, wouldn’t do something like that- in a sense, Lin Yi was extremely badass. Lingshan only saying she didn’t have time without any scolding or pummeling already gave Lin Yi plenty of face!

Yushu was right about to call Lin Yi badass when something else happened- Lingshan actually agreed to send the pictures!! All it took was one sentence from Lin Yi!!

“Shield Bro, you’re so badass!!” Yushu really wanted to jump on Lin Yi and give him a kiss- all her pent up frustration at Lingshan growing up had been finally released! She didn’t think any man could handle Lingshan anymore, but here was Shield Bro, easily taking care of her!

Could the rumors about that thing Lingshan did for Lin Yi in the hospital actually be true..? It had to be!! Yes, it was very possible- why else would Lingshan be this good a girl in front of Lin Yi?

Man, bro… looks like you’ll have to give up… You can’t handle Lingshan anyway, might as well give her to Shield Bro. Yes, that seemed appropriate- if Uncle Chu really was looking for a son-in-law then Yao Yao would be Shield Bro’s first wife, Yushu the second, and Song Lingshan a small concubine who wouldn’t even be allowed to share a room with Shield Bro!!

Lingshan at that moment was very pissed off- she obviously knew how excited and happy Yushu was, but there simply wasn’t anything she could do about it! She might very well still need Lin Yi’s services whenever she got stuck on a case, and she couldn’t really piss the guy off if she wanted that help! She’d have to endure it.

“Yo, tigress, come help me move this shark.” Lin Yi instructed quite casually.

“T-Tigress…?” Lingshan thought something had gone wrong with her ears- was someone actually daring enough to be calling her a tigress??

“Wha-?!!” Yushu was shocked as well. Shield Bro, you’re too much…….

Liu Wangli tried his best to contain his laughter, but couldn’t help but give a big thumbs up to Lin Yi internally. He didn’t know what Lin Yi’s relationship with Lingshan was, but he’d taken her phone, snapped some pics of some random sand castle, and even called her ‘tigress’!

“What was that, Lin Yi?!” Lingshan reached at Lin Yi, no longer able to contain her rage. She wanted to teach this jerk a lesson, who did he think he was, stepping on her like this?! Did he really think she wouldn’t be able to solve cases without him? Did he pride himself this much over some capability?!

She was the combat champion of the police department, who was Lin Yi to just bully her like this?!

“Captain Song, Captain Song! Calm down..!!” Wangli jumped up in shock- he knew exactly how strong Lingshan was, not even trained officers could take her down, let alone some normal guy!

It was also the real reason why Lingshan’s men respected her so much- after all, what kind of soldier would follow a general who had no presence?

vote please

Chapter 279: CH279

Wangli was getting really worried- Lingshan looked like she was about to beat Lin Yi up! Both Lin Yi and Yushu were survivors that Lingshan was supposed to be consoling and rescuing, not beating up! What would their superiors say if they heard about this?

Lingshan was really pissed now- no one had ever went this far! Who did he think he was calling tigress? This wasn’t even the first time!

Ignoring all consequences, she sent a fist at Lin Yi’s back- any normal person would’ve had their breath knocked out from a punch like that.

Lin Yi smiled, but didn’t make an attempt to dodge the attack. Lingshan was still a girl, and girls threw small tantrums every once in a while- Lin Yi didn’t want to go against the principle of fighting a girl, and decided that he’d let Lingshan win a little. After all, he really did insult her with a nickname, despite it being unintentional.

Lingshan’s fist landed on Lin Yi’s back, and Wangli shut his eyes thinking that the guy was done for.

Yet something miraculous happened: Lin Yi only turned back with a smile on his face. “Alright, Lingshan- let’s go get the shark, okay?”


Did Lin Yi seriously just call her Lingshan?? Lingshan was at a loss for words- it was the first time a man had addressed her with this much familiarity! The old Lingshan would’ve exploded long ago, but now…… She really wasn’t sure what to do anymore.

She knew how she’d put all her strength into that punch- she even started regretting it after landing it, since even a golden class master would’ve had a hard time taking a hit like that, and she didn’t even know if Lin Yi was a golden class! Yet that punch seemed to have made contact with soft cotton instead of a solid back……

Lin Yi, on the other hand, didn’t seem to have felt anything in the slightest! From the way he spoke it seemed as if she’d just punched at him playfully the way a girl would! What did Lin Yi do to negate the impact of her attack??

Lingshan tensed as she stared at Lin Yi- who was this man? Why did he look completely unaffected by her punch?

Yushu and Wangli were shocked even more so!

Naturally, neither of them could tell if Lingshan had meant to damage Lin Yi in the first place… What they did know, however, was that Lin Yi didn’t seem to be hurt whatsoever from the attack, logically making Lingshan’s punch the girly, playful type that you’d see in a couple’s argument. Lin Yi’s tone and behavior after the punch solidified that!

So that meant that Lingshan really was messing around with him! After all, Wangli didn’t have good enough eyes to be able to see if Lingshan had put any strength to her attack- it was only natural that Yushu would be even less capable of doing so.

Could this man really be the legendary boyfriend of Song Lingshan?! Wangli remembered at that instant the rumor about what Lingshan had done in the hospital… Wasn’t that guy called Lin Yi as well?

Wangli couldn’t help but admire Lin Yi- he gave him another mental thumbs up. Song Lingshan was the beauty of the police force, but she was as much of a godzilla as she was a pretty flower! There weren’t a lot of men who could handle women like that- what if they got into an argument? Would he have to get hospitalized every time he got in a fight with his girlfriend?

Lin Yi had just wanted to mess with Lingshan a bit, but one look at the expressions on Wangli and Yushu’s faces and he knew that the two were taking things too far… He wasn’t planning on this type of development……

Lingshan watched as Lin Yi moved the shark towards the speedboat- she wasn’t very willing, but refrained from saying anything. This had been another lesson she’d learned from Lin Yi, and she was adapting.

That punch had also prompted Lingshan to treat Lin Yi more seriously from now on- it seemed that his capture of Heibao wasn’t by chance at all!

“Shield Bro, are you really together with Song Lingshan??” Yushu whispered curiously as she followed Lin Yi to the speedboat.

“I’m not.” Lin Yi didn’t see the need to lie to Yushu about stuff like this.

“Really, Shield Bro? There’s really nothing between the two of you?” Yushu was a bit disappointed- she’d gotten to know Lin Yi at this point, and understood that he was a forward man. He wouldn’t lie about stuff like this.

It was the same with what he’d done in the school field that other day, where he’d slapped Ruoming across the face and announced that Tang Yin was his woman.

“Really.” Lin Yi said. “Why, did you want that?”

“Man, there’s something you don’t know! My brother’s been chasing her for years, but she always ignored him! She even shamed my brother for losing to her: she said he wasn’t a real man!!” Yushu was getting a little upset. “I assumed that you’d been able to tame that horny fox, Shield Bro! I thought you showed her who’s boss!”

“……..” Lin Yi’s eyes were wide open, speechless as he looked at Yushu. “Why’re you calling her a horny fox..?”

“Didn’t she do that…. with you? Back in the hospital……” As open-minded as Yushu was, even she’d get embarrassed talking about stuff like this.

“It’s not what you think……” Lin Yi smiled bitterly. “There was an injury on my leg, and she just wanted to press on it to punish me……”

“So that’s what it was……” Yushu nodded, realizing that she’d misunderstood Lingshan- she thought that the girl had grown horny all of a sudden after maturing! Although, her fear of Shield Bro still remained a fact- she wasn’t his woman, but it was clear that Shield Bro had the potential to tame the beast. Not bad, not bad. Yushu decided that this was good too.

Lin Yi and Yushu’s mumbling together at the back had all been heard by Lingshan, who was as glad as she could be that Wangli was at the front driving the boat, and that she was the only one who’d heard the conversation.

She really wanted to strangle that girl- who the hell was she calling ‘horny fox’?? She suddenly remembered that rumor about her when Yushu got to it, and recalled the odd way her colleagues had gazed at her with the next couple days after it had spread to the police station……

Lingshan, naturally, knew what they were thinking! They were probably all wondering how a violent woman like her could do stuff like that for a man!!

She was about to turn back and explain herself before Lin Yi ruined her name when the guy explained what had happened- Lingshan hadn’t expected that.

The guy was apparently still a proper man, not taking the chance to soil her reputation even further. Yushu’s childish mentality, on the other hand, made Lingshan quite speechless- so this was her idea of revenge? Her idea of getting back at her for rejecting her brother??

Lingshan shook her head. She acknowledged Lin Yi’s formidable strength, but believed herself to be superior in fair, direct hand-to-hand combat.

Chapter 280: CH280

Mengyao wasn’t as worried anymore after Uncle Fu and her father talked to her, but it was only natural that she’d still be tense.

She couldn’t sit right since she’d gotten home, worried for the soulmate she’d grown up with!! That Lin Yi, too- she wondered if he were okay? He was a bit irritating sometimes, but she still didn’t want anything bad happening to him.

She didn’t know why, but reckoned that it was because Lin Yi was more or less her employee. She didn’t want him to get into trouble.

Lin Yi and Yushu got back a while later, safe and sound. It was Liu Wangli who drove the two back- Lingshan had delegated that task to Wangli the moment they’d gotten back to the police station! She wanted to get as far away from Lin Yi as possible!

She wasn’t in a position to piss him off, but she could still hide from him! Driving that Lin Yi home as Captain Song? It wasn’t something she was very keen on doing.

It didn’t matter to Wangli- he got a big van from the police team and drove Lin Yi, Yushu, and the shark back to the villa. Truth be told, Wangli found himself quite impressed with Lin Yi- he had to be quite an extraordinary man to tame Lingshan, the female dinosaur.

“Shu!! You’re okay!!” Mengyao ran to Yushu with her arms open and engulfed her in an embrace, clearly very excited that Yushu had returned home safely.

“I’m fine, Yao Yao! I actually had a pretty nice time!” Yushu was nowhere near Mengyao’s mental state- unlike her, Yushu had just enjoyed some nice shark meat and even got to make a sand castle. It had been a pleasant Saturday.

Meanwhile, Lin Yi walked in with a shark over his shoulder and shook his head at the two girls hugging each other. Seriously? If people got this excited over falling into the sea then he probably would’ve been hugging Huaijun and his team all the time during his war days.

Mengyao only noticed Lin Yi after hugging Yushu- she managed to keep the worry she had had concealed, planning to give the guy some words of comfort when she saw the shark on Lin Yi’s shoulder. “Excuse me, Lin Yi, what’s that on your shoulder?”

“Ooh, Yao Yao, that’s the shark Shield Bro killed! He even cooked it for me, it was so good! I got him to pack the leftovers for you, let’s go roast it!” Yushu explained excitedly.

Mengyao’s heart warmed up at the gesture- her soulmate never forgot about her even when in an accident, even remembering to share the good stuff she had with her… “Thanks, Shu…….”

“Hey, I’m the one carrying the shark….” Lin Yi smiled bitterly.

“Yeah, thank you too…… Lin Yi……” Mengyao nodded a little embarrassedly at Lin Yi, but naturally couldn’t hug him the way she hugged Yushu. Something important came to mind all of a sudden. “Wait, shark? Shu, did you say shark??”

“Yep!!” Yushu nodded. “A big one, too! It was really good.”

“What??” Mengyao’s eyes were wide with surprise. “Lin Yi, you killed a shark?!”

“Ah……” Lin Yi smiled. “Shu and I would’ve gotten eaten if I didn’t kill it.”

Mengyao was utterly speechless as she stared at this man- so that was why he killed the shark?? What about all those other shark attack victims, why didn’t they kill their sharks as well? Why was Lin Yi acting so casual about this?

Yet Mengyao could imagine how intense and dangerous the situation must’ve been, despite Lin Yi’s casual attitude towards the whole thing.

Although that wasn’t an accurate guess- Lin Yi took out the shark pretty easily.

“Thanks for protecting Shu.” Mengyao nodded- there wasn’t much left to say.

“She’s my friend, no need to thank me for that.” Lin Yi shook his head.

Those words sunk Mengyao’s heart into emptiness- apparently Lin Yi would only save her because she was his employer…… She had wanted to thank Lin Yi for saving Yushu because it wasn’t included in his job description, but…

The guy had made it clear with one simple sentence- he protected Yushu because his relationship with her wasn’t just professional… He protected her because he was friends with her!!

If he was friends with Yushu, then….. Who was Mengyao to him? Mengyao’s heart dropped at the thought. “What about me?”

“Ah… I wouldn’t have saved An Jianwen if you weren’t, right? That guy pisses me off.” Lin Yi smiled, not expecting Mengyao’s heart to be this delicate.

Mengyao realized then that Lin Yi did look rather unwilling when she asked him for help… He’d only really saved Jianwen because she made it a personal request……. Ah… personal request…

So that meant that they were friends……

Mengyao had slowly started to care about this guy she’d once loathed so much……

Mengyao pulled Yushu to the living room to have a chat with her- the girl was probably still in shock! She had to cheer her up.

Yet Yushu was nowhere near being in shock at all… She only described how she’d built a sand castle, how they got a fire to start, how they cooked the shark meat……

It sounded no different from a vacation, and Mengyao started to get envious, to the point where she wondered why it hadn’t been her who fell into the sea with Lin Yi. What was there to be afraid about if she’d known how capable Lin Yi was? It’d be a pretty fine vacation!

“Man, but Yao Yao- I need to tell you some bad news!” Yushu recalled the whole Song Lingshan thing.

“Bad news? What bad news??” Mengyao had been fully immersed in Yushu’s descriptions of a sun-basked beach where she got to play with some sand, and the pleasant smell of that roasted shark meat on their campfire… What an enjoyable wildlife experience!

“Lingshan isn’t Shield Bro’s woman! They’re not in a relationship at all!” Yushu said disappointedly. “I was hoping she could be a concubine we could cramp in another room, I’d get to step on her as much as I want! But now…..”

“Not Lin Yi’s woman? But…… What’s that have to do with being a concubine..?” Mengyao didn’t understand how this was bad news- it was quite pleasant news! Lin Yi hitting on women everywhere was one of her most troubling concerns!

“Come on, Yao Yao! Think about it, Uncle Chu wants Shield Bro to be his son-in-law, right?” Yushu started explaining her thought process to Mengyao. “Then you’d be Shield Bro’s main wife, and, as agreed, I’ll be Shield Bro’s small wife, his second wife! That Song Lingshan wants to get with Shield Bro too, yeah? So the only spot left for her is the concubine spot! Just imagine it, a rank lower than even my second wife position, I’d get to kick her around as I please!”


Chapter 281: CH281

“……….” Mengyao looked at Yushu weirdly. “Will you please stop dragging me into your love affairs? If you like Lin Yi just say so, okay, stop throwing me in there.”

Mengyao finally understood what the hell this girl was talking about, but why did Yushu have to involve her all the time?

“That’s not it, Yao Yao! Didn’t we agree that I’d marry the guy you marry? So that we get to be sisters forever, right!” Yushu said seriously.

“Is that so? So you’ll marry the same guy even if it’s Zhong Pinliang, right?” Mengyao eyed Yushu. Did Yushu think she wouldn’t be able to tell? They were soulmates for a reason. They lived together, ate together, grew up together! They knew each other too well!

“Ugh……” Yushu’s face froze, not expecting a question like that from Mengyao. She wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that as her face flushed.

“Hm? What’s the matter?” Mengyao shot a glare at Yushu. “Are you sure you wanna marry Lin Yi because we’d get to be together, and not because you wanna marry Lin Yi??”

“Yao Yao……” Yushu tugged at Mengyao’s arm as she fidgeted. “Of course it’s for us to be together, okay……”

“Is that so.” Mengyao hmphed, not taking her eyes off of Yushu.

Yushu’s face reddened as the guilt built up. “O-Okay! Fine! I mean, who’d wanna marry someone as distasteful as Zhong Pinliang?! Anyone would wanna marry someone they didn’t dislike, right?”

“Being honest now, are we? So you don’t dislike Lin Yi, I see?” Mengyao asked.

“Nah, I just think he’s okay.” Yushu explained.

“Liar.” Mengyao flicked at Yushu’s forehead softly. “Don’t you worry, I won’t marry him! You can go get with him if you want!”

“Oh…….” Yushu didn’t really mind- she knew Mengyao didn’t mean that! This was just how Mengyao was.

Lin Yi was cleaning up the shark in the kitchen, thinking that Mengyao wouldn’t be too impressed by it since shark meat wasn’t that tasty. He did bring the whole thing back already, however- it wouldn’t make sense to not cook it for her now. She’d definitely want to at least try it.

Lin Yi had only done some basic cleaning at the beach, only cutting off some sections from the tail area to fill their bellies.

He’d only now acknowledged the shark’s size after cutting it up from the middle.

A loud, metal clang sounded- the knife Lin Yi was using seemed to have hit a piece of metal?

He remembered what he’d heard about people who hunted sharks- they’d find all sorts of treasure in shark bellies, mostly eaten by the shark along with a person. Treasures couldn’t be digested, so they continued to exist inside the shark.

Did he perhaps hit the jackpot?

Lin Yi quickly pried open the shark and took out what was inside the belly, although it wasn’t anything like a ring or pearl- it was big. Very shockingly big, and even Lin Yi was shocked as he pulled out the item.

It was an apparatus, seemingly something used to control a motor… There was even a huge airbag in there! This looked like a sort of balancing system, but everything was rusted- it had been in the shark for a long time!

This shark was an animal that had been trained and modified!! If Lin Yi was correct, then the motor-like apparatus and the balancing system were to control the shark’s movement and speed- the airbag would be something to control the shark’s submersion in the sea!

So that was why the shark was so light even when Lin Yi was carrying Yushu- he might as well have been carrying a big inflatable shark!

Who was the one who modified the shark, and for what purpose?

The controller in the shark had evidently lost its function- he wouldn’t have encountered the shark in the first place otherwise.

Lin Yi took out the system for a closer look- it wasn’t a high-tech piece of system. It wasn’t anything difficult for the current technology to produce.

The question here was this- what was the shark for? Lin Yi didn’t want to think about anything unrelated to him too much, and was about to throw it aside when he spotted a small door at the bottom of the controller!

He tugged at it- the door was locked. There was a small keyhole in it, and Lin YI got himself a toothpick from the kitchen after realizing that it wasn’t a complicated lock. He picked at the keyhole and got it to open.

A small box sealed in plastic fell out, and Lin Yi picked it up.

It wasn’t anything impressive, but it was very tightly sealed. It looked like one of those lunchboxes everyone bought nowadays, except it was made of metal.

Lin Yi tore the plastic off, and waited for a signal from the jade. He only pried it open when no warning came.

Lin Yi, naturally, had to be cautious- there was no telling what the contents would be, so what would he have done if it were a bomb? It’d be pretty shitty for him to just die like that.

“Hm?” Lin Yi took out what was inside the box after pausing a little- it was a sheepskin. To be precise, a map made from sheepskin, a remnant of a map. Lin Yi couldn’t tell how big the original was supposed to be.

The writing on that map wasn’t in a language Lin Yi had seen before- he knew a little of almost all the world’s languages, and had an idea what language it was even if it wasn’t one he knew.

Yet the language on the map didn’t belong to any country- Lin Yi took into consideration, however, that it might be the language of a small country’s, or a tribe’s. It might’ve even been from a lost civilization.

What Lin Yi was leaning towards, however, was that this language might actually be a code! Only those who knew the code could understand the writing.

Lin Yi pretty much understood the situation at that point- this shark was transportation for the map! Something happened during the transportation, and the controller lost control of the shark, failing to have the map delivered.

It’d probably be something insanely unlikely for one to bump into this very shark in the ocean- Lin Yi got lucky.

He didn’t know what the map was for, but put it into his pocket all the same. He’d take a closer look when he had time. The controller wasn’t of much value to Lin Yi, and he just tossed it to a corner in the kitchen.

Chapter 282: CH282

“So Shu, this is the shark meat you said was really good?” Mengyao wasn’t too impressed as she chewed the shark meat in her mouth- it wasn’t even as good as regular carp.

Mengyao didn’t want to say anything bad about the shark meat that Yushu had been so looking forward to, especially when Lin Yi had spent the whole afternoon cleaning and preparing the shark- it smelled quite nice now that it was completed and on her plate, but the texture of the meat simply wasn’t anything great. It was extremely normal……

“Yeah!!” Yushu moved a piece of shark to her mouth excitedly with her fork and started chewing.

“Hm? It isn’t as good before??” Yushu frowned as she leaned in for a closer smell- it seemed to smell the same… It was actually way more seasoned than the meat she’d had for lunch, but the taste just wasn’t as good…

“Shark meat isn’t that good in the first place.” Lin Yi commented as he put a piece to his mouth. “You were just in shock the first time you ate it, and you vomited your stomach empty, remember. That’s why it was so appealing to you.”

“Oh……” Yushu was a little embarrassed. “Yao Yao, you don’t have to eat this…….”

“No way!” Mengyao said. “Of course I’m eating it, you guys went to all this trouble for me to have a taste- I’m happy to eat it.”

“Oh, let’s eat then! I actually think it’s still really good!” Yushu said as she put another piece in her mouth.

“You fucking pig! You’re a fucking pig!!” Jin Gubang glared at his son, very pissed off. “Lin Yi and Chen Yushu aren’t dead, and now the police are involved! We’re really screwed this time!!”

“Why are we screwed if they survived??” Maosheng blinked.

“That old fox Chu Pengzhan, he’s hosting a board of directors meeting tomorrow! He’s gonna let me have it tomorrow!” Gubang gritted. “If he decides to pull the industries under my control and manage to find something wrong then we’re done for!”

Maosheng was no idiot- his face paled upon hearing his father’s explanation. He hadn’t given the matter that much thought before, thinking that it sucked for Lin Yi to have survived… He thought that there’d be a next chance, so it wasn’t too big of a deal.

Yet he never thought that Pengzhan would try to shed House Jin’s power in the company!

And the theme park just had to be one of the businesses under Gubang’s control- Pengzhan now had a huge card to play!

“Dad, I’m sorry!!” Maosheng didn’t know how big of a fuck-up he’d caused today- he didn’t expect Pengzhan to have reacted this fast!

“Forget it. He’ll need time to investigate, and we still have a killer card we can play. I didn’t want to have to resort to this, but he has himself to blame for forcing me!” Gubang chuckled coldly. “Think Jin Gubang’s a retard, do you? I’ll deal with you before you get to pull anything away from me, chairman!!”

Gubang paused- it was the first time he’d heard about a trump card from his dad. It seemed that he had something prepared, something he had confidence in to have Chu Pengzhan rid of!! What could it possibly be?

“Dad……” Maosheng was about to ask what the trump card was when his father interrupted him.

“Don’t ask so many questions- just do your part!” Gubang said. “Right, did you take care of that guy who brought them bungee jumping?”

“Ma? I hinted to Zhang Yuchu to off him already.” Maosheng said. “Don’t worry, dad- no one’s gonna trace today’s accident back to us.”

“Is that so? Hmph, that old fox wasn’t planning on investigating in the first place!!” Gubang chuckled coldly. “I’ve really underestimated him. Didn’t think he’d actually tell the police not to carry out an investigation now that Chen Yushu and Lin Yi were safe!! He’s blatantly telling us that he wants to pin everything on House Jin!”

Maosheng was a bit speechless- pinning the blame on House Jin? But he was the one who did the crime in the first place…

The meeting started early that Sunday morning.

Gubang sat in the seat beside Pengzhan’s- he was the second-largest shareholder, the vice-chairman, after all.

“Alright- let’s begin the meeting right away.” Pengzhan said without beating around the bush. “We all know what happened yesterday at one of our theme parks- an accident involving my daughter’s best friend, Chen Yushu! I believe everyone present understands the sort of background Chen Yushu is from- none of us would be getting out easy if anything happens to her.”

It wasn’t a secret- every member of the board of directors knew about what had happened. They all nodded as Pengzhan spoke, agreeing that it would indeed be extremely serious should anything have happened to Yushu.

“Fortunately Chen Yushu survived in one piece, rescued by the police.” Pengzhan said. “I find it clear that our management in that department is lacking- resulting in this accident at the bungee jumping station in the first place! This wouldn’t have happened if proper maintenance were present!”

Gubang listened to Pengzhan quietly as he prepared a response. He’d prefer not to use his trump card unless he absolutely had to- it’d get him to his goal in the fastest way possible, but it wasn’t something that would earn the other shareholders’ trust.

It was very likely that none of these shareholders would support his decision to cut out an industry from the company when the time came- he couldn’t do something on that scale alone. He needed a supporting force.

“I don’t want to be pinning any blame on anybody, but Vice-chairman Jin… I understand that accidents like this aren’t something you’d want to see when under your management, yes?” Pengzhan asked.

“Certainly! No one would want something like this to happen.” Gubang replied faintly, chuckling internally as he spoke. ‘Don’t want to be pinning any blame on anybody’? What was he doing now, then?

Pengzhan continued as Gubang had expected. “Vice-chairman Jin is the vice-chairman of this company- he is to manage a variety of complicated affairs on top of the entertainment businesses under him. It’s perfectly normal for the workload to exceed Vice-chairman Jin’s attention. With that in mind, I suggest we lessen the burdens on his shoulders- let’s give the entertainment industry to Mister Xie to look after- Mister Xie’s in charge of only finances and personnel. I’m sure this is an acceptable suggestion?”

Chapter 283: CH283

Xie Guangbo was the third-largest Pengzhan Industries shareholder- in other words, the strongest power within the company other than Chu Pengzhan and Jin Maosheng. Pengzhan’s suggestion of handing over the entertainment industry to Guangbo’s management should most likely be accepted by other members of the board.

Raising your hand and rejecting Pengzhan’s suggestion would naturally win the favor of Gubang, yet with the cost of crossing both Pengzhan and Guangbo- tyrants at the board. No one would go for something with an opportunity cost like that.

This was Pengzhan’s move on the chessboard- a move the other shareholders wouldn’t go against, since the target benefactor he was moving the authority to was one of the biggest shareholders.

Yet even that excellent move was a misstep.

Gubang froze upon hearing Pengzhan’s suggestion, followed with pure joy! Oh, Chu Pengzhan, you old fox! You were thinking of cutting my authority, but……

Chu Pengzhan was the chairman- pulling the entertainment industry back into his own hand wouldn’t yield any rejections from the other members. The only real consequence was the strong impression people would have, yet now this man had chosen to transfer that authority to Xie Guangbo?!

Haha, hahaha!!! Gubang had to consciously hold in his laughter- this Xie Guangbo was his trump card!!

This trump card was something Gubang had acquired out of coincidence and accident- should Pengzhan have done this a couple days earlier there really wouldn’t be any countermeasures Gubang could take, since he’d not have gotten into contact with Guangbo yet.

Yet now, Guangbo needed his help- his son might as well be dead if Gubang didn’t provide said help!

Guangbo had a son overseas, constantly drunk on gambling and racking up an excessive amount of debt- he even got into drugs and developed an addiction problem on top of that… The man was now over hundreds of millions of kuai in debt!!

Guangbo was the third-largest shareholder, but he didn’t have that much cash on him- most of his assets were shares and real estate, making it almost impossible to pull out hundreds of millions of dollars for his son to pay off his debt!

This was a sum that had to be paid! The mafia of the country his son was in had taken ahold of him, threatening to have his legs cut off if the debt weren’t paid off within the month!

Helpless, the only way he knew to go about this was by moving the company’s finances so as to have the debt paid off- he’d fill the gap back in afterwards.

He was in charge of the finance department, but even he couldn’t pull out a sum like that without the chairman or vice-chairman’s signature. He didn’t dare bring this to Chu Pengzhan, and decided to have his hopes pinned on Jin Gubang instead.

Naturally, it wasn’t something he’d brought to Gubang blatantly- he only hinted and hit at the topic, not expecting for the two of them to end up on the same side! Gubang hadn’t any requests, only hoping that Guangbo would support Gubang with his full strength when he would need it!

Guangbo understood the situation that moment. The three biggest shareholders of a company were usually independent against each other- two of the shareholders getting too close would always be a threat to the other shareholder.

But Guangbo had no other choice- to him, his son’s life was more important. What use was money if his son were dead? He’d spent half his life already, how long did he even have left? The money was to be left to his children and grandchildren, his descendants! How would he have grandchildren without a son?!

Guangbo made the decision there and then to fully support Gubang- he understood what that notion entailed perfectly. Gubang’s wish for the two of them to team up meant only one thing: he was preparing to go to war with Pengzhan.

He hadn’t expected for Pengzhan to go against Gubang this soon during today’s meeting, and he hadn’t expected to be the benefactor of their battle! Any other day before that and he’d take the gift, no questions asked… But he wasn’t in that sort of position anymore.

He was now in an alliance with Gubang- he needed to constantly have Gubang’s benefits taken into consideration! He raised his head to look at Gubang to find that the man was looking right back at him. Guangbo nodded very slightly to signal that he understood.

Only then did Gubang turn to Pengzhan with a smile on his face. “Haha, Chairman Chu makes a good point. This incident relates back to me- I’ve nothing to say in defense.”

Pengzhan paused at Gubang’s words- he’d thought that the man would be the first one to jump up against his suggestion! Why was he being so compliant, letting go of this authority in silence? Pengzhan saw something wrong in that attitude instantly.

Could it be that there wasn’t any evidence left over at the theme park Pengzhan could use against him? He frowned- something was wrong, but he didn’t quite understand where…

Gubang not rejecting Pengzhan’s suggestion meant that no one else would- after all, the members of the board wouldn’t piss Chu Pengzhan off for Gubang’s sake when Gubang himself was complying.

With that- the notion for Gubang’s ‘burdens’ to be lessened passed.

“Haha, since we’re all in agreement… Let’s have Mister Xie manage the entertainment industry from now on.” Pengzhan hadn’t expected for things to turn out so smoothly- something felt wrong, but cutting authority from Gubang was always a good thing.

“Chairman Chu, if I may?” Guangbo spoke faintly.

“Oh?” Pengzhan’s heart tensed up. “Do speak your mind, Mister Xie.”

“Haha, I feel that Vice-chairman Jin’s been managing the entertainment industry perfectly well… I don’t see the need for it to be passed onto me?” Guangbo said. “We cannot use a slight accident like this to nullify Vice-chairman Jin’s accomplishments and capabilities- after all, the company has benefitted with profits of tens of millions yearly under his management! I wouldn’t dare put myself on the same level as the vice chairman in terms of management skills…and thus I don’t see myself agreeing with the authority transfer. My apologies, chairman- I can’t quite handle this large a workload- I must reject.”

Pengzhan’s pupils shrunk as he stared at Guangbo! When had he allied himself with Jin Gubang?! Why was he speaking for him??

This was more than just regular help, he wasn’t just standing up for Gubang- throwing away a cake this big when put right in front of him? The two had come to a private agreement- that was the only explanation.

Chapter 284: CH284

The only possibility was that Gubang and Guangbo had come to some sort of agreement- Pengzhan didn’t know what, but a bad feeling started to form…

Guangbo turned to look at Gubang gleefully, only to find a very darkened face- yes, Gubang was very pissed indeed!

Gubang had looked really pleased when Pengzhan suggested to hand the business industry over to Guangbo, but Guangbo actually rejected it!!! Was he an idiot?!

Why the hell would he reject it?! Just accept the damned offer, Gubang wouldn’t be worried with that in Guangbo’s hands, they were in an alliance! They were on the same boat! Didn’t Guangbo understand that he wouldn’t be afraid of him betraying him, since that would mean the end of his son??

Rejecting the offer would instantly inform Pengzhan of the relationship they had with each other! Gubang didn’t want that to be exposed this soon; he’d planned to attack Pengzhan with a killing blow when he least expected it!!

That was now an impossibility because of what Guangbo did- Pengzhan would now be on full alert! He’d have to use this relationship with Guangbo as a card earlier now!

Gubang wanted to curse- a card like this, used so early in the game! Wasted!! He didn’t want to break with Pengzhan now, since he wouldn’t be able to just cut off an entire industry of the company himself even if he were the chairman- it wouldn’t be possible as long as Pengzhan still held most of the Pengzhan Industries shares.

Gubang glared at Guangbo, but there wasn’t much he could do about it now- it had been done: everyone now could see that Guangbo and him were allied.

“I see- Let’s entrust the entertainment business to Vice-chairman Jin as you wish, Mister Xie!” Pengzhan hmphed coldly. “Vice-chairman Jin, I hope you take measures so as to prevent such accidents from happening again!”

“Rest assured, chairman- I will do so immediately!” Gubang nodded- both Pengzhan and him were pissed. Why the hell was this Guangbo so retarded?

Gubang didn’t go home after the meeting ended- he contacted Guangbo! Their relationship was now exposed, and they had to pick up the pace before Pengzhan put his defenses up.

It was Monday, and Lin Yi was taking Uncle Fu’s car to school. He used some containers for some shark meat, thinking of letting Xiaobo, Tangyin, and Fen try them.

He did have an entire shark, after all. He put the rest of it back in the fridge after roasting the half he needed.

The map he’d found in the shark, however, was left alone in his drawer. He couldn’t understand it anyway, and didn’t have the time. He decided he’d take a look when he had the chance.

What happened that Saturday had tightened the three closer- Mengyao didn’t have that pissed-off face to show Lin Yi all the time anymore, and didn’t say anything about Lin Yi hitting on girls even if she didn’t like that.

Yushu and Mengyao were chatting away during the whole trip, about stuff Lin Yi wasn’t very interested in. It was girl stuff, after all, stuff about clothes and makeup and whatnot, not topics Lin Yi could butt into.

They were almost at the school when Yushu pointed at a Mercedes-Benz some distance away. “Yao Yao, isn’t that Zhong Pinliang’s car?”

Mengyao frowned upon hearing what Yushu said- she raised her head and saw Pinliang get off the car.

Pinliang was quite stressed- he received a call from his uncle last night, asking how things were between him and Mengyao already- Gubang called him trash upon hearing how they hadn’t even held hands yet!!

It seemed that his uncle was about to make his move soon when Pinliang didn’t even have Mengyao sorted out on his side! His uncle had given him a deadline, that he’d have to take Mengyao within the week, by force if necessary!

Gubang actually didn’t want Pinliang to get together with Mengyao- Pengzhan only had one daughter, and that meant that all his assets and businesses would be passed onto her, a.k.a, to Pinliang! Yet Zhong Fabai wasn’t one who liked serving others- Pinliang getting with Mengyao would temporarily give his assault on Pengzhan considerable support, but that was what it was- temporary! Fabai might even turn back and bite Gubang once he’d risen in power!

He didn’t have much of a choice left now that Guangbo had exposed their relationship- the time was now, and he needed Pinliang to get with Mengyao. It’d hold Pengzhan back for a while as he planned his move on the company.

Pinliang turned to see Mengyao’s Bentley, much to his joy- he’d been worried that he wouldn’t have a chance to talk with Mengyao now that their seats weren’t close! He waddled over to wait for Mengyao to get off.

“He’s coming, Yao Yao……” Yushu grinned as he looked at Pinliang standing there.

“God……..” Mengyao rubbed at her forehead- could a guy get any more annoying?? “Lin Yi, get out the car and tell him to go away!”

“Me? Out the car?” Lin Yi blinked. Wouldn’t that expose his relationship with Mengyao to Pinliang?

“Yes, you! Tell him to get out of my sight!” Mengyao nodded. “I don’t wanna see him!”

“What if he asks me why I came out of your car?” Lin Yi smiled bitterly.

“Tell him you hitchhiked! Tell him we have the same route, so you hitchhiked!” Mengyao didn’t see anything wrong with that. “Or just don’t explain anything, he’s not gonna think much of it anyway, since you’re Tang Yin’s boyfriend and everything!”

Mengyao hmphed internally at that thought, annoyed- Tang Yin sure had it good now, Lin Yi was the shield her father hired! Just thinking about it irritated her.

“Ah……” Lin Yi smiled and got out of the car.

“Yao Yao- Huh? Lin Yi? Why were you in Yao Yao’s car??” Pinliang had thought that it was Mengyao who came out when he saw Lin Yi’s face!

“I hitchhiked.” Lin Yi looked at Pinliang coldly. “Scram before I count to three. One… Two…”

“Fine!!” Pinliang couldn’t believe this- how unlucky could he get? He’d managed to get a chance to hit on Mengyao, and out of nowhere jumped a Lin Yi! But this wasn’t a guy he could cross right now, so Pinliang decided that he’d hold it in, thinking that Lin Yi would be fucked by the time Naipao came down the mountain.

thanks for your vote!

Chapter 285: CH285

Naturally, Lin Yi wouldn’t go back inside the car after getting rid of Pinliang- that’d only around more suspicion from other people.

Lin Yi was humming as he strolled into the school, two containers in his hands. Another beautiful school day.

“Lin Yi!!” Lin Yi had just reached the gates when he heard someone call out to him- it was Liu Xinwen, running towards him. Behind her was a pretty girl- Tang Yin.

“Ah…….” Lin Yi knew that Xinwen was about to send a message for Tang Yin again. “What’s up, Liu Xinwen?”

“Yin Yin wants you to have lunch with her later.” Xinwen’s impression of Lin Yi had changed as well, likely because of his active help with the whole Fen thing. She didn’t dislike Lin Yi anymore.

Even Yin Yin had accepted and gotten into a relationship with him- who was she to say anything about that? It was what Xinwen now thought.

“Sure.” Lin Yi replied without hesitation- he was planning on letting Tang Yin try some shark, too. There was also that luxurious shark fin on the shark- Lin Yi had split it into two portions, one for Xiaobo, and one for Tang Yin. Xiaobo’s portion included Fen’s for him to bring to the hospital.

As for Mengyao and Yushu… The two didn’t even care about shark fin anymore. “What’s so good about pink strips?” was what they said.

Tang Yin was still a little too embarrassed to be walking with Lin Yi at school- her face reddened upon seeing him, prompting her to turn away as if she didn’t see him.

That movement was graceful enough to have the boys passing by look blankly at her- although, none of them dared yearn for Tang Yin anymore. Everyone knew that she was the girlfriend of the new Big Four, Lin Yi. Who’d ever think about Tang Yin when her boyfriend beat up even Zou Ruoming??

Xinwen then ran off, pulling Tang Yin with her as Lin Yi shook his head. Maybe he should get Tang Yin a phone? His own phone was broken too, and he had to get a new one…… It seemed that everything boiled down to the fact that he needed to make some money! He could still afford phones, but what if he needed bigger sums in the future? Men needed to be financially independent at the end of the day!

Lin Yi regretted giving all his earnings to the old man now- he didn’t have anywhere to spend it on anyway at the time, so what did it matter? But now… He needed money!

Kang Xiaobo was in the classroom already- he was looking a bit sulky when he saw Lin Yi. “Boss, where did you go yesterday? I spent the whole day trying to call you! I’ve something important to discuss with you.”

“Oh? Were you looking for me yesterday?” Lin Yi blinked as he remembered what happened to his phone. “My phone broke down- what’s up?”

“Next weekend’s my second grandpa’s birthday feast- he invited me, and I was thinking if I should bring Fen with me..?” Xiaobo asked after some hesitation. Lin Yi was the only one who could make a decision for him when it came to things like that.

“Bring Fen with you? To your second grandpa’s birthday feast?” Lin Yi looked at Xiaobo oddly. “You’re thinking of letting him meet Kang Zhaoming?”

“Yeah! Boss, you know how Fen hasn’t forgotten about Kang Zhaoming yet- I’ll never get anywhere with her even if she decides to be my girlfriend, not with Kang Zhaoming haunting her dreams like this!” Xiaobo said. “Fen tells me that she doesn’t think about Kang Zhaoming anymore, but I can tell from that sadness she sometimes does! She hasn’t forgotten about Kang Zhaoming yet!”

Lin Yi nodded, thinking that Xiaobo wasn’t stupid- he didn’t just blindly like Fen, he knew to pay attention. “You’re right, she wouldn’t have the split personality and illusion problems if she’d really forgotten about Kang Zhaoming. In truth, the root of all that is Kang Zhaoming- ending things with Kang Zhaoming properly would definitely heal her heart, even without treatment.”

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking!” Xiaobo said. “So, boss, I wanted to ask you to come together, is that okay?”

“Me? What for?” Lin Yi wasn’t expecting that. “Plus, will it even be ok for you to bring so many strangers to your second grandpa’s birthday feast?”

It was a bit of a stretch already for Xiaobo to bring Fen along- he could say that Fen was his girlfriend and it’d work out, but who was Lin Yi? Xiaobo’s classmate??

“Boss, you said it yourself- Fen’s problems all root from Kang Zhaoming! What if Fen’s not able to take it when she does meet Zhaoming, what if her illness acts up again from the stress and sadness?” Xiaobo said, worried. “And also, boss… I wanted you to give me courage as well……”

“Of course I’m okay going with you, you’re even calling me boss!” Lin Yi, naturally, wouldn’t mind, but that wasn’t the problem here. “But the thing is- will it be okay for you to bring so many people?”

“Don’t worry about that, boss!” Xiaobo said. “Second grandpa actually hosts many parties like this in a year, calling it a birthday feast is just an excuse for that! He always invites his friends to bring their sons and daughters along, too. He just mainly wants to strengthen social bonds- it’s called a birthday feast, but it’s really just a setting for people to get connections and resources! It’s okay to bring friends along, it’s just that… I never liked stuff like this, and it’s not like anyone would be interested in making my acquaintance there……”

Xiaobo was mocking himself a little- he was a son of the Kang family as well, but was always left in a corner while his cousins were surrounded by other young men and women… Xiaobo always felt left out.

But you couldn’t blame them- they were here to make connections, and those in Miracle Doctor Kang’s direct line of inheritance were the primary focus. Side relatives like Kang Xiaobo were only side characters they just gave face to- they weren’t people with asses good enough for them to be kissing.

“I see. I’ll go then.” Lin Yi nodded- he wanted to see what kind of a person this miracle doctor was anyway- he was a potential competitor if Lin Yi went on with his partnership with Guan Xuemin.

“Boss, you wanna bring Tang Yin?” Xiaobo grinned as he suggested.

“Tang Yin, huh… I don’t think she’d like places like that?” Lin Yi guessed that Tang Yin hadn’t been to parties like that before.

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