By KaiWuLin

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Description When an S-class elite assassin-raised captain of a special ops suicide squad comes home from a hi... More

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By KaiWuLin

Beauty and the Bodyguard - Chapter 253

Chapter 253: CH253

“Ah.. So Yao Yao, you’re saying he should take responsibility?” Yushu blinked blankly.

“……” Mengyao didn’t know what to say anymore. “You’re not gonna ask your brother to beat him up?”

“Oh, well Shield Bro’s touched me already that time I got stuck in the fence.” Yushu said after some thought. “Yao Yao, maybe we can just write this down, and leave him alone if he listens to us and be a good boy.”

“Yeah, that sounds good.” Naturally, Mengyao agreed- it wasn’t her who got touched, so why would she mind when Yushu was fine with it?

“Both times were because I saved you!” Lin Yi wasn’t too happy with what was going on here- this girl was trying to cause him trouble after he’d saved her twice!

“Oh. We’ll call it even then, but Shield Bro, come bungee jumping with us this weekend! I haven’t tried it before, you know! Let’s go together.” Yushu didn’t mind- she had Lin Yi’s secrets against him, so it didn’t really matter.

“Sure……” Lin Yi had planned to reject her, but he did touch her, and in front of his Miss, too… He’d be lucky enough if Mengyao weren’t causing him trouble- bungee jumping compared to that was nothing.

Mengyao didn’t know what Yushu was thinking. She waited for Lin Yi to go eat before whispering to her. “Shu, do you really have a crush on Lin Yi?”

“Ah? No….?” Yushu said as she peeled her orange.

“No? You let him touch you..?” Mengyao frowned, sighing internally- Lin Yi’s probably seduced her already! She didn’t react at all when Lin Yi touched her!

“But it wasn’t on purpose!” Yushu was starting to find it odd herself… She seemed to really get along well with Shield Bro? She didn’t even care about getting touched and was even talking about bungee jumping, as if it wasn’t a big deal……

“You…….” Mengyao didn’t know what to say anymore… Could her best friend have fallen for Lin Yi after that one confession..? Had it become real for the both of them?

Zhang Tongtian was leaning back in his chair as he called Sun Jingyi, a triumphant look on his face.

“Hello? Miss Sun?” As far as Tongtian was concerned, Jingyi might as well be on his bed already- unless she wanted to stop doing trading in Songshan!

With his connections in the city, Tongtian only needed to release the footage to the media, and Jingyi would be done for, along with her company!

Putting the departmental punishments aside, there was the simple fact that no one would go to their company for business anymore! No one would trust a company this unsafe!

The purchasing managers all understood what that meant- why would they go to Jingyi’s exposed company when they could get their rebates from safer ones?

Yet Tongtian didn’t know the sort of background Jingyi had- the girl had come to Songshan alone not to rely on her family’s influence, but to cut herself off from them!

The Sun House… She couldn’t stand those people anymore, fighting with each other for her grandfather’s wealth- what happened to family? Her grandfather wasn’t even dead yet, one could only imagine how much worse off things could get when her grandfather died.

Jingyi’s parents had died young, and her grandfather had been her parent figure growing up. Her relationship with her grandpa was closer because of that, they were actually family… The other Suns, on the other hand, treated her as public enemy number one, since she was the one most likely to inherit that fortune- it discomforted her too much, and compelled her to come to the outer city and start her own empire!

“Chairman Zhang, what do you need?” With the memory card in her hand, Jingyi wasn’t scared of Zhang Tongtian in the slightest anymore- her voice was calm and casual as he spoke, no longer tense.

“Miss Sun, have you forgotten? I’m hosting a press conference today- I’ll be exposing some company’s rule-breaking!” Tongtian said. “Miss Sun, would you be interested in participating?”

Tongtian smiled coldly. _Sun Jingyi… This is your last chance. Don’t make me put you and your company to ruin!!


“Oh? How could I reject an invitation from Chairman Zhang?” Jingyi said faintly. “When and where is it?”

“9 AM today, in my company’s conference room. I’d advise Miss Sun to come earlier, we can discuss the contents of the press conference before it happens!” Tongtian hinted.

“I apologize, I have something to attend to here- I’ll be lucky if I manage to get there on time!” Jingyi wondered why this Tongtian was still so triumphant- hadn’t he noticed his missing memory card? Did he have a backup?

That’d be really bad… She’d gotten Lin Yi to steal the memory card for her because Tongtian was bad with technology! From what she had heard, the guy didn’t even know how to use computers or cameras, he’d gotten that footage by hiring a private detective to do the deed for him! He should have just left it in his bag after watching the footage once.

Jingyi’s guess wasn’t off- Tongtian did check his camera again this morning, and saw the memory card still safely inserted. He wasn’t tech-savvy, and just left it at that without looking into it further.

Tongtian was a social but gruff man. His company sold computers, but he himself couldn’t even find the power button.

“Alright then. I hope you won’t regret it!” Tongtian hung the phone up after a cold hmph. The damn woman was just asking for it!

Jingyi walked into Tongtian’s conference room a little after nine o’clock- Tongtian was looking really displeased as he watched her walk in, wondering how she’d hold up when he exposed her.

Tongtian had made his decision- the girl didn’t know when to give in, and this was her well-deserved punishment.

“Miss Sun, you’re quite late.” Tongtian said neutrally as he nodded.

“Chairman Zhang. Why would my tardiness matter in your company’s press conference?” Jingyi asked faintly.

“Miss Sun, do take a seat.” Tongtian said with a cold chuckle as he seated himself at the host table.

The majority of these reporters were on good terms with the company- he’d even used his connections to get a couple of reporters from big news companies… This exposure would make quite the news.

Chapter 254: CH254

Tongtian felt no remorse in ruining her at this point- the girl had clearly made her mind up.

“Welcome, everyone. I understand that all of you present are either friends or friends of friends- none of you are outsiders, so let’s skip the pleasantries!” Tongtian said after clearing his throat.

“We’re all ready, Chairman Zhang!” A reporter who’d been pre-informed said as he turned the camera to the big screen in the meeting room.

“Alright!” Tongtian nodded. “I’ve gathered you here today to expose to you scum of the trading world! This person has ignored all rules and morals, a leading example of cancer in the industry! What do you say we should do to people like that?”

“Remove the tumor! People like that aren’t fit to be in the trading business!” A couple of pre-informed people spoke standing up.

“Chairman Zhang! We’re all waiting for your exposure!! Let us see who this person is! Pigs like that aren’t fit to trade!!” Another man said with a raised fist.

It was actually only a couple people saying the words- these were all people who have had prior contact with Zhang Tongtian. The others were really here for the drama.

“Secretary Li, play this footage!” Tongtian said as he handed the camera to his secretary- it was the first time the camera had left his hands!

He didn’t want the footage to be leaked prematurely- he wouldn’t be able to blackmail Jingyi otherwise.

He was also untrusting of the people around him, fearing that Jingyi might’ve bribed them so as to remove the footage!

This was the first time he’d passed the camera to another’s hands!

“Everyone! Eyes on the screen!” Tongtian said with a gesture as the secretary connected the camera to the screen…

And the moans and huffs of a couple in bed filled the room…

It wasn’t uncommon for the sound to come before the footage, and during that one second everyone wondered what kind of video this was, Tongtian included. He didn’t remember audio like that when he watched it?

The screen was then filled with two naked figures- the male was fat and the female voluptuous… But why did that man look so familiar..?

Everyone turned their gaze to Zhang Tongtian, instantly realizing who the main character of the video was!

Jingyi gasped before lowering her head, not daring enough to look at what was on the screen- but she was still very much pleased at how things were turning out! The date on the screen was yesterday’s, when she’d asked Lin Yi to steal the footage for her.

And Lin Yi mentioned that he’d played around with the camera during the job- this had to be what Lin Yi had recorded!

She was still pretty troubled over Lin Yi’s sudden dominance over her last night, but the Jingyi now was bursting with joy! What a payback this turned out to be!

Zhang Tongtian, on the other hand, was as humiliated as one could get! His face reddened after recovering from the shock. “Secretary Li! What is this?! What have you put on the screen?!”

“Chairman Zhang, this is the camera you gave me… I just connected it to the screen…” The secretary said innocently.

“Ha… Hahaha…. Hahahaha……” Laughter could be heard resonating throughout the room- the people connected with Tongtian didn’t understand what the hell was going on, but the others were brimming with excitement- this was quite the exposure!!

“Shut it off! Turn it off right now!!” Tongtian flared as he roared at his secretary.

The secretary felt wronged, but went and shut it down anyway.

“What’s going on? What happened? Where’s the footage?!” Tongtian’s darkened face looked very pissed off.

“Chairman Zhang, is this the cancer scum you were talking about?” Jingyi said with a cold smile as she stood up. “You called all of us here just to see your performance? Forgive me, but I don’t find pleasure in that vulgar footage. Goodbye!!”

With that, Jingyi turned and walked out of the room- there was no point in staying there anymore. The other people started leaving as well, not feeling too comfortable staying there- what was this Zhang Tongtian even doing, calling everyone here to see him star in a porn video? Was the dude an exhibitionist or something? Did he want to show how manly he was?

Tongtian clenched his jaw as he looked at what his perfectly planned press conference had developed into- as pissed off as he was, there was nothing he could do about it!

He felt that something was wrong, but didn’t know what… Why had his footage turned into porn of his lover and him?!

It had to be Sun Jingyi! That woman, it had to be her! He didn’t know how she’d managed it, but his guts told him concretely that this had to be linked with Sun Jingyi!!

Why would she be that calm and composed otherwise, as if it didn’t matter to her?

Sun Jingyi… Zhang Tongtian gritted with a clench of his fists- he vowed that very moment that Jingyi would pay…

In class five of Songshan’s First School, Lin Yi yawned. He actually had trouble sleeping last night… After all, touching a girl’s boobs for the first time was a very memorable moment to remember.

He thought that he’d be sharing that memory with Tang Yin, but never had he expected that it’d turn out to be Chen Yushu! It was an emergency situation and an accident, but Lin Yi still felt it regardless……

To tell the truth, he might very well have hit on Yushu if she weren’t Mengyao’s soulmate… But the problem here was that she was! The best friend of the Miss had to be pretty hard to get.

“Boss, what’s wrong? You look out of it today.” Xiaobo had planned to talk to Lin Yi about Fen, but wasn’t sure if he should after one look at Lin Yi’s face.

“Xiaobo, just say what you wanna say. I’m fine.” Lin Yi shook his head, trying to throw the fatigue off. He could use the Art of Dragon Mastery to remove the exhaustion from his body, but it was more than just fatigue- he was just troubled, and not in the mood.

Just what kind of relationship did he have with Chen Yushu? Lin Yi was feeling a little odd…

hoho new months, new votes! we’re fourth right now =(

p..patreon lost alot of pledges all of a sudden =(

Chapter 255: CH255

“Boss, I think Fen still hasn’t let that Kang Zhaoming bastard go yet.” Xiaobo’s fists were clenched as he spoke- he looked very furious.

“Hm? What do you mean?” Lin Yi blinked. How was Fen still thinking about that person after what he’d done to her? What the hell?

“Man, boss… You don’t know, but Fen looks weird when I bring up Zhaoming with her…” Xiaobo sighed. “I’m guessing that she’s trying to forget Kang Zhaoming, but can’t. He was her first man, so it’s normal for her to have a strong impression of him, but why doesn’t she see what kind of a disgusting person that Kang Zhaoming is?”

“She knows.” Lin Yi said. “But it’s just as you said- it’s hard for her to forget. I think you should let her meet Kang Zhaoming one more time; she might be able to move on after that. Best way to go about it is let her see just how cruel Kang Zhaoming could be.”

“But boss, wouldn’t that be too much for Fen? She’s just recovered…” Xiaobo said, worried.

“Maybe, maybe not. But as long as you have me it’s fine.” Lin Yi said. “She’ll never walk out of that trauma if she doesn’t confront it.”

“You’re right!” Xiaobo nodded. “Boss, I wouldn’t have to worry about Fen’s sickness acting up again with you here! But where do I find Kang Zhaoming? My second grandpa’s moved to the capital a long time ago.”

“There’s gotta be a way, right?” Lin Yi said faintly. “Xiaobo, you need to be more confident and stop thinking of yourself as Kang Zhaoming’s replacement. That way Fen might start to gradually accept you. If you just rely on you looking like your cousin to get with Fen, then that’s gonna be pretty sad!”

“Don’t worry, boss! I won’t embarrass you! Leave Fen to me!” Xiaobo announced.

“You’ve decided? To be with Fen?” Lin Yi asked.

“Yes! Boss, I’m sure of it this time!” Xiaobo nodded his head solemnly. “Last night I spent the night with Fen……”

“Ah? For real?” Lin Yi’s eyes were wide open- he wasn’t expecting his follower to be even stronger than he was! All he’d done was hold Tang Yin’s hand and touch Yushu’s boobs so far, but Xiaobo’s at that stage already…….

“Wait, boss, it’s not like that… I was just accompanying her……” Xiaobo sweated. “Nothing happened between us.”

“…….” Lin Yi was speechless. “And then?”

“We chatted a lot, and I know what’s on her mind now……” Xiaobo said. “Boss, you’re right- she can’t move on. She knows it’s impossible at this point, but she just won’t move on unless Kang Zhaoming says it to her face!”

“Since we’re talking about him, you know that this would ruin your relationship with your cousin, right? You sure that’s fine?” Lin Yi asked.

“I don’t think of him as my cousin anymore- look at what he’s done. Kang Zhaoming’s an animal.” Xiaobo said with a cold laugh. “I’d go beat him up if it weren’t for my second grandfather’s sake.”

“You can beat him up, but not now, at least. You’re not there yet.” Lin Yi reminded.

“I know……” Xiaobo sighed. “Guy’s the young master of the Kang house, while I’m some poor relative of Miracle Doctor Kang.”

Zhang Naipao hadn’t come to school today, and only Zhong Pinliang knew where he had went. Even Gao Xiaofu was left out on this.

He’d only gotten a long-term sick leave from the school, and told his family ambiguously that Zhong Pinliang had something big he needed him to do… With that out of the way, he went up Springstar Mountain under the escort of some of Zhong Fabai’s men…

Pinliang glared at Lin Yi with toxicity. You keep showing off… We’ll see how you die when Zhang Naipao comes back from that mountain!!

Pinliang felt more at ease at that thought. Lin Yi was a dead man walking anyway- let him enjoy the time he had left all he wanted! With that, a shred of pity started showing on Pinliang’s gaze.

“Mengyao, you have time this Saturday? My dad gave me three 3D movie tickets, wanna go?” Fabai had told him to get with Mengyao as soon as possible- it’d be bad for the Zhong family if his uncle Jin Gubang planned something else and didn’t need their cooperation anymore.

“I told you not to call me Mengyao, do you not have ears?” Mengyao was pretty disgusted by how familiar with her Pinliang was acting.

Pinliang seemed oblivious to what Mengyao was thinking of him as he pulled over his chair, lining it up with Mengyao’s to sit beside her. “Heh heh, then I’ll call you Yao Yao?”

“Why don’t you go die?” Mengyao frowned. “What do you want?”

“I wanna go watch a movie with you this Saturday! It’s The Son of Heaven in 3D, an international film!” Pinliang said as he pulled three movie tickets out.

“No time, I’ve got stuff to do Saturday.” Mengyao rejected directly- she was going bungee jumping with Yushu, after all, and even if she were to go watch a movie she’d most definitely not watch it with Zhong Pinliang! The guy was even more irritating than Lin Yi!

Hm? Mengyao paused at the thought- hadn’t she thought of Lin Yi as more irritating than Pinliang a while ago? When had she reversed their rankings? Mengyao shook her head, not sure what was going on.

“We could go on Sunday……” Pinliang continued.

Mengyao couldn’t take this anymore. She nudged Yushu who sat beside her, hinting her to get Lin Yi.

Yushu chuckled as she sent Lin Yi a text. “Yao Yao’s in trouble, requesting backup!”

Lin Yi wasn’t sure how to react to this text, but he stood up and started walking towards Zhong PInliang anyway. He did promise Mengyao yesterday that he’d take care of Pinliang whenever the guy was being annoying, after all.

“Where are you going, boss?” Xiaobo asked, curious- why did Lin Yi stand up all of a sudden?

“Washroom. Wanna come?” Lin Yi asked.

“Yeah, wait up!” Xiaobo stood up as well, and saw Pinliang blocking their way. _Heh, Zhong Pinliang’s screwed!


Lin Yi walked towards Pinliang with quick steps, and Yushu started laughing- the idiot was still harassing Yao Yao!

Chapter 256: CH256

“What’s the matter with you, are you deaf? I told you not to block my way.” Lin Yi said coldly as he stood behind Pinliang.

Truth be told, Lin Yi would’ve disintegrated the guy into ashes long ago if he weren’t looking for a peaceful, stable life in Songshan.

“You…..” Pinliang was about and turn around to say something when he was suddenly airborne- he landed with a smack on the teacher’s desk and cried out in agony.

“Why don’t you change your seat, this isn’t a good spot for you. Don’t make me kick you out the window next time.” Lin Yi warned after kicking Pinliang’s chair away.

This kid had better know his place and leave Mengyao alone- he didn’t want Yushu to be summoning him to beat Pinliang up so much.

Pinliang stared at Lin Yi with toxic rage, but kept his mouth silent- for whatever he said now would only prompt further beatings by Lin Yi!! He had nothing he could do against him right now, and all he could do was wait.

Pinliang kept quiet as Lin Yi walked past him, issuing yet another warning. “Remember what I said. Sit in front of me and I’ll make you fly all the time.”

“……” Pinliang gritted his teeth- when had he ever been threatened like this?!! There just had to be this Lin Yi, someone neither he nor even the Heibao Bro he was so proud out could beat!! He couldn’t do anything to the monster, nothing at all!!

He didn’t want to change seats, but Lin Yi had spoken- Pinliang himself understood also the validity of his threat should he keep his current seat.

That bastard Lin Yi was an absolute madman!! He trampled on anything he wanted to without one shred of concern when he got cocky, even slapping Zou Ruoming in the face right in front of the dean!! The news had spread throughout the entire school at this point, and Pinliang knew his place- he was in no position to be pissing someone as crazy as Lin Yi off…

It seemed he’d had to stay away from Mengyao from the time being… That was the only way to get out of the bastard’s line of sight, to move to a corner. He’d just move his seat back after Lin Yi got taken care of!

Lin Yi was the only one who’d dare go against his wishes in the class, anyway- he could move his seat to wherever he wanted to, and no one would say anything.

“Boss, I’m really starting to doubt your background- Are you really from the mountains?” Xiaobo asked as he walked out the classroom with Lin Yi.

“I have an elder here, he’s in the board of directors for the school.” Lin Yi explained simply.

“Oh, so that’s why! That’s why even the dean couldn’t do anything to you!” Xiaobo said, understanding everything instantly. “The luxury car you were in that morning, does that belong to this director as well?”

“Yeah.” Lin Yi nodded.

“Damn!!” Xiaobo was starting to get excited. “I never knew how powerful your background was! I always thought you were a poor student like me!”

“Ha…..” Lin Yi only smiled, refraining from explaining anything.

One’s background, in actuality, didn’t have too much an effect- Zhong Pinliang was a good example of someone with a strong background, why couldn’t he slap people in front of the dean?

At the end of the day, Wang Zhifeng was helpless against Lin Yi because he had his secret against him!

“Ah, boss- weren’t you going to the toilet?” Xiaobo asked, wondering why Lin Yi wasn’t heading in the washroom’s direction.

“I was just getting annoyed at Zhong Pinliang, wanted an excuse to teach him a lesson.” Lin Yi said honestly- he didn’t need to go at all, and Xiaobo would notice if he did walk to the washroom with an empty bladder.

“Ah, I see. Ha, Zhong Pinliang… That’s what he gets for being so cocky all the time!” Xiaobo said violently, as if he were the one who beat Pinliang up.

“Weren’t you going to the toilet?” Lin Yi asked.

“I just wanted to come take a walk with you. Fen’s stuff is quite troubling.” Xiaobo explained.

“Alright, let’s walk then.” Lin Yi nodded as he strolled with Xiaobo in the hallway.

The twelfth graders usually all had something to do- they were either on duty cleaning the classroom or just studying. Even those with family connections, or even the ones who just weren’t planning on going to college, were either playing basketball or at internet cafes playing video games. No one just went for a walk in the hallways.

They reached class five’s door and saw Tang Yin walking out with a water bucket and heading to the bathroom to have the dirty water changed.

Xiaobo walked over quickly. “Sis-in-law, let me……” (tell me if you prefer ‘Miss Lin’)

“Ah?!” Tang Yin jumped, almost dropping the bucket. “Wh-what did you call me?”

“Sis-in-law!” Xiaobo repeated, as if there were nothing wrong with it. “Didn’t boss announce who you were to him in front of so many people yesterday? You didn’t deny it, sis-in-law!”

“Don’t call me stuff like that!” Tang Yin’s face reddened as she handed the bucket to Xiaobo. “Hurry and go get clean water!”

“Oh, heh heh, sure thing!” Xiaobo said as he waddled over to the washroom, bucket in his hands…

“Don’t mind him- the guy’s just like that.” Lin Yi said as he put both his hands on the wall, surrounding Tang Yin in.

“Yeah… I know……” Tang Yin said shyly. “S-Stop that… We’re at school……”

It was an unconscious movement, but Lin Yi realized how lovey-dovey he was being with her upon hearing Tang Yin’s words- it was as if he were leaning for a kiss. He pulled his hands back awkwardly. “What if we’re not at school?”

“I… I… Let’s not talk about this…….” Tang Yin, naturally, didn’t want to discuss that topic with Lin Yi. She’d been troubled enough as it was the past few days because of the guy, especially last night, where she couldn’t fall asleep as that scene of Lin Yi slapping Zou Ruoming while holding her hand kept popping up…… Did this… count as her falling in love with him? Tang Yin didn’t understand, but couldn’t stop herself from thinking about it……

“Haha……” Lin Yi laughed a bit, but stopped teasing her. To Lin Yi, Tang Yin was completely different from a woman like Sun Jingyi- Jingyi was like a cunning fox, and Lin Yi, naturally, wouldn’t do stuff like this to her. Tang Yin, however, was the type of young girl he just wanted to pamper with care.

“Ah…… look, Xiaobo seems to have gotten into trouble……” Tang Yin was panicking and looking left and right, afraid that someone might see her together with Lin Yi, when she noticed Xiaobo get in trouble.

Xiaobo was about to walk in the washroom when he collided with a fat student who was coming right out the door…

sorry im late, was rewatching GATTACA

so i forgot to add book two (volume two), thats why chaps 251-254 couldnt be seen. book 2 ends at 500 chaps

Chapter 257: CH257

Xiaobo, naturally, wasn’t a match for the fatty- he fell on his ass right after the collision, and the bucket of water splashed onto the guy’s pants… It looked like the fatty had just pissed himself.

“Are you blind?!” The fatty raged right away- he’d just finished a cigarette, and out of nowhere came a bucket of dirty water! “You wanna fucking die?”

The fatty was a mini tyrant in the twelfth grade, albeit someone who was only known in his own class… He was nowhere near the level of the Big Four tyrants at the school, but pushing some regular students around weren’t beyond his capabilities.

And today, the fat mini tyrant decided to blow off some steam on Xiaobo.

“How can you blame me for that? At most we’re both at fault, couldn’t you have opened your eyes?” Xiaobo was starting to get angry as well- he was no unreasonable man, and was just about to apologize when the guy started yelling at him.

“Open my eyes? Which class are you from? Don’t you know the big name Yu Dafa?” The fatty said with a glare.

“Yu Dafa?” Xiaobo paused and took a closer look- it was Yu Dafa! Yet a sense of disdain surfaced as Xiaobo looked at the man. He looked down at the bucket, and dumped what remained of the dirty water on Dafa’s head!

“You…! Are you fucking insane?!” Yu Dafa exploded that instant as he pointed at Xiaobo.

“Hurry up and scram- my boss and sis-in-law are waiting for a bucket of clean water, so don’t blame me if my boss comes walking over because you’re wasting time.” Xiaobo said as he slapped the Dafa’s hand away.

“Your boss and sis-in-law?” Dafa paused- what the hell was this guy talking about?”

“Right behind me!” Xiaobo said as he pointed his thumb behind his back.

Dafa looked at where Xiaobo was pointing, and saw Lin Yi and Tang Yin standing not far away from them- his stomach and legs cramped up- he almost fell!

“Bro… You’re saying Lin Yi Bro is your boss..?” Dafa’s tone turned friendly that instant.

After all, everyone knew who Lin Yi was- the newest Big Four tyrant, solidly sitting on the two tyrants below him! Who was Dafa to even think about crossing a character like this..?

The head of the Big Four had graduated, and since then became a legend at the school… The last Big Four, on the other hand, was a demon in middle-school, practically flipping the school upside down after just attending the school for a couple days! He’d transferred away long ago, but still remained a legendary Big Four at the school!

There were only two tyrants from that monstrous group left, and both of them were now under Lin Yi’s feet! Lin Yi had outstandingly stepped up to the first seat, the First Tyrant of a new generation!! A mini tyrant like Yu Dafa was nothing compared to that!

After all, he was far below Zhong Pinliang and Zou Ruoming already- how could he ever stand up to Lin Yi?

“Of course. I’m Kang Xiaobo, the sole follower of my boss- remember this face, and open your eyes next time!!” Xiaobo said with a hand on his hip.

“Yes, I understand……” Dafa nodded quickly.

“Go get me a bucket of clean water!” Xiaobo said as he handed Dafa the bucket.

“Right away!” As far as Dafa was concerned, serving Lin Yi was a form of honor, something he could boast about in the future- he could say that Lin Yi had asked him to do something before! Lin Yi was pretty much half his boss now……

With that, he waddled into the washroom and got a bucket with clean water back. “Bo Bro, I wouldn’t dare let you do the work! I’ll get this to the boss personally!”

Xiaobo nodded as he contemplated his status at the school now- he’d risen up here on Lin Yi’s boat! Would Dafa be acting like this if it weren’t for Lin Yi? Get him a bucket of water? He’d be lucky if the guy didn’t beat him up!

Dafa walked up to Lin Yi and Tang Yin with the bucket of water. “Boss, sis-in-law! Water’s here!”

“You are?” Lin Yi asked curiously. Who was this person?

“Boss, I’m called Yu Dafa! I’ve made a bit of a name for myself here in our grade, but of course, it’s nothing compared to Boss Lin Yi!” Dafa introduced.

“Oh.” Lin Yi nodded. “Alright, got it- you can go now. Thanks!”

“Don’t mention it at all, boss! Just call me if you need anything at all, I’m from class ten!” Dafa said respectfully.

Tang Yin wasn’t expecting a big shot like that to come pledging loyalty to Lin Yi- what made her even more shy was how he called her ‘sis-in-law’ as well! Tang Yin still remembered how this Yu Dafa wrote a love letter to her once, and how disgustingly mushy it had been- the guy was now practically bowing!

All this, due to Lin Yi…… A transfer student who’d been here less than a month.

“I… I’m gonna go back now- I still need to clean the curtains!” Tang Yin said to Xiaobo and Lin Yi as she picked the bucket up from the ground.

“Kay. See ya.” Lin Yi nodded, and walked back to class with Xiaobo.

Zhong Pinliang was pretty obedient- he had moved his seat to where Gao Xiaofu was, in a corner far, far away from Lin Yi’s seat. It seemed that he really did fear getting sent flying.

“Yao Yao, I just think Shield Bro’s so cool!!” Yushu said as she tugged at Mengyao’s shirt. “Look! Zhong Pinliang moved his seat right after he taught him a lesson! You don’t need to worry about getting harassed anymore!”

“Yeah, he’s so cool! Why don’t you go let him touch your boobs again!” Mengyao said, curling her lips.

“Yao Yao? Could you perhaps be jealous? Maybe you should let him touch yours next time?” Yushu said with a big grin.

“I’m not an idiot!” Mengyao said with a glare. “Is he my boyfriend? Why should I let him touch mine? You let him touch yours if you’re so willing, go ahead!”

“Well, Shield Bro did accept my confession, so I guess he does count as my boyfriend?” Yushu started thinking about it- since they were technically a couple, she didn’t really lose anything if her boyfriend was the one who had touched her. Yes, that had to be it……

Mengyao was going insane- did the girl lack something in her brain? What was wrong with her, who talks like that??

It was Saturday morning, and Lin Yi woke up to Yushu patting him. “Yo, Shield Bro! Wakey wakey, we’re going to the theme park today!”

Theme park? Lin Yi remembered then that he’d promised to go bungee jumping with the Miss and Shu- he got up half-awake and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Both Mengyao and Yushu were ready to go by the time he walked out his room.

“You drive Shu’s Beetle and follow behind us- Shu and I will use my car!” Mengyao instructed after a look at Lin Yi.

“Okay……” Lin Yi was thinking that they’d all be able to fit if they used Heibao’s old van- why the trouble with two cars? He then remembered that the Miss probably hadn’t been in a vehicle this crappy ever since that kidnapping last time.

Chapter 258: CH258

Lin Yi drove behind Mengyao’s Audi S5 silently as he kept an eye on the rear view mirror.

Someone was following him again- Li Cihua’s men? A cold smile formed on Lin Yi’s lips as he recognized the car. It was the one that had followed him last time- did they think he wouldn’t notice with tailing skills like that?

This Cihua person was quite interesting himself, sending more men after getting two of them killed that night.

Lin Yi didn’t confront the stalkers and acted as if he didn’t even know. He wouldn’t mind giving them a car accident if they did anything suspicious.

Songshan Theme Park was located in the southern district of the city, built at the end of the year 2000. It had had a couple hundred million rmb invested in it, and was one of the most popular attractions within the city.

Mengyao parked her car in the underground parking lot of the theme park while Lin Yi parked to the side. He was following Mengyao into the elevator when he saw the black SUV that had been tailing them drive in as well- they didn’t take a parking ticket, much to Lin Yi’s surprise, only showing a small plastic identification card at the counter.

Lin Yi found that odd- did the people in that car have some sort of connection to the themepark?

“Yao Yao, is this theme park private or public?” Lin Yi asked.

“It’s a jointly owned attraction, both public and private. Why?” Mengyao didn’t understand.

“Jointly owned? Invested by what company?” Lin Yi continued, maintaining the topic.

“It’s Uncle Chu’s, Shield Bro!” Yushu said shortly.

“Oh?” Lin Yi paused- so the people in that car were from Pengzhan Industries? That had to be the case, that was why they weren’t charged for parking their car! It wasn’t a military or police car, too, since it had a normal licence plate.

“Dad’s company invested in it, but it’s being managed by a sub-company.” Mengyao explained.

“Then we could have free parking, right?” Lin Yi asked.

Mengyao looked at Lin Yi as if he were an alien- she was a young mistress, but calling Uncle Fu for a parking ticket that costed a few kuai? Wouldn’t that just be trouble?

“Ha……” Lin Yi smiled faintly- the people in the car probably didn’t care about that money either, since they’re working with Chu Pengzhan and all…

But having free parking was a proof and representation of status- it had to be what they were going for.

And Lin Yi was right!

Inside the SUV was Zhang Yuchu, who had a wide smile on his face. “Amazing, Jin Bro- you don’t even need to pay for parking!”

“The theme park’s built with our company’s investment, and I happen to be in charge of that.” Maosheng said casually as he pocketed his card. “Of course I’d use a privilege like this if I have it.”

“Of course!” Yuchu said with a laugh. “But, since we’re in Jin Bro’s territory it’ll be much easier! I was still worried about how we should go about this, but there’s no problem now!”

“I wasn’t expecting them to come to the theme park either.” A cold smile formed on Maosheng’s lips. “I’ve some trusted people in here, I can get them to help later!”

“These trusted people… Would they keep quiet about this?” Yuchu was still worried- murder was a big deal, after all.

“Keep quiet? They wouldn’t dare say anything.” Maosheng said disdainfully. “They’re all getting their money illegally- I throw the number of their pocketed money out and it’s a death sentence for them.”

“It’s fine then!” Yuchu nodded. They wouldn’t need to worry about getting betrayed if they were in the same boat.

“Get someone with some wits to tail the three, and constantly report their location. I’ll see what I can do for the accident.” Maosheng said.

“No problem.” Yuchu called out to a very common looking youth at the back of the car. “Lil’ Ma, you’re up!”

“Yes, Yuchu Bro!” Ma said as he got out of the car to tail the trio.

Maosheng’s face turned dark for an instant- he was an extremely cautious man. He didn’t know who this Ma person was, but the guy had seen his face today- his first course of action after finishing the job was have him offed. He couldn’t allow even the slightest risk to exist.

The person behind Li Cihua was a godly figure, but even he wouldn’t help Master Bin out if things got real serious. The man was his bastard son, but his wife’s house was a powerful family as well. A bastard son this grown up would cause big shit should he ever get found out. Maosheng understood that, and made sure to constantly have backup plans.

“Yao Yao, do we go bungee jumping now?” Yushu was very much looking forward to the bungee jumping- the attraction was part of Pengzhan Industries, but this was the first time the two have visited ever since the opening. The bungee jumping valley hadn’t been properly constructed yet.

“Bungee jumping from the start?” Mengyao had been pretty pent up these past couple of days, and as much as she’d like to blow off some steam, bungee jumping right away wasn’t something she could take very well.

It was a dangerous and exhaustive thing, after all- Mengyao wanted to have some fun at the other attractions first.

“Then let’s walk around first. Ah, Yao Yao! Why don’t we go to the haunted house? I heard they built one, it’s really scary!” Yushu suggested.

“Haunted house?” Mengyao frowned- why did Yushu like childish attractions like that? Haunted house? Who’d ever get scared at the stuff inside, they were all fake. Who’d even go there in the first place?

“Yeah, it’s really scary! I heard that a lot of young couples go there, and the guy gets to take advantage of the girl when she gets scared!” Yushu said seriously.

“Shu, are you crazy?” Mengyao was speechless. “So you wanna go with Lin Yi and let him take advantage of you?”

“Nope, I’m not scared… but I think you’d be, Yao Yao!” Yushu said.

“Me, scared?” Mengyao got even more speechless. “You think I’d get scared at the kid stuff inside? Well let’s just go in and see who’d get scared then! But let me tell you now, Shu, don’t get pissed or anything when you get felt up!”

“Hehe, don’t be so sure who’s gonna get felt up, Yao Yao! You never know!” Yushu laughed. She’d looked at Pinliang’s recording of the haunted house on his phone before- she wouldn’t be afraid because of that.

Mengyao had been there as well, but she couldn’t care less about Pinliang, so only Yushu watched. Pinliang had actually wanted her to help persuade Mengyao into going into the haunted house with him, but Yushu never did such a thing after finishing the video.



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