Even a traitor may mend || Th...

By MagicofNarnia

35.3K 1.1K 351

Edmund's journey from before the lion the witch and the wardrobe throughout the film More

He just wanted his Dad
A talk about war
Off to school
First day
There's a reason
Three years ago
End of term
He didn't understand
You're not Dad
Into town
Peter's birthday
Disappointment and guilt
In trouble
A little different
I guess you don't care anymore
For the first time in months
He meant what he said
Ask for help
Back early
The Blitz
It's too dangerous
The wardrobe
The White Witch
Back to Narnia
With the beavers
In the dungeons
First signs of spring
Across the river
The witches camp
They can't know
I don't wanna talk about it
I forgive you
A traitors blood
He understood
Let me fight
I don't regret doing it
If dying was what it took...
Thank you
Cair Paravel
You'll be a great king
Back home

Into the country

480 21 5
By MagicofNarnia

Edmund was woken the next morning to Peter pulling the covers off him and telling him to wake up.
He let out an annoyed groan and opened his eyes, giving Peter a death glare.
"You need to get up Edmund." Peter said, walking across the room and grabbing his suitcase. "We're leaving in half an hour."
Edmund took a deep breath, swallowing hard before squeezing his eyes shut.
He was about to get up when he felt the bed dip beside him, and opening his eyes saw Peter sat on the edge of the bed. "You okay?" He asked, his voice soft.
Edmund stared at him. "Why wouldn't I be?" He muttered, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes.
Peter sighed. "I know you really don't want to go." He said slowly. "None of us do. But we'll get through it together alright? And we'll be home before you know it."
Edmund took a deep breath. "Hmm." Was all he replied with before he stood from the bed and headed to the bathroom.

Before he knew it the four of them and their Mum were stood on the train station platform, their Mum fiddling with a label before she bent down in front of Lucy.
"You need to keep this on darling." She said gently, Edmund knowing the smile on her face was forced. "You warm enough?"
Edmund moved his attention to a poster on the wall, help the children was what it said, causing Edmund to sigh. "If Dad was here he wouldn't make us go." He grumbled as his Mum walked over and attached a label to his jacket.
"If Dad was here it would mean the war was over and we wouldn't have to go." Peter snapped, staring down at him.
Edmund glared at him for a moment, before looking down when his Mum spoke. "You will listen to your brother won't you Edmund?" She asked, almost hesitantly.
Edmund stared at her, wanting so badly to shake his head, but he stopped himself and just sighed.
He pulled away and scowled when his Mum attempted to kiss his forehead, and deep down he felt guilty.
He watched as he Mum sighed before turning to Peter, who at once promised her that he'd look after them all.
Edmund scowled again, he did not need to be looked after, especially not by Peter. He was twelve years old (nearly thirteen) and was quite capable of looking after himself.
After saying goodbye to Susan their Mum took a deep breath. "Alright." She choked. "Off you go."
Edmund hesitantly leant down and picked up his suitcase, following on behind Peter and Lucy as they headed towards the train, Susan walking behind and very soon grabbing his arm.
"Get off me." He complained, trying to pull from her grip. "I know how to get on a train by myself."
He finally managed to pull from Susan's grip, to see Peter staring off into the distance, an unreadable look on his face.
He didn't seem to notice the person asking for the tickets he had in his hand, and Susan had to snatch them from his hand before he snapped out of his daydream. "Yes, thank you." He mumbled.
Edmund rolled his eyes as he followed his siblings onto the train, Peter and Lucy at some point falling behind slightly.
Once the four of them were all finally on the train, Peter led them over to the nearest window, where they managed to wave goodbye to their Mum out the window.
Edmund was rather annoyed that he couldn't see his Mum, and that she probably couldn't see him either, but it was too late to tell Peter to move out of the way for just a second, for five seconds later, the train began moving and Peter ushered them all back inside and towards the nearest compartment.
Apart from two other children it was just the four of them, causing Edmund to sigh in relief.
Peter grabbed Lucy's suitcase from her and placed it above, before going to grab Edmund's for him.
Edmund gave him a scowl and pulled his suitcase away, giving him a look that quite clearly said he could do it himself.
Standing on his tip toes Edmund placed his suitcase beside Lucy's before flopping down on the seat and leaning against the window, letting out a sigh as he did.
The whole journey was spent in complete silence, although Edmund didn't actually mind, if anything he preferred the quiet.
Susan sat and read her book, Lucy leaning against her and peering at the book over her shoulder, although it didn't look like she was actually reading it.
Peter just sat in silence for a while, staring at his sisters sadly, until he decided (after the first stop when the two children got off) to read too, and leant back, opening his book with a sigh.
Edmund didn't bother reading, knowing he wouldn't be able to concentrate anyway, he just sat and stared out the window, frowning at all the trees and fields, spread out as far as he could see.
Growing up in London he wasn't exactly used to huge fields and stuff, having to make do with the parks instead. Tearing his eyes from a nearby lake he'd been staring at he glanced at Lucy, who was peering out the window from where she sat, her eyes shining in delight at what she saw.
Edmund had to force back a small smile, but that was more than made up with Peter's smile when he spotted Lucy.
"We'll have plenty of adventures in the country Lu." He said gently, catching his little sisters attention.
"As long as Edmund doesn't go about climbing trees." Susan spoke up, smirking slightly.
While Peter and Lucy laughed slightly, Edmund rolled his eyes and returned his stare out of the window, glancing up at the slightly cloudy sky.
After that small conversation they sat in silence for another hour before the train drew to a loud stop.
"I think this is us." Peter muttered as he snapped his almost finished book shut. "Should've brought another book." He muttered to himself as he reached up for Lucy's suitcase to hand it to her.
"You could always borrow my book Peter." Susan offered, reaching for her own suitcase.
Peter raised an eyebrow. "I'll think I'll pass." He said. "No doubt it's some sort of history or science book."
Lucy giggled quietly as she gripped her suitcase, getting a grin from Peter.
Edmund sighed and eventually stood, reaching for his own suitcase before the four left the train.
They were left standing quite literally in the middle of nowhere on a small, run down platform, causing Edmund to frown deeply.
They all looked to their left when they heard the sound of a car, and Edmund followed his siblings as they ran down off the platform.
They watched as the car honked its horn before driving off, leaving the four alone again.
"The professor knew we were coming." Susan said slowly, sounding slightly confused.
Edmund looked confused as he glanced down at the label hanging from his jacket, staring at his name and address. "Perhaps we've been incorrectly labelled." He suggested, going to turn it around to see if anything was written on the other side, only to stop when he heard the sound of horse hooves.
Looking up he spotted a horse drawn carriage, a women sat on top.
She stopped in front of them and stared down, something of a frown on her face.
"Mrs.Macready?" Peter asked hesitantly, sounding unsure.
"I'm afraid so." The women, Mrs.Macready replied, and Edmund had to fight to keep the smirk off his face. "Is this it then?" She asked. "Haven't you brought anything else?"
"No ma'am." Peter answered slowly. "It's just us."
"Small favours." Mrs.Macready replied simply, nodding behind her.
Peter grabbed Lucy's hand gently and helped her up onto the back of the carriage. He went to help Edmund up too, but after a quick glare from his younger brother, decided against it.
No longer than fifteen minutes later they were following Mrs.Macready into the house, well, if you could call it a house, it was huge.
Edmund glanced around as he followed his siblings, who were following behind Mrs.Macready, who was going over some rules, but Edmund was exactly listening.
Although his head snapped up when all of a sudden she shouted: "No touching of the historical artifacts!"
Edmund bit back a snort, and glanced at Peter, who was also trying his hardest not to laugh. After a quick amused smile at his brother, Edmund turned back to Mrs.Macready, who continued leading them through the house. "And above all." She said, turning sharply to face them all, causing Edmund to practically walk into Susan when she stopped in front of him. "There shall be no disturbing of the professor."
Edmund continued walking, ignoring Lucy when she stopped outside a door, following behind Susan and Peter, soon hearing Lucy running to catch up with them.
They reached a door, and Mrs.Macready opened it to reveal a bedroom, with two beds and a wardrobe, but other than that there wasn't much else.
"That's one room." She announced simply before walking a little bit further down the corridor and opening another door.
Edmund peered in and saw that it was almost the same as the other room, except this one only had one, double bed.
Snorting Edmund shook his head. "Me and Peter are in the other room." He said quickly. "There's no way I'm sharing a bed."
He saw Peter roll his eyes and scowled at him, hearing Susan sigh. "Don't worry." She said. "Me and Lucy can have this room."
Mrs.Macready frowned down at them and rolled her eyes. "The next door down is a sort of living room for the lot of you." She told them. "I advise you spend most of your time either in there or outside." And with that she quickly left.
"Well." Peter said, taking a deep breath. "I suppose we better unpack."
Edmund immediately headed back down the corridor to the other room, throwing his suitcase onto the bed beside the wall before sitting down with a sigh.
Two seconds later Peter walked in, walking over to the other bed and pulling of his coat. "Are you gonna unpack or just sit there?" He asked when Edmund didn't move.
Edmund shrugged in reply before standing and pulling off his jacket and box that held his gas mask, dumping them both at the end of the bed before opening his suitcase.
It didn't take long for them both to unpack, seeming as they hadn't been able to pack much in the first place, it was a sort of rule that you couldn't take too much with you.
Once he was finished Edmund pushed his empty suitcase under his bed, before reaching for his jacket and the box with his gas mask, only to find that that was gone. "Er, Peter?" He said, turning to find his brother snapping his suitcase shut.
"Hmm?" Peter replied, pushing it under his bed before turning to face Peter.
"Where's my gas mask?" Edmund asked slowly.
Peter groaned. "Don't you dare tell me you've lost it!" He exclaimed.
"I put it on the end of my bed!" Edmund said. "Anyway, I dont see why we had to bring them, I thought it was supposed to he safe here in the country."
Peter rolled his eyes. "I'm pretty sure you have to take them everywhere by law Ed." He muttered, before sighing. "Look, it's on the floor, there."
Edmund glanced around and sure enough saw the box laying on the floor by the door. "Oh." He muttered, walking over and grabbing it before pushing it under the bed beside his suitcase.
"Come on." Peter sighed. "Let's go see if the girls have finished yet."
Edmund nodded a little and followed Peter from the room, wondering how an earth he was gonna get through these next couple weeks, or maybe, these next couple of months.

Okay so, this books getting really long and I've still got lww to get through, so from now the chapters will be longer ahahah, but it might take a little while longer to write and publish them, so sorry about that.
Also, I'm now extremely grateful that we studied WW2 in school 😅😅

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