B I T T E R S W E E T || Yume...

By AE-091

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Hildegarde Lucas. A name that ultimately instills fear into one's body. She who is said to even be on par wi... More

➥ Oc Data
➥ Prologue
➥ Chapter 01
➥ Chapter 04

➥ Chapter 02

410 7 4
By AE-091


Chapter 02 : Amano-chan's notorious rambunctiousness!!

| B I T T E R S W E E T |


The next day quickly came, another day of math classes, French lessons, baking sessions and...Ichigo's clumsiness and naivety?!

It was currently around 7:05 in the morning in St. Marie Academy Japanese boarding school, and in one of the many classrooms sat Hildegarde beside Kashino, Hanabusa beside Andou and Ichigo somewhere in the middle part of the room next to Rumi. 

It was one of Hildegarde's most dreaded subjects. 

Math class. 

Even if Hildegarde was intelligent and all that, she still had the common right to hate a certain school subject. She absolutely despised it, she could solve any equation without any effort at all but the minute she sees a cluster of numbers jumbled up together—it just makes her head go 'insane'!! 

Sometimes, it even had the slightest chance of breaking her cheshire facade!

"Then, this question.." The male instructor's gaze wandered around the room before landing on a certain caramel headed boy. "Kashino and..." As soon as Kashino heard his name, he stood up. "Yes." He glanced at the platinum headed girl who beamed an encouraging smile at him before carrying on with walking up front. 

Ichigo turned to Rumi with a smug smile, "He's been called up..." She said to the other girl, clearly mocking her teammate. Rumi only ignored her though, somehow already used to her ignorant friend's antics. "And Amano." Shocked, Ichigo answered with a loud 'yes' all while standing up. 

She didn't expect to get called up too. 

Slowly, Ichigo walked up to the right side of the board, where a different equation from the left side where Kashino was assigned to, she then looked at the equation with a fallen face. 

Geez, I've always been bad at mathematics...

She glanced to the other side of the board, she had expected Kashino to be in the same dilemma as her but oh was she wrong. "Eh?!"

Kashino had solved the problem flawlessly, he was patting his hands together to get rid of the excess chalk on his sleeves. He made a face at Ichigo before going back to his seat. Ichigo watched him in awe, as she looked back at him and his answer. 

Silently pouting, she instantly turned her head to look at her teacher since he called her name. "Ah! I-It's nothing!" She replied with a nervous laugh. Following after, she bowed her head as a gloomy aura surrounded her person. "I'm sorry, I don't know the answer.." She declared pathetically. 

The brunette's iconic response made everyone in the classroom laugh.

And then, after all of that. The next class came, which was the French class. 

The seating arrangement was all but the same, Hildegarde glanced at Ichigo who wore an almost pained expression on her face as she held her book. Kashino took notice of the platinum headed girl's lack of attention in the lesson and raised a brow at her. 

"Tres bien, Andou." The French instructor praised as the said boy went back to his seat with a satisfied smile. 

The mustache wearing teacher then turned to the class. "Well then, the transfer student Amano-san. Please read it out." He requested. 

Panicked, Ichigo gasped in disbelief. "E-Eh?! H-Hai!!" She shouted. The group A members looked at her with pitiful and expected reactions. Hildegarde laughed at her slightly, "My~ so adorable!" She cooed, Kashino gave her a look. "How in the world do you find that adorable?" Hildegarde, however brushed his off with a wave of her hand. 

"Bonjour! Comment allez vous?.." Ichigo trailed off as she as she jumbled through her words. "On voit la tour.." Her pronunciation was just wrong, her eyes lit up though when she saw a certain word on the board. "Ah! Eiffel!" She said while making a triangle-like position with her arms. 

The class laughed once more, the male instructor facepalmed. 

Afterwards, Chemistry was next. 

Hildegarde held up a glass vial with a proud smile, it had a purple-blue liquid stored inside it. "Aha! Success!" Andou and Hanabusa clapped their hands lightly while smiling. 

Kashino's eye twitched as he watched the young beauty skip around, "Oi, Hilde. Stop moving, you may spill it!!" He warned. Hildegarde pouted at him, "Oh hush, Makoto! I do what I want!" She replied, sticking out her tongue. Kashino grew an irked mark on the side of his head, "Why you—!!"

"So we add this, right?" Ichigo asked, as she held up a thin vial filled with white liquid, she was going to pour the liquid into another but bigger flask filled with a different king of liquid. Rumi grew alarmed as she saw the girl's actions. "Ichigo-chan, not that-" But it was all too late, Ichigo had already mixed the two together. 


"Cough! Cough! What the heck?!"

"Open the windows quickly!!" 

"Kya!! What just happened?!"

The smoke filled room emptied as the students opened the windows. After the smoke cleared and the students could finally see what was what, their attention instantly went to the dust covered brunette. 

"Waa! I'm sorry!" She apologized loudly as she held the two glass objects in her hands. 

Some of the students groaned and some wore helpless expressions, as if they had given up on life already. Hildegarde giggled as she held a pink handkerchief in her hand, she wiped it across a certain caramel haired boy's face. 

"She's quite silly, no?" She questioned Kashino, whom sat on a stool in front of her by her request. Kashino held an annoyed face, a tinge of pink on the side of his cheeks went unnoticed by the platinum haired beauty. "Silly? She's idiotic!" He replied harshly. The beauty only smiled at him.

Hanabusa, whom was behind the two, ran a hand in his locks. "Don't be, for you to do that much." He responded to Ichigo's apology. Andou nodded with him, "Adversely, it feels quite refreshing." At his words, Kashino instantly grew irked. "How is that so?!" 

He then turned to Ichigo, "Oi Amano, what are you doing?!" He yelled at her, Hildegarde kept a hand on his shoulder to keep him from lunging at the girl. 

"I'm sorry..." Came the girl's quiet response. 

"Isn't Amano-chan just adorable?" Hildegarde gushed. Hanabusa and Andou agreed with her wholeheartedly and started talking about the girl's 'cute features'—features such as her clumsiness, noisiness, overall her ditsy persona. 

All while Kashino stood on the side, contemplating his life. He had no idea what could his friends possibly have found 'adorable' from Ichigo. She was stupid, idiotic, she didn't even know how to make a simple crepe! So, what could they have found cute about her?!

If I were to choose someone adorable, it would be..

His gaze trailed off to the platinum haired beauty, who only continued chatting with the two other boys. He stared at the girl for seconds before coming to an abrupt halt when her eyes looked directly into his. "W-What...?" He asked lowly. 

Hildegarde tilted her head to the side, "Weren't you listening earlier, Makoto? I asked about your thoughts of Amano-chan." She said. Kashino snapped out of his daze and shook his head, a scowl on his lips. "Amano? A moron." He stated before turning his back on them, "Now. Let's go, I don't wanna be late." 

His three teammates deadpanned at him. "Makoto-kun.." Hildegarde uttered under her breath, Hanabusa shook his head. "As merciless as ever, I see." He said. 

Andou held out his two hands to the two, a reassuring smile on his face. "Now now, he's harsh with new students, remember?" 

Hanabusa and Hildegarde looked at each other before nodding. 

"Oi, hurry up!" Kashino's voice called out. The three of them began jogging after him. 

| Flower Arrangement Class - taught by Hanabusa's beautiful mother |

Like the earlier classes, Hildegarde sat beside Kashino but at her side was also the female-like Hanabusa. 

Simultaneously, Hanabusa's beautiful mother sat at the head of the class. They all sat on dark blue zabuton cushions and in front of them were arrays of magnificent, freshly-picked, radiant flowers. 

"When you all make sweets, what do you all think of?" The green haired woman asked with her gentle voice. The students all began thinking. Hildegarde hummed, she was going to answer when a certain brunette interrupted her. 

"For me it's...the one makes sweets enjoys the process, and those who eat them are happy too. That'll be great." She said in glee, only to realize she had said her thoughts out loud and the whole class had heard her. She immediately looked down. 

Hildegarde blinked, a smile crept to her face. "My~" She mused to herself. Hanabusa had the same smile on his face, Kashino nodded as if saying 'not bad' to the girl. 

Hanabusa's mother smiled, "You're right. It's the same with flowers." She started. "If you enjoy making the flower arrangements, the flowers will shine vividly. And those who see it will be pleased." Ichigo's embarrassed state changed into a relieved and happy one as she heard the woman's words. 

Hildegarde had her eyes closed, already had a rough idea of her flower arrangement in her head. 

"So don't worry if you're good or bad at it, let's have fun arranging flowers." 


With that, Hildegarde opened her eyes and picked up a beautiful white lily. One word was on her mind. 


More specifically, bittersweet love. 

Mrs. Hanabusa was walking around, observing the progress of her students. Kneeling down, she was faced with Rumi and her creation. "Growing freely while achieving harmony." She told the orange haired girl. "Thanks." Rumi thanked in a giddy tone, which the woman smiled at. 

Moving on to the next student. A girl with short dark purple hair and similar eyes. "You take flower arrangement lessons, right Rie-san?" She asked the girl, who wore a confident smile. "As expected, it's very well done." Rie's smile widened considerably, "Thank you very much." She replied in a much polite tone. 

"But don't be restricted by the basics. It'll be even better if you were to arrange according to your personality." The woman assessed. Consequently, the girl's smile turned down into a frown. "Yes." She looked down. 

Hildegarde watched the purple headed girl's reaction from the corner of her eyes. When the beautiful woman complimented Ichigo's work, leaving no criticization whatsoever. Her face turned ugly with jealousy. 

Tch. Why is it someone like Amano Ichigo praised?

Hildegarde scowled herself. If the other girl was going to insult someone in their heads, they should at least make a better job at hiding their expressions. 

Let's see, someone like Amano-chan getting bullied? Hm~ I don't really like the sound of that. 

She thought to herself, already planning their demise. It was only going to be a matter of time before they make a big move like stealing Group A's design or something so she was going to prepare for it. She would make sure she—or even they pay for messing with her prey—friends!

Before she even knew it, the green haired mother and teacher was already in front of her. In less than a second, a smile was already on her face. "Mrs. Hanabusa." She addressed. Said woman nodded at her in acknowledgement, a soft smile painted her already beautiful visage.  

The beautiful woman scrutinized the girl's work. 

> Hildegarde's flower arrangement

Narrowing her eyes, she glanced up at the beauty. "Ms. Lucas. This creation of yours.." Hildegarde only gave her a smile, expression unchanging. Noting the two boys beside the girl whom were waiting for the woman's opinion. Mrs. Hanabusa sat up, the frown from earlier erased and the charming rise of her lips returned. 

"Splendid work as always, Ms. Lucas. I expect more great things from you." She praised the girl. Hildegarde gave a slight bow to the lady in return. "Thank you very much." The woman's eyes quivered before she released her next sentence. 

"However, it be best to release these...deep feelings of yours not only by flower arranging but to a person. These feelings will only grow more and haunt you further if you keep it solely inside you." She stated with a somewhat stern look and similar voice. 

Hildegarde's eyes widened for only a millisecond before settling down once again. She bowed yet again, "Yes, of course. Mrs. Hanabusa." She replied softly. 

Then, the two shared smiles. 

Once Mrs. Hanabusa was gone, the two boys went into action. 

"Hilde-chan~ what was that about?" Hanabusa asked. Kashino hummed, "Yeah. Did you do something wrong?" 

Hildegarde picked up a cut white lily and placed it below her nose, inhaling its scent. "Oh nothing~ and Makoto-kun, would I really be so incompetent as to make a mistake in flower arrangement? Now, you're just being rude." She reprimanded. Kashino grew an irk mark at the girl's response.


"You heard me, Makoto-kun~" 


Then, the two continued arguing, although being quite one-sided. Hanabusa and Andou shared a look though, as if knowing something what the 'hidden meaning' behind the older but beautiful woman's words. 

The rumors about what happened then spread farther than they would have thought. 

| The Next Day - Baking class |

It was a somewhat peaceful day, if you exclude Ichigo's daily clumsiness. 

It was currently baking class and the students were assigned to make choux. 

"Ichigo-chan, please turn on the switch for the oven."

"Eh, now? But I haven't done anything yet." 

"It's to ensure the temperature is high. It takes time to raise the temperature."


"Amano-san, please melt the butter." 


Hildegarde smiled as she watched the girl move around. She was doing decently today, she thought. "Oi, Hilde. Stop daydreaming and work already." Kashino demanded from beside her. 

The young beauty pouted as she turned to him. "Mou~ I'm not daydreaming. Besides, I'm already done!" She replied. Kashino rolled his eyes at her while mumbling a silent 'whatever'. 

Hildegarde huffed, she didn't know why Kashino was acting strange sometimes. He would always call her out when her attention was happily on another but when she's on her phone or anything else, he wouldn't dare bother her. Unless she was messaging someone, for some reason, he would always glance from behind her shoulder to see her phone. He would never do any action but when she was texting some of her male contacts, she would hear things fall or even sometimes growls and the somewhat usual angry mumblings of the boy, not that she was able to understand him either way. 

Boys were strange. 

"Damn it, what are you doing...were really listening to the teacher?!" She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the boy beside her shout. 

The brunette across from them furrowed her brows, "O-Of course I did." Hildegarde could tell the girl regretted stuttering. She giggled at the two's interaction. 

After a few more 30 minutes, it was all ready and the only thing Group A had to do was bake the choux in the oven and then sprinkle it with a bit of sugar and they're done! 

And so, the three watched as Ichigo put the last tray in the oven with a content expression. 

A few more minutes passed and the choux was baking up nicely. Ichigo was asked to keep an eye on the choux while the other cleaned the countertops. 

"It looks delicious!" the brunette gushed while holding up her mitten covered hands to her face. She then moved to open the oven, alarming the three boys.




However, they were too late. The oven was opened. Ichigo stood there dumbfounded while holding the handles. 

Vanilla, who was hidden in the brunette's tie, screamed 'no!' while flailing her arms as is she was a chicken who just lost its head. 

Hildegarde released a deep breath she didn't even know she was holding in. "She's really stupid, huh! Hahaha!" L' Sucre remarked as she rolled in laughter. L' Amer nodded, "She really is, doesn't she know it's wrong to open the ovens when choux is baking inside? It's basic knowledge." She commented, shaking her head in disappointment. "I can't believe she was recruited by Henri-sama.." L' Sucre let out another fit of giggles, "Right?!"

The two spirits had just come back last night. Apparently, Elite Court duties had caught them and they  held them up longer than they though. Hildegarde didn't mind though. 

What she did mind was the two's voices. Ichigo had just gotten her own Sweets Spirit meaning she could've heard the two blatantly insulting her without any care for her feelings. She sighed at her two spirits' attitudes. "If you're going to slander her, at least be quiet about it. She had just gotten her Sweets Spirit. Vanilla was her name, I think. I heard them talking yesterday in the gardens." 

L' Sucre finally stopped her laughing fit. She had properly looked at the brunette this time. A rare smirk creeping up her face. "Eh~ I can't believe a moron like her got herself her own spirit. That Vanilla girl must be stupid too." She turned back to her mistress and sister, "No offense though!" She added as her innocent-looking expression came back. 

Hildegarde and L' Amer stayed quiet at the other spirit's words. L' Sucre's personality was...complicated to describe much like Hildegarde's. The platinum beauty kept up a mask while the spirit did whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, insulted whomever she desired. 

Without not even knowing she was already piercing their hearts out because of her transparent words. Hildegarde was much more concealed and preferred to sugarcoat her words. 

L' Amer was caught in the middle of the two. "Can you two please stop that?" She mumbled under her breath, not expecting them to hear her. The two females looked at her with confused eyes, "Stop what?" They asked simultaneously. L' Amer simply deadpanned at them, "Never mind. Let's focus on the moronic Ichigo Amano. Alright?" She pointed to the girl, successfully reverting their attention back to the girl.

The scene Hildegarde came upon made her freeze for a second. The brunette girl was on the floor, flour on her head, egg yolks splattered everywhere on the floor, and more mayhem. 

Hildegarde raised a brow at the pitiful scene. My my~ what did I miss?

The beauty looked over at a small group of girls. The girl who had unruly blonde hair and brown eyes had an arm on her other shoulder on the side, she held a 'pained' expression. 


I continued to roll my eyes at the girl's ridiculous acting. "It hurts!" She complained in her high-pitched bitchy voice. Honestly, I doubt anyone would fall for her act—not that she was even trying. 

Besides, even if she didn't purposely trip Amano, she would've still tripped. The girl was shaking in nervousness and light excitement at the thought of redeeming herself to her teammates. She was practically skipping, she would have tripped sooner or later. 

I watched as my fellow classmates 'whispered' insults at the girl. Amano's face gradually fell, her eyes swirling in the seas of humiliation, sadness, anxiousness, and more negative shiz. I almost felt bad. 

Buuut~ well, I guess she needs this to grow or something, right? That's what nii-sama told me. Though, most of what he says is bullshit, he is still an adult...of some sorts so he's bound to have said some inspiring quotes here and there. 

"The easy way to learn through others' mistakes. The hard way is from your own mistakes. And the tragic way is not learning from either." Is what he always told me. At first, I genuinely respected him because of his words but soon, I found out the quote was from the internet. Apparently, he had so desperately asked his secretary to provide him an inspiring quote for aspiring patissieres, he was such a seemingly perfect guy but he didn't know how to make a few simple words. It wasn't really important but we both have never been really good with inspiring people. 

At least, not consciously.

Well, to be fair. It's not like we really needed some quotes to cheer or motivate us in life. Not to brag or anything, but me and my brother have always managed to perfect anything and everything we see only once. And exactly because of that are we always bored and rarely shocked at anything that are normally unexpected and flabbergasting to the norms. 

Although, I'm sure Henri-nii-sama's less desperate for the extraordinary unlike me because well, have you even seen his paperwork? Absolute mountains. I mean, just cause we're perfect at everything we do—doesn't mean we have high stamina. 

I was pushed out of my thoughts by the echoing laughter of my classmates. The brunette girl was now standing up whilst being reprimanded by Ameya-sensei. I slowly walked up to the boys who had tired expressions. 

"There's always next time, right?" I started as they turned their attentions to me. "Besides, I doubt this will really dent even just a bit at our total scores." I reassured smoothly. I smiled as their eyes lit up once again. Their tired faces were no more. 

I flinched lightly as I felt a warm, slender, and slightly more muscular hand creep up to my own. I looked over at Makoto, whom was looking forward. Beside him was Satsuki and Andou, they were cleaning up the mess on the floor. 

I felt heat crawl up to my face as I glanced at me and Makoto's clenched hands. I leaned in more to his side as to cover our hands.

My free hand pressed against my lips as I giggled. I felt the caramel haired boy beside me grip harder. "Oi." I heard from him making me stop but nonetheless grin. 

I looked forward at the two other boys. "Ne~ ne~, shouldn't we go and comfort our sweet new teammate~" I coaxed. The three of them perked up at the sudden realization. 

I took one last look at Makoto before looking down, my bangs blanketing my face. 

If it was my past self, I would think he actually cared.

Satsuki had volunteered on going to confront Amano-chan. Andou had suggested that we all should go together while Makoto insisted to just leave her be. 

I, for one, didn't really care of their decision. 

Satsuki said he wanted to show the girl something. I'm assuming they went to granpa's garden. Eh, as long as they don't do anything as extreme as making out then I'll be fine with them being there. 

I chuckled at my own thoughts. Right now, Makoto and Andou were chatting about things I'd rather not join in. 

"Hm~ I'm bored. I'm going to take a walk~" Was what I said as I dashed out of the room. 

It was true. It had been a few hours after the whole incident in the baking room and it was now noon. I craned my head to the side as I munched on some chocolate flavored macaroons. "Geez, what're those two doing?" I halted my feet and put up a shocked face. "Could it be—!" 

"Ah!" The voice of one of my precious Sweets Spirits, L' Sucre, voiced out as she pointed to a certain direction. Me and L' Amer looked towards the directed place. 

It was Satsuki and Amano-chan. The two of them were standing in front of small tower of choux, it having been obviously decorated by Satsuki. It was cute, I guess. 

Taking out my phone, I tapped on it for a few seconds. I began to walk to the baking room. And I know I can just open on of the large windows and climb inside but well, that wouldn't be too unladylike, now would it?

I have to keep up appearances, for pete's sake! Sigh, the things I do for an eventful life. 

After a few more minutes of walking, I came across Rumi-chan and later on, Makoto and Andou. 

I had messaged Makoto and Andou about Amano-chan making choux and they agreed to come with. Rumi-chan had tagged along after hearing about it. 

Entering the baking room, we made our way towards the brunette. "Ichigo-chan!" Rumi-chan called out as she jogged towards the other girl. Me, Andou and Makoto-kun followed behind. 

"You made some choux creme, right?" 

Amano-chan's expression seemingly lit up at the sight of us. "Everyone..." We heard her mutter. 

Soon enough, we were standing with in front of the choux creme. "Wah~" Rumi breathed out. "You're amazing, Amano-san." Andou praised as the other girl smiled. Makoto pushed Amano-chan out of the way with a scowl, all while dragging me by the hand. "No, don't be fooled by the appearance. We have to taste to judge." He stated.

Amano-chan pouted in frustration at his words. I giggled at this, "Don't be rude, Makoto.." I told him, to which he responded with small smile. 

"Well then..." Slowly, we reached our hands out to grab the choux. "Itadakimasu!"

As we were about to touch the treat, Amano-chan's voice cut in. "No! I should be first~!!" She whined to which we all giggled at. 

"Did you take our words for real?" Rumi-chan teased, Amano-chan nodded meekly causing our laughter to come back louder than ever. 

"Remember to leave some for Vanilla's!" My smile twitched as I heard the familiar yet unfamiliar voice. I carefully took a peek at the Sweets Spirit. She was quite adorable.

Though, not very comparable to my own. 

My thoughts continued flowing all while not noticing the lingering gaze of a peculiar someone. 


Someone who she would never have thought of when it came to anything related to her. 

If she had noticed them, she would have just scoffed in her mind and would finalize their gaze as a mistake and they were just looking somewhere beyond her, that she was just in the way and she would then move away from their side. 

Fortunately for them, she didn't see them. They wanted to enjoy the view of her longer. 

To them, she was just absolutely breathtaking. Too bad they didn't have the privilege to do that on a whim anymore. In the past, they would casually reason that she was just too pretty and it tempted them to just stare at her however after a little problem occurred, their 'relationship' had taken a very sharp turn. 

If one were to make a mental visualization of their relationship, it would be as if they were lovers of more than 6 years that had undergone a major breakup and then they reverted back to mere acquaintances. 

Even if they were only children, they had already given each other their first kisses. Of course, they had never understood what was wrong with such things and even when they did finally understand the whole concept of it all, they kept sharing small pecks here and there. 

When 'they' were going to consult her about the problem and hopefully even regress their 'relationship' to what it once was and maybe even advance it even more...

The young beauty was already too heartbroken to listen to reason and she—

"Hilde!" Golden eyes met chocolate brown ones. Kashino raised a brow at the beauty's silence. "Oi, Hildegarde! Let's go. We have a curfew." He said as he walked towards her. Hildegarde stayed silent. 

"Hey-" The caramel haired boy reached a hand to grab the girl's but when their fingers touched, the beauty had pulled back. Kashino's eyes widened slightly at her unexpected (not really) reaction. 

But before he could question further. Hildegarde make a swift pass at the boy, her hair flowing behind her as she did so. "Thanks, Makoto! Let's go, we have a curfew right?" She asked cheerfully. She began making her way out the door. 

Kashino's frozen state broke as he heard his childhood friend's voice. He shook his head, ignoring the 'strange' aching he was feeling. "Oh..um...yeah.." He replied shortly. 

Needless to say, his hand felt a bit cold that night. 

—she did something that caused the other's heart to shatter into multiple pieces and ultimately break them.  

[Dramatic or nah? Eh. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this second chapter of my second story. I will try and update this as soon as I can.

Oh and no. I don't have the single clue of anything related to flower arrangement sooo...yeah.

Good day, my lovelies!!]

Time : 7:56 pm - Philippines, Manila

Word Count : 4808 words

E · N · D

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