Friends with Benefits [m.c.]

Por cryingforobrien

164K 4.5K 3.8K

After a bad breakup, Alyssa swears off relationships. Until she meets Michael Clifford, that is. {Started - A... Más

Break Up
Long Way Home
Official Reunion
How I Feel
It Takes Two to Bang
The Pact
Promise That I'll Never Tell
Alyssa Hart Takes LA
Love Triangles
Love Hurts
Fighting & Frustration
Falling Into Place
Everybody's Got Somebody But Michael
Character Answers!
The First Time?
CSI: 5 Seconds of Summer
New York
Catch Her If You Can
Planes, Clichés, and Confessions
Epilogue - Love & Marriage
Locked Out - One Shot Contest Entry
FWB Reaches 100K!
Bonus Chapter - More Love & Another Marriage

The One Where Michael is Fine

4.7K 140 176
Por cryingforobrien

A/N: The video (either on the side or above) is how I imagine some of you might feel right now, haha. Well, this is how Mikey feels, too! Feel free to watch the video and laugh at Ross trying to cope with the girl he loves (Rachel) dating his best friend (Joey) :) It's hilarious. I'm sure your feelings toward Calyssa mimic Ross a bit.

Michael's POV

"Calum!" I hear Alyssa yell on speaker phone. "You are NOT taking me hunting!"

He laughs loudly, making me want to vomit. "Fine, fine," he says. "We'll just go to the beach for a late-night swim, how does that sound?"

"Sounds great! I'm excited!" she pipes. Her happiness about this makes my whole body ache. It's still a slap in the face that I heard about it from Luke, and neither of them.

"Me too!" Calum says with a laugh. "I'll pick you up around 8:30, okay?"

"Yeah! Tell the other boys I said hello!" she tell him.

I dash off the couch into his room, running into the doorframe. I cling to the wall, and Calum gives me a weird look. I ignore it.

"Haiiii Alyssa," I yell as Calum tries to say something else. I hear her laugh.

"Is that Michael?" she asks with another laugh.

I grin awkwardly. "Yes, ma'am."

She laughs again. "Good to hear from you, Mikey. I miss you."

"I miss you, too," I say, attempting to be all cool and nonchalant.

Luke taps my shoulder and ushers me into the kitchen. I hear Calum say goodbye to Alyssa, and I sigh from relief.

"Come on, we're going to visit my mum," he orders, grabbing the keys to his car.

I narrow my eyes. "What's going on?"

Luke shrugs. "Nothing, I just thought you would wanna go out tonight."

"Is this about Alyssa?" I ask. "Because I gave Cal permission, it's fine with me. I'm fine."

Luke says nothing. He just rolls his eyes and practically drags me out to his car. Damn, the boy has gotten strong. I need to go to the gym more often before the tour starts.

"Remember, no smart-ass comments, or my mum will punch you in the face," Luke orders.

I snort. "Please, Liz would never hit me. She loves me too much. She probably loves me more than you."

His hand collides with my stomach, and I cry out in pain. Yeah, I really need to go to the gym.

"Keep your eye on the road, Skippy," I bark as I wrap my arms around myself.

"I'll hit you again," he threatens. I stay quiet.

When we get to the House of Hemmo, Luke practically runs through the door. What a lame ass mumma's boy.

I get out of the car and slowly walk toward the door until I hear Liz call, "Michael Gordon Clifford, hurry up and come say hello!"

I run up to her like a little kid and give her a hug. Okay, so maybe I'm a lame ass mumma's boy, too.

"Hi, Liz," I greet her as she runs a hand through my hair. 

"Your hair gets thinner every time I see you," she scolds. "I need to have someone convince you that you're gonna be bald before you're 25."

Luke and I laugh. "Mum, he's accepted that fate," Luke tells her.

I move past her into the kitchen. I start to search the cabinets and fridge to figure out what to eat.

"Michael, sit down and I'll make you guys some food. It'll be 15 minutes, at most. You are not coming in my house and making a huge mess like you all used to do when you were younger," Liz tells me.

I smile evilly. "Tell me in the Mum Voice, and I'll listen."

She sighs. "Michael, that's ridiculo--"

"I guess I'll just get this bag of Doritos everywhere, then," I interject.

"Michael, sit down, now," she says sternly. 

I do as she says, and Luke sits beside me like the good boy that he is.

"So," Liz says to us as she begins to cook. "How's life going, boys? Anything new for me to hear?"

"Nope," Luke replies. "Well, I mean, Calum is on a date tonight."

Liz turns around sharply. "Did you just say Calum has a date tonight?"

"Yeah," I say quickly. "Who would've thought, right?"

I shoot a look at Luke for bringing it up, and he shrugs.

"So how about this weather?" I continue.

"Oh, no you don't," Liz says. "Don't avoid the elephant in the room, Michael Clifford."

I look around. "I don't see an elephant here."

She slaps the back of my head. "I mean the fact that you're jealous that Calum is out tonight and you're not."

"I'm not jealous," I mumble as she goes back to making food.

A few minutes later, Liz brings over a platter of sandwiches with some mac and cheese, along with some pudding. I dig into a sandwich eagerly, hoping that the subject of Calum's date will be dropped.

"So, Luke," Liz says. "When is this date of Calum's?"

Luke glances at the clock. "About four hours from now."

"What?" she asks. "Where's he taking her? It better not be a club, or I'll call Joy right now and have her drag him home by his dick!"

"Mum!" Luke yells, his face turning pink.

She narrows her eyes at her son. "Luke Robert Hemmings, don't say a word. You and I both know I would do it to you."

I bite my lip to keep from laughing at Liz. She's so protective over all of us, and I love it when she embarrasses Luke.

"Anyway," she continues as she takes a bite of her sandwich. "Where's he going with this girl?"

"The beach," I mumble. "They're going for a 'late-night swim,' according to him."

"Oh," Liz says with a nod and a look at me that I can't quite place. "Oh, Mikey."

She comes over to me and pulls me into a hug. I try to push her off with a giggle and a light shove, but she grips me tighter and kisses my temple before letting me go.

"What the hell was that for?" I ask as I wipe my head where she kissed me.

"Hey!" Luke and Liz yell at the same time. "No swearing, young man!"

Luke's eyes widen as he looks at his mum in horror. "Oh no," he says. "I am Liz Hemmings."

I laugh loudly as they continue to stare at each other. Eventually, Luke goes outside to relieve himself of embarrassment.

"Michael," Liz says to me. "Seriously, what's wrong?"

I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean? Nothing's wrong. I'm fine."

She rolls her eyes. "No you aren't. You look like you haven't played League of Legends in over a week."

"How did you--?"

"Michael, I toured with you, remember?" she reminds me. "I know what you're like when you're sad."

"I'm not sad, Liz!" I tell her. "I'm fine! Honestly!"

She huffs. "Okay, if you're 'fine', tell me all about Calum and his date. Everything you know."

"Everything?" I ask.

"Everything," she repeats with a nod.

I sigh. "You're asking for it. I'll give you the short version, but you have to promise that you won't make fun of me."

"Why would I do that?" she asks.

"Because he's going on a date with a girl that I'm sleeping with," I say quickly.

I can see the flame in her eyes. "WHAT?"

"Alyssa, the girl he's going on a date with tonight. She's my childhood best friend, and we've been sleeping together. I didn't know she was even remotely interested in Calum until last week when he asked for my permission to ask her on a date, and she ended up saying yes."

She bites the inside of her cheek. "Why is she on a date with Calum if she's sleeping with you?"

"We're not together," I explain. "We're just... friends with benefits."

I cringe, waiting for her to show her wrath, but she never does. Instead, she laughs.

"W-what's so funny?" I ask nervously.

"You," she laughs. "You love this girl!"

"I do not!" I retort. "Luke said that, Ashton said that, and now you! I don't love her. She's my friend, and that's all. She's my friend that is going out with my other friend, which I'm totally fine with."

She walks to the kitchen, and returns with a bottle of vodka.

"If you're so 'fine' with this, drink up, sucker," she orders. "Let's just say that Alyssa is preparing to spend her life with Calum, and see how fine you are with that after you have some alcohol in your system."

I take a sip from the new bottle. The liquor burns the back of my throat, and I like it.

"Keep going, lad," she says.

I take in another large gulp, cringing.

"Why are you letting me do this?" I ask.

"Experimentation," she replies in a serious tone. "You'll either thank me or hate me in the morning."

I drink, and drink, and drink until I'm about halfway done with the bottle. My vision becomes cloudly.

"Mikey," I hear Liz say, but it's muffled. "Think about Alyssa."

"Alyssa," I say as I shut my eyes and smile. "She's so funnyyy. And preeetty. She's so AWESOME!"

I faintly hear a door open, and I turn around to see Luke stumbling through the door. Well, maybe that's just my vision fucking with me.

"Luuuuukeeeeeyyy," I call, trying to stand up, but I fall out of my chair.

Luke picks me up. "Mum, did you let him drink?!"

"Hush," she hisses. "Just wait, dear."

I sit up again, and the room is spinning. I don't like that, so I take another drink.

"How do you feel about Calum and Alyssa now?" Liz asks.

I grin and form a double chin. "I'm just fiiiiiine, Liz, thanks for asking."

As I take another drink, I see Luke whisper something in her ear. She nods.

"Hey," Luke says to me. "So apparently Calum found out that Alyssa is in love with you. How does that make you feel?"

My head perks up. "She l-loves me?"

Luke nods.

I reach for my phone. "I need to tell her I love her," I slur as I manage to get it out of my pocket.

"Oh, no you don't," Luke says as he grabs my phone and takes the vodka.

"Heeeey," I whine and pout. 

Liz crouches down beside me. "So do you love Alyssa?"

I feel tears fill my eyes and I start to cry, even though there's no real reason why.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I tell them.

Eventually, Luke half carries me out to the car.

"Seven at night and you're already drunk," Luke mutters with an eyeroll.

We go home, and no one is there. He opens my door for me, and starts to lift me up.

"No, no," I slur. "I got this. I'm just fine, Lukey boy."

"You are not," he says with a grunt as he tries to pick me up again. Eventually, I get myself standing, and I run to the door.

I run into an invisible force, and I'm thrown to the ground.

"What the hell? Am I in the Hunger Games?" I ask.

Luke picks me up with difficulty. "No, dumbass, that's the door."

He takes me inside and throws me in bed. "Good night, Michael."

"Lukeyyyyy! Cuddle me!"

"No!" he yells. "Good night!"

I start to sing Stay with Me off-pitch just to piss him off, and sure enough, he appears in my room a couple minutes later.

"As long as you'll shut up," Luke says.

Then, I black out.


"Hey!" someone calls, throwing something at me.

I shoot up, my head pounding, and my stomach churning. Before bothering to acknowledge who's in the room with me, I run to the bathroom and wretch. It burns and smells of vodka, which makes me throw up more. I hate hangovers.

"Need some aspirin?" I hear Luke call from behind me. I continue to vomit as my answer.

Finally, I collapse next to the toilet, hugging it.

"Here," Luke says when he comes back, handing me some water and aspirin. "You're gonna need a lot of this today."

I gratefully take it from him and consume it, trying not to throw up again.

"Get me some gum," I mumble after I finish my glass of water. He leaves again, but returns quickly with a piece. I take it faster than he can say, "Here."

"So what did I do last night?" I ask, dreading to know the answer. That was the last time I'll ever trust Liz Hemmings. 

He sighs. "Well, you really wanted to cuddle last night, for one thing. I feel extremely violated now, and that's even after all those times Calum has tried to get in my bed naked."

My eyes widen. "I'm so sorry. Remind me to never let you mum allow me to drink again."

"Don't worry," he says. "I won't. That was a disaster. She just wanted the truth out of you, that's all."

"What truth?" I ask quickly.

He rolls his eyes. "You know what truth!" he yells, which makes me wince.

"The truth that you're in love with Alyssa, and the fact that Calum got her before you is pissing you off," he continues in a hushed tone.

"Luke!" I say. "I'm fucking fine! Why does no one believe me?"

"Are you kidding me?" he asks. "Fucking look at yourself, man! You're hugging a damn toilet after getting super drunk last night and talking about how much you wanna be with this girl that your friend is out with, and how you--"

"Hang on," I interrupt. "Did I say that?"

He pauses. "Yes. She was all you talked about last night. Thank God I had your phone, or we would've had a lot of issues." 

I press my back against the wall, and curl up into a ball.

The front door of the house opens, and I hear Calum's voice fill the house. 

"Boys! Are you home?" I hear him call.

I stay frozen.

"Don't worry," Luke whispers. "I'll tell him you're still in bed."

He goes to the living room, and leaves me be. I sit on the bathroom floor for what seems like hours. My head is pounding, my heart is racing, my stomach is churning and growling, and I have no idea what the hell happened last night.

I only know one thing for sure at this moment, and it scares me to even admit it.

I'm in love with Alyssa Hart.


Oh, Michael. Somebody was drunk in love *Beyonce plays* hehehe. 

I don't even know right now. I'm tired.

Goodnight :)

-Rachel xxx

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