The Prince's Pursuit (David W...

By cranean

5.8K 114 71

Callista Miller, the fifth judge of Britain's Got Talent, is head over heels over the comedian slash children... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Special Chapter
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Five

573 10 18
By cranean

For the past two weeks, Callista had accepted the fact that her life was much better in Manchester. Given that roaming around the globe for the last three years had broadened her perspective, from India to Africa and various countries with massive knots regarding the welfare of children and endangered animals, her heart still belonged in London.

Her foundations in United Kingdom were non-stop and the huge predicament with BGT was also as heavy, albeit she love her work but she was also human and needed a tad bit of rest.

"Hey," she calls over the phone as she rubbed her aching temples. Her voice throaty as she coughed.

"Hello, sweetie. Is something wrong?" Alesha's voice was laced with worry. "You sound sick."

Callista bunched up another pair of tissue paper in her hands and blew her nose.

"Y-yeah about that... I think I'm not coming today." She sniffed, groaning as she felt a ringing pain on her temples.

"Alright. I'll tell the others. Do you need some help? I could come and assist you later." Alesha offers.

"No, no. It's fine. All I need is rest. Lots of sleep." She assures as her thermometer beeped, picking it under her armpit, she nearly threw the device in frustration but her arms were too weak to do it.

"If you're sure. But I'll call later again to check up on you."

"Thanks, Lesha."

"No worries, babe. Rest well."

The line went dead and Callista's hand slumped on her mattress. Her room was still dark and gloomy, her curtains are yet to be opened.

She begrudgingly got off her comfortable bed and staggered towards her window, clutching on her flimsy nightie for what little heat it could offer. Her feet was bare and it felt cold against the marbled floors.

She pulled the drapes aside.

"Bloody hell." She whined as her watery eyes closed tightly, her head aching much worse.

"It just had to be freaking bright." She glared at the sun, her temperature rising.


She walked towards her vanity and took a good look. She looked sick, alright. Her usual rosy complexion was bright red, eyes watery, and lips shivering.

She exhaled numbly before brushing her hair with her fingers.

"Just feed Cleo and you're off to sleep." She tells herself softly, watching her eyes flicker.

Nodding, she padded her way towards her door and opened it, a white feline almost jumping at seeing her owner. She purred and rubbed her head on her leg.

"No playing today, love. Mommy's sick." Callista supplied as she picked the cat up and went down the stairs.

Callista nearly toppled over the staircase and used the railings for dear life, her vision blurry.


"I'm worried."

David bit the pad of his thumb, his right feet tapping impatiently. He turned to Alesha who frowned at her phone.

"Maybe she's asleep." Simon piped, offering a bit of assurance. "She did tell you that, didn't she?"

"But she's a light sleeper. Any sound or ruckus would've waken her up." Amanda argued, crossing her legs.

"And she always keeps her phone near her." Alesha added.

David couldn't ignore it. He knew something was terribly wrong the moment he stepped in the London Poladium and Callista nowhere to be found. His jaw was tense and knuckles curled tightly.

"I'll check on her." He finalized after a minute.

The other three turned to him, perplexed.

"You sure?"

David nodded imperceptibly, almost not believing if it happened. He gathered up his car keys and stood up.

"Here's her spare key, she would always lend me one." Amanda quipped and gave it to David.

Alesha smiled. "Thanks, Dave."

David waved and left the building, his stance guarded. He went over to the parking lot and entered his car, bringing the engine back to life and drove to Callie's house.

He dialed Callista's number as he turned to the usual route days ago. It was unavailable. He tried the next three times and the same response was given. He cursed, speeding up.

He had a really bad feeling about this and he tried to composed his overthinking thoughts.

His tires came to a screeching halt and David immediately exited his car, slamming the door closed. He swallowed thickly before entering. Arriving at her front porch, he pressed the doorbell.

After a few seconds, nothing but a motionless quietness met him and he gnawed at the inside of his cheek.

"Callie?" He called as he knocked on large, white double-doors.

Still no answer.


There was fumbling behind the door and David heard claws scratching on the wood.


"To hell with this." He muttered under his breath as he fished out the spare key Amanda gave and inserted it in the keyhole.

With a quick flick, David opened the door, almost knocking the white animal. Cleopatra bit at end of his pants, somehow leading him.

The inside of the large household was serene. He grew skeptic.


No answer.

David stopped dead on his tracks as he took a small whiff, sniffing. His eyes grew wide as he registered that something was burning.

He ran towards the direction and gasped. The kitchen counter was on fire, smoke emitted from the tubes. Callista was sprawled on the floor, hair haphazard, sweating, and breathing heavily.


He ran towards Callista. "Callie, wake up. It's me. David."

She murmured something incoherent and coughed violently. David propelled her in a sitting position, leaning her on the counter. He nearly flinched from how cold her body felt.

The smoke grew a dark shade of black and David gently covered Callista's nose with his handkerchief, enough for her to breathe.

He coughed as he fanned the smoke, wetting multiple towels, he found in the cabinets, and turned on the faucet before throwing them on the growing flames, putting it off. It sizzled as it died down.

He walked towards the glass doors and opened it, letting the smoke exit the area.

Sighing in relief, he went back to Callista who was breathing heavily.

David's heart broke. He cupped her cheek and caressed it with his thumb, Callie leaned to his hand, desperate for body heat.

"Callie." He called softly, his other hand on her neck, steadying her.

Callista blinked her tired eyes open, brown-green eyes dull.


His heart flutters as he stroked her cheek lovingly. He smiled sadly. "I'm here, love. Davy's here."

Callista whimpered and limply snaked her arms around David's neck, pulling him close. She didn't know if her mind was playing tricks on her but she was glad he's here. She actually thought she was going to die today, and somehow, she wanted to see David one last time.

"I—I feel cold." She whispered.

He kissed her temple and landed his other hand on her small waist, picking her up with ease.

"Let's get you to your room." He murmured and assumed her quarters was on the second floor.

"Have you eaten?"

Callista, half conscious, bobbed her head.

"I w-was cooking fo-for lunch."

"I'll cook." He persisted, frowning.

David turned to the east wing as he finally reached upstairs. It was left ajar and David opened it with his hip, entering Callista's room

On the outside, he was reserved as he carried her and gently lay her on the bed but on the inside, he was crumbling. If he hadn't come in time, she would've been—

David growled, shaking off the thought. Never again. He won't lose her. Not now, not ever.

David tucked her in and she nestled on the covers, sighing in content. He sat beside her and placed his hand on her forehead. She was still icy cold.

"Callie, I'll make you something. Is there something else you need?" He asked and held her hand in his.

Callista turned to him, opening her eyes. She was still processing, pondering, weighing her options. She pursed her lips.

"Wa-warm milk?"

He smiles. "Of course. Rest, love. I'll be back in a jiffy."

Callie didn't answer and exhaled shakily before closing her eyes. She wanted to asked how he knew, when he got here. She questioned why he even cared but refrained herself and gave in, savoring it.

David went down and made her soup, after cleaning the mess and putting the wet towels on the laundry bin he came across. He rolled up his sleeves and fed Cleopatra milk as David set Callie's food on a tray before going up.

He entered her room again and set the tray on her nightstand.

Callie sensed him inside her room and sat on headboard, wincing as her body was in pain.

"Let me help."

She watched, amazed, at how gentle David's hands were when he put a soft pillow behind her, easing her discomfort.

She was thankful her face was already burning or else David would've witnessed how hard she was blushing right now.

"Th-thanks." She mumbled, smiling.

David responded with his signature smirks and sat beside her, picking up the bowl of soup.

The scent wafted to Callista's nostrils and her stomach rumbled in protest. It smelt good and she knew David's cooking was one of the best.

"I can feed myself." She objects, feeling like a child being scolded.

David ignored her and scooped a spoonful of broth. "Yes, well, I have all day. Either we argue or you take a sip."

The corners of her mouth twitch. Her hands were numb and weak, anyway, so she obliged. She opened her mouth and nearly moaned at the delicious taste. She could have this everyday and she won't even protest.

"Tastes good?" David chuckled as Callista looked much better than she was before.

She shrugged. "It's alright. Not too bad."

He raised an eyebrow, eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, I see. Maybe I'll finish this."

"No!" She instantly announced and David snickered.

Callie huffed. "Fine. It's amazing."

"And?" David teased, feeding her once more.

"Gordon Ramsay is shaking." She finished, giggling.

David put the empty bowl on the plate. "Now, that's wasn't too hard, right?"

Callie rolled her eyes, now feeling awake and better, mayhap her body was minutes away from collapsing again but it was bearable.

"Here's your warm milk."

She happily took it with her hands and drank the contents of the glass in one gulp, all the while David was observing her. She grew antsy and licked the remaining liquid on her lips as the glass was emptied.

They were holding each other's eyes and Callista felt her heart was in her throat. This man she's currently in love with took care of her, saved her life. It wasn't a dream. David's really here with her.

Something flickered in David's eyes, it was gentle and...loving?

She cleared her throat. "That was delicious. Thank you again, David."

He suddenly came back to the present and nod, taking the glass and standing up. Callista suddenly felt cold from the lost proximity.

"No worries. I'll be taking this downstairs. Need anything else?" He asked by the door.

Callista shook her head. "No, I'm all fine."


He twirled around and padded his way downstairs, leaving Callista with her thoughts. She wondered how'd he even get it, maybe it has to do with Alesha.

Speaking of her. Callista reached for her cellphone and as the screen lit up, multiple missed calls and text messages from Simon, Alesha, Amand, and David popped up.

Her fingers hovered over the screen and replied to theirs texts, Alesha mainly.

Friday, 3:06 pm.

Amanda gave David your spare key, hope you don't mind. How are you feeling? Is David there with you?

Friday, 4:14 pm.

Hey, Lesha! Sorry about the delay but yes, I'm fine now. David's here. I'm sorry for making you, guys, worried.

Friday, 4:16 pm.

You gave us a fright! Be careful next time please and when you really aren't feeling well, don't hesitate to call us.

Friday, 4:17 pm.

I will. Sorry again.

"Why the long face?"

Callista squeaked in surprise as David sauntered to her side and set a glass of water on her nightstand, a wet towel in hand.

"Just texting Alesha I'm fine." She answered softly.

David squeezed the towel as the water dripped on the bowl. He folded it neatly and cupped Callie's face, catching her off guard.

"You're burning. Are you sure you're alright?" He asks worriedly, thick eyebrows furrowed.

"Y-yes." Her voice reached a high octave, looking anywhere but his eyes as he wiped her face with the towel in a delicate manner, his touch almost non-existent.

"You're done. I brought you some pills to ease your headache if your migraine triggers." He informed as he set the towel on the bowl, motioning for the glass of water.

Callista stared.

"Wh-why?" She blurted.

David gave her a quizzical look. "Well, you did have an headache earlier, right? Or are you—"

She sighed, stopping him. "No, David. I meant, why? Why do this? Why go for all this trouble?"

David gave her dubious look before swallowing and setting his hands on his pants, formulating the right words.

"I thought it was already obvious." He stated softly, rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

Callista's heart was thundering inside its cage.

It couldn't be, could it? 

"Callie." His voice serious as he held both of her hands in his, loving the feeling of how perfect it felt.

"Yes?" She answered, eyes expectant, her fever long forgotten.

"I..." He struggled before closing his eyes and inhaling sharply.

"I love you."

David didn't open his eyes for he didn't know what expression he would see. He needed to tell her. It was now or never.

He felt Callista's hands loosen from his grip and his heart plummets to his stomach.

She hates you, bloody idiot. Why'd you have to tell her now?

Surprisingly, two warm hands cupped his cheeks and his eyes opened in alarm. Callista's eyes were brimming with unshed tears.

"Callie? Did I say something wrong? Shit, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean—" He rambled but was stopped mid-sentence as Callie pulled him close to her and pressed her soft, luscious lips to his.

David moaned at the warm feeling and gathered her in his chest, pulling her closer. Their mouths danced with fervor, passion that had been bottled up for years. David could taste the tears of Callie's and he traced his lips along them, kissing them away and claiming Callista's mouth once more.

"Da-davy." She breath as they broke apart, both gasping for air.

"I love you, too."

David growled lowly before putting her on his lap, his fingers digging to her waist as he slammed his lips to her awaiting ones. Callista was writhing and gripping his collar tightly, breathing him in. The first kiss was passionate but this one, it felt hot and sexy. It was very, very intense.

David could feel his crotch having a hard time on the small space it provided and feeling Callista's heat above it, barely touching, wanted him to make love to her. But he refrained, he wasn't going to act on his wild impulses considering the woman he love was still sick.

He'll give it to her when she wants it, needs it.

"Callista." He rasped after minutes of making out. Their foreheads connected, lips touching.

Callista was breathing heavily, mouth swollen from kissing.

"I love you." David repeated, smiling. "So much."

Callista whimpered before kissing him once again, lost in their passionate connection.

"I love you, too. So much."

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