RWBY x Male reader volume 6

By TheDaleyFlames

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It appears you and your teammate have made it to Argust but getting the help from the people for Atlas is gon... More

Y/n's Character short.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Volume 7 is out now.

Chapter 5

449 6 0
By TheDaleyFlames

And just like you would expect, that place was really nice and it was very crowded. Now that is something unique that you would always like to go. Before you could go on with the others, you have to buy something that will satisfy the beast that you have right in your stomach. You got some donuts and some other stuff and then you went right back to the others.

Y/n: So did I miss anything?

Ruby: No, I would say that you are just on time. 

You saw where Ruby was coming from right now. Therefore you saw Nora from afar.

Nora: Is that cute boy Oz, I see?

Oh boy, poor Oscar, he wasn't ready for what was gonna happen right now. Nora tackles him to the ground with some joy of happiness.

Y/n: I guess that I should have seen that coming right now. So where are you guys staying?

Nora: I think that you would be happy to where we are going.

Y/n: I see. Maybe we will find someone that could help us. 

Everyone took a train down to place that they were now staying.

Y/n: This is a big town, I must say. I hope that where we are going, we will meet someone that is actually kind and strong. They will actually see how strong and positive that we all are.

You were now at the stop.

Y/n: So where are we going right now?

Jaune: Well you will just have to wait for it.

Y/n: Well I am just so eager to see how they will act toward us. Maybe that blonde lady would tell us where we should be.

You took a good look at the blonde lady and then you looked right at Jaune. They looked almost identical and she was holding a baby in her hand.

Jaune: Hey Saph.

Falling behind her, is a young man.

Sylan: I know that it would be really rude to leave our guest like this. My name is Sylan L/n and this here is my wife Saphron Arc.

He looked almost like you but he is just older and more stylish. His hair is really nice and well lined up and he is holding two children of his. They are both girls. They had black and blonde hair.And also, the uniform that he was wearing is exactly similar to that if Ironwood

Sylan: And I forgot to mention that these are our children. Adrian, Tayla and Denicia. I would like to introduce you to our home and I could also see that there is some lovely familiar faces.

Of course, he was looking at you. He slowly walked up to you and looked at you.

Sylan: How are you little brother?

Y/n: I am good. How are you.

Sylan: I would like to tell you the same. So, I heard the news about beacon and vale. I am so sorry for what had happened. I am pretty sure that you had some great friends out there.

Y/n: Yes, we indeed did. We also lost a few of our own there too.

Sylan: I am truly sorry to hear all of that. So anyhow, we will make sure that you are feeling more than welcome here.

One of the girls that he was holding in his hand made a cute little noise.

Sylan: Aw, it looks like Denicia wants to tell you hi. Why don't tell you say hello to your uncle?

He handed her to you. She was so little and cute by the that you can't seem to take your eyes off of her. Even Ruby , Weiss and Yang came and took at look at her, giving her some puppy eyes. Even Adrian is jealous at the way how they all looked at her. He didn't stay that way for long though because he is now getting their attention.

Saphron: I know that you are all starving, maybe you should come inside.

Sylan and Saphron let you guys right inside of the house. Sylan stayed right next to his wife as he was watching his kids play. Adrian was getting annoyed by his two siblings always messing with him. It was like Jaune and his sisters all over again.

Y/n: So what do you for a living Sy?

Sylan: Well, you know I fight bad guys all the time and try to bid the city of all of these crimes. I really love what I do cause I get some exercise.

Y/n: Oh really?

Sylan: Yes really. What, you think that just because I didn't go to the same school as you and the fact that I don't have any semblance or aura, you don't think that I'm a decent fighter?

Y/n: What? No, that is not what I am getting at here.

Sylan: Okay, calm down. I am just messing with you by the way.

Saphron: But serious though, he is a really cool fighter.

Sylan: You got that right. Back when I was way younger, I studied some martial arts moves and some shooting so that I could be the tough big guy that I am right now. My fighting is so fierce that no matter what you throw at me, you can't keep me down.

Y/n: Yeah, I would love to see you in action right now. And also, Saphron, are you the only Arc living here?

Saphron: Yep. Move the second that I could. Jaune and I are the only Arc living far from home.

Sylan: I think that it is really lovely that we have family and friends here to see us.

He places his hand right on Saphron's.

Sylan: So Jaune. What do you think of moving like your sister?

Saphron: If you would ask me, I would say that he loves to be like his big sis.

Sylan: Yeah and I would love to be like my little brother.

They had a good little laugh until they heard the door open. There was another young woman with glasses and a boy who is about 4 years old with her.

Saphron: Everyone, this is our wife Terra-cotta and our eldest child Devin.

Terra: Well hello there, you guys weren't kidding when you say that it would be quite a party. Would you guys give me a hand with this.

Ruby: Oh, there is something that I haven't brought up yet. Since your brother is married to Jaune's sister, does that means that you guys are somehow related now?

Y/n: WOW, that is one of the question that I should consider thinking about.  So anyways, I would like to hear how it is like around here.

Sylan: Oh, right. I am actually a commander right here and when I'm off duty, I thought that it would be best for me to visit my family, help take care of the kids and all of that. You guys are welcome to stay here all you want but I know that isn't gonna last long.

Terra: It's the least we can do since you risk your lives to keep people like us safe. Beside Sy that is.

Sylan: And I see that you have a really experience huntsman with you. I can see that you are doing just fine by the way. So how is it being on a team with younglings like these.

Qrow: well believe me, I was quite a professor. I even went to the same academy as them and all of that.

Ruby noticed that there was some sandwiches that was being so she took up knew and shut Qrow up by giving him one.

Ruby: Shut up, there's food.

Nora and the others set the sandwiches down in the table and started to eat along with you. You ate 5 or something more than that. You picked up a mouth full of sandwiches and tried to fit the whole of them down your throat but that didn't work. The other laughed at your stupidity. There was a really loud beeping. It was coming from Sy's scroll.

Sylan: Will you please excuse me. I have to take this call.

He answered the call and started to talk with someone from the military.

Sylan: Fine, I will get down there as soon possible.

He hung up.

Sylan: I guess that my little time off is kinda up right now. I would like if my little brother would come me and see how I deal with things.

Y/n: What? Why?

Sylan: Since semblances is the thing that you do to come around, I would like to show what we non-semblance user do in our time around. By the way, you go on with the plan that you got for tomorrow.

Before he went, he took some pair of guns cause he might be needing them. One of them was white and the other was black.

You followed your brother outside and went into the vehicle that he was driving in. It was like an military armored Jeep used in atlas.  With high speed, he drove all the way to part where the crime was being committed. He parked his vehicle right in front of the their vehicle.

Sylan: I take it that you have a lot stolen goods that doesn't belongs to you.

Thief: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it, mr.Police officer?

He slowly walked over to the thief and looked him right in the face.

Sylan: I will give two choices. Put down those goods and bring them back to where they belonged or we will have to do this hard way.

Well it seems like he had gotten his answer. The thief took a swing with a sword at him. Sy ducked underneath the swing.

Sylan: I guess we are doing this hard way then.

Before he could take another swing at him, Sy grabbed him by the arm and knees him in the face and put his arms right behind his back. The other thief beside him went over to him to attack him but he uses the thief that he attacked earlier and made him as a shield and let him take the hit instead. There was another thief that was gonna shoot right at him put he whipped out one of his gun and shoot the arm of the thief, making his arm freeze. He inserted some more dust right inside of his gun cause he will be needing them really soon. He shot down two more thief and jumped up out of the way of the other one that was gonna take a swing at him by jumping up high in the air and then proceeding to drop a kick right to his face. He looked at the thief that was at right up right on the rooftop. He had two pistols in his hands. He started to firing at him but Sy whipped out his two pistol and started to block out the bullets with his own bullets. Now out of bullets, the thief started to reload. This gave Sy some time to insert some dust into his gun and blasted himself up in the air and kicked the thief down on the ground. While he was still in top of the building, there was one with a knife slowly coming right at him but he ducked his head underneath his swing and uses his gun to knock him down and also knocking out of his teeth. There was a few more on the roof. One grabbed him right from behind and get him into a chokehold. Just when the other one was gonna take his attack, he lifted up his leg and kicked that one down and turned his back to let the bandit grabbing him take the hit for him. He pushes back the bandits and hit one of them in the face, knocking them both down. He shot down another one that was gonna take a shot right at him. When the other bandit was gonna pull out his gun, he shot the gun right out of his hand and proceeded to kick him in the face. He landed safely back on the ground. The remaining one was looking right at him as she was getting ready to make his shot. He fired many time at Sy as he was running towards them but all thanks to Sy's speed and quickness, he was able to avoid the bullet heading right at him. He jumped over the swing that the last thief was gonna send right at him and then delivered one powerful punch right to his face. He handcuffed them for them to be arrested even soon.

Sylan: And that is how you do that without a semblance. Please don't make a big deal about this. I'm pretty sure that you saw something way cooler than this.

Y/n: How could I not make a big deal about this? You were really awesome.

Sylan: Okay. I won't lie to you about that. Before we go home, let's just buy some stuff that we can use to cook. I'm sure that the others would be dying to know what is on our cooking list.

You and your dear brother spend the entire time buying all the material that you needed. You have earned all of this since you are willing to risk your life to protect people. After you were done, you and him were right back home. Sy was the one that alerted.

Sylan: we're home!

He looked around the house to see that faces weren't so happy.

Sylan: I take it that it didn't go so well.

He looked over to Jaune to see that he had cracked a hole in the wall.

Sylan: Well, I will leave you all to it. Just for you know, Saphron and Terra won't be so happy about that wall.

He put down the extra groceries and walked away. You were the one that have to deal with what is going on.

Jaune: everything that we have been fighting has all been for nothing.

Blake: That's not true.

Nora: Are you sure, cause it sure sound like it.

You sighed because you inked how hard that it is gonna be accepting the truth like this.

Ren: If Salem can't be killed, how are we suppose to with this?

The room was now filled with silent. There is no way they could get a proper answer like this.

Jaune: I guess that this a great plan everyone. Terrific.

Oscar: Look, none of this is great, we know. But we're not the bad guys here.

Jaune: Well that's easy for you to say.

Y/n: Jaune, please let's not do this right now.

Jaune just ignores you.

Jaune: He's in your head isn't he? Did you know about this?

Weiss: Jaune, he didn't know about any of this.

Jaune pushes him up against the wall.

Jaune: How long can we even trust him?! How for we even know that it's really him? What do we were talking to that liar this whole time?

He went up to Jaune and yelled right into his ears.

Y/n: Jaune, that is even right now. Let him go, Oscar is just a kid. How could he know about this?

Jaune listened to him and let go of Oscar.

You grabbed Jaune by the collar and looked in him the face.

Y/n: What is wrong with you? Even if Ozpin was in his body, it doesn't give you to right to yell at him like that. He isn't the one that to be yelling or blaming. Just shut up and think about what you have done.

He let him go as he looked at you with some regret in his face. He then proceeded to walk upstairs. Nora proceeded to follow behind him.

Ren: I think that it would be best if we had sometime to ourselves.

Boy, that was a rough talking to. It seems more than a rough talking.

Blake: I think it would be best for all of us to use some space.

They all walked away and started to talk to each other about what had just happened. You looked at Ruby to see that she was trying to speak to someone in her scroll.

Y/n: You don't have to tell me what you are doing. You're trying to speak with your uncle but you can't get him.

Ruby: Yeah. I wonder where cloud he be right now.

Y/n: Knowing Qrow, he would be likely drunk somewhere and not in his right mind.

Ruby: I figured that you would be right cause he is always drunk and he drinks a lot.

Y/n: I must say though, he is one drunk cool guy. I won't lie.

When you walked back into the house, you saw your brother looking tights you.

Y/n: Hey bro.

Sylan: Hey man.

Y/n: Look, I know that you are angry about he wall and all of that but-

Sylan: I know. I must admit though, I am really mad about the whole wall thing but I would say that it is all understandable. You have a lot of frustrations and you need to get rid of all of those frustrations by taking your anger out on something. I don't think that you should be blaming this on your friend.

Y/n: Right. I could see where you are coming from with and I did when a little overboard with him.

Sylan: Well you shouldn't be feeling all that bad because I know that may have lost my temper for a while and I think that are someways that could t control them. I didn't know that I had this much anger so that went and tried to get all of that figured out right now.

Y/n:Yeah, we can all be like that at some point right now but we gotta admit, we do have that in common.

Sylan patted you on the head.

Sylan: Alright. You kids be safe out there, I gotta go and help Adrian.

He turned and left. Weiss is the one that you talked to about this. She is all lonely now, so this should be your chance to get a good talk with her.

Y/n: Hey Weiss.

Weiss: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: I know that we been talking awfully a lot lately and I think k that it could be for the best because that is how much that we care about each other but I other stand if you want your personal space.

Weiss: No, it's fine. You can stay here.

Y/n: and I knew that you would be the best one that I could talk to here. You wanna know why I am here for now?

Weiss: Why?

Y/n: I wanna tell you that you're the best girl on the team. The reason why is that when I first met you, you were just plain mean to Ruby and thought that it would be fun to mess with you for a little and then you started to grow on me.

Weiss: That's really sweet.

Y/n: Well I am the sweet heart, I must tell you.

A worried Ruby came bursting through the door.

Ruby: Guys. Oscar's missing.

You and the rest were now worried. That poor kid can't seem to get a break. He got the blow just for Ozpin's rubbish action and how Oz ran away because of Mistrust of everyone.

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