Chatoyant College Book 7: Upo...

By clarekrmiller

349 63 2

As Edie falls deeper into her relationship with Leila, her friends worry about her. The revelation about her... More

Prologue: The Dream
Chapter 1: Get Our Blood Moving
Chapter 2: A Picnic
Chapter 3: Embarrassment
Chapter 4: The Haunted Sticker
Chapter 5: It's Real Food
Chapter 6: Dreams and Visions
Chapter 7: Curious
Chapter 8: Not That Long
Chapter 9: Pizza
Chapter 10: Dream Posters
Chapter 11: Digging in Dirt
Chapter 12: Poster Experiments
Chapter 13: Faeries in the Department
Chapter 14: Theories
Chapter 15: Invited
Chapter 16: Candy
Chapter 17: Party Time
Chapter 18: Antlers
Chapter 18: Antlers
Chapter 19: Painting
Book 7 now on Smashwords!
Chapter 20: Dancing
Chapter 22: Under the Influence
Chapter 23: Sleeping
Chapter 24: Empty Campus
Chapter 25: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 26: Halloween Ball
Chapter 27: Escape
Chapter 28: ID
Chapter 29: Over the Wall
Chapter 30: Cold Morning
Chapter 31: Don't Tell Me
Chapter 32: Breakfast
Chapter 33: Craft Fair
Chapter 34: Globe
Chapter 35: Glitter
Chapter 36: Hair Brushing
Chapter 37: Unusual Interest
Chapter 38: A Tumble
Chapter 39: Dolls
Chapter 40: Science and Magic
Chapter 41: A Talk
Chapter 42: Thread
Chapter 43: Needling
Chapter 44: Brandon
Chapter 45: Vanished
Chapter 46: Searching
Chapter 47: The Path
Chapter 48: Following the Path
Chapter 49: Men Sell Not Such in Any Town
Chapter 50: Faerie Food
Chapter 51: Magical Pranks
Chapter 52: Questions
Chapter 53: Rules
Chapter 54: Come Buy
Chapter 55: The Rat-Faced Spoke a Word
Chapter 56: Stormy Weather
Chapter 57: Conference
Chapter 58: Gone or Invisible
Chapter 59: Friends
Chapter 60: Power
Book 7 Is Complete!

Chapter 21: Thresholds

12 1 0
By clarekrmiller

Corrie ran quickly back to the entrance to the art building, glancing back frequently to check on Dawn and Naomi. Naomi had sat down on the edge of the grass and had managed to get Dawn down with her. She was saying something Corrie couldn't hear and pointing downward.

She slowed down as she approached the doorway, feeling nervous. She didn't see anything here; everyone was still inside, nothing coming out of the propped-open door except light and sound. Still, she hesitated. Her keys were only a foot away from the door, sitting on the cement and glinting in the light. "Ha!" came a female voice as she bent. Corrie straightened up quickly, her heart beating hard, but it was only the girl who'd been keeping the door. She had turned away from her painting and was fanning it with a magazine. "I thought you'd be back."

Corrie snatched her keys and gave the girl a half-hearted grin. "Yeah, I kind of need these to get back into my dorm."

"Is your friend okay? She looked kind of..." The girl shrugged expressively.

"Not sure," Corrie said. "We want to, uh, get her back to her room and get some water in her, maybe." She gestured back toward Naomi and Dawn, glancing over as she did. They were poking around in the grass. Presumably looking for clovers. Naomi looked over her shoulder, catching Corrie's eye, and waved.

"Oh, yeah, good idea. See you around." She spun back around on her stool, lowering the magazine, and started to inspect her painting.

Corrie was turning back to the path when she remembered that she was supposed to look for Tom. She stepped back toward the doorway, looked to the right, and nearly jumped out of her skin.

The skinny blonde, who was in reality an antlered faerie, stood just inside the doorway, staring intensely at Corrie. Corrie took a step back and reflexively tightened her grip on her keys. There was what felt like a very long moment of silence, but couldn't actually have been, what with all the people at the party. Corrie finally cleared her throat. "Can I help you?" With the painter so close to them, she wasn't going to take the chance of talking about faeries.

"Stay away from me," he said. His voice was a growl.

Corrie nodded sharply. "Just as long as you stay away from me. And my friends."


She nodded again and tried to look past him, nervous. She had no idea why he was just standing by the doorway. Maybe he didn't want her to come back in? He couldn't be trying to prevent her from getting to Tom, could he? In the crowd, she couldn't find him. Finally she sighed. "Do you know Tom?"

The faerie raised his eyebrows. "I know a few people named Tom."

"I think you know who I mean." Corrie gestured with her keys. "About this tall. Smiles a lot."

The faerie shook his head slowly.

Corrie shifted, looking around the faerie some more, but still couldn't spot Tom. "Mind getting out of my way so I can look for him and, you know, stay away from you at the same time?"

"I don't think so."

She didn't want to argue. She lifted her keys again and took a step toward the door. The faerie backed away a step. Corrie took another step forward, making sure to stay to the left, as far away from the faerie as possible and with iron in between the two of them. But as soon as she walked through the door, the faerie jumped toward her and grabbed her hard by the upper arm.

Corrie let out an undignified squeal (it was definitely not a scream) and tried to wrench her arm away. At the same time, the tall stool the painter had been sitting on crashed to the floor and the girl shouted. "Lora! What the hell are you doing?"

The faerie twisted around, pulling on Corrie's arm, seeming to want to drag her farther into the room. Corrie dug her heels in to the floor and tried to hit the faerie with the keys in her hand. But with the grip on her arm, she missed. Then she was suddenly wrenched forward again as someone else grabbed the faerie's other arm. It took her a minute to figure out that the other person was trying to help her, not drag her further in.

She swung with the keys again, and struck this time. The faerie gasped and loosened his grip just enough for Corrie to pull free. Red scratches appeared on the faerie's arm, and the air around it seemed to waver. Corrie backed up hastily. Everyone else near them seemed to be focused on calming him down. She ran out of the building, stopped just outside the door to glance back, and when she decided she wasn't being followed, she ran back to Dawn and Naomi.

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