By PowerKoala

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It's an Avengers x female reader story. (this takes place in the first Avengers) Left behind by her birth par... More

1. Training
2. Decision
3. Go my own way
4. New Beginnings
5. Disaster
6. Aftermath
7: Bad Dream?
8. A Whole New World
9. On my way
10. Acquaintances
11. New job
12. Mischief
13. Mountaintop Battle
15. Tensions Begin to Rise
16. Arguments ensue
17. The Attack
18. Loss
19. Dealing with the Present
Christmas with the Avengers
20. Regaining Hope
21. Assemble
22. The Battle of New York
Art Update

14. What's Loki's plan?

609 24 20
By PowerKoala


After a few seconds of silence on the aircraft, the strange costumed man introduced himself to me. "Ma'am, it's an honor to meet you. I'm Steve Rogers or Captain America. I never thought I would be able to meet you." He extended his hand out to me so I set my gloved hand into his.

"I feel as I do not need to introduce myself," I laugh and continue, "It's nice to meet you too, Sir Rogers." Steve smiles a handsome smile that seemed to set butterflies in my stomach. Why does HE have to be handsome? I shake his hand and tighten my grip but not too tight to hurt him. He grips my hand back and I smirk. He's cool.

I let go of Steve's hand and look at the red and gold armored man. His helmet was off but the rest of his suit was still on. His cheek had a bruise on it and I felt bad, although it may have been Thor but I can't help but think that I did that. As I walk to the man, I feel a hand on my left wing.

I looked to my side to see Steve looking at my feathers in admiration and running his fingers through my primary coverts and my primaries. I then lightly slap his cheek and he looks at me with a shocked face. I smile and turn back to the man. "I do apologize for my actions. Do forgive me, sir..?"

He looks at me with a smirk and replies, "Now you're making me feel old by saying sir, doll. Just call me yours." I feel my cheeks turn red as he said the last sentence. I can't say that he doesn't look handsome, which he does but he's acting like Thor when we first met.

I decided to play along, "Alright, Sir Yours. I'm (Y/N) or Guardian. And I can reassure you, I'm older than you." He looks at me with a confused look as I smile and walk back to Thor as he shoots me a smirk. I lightly slap his arm with a smile. He leans down to my level and laughs.

"His name is Tony Stark or Man of Iron." I look at Tony and nod to Thor.

One of the two people flying the aircraft spoke up, "Hey, angel face." I look at the beautiful woman with red hair and a sharp look on her face. I smile shyly at her reflection in the mirror and she smiles softly.

"Call me Nat." I nod at her in acknowledgement with a blush on my cheeks. Why do women have such a huge effect on me than some men??

The other pilot says, "Welcome to the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier." I walk up to the glass in curiosity to see a marvelous and large aircraft. I softly gasp in awe at the sight but didn't see Nat look up at me with a smile. The plane I'm on had landed on the top of the aircraft and the rear hatch slowly opened.

I started walking and Tony goes in front of me, bows and says, "After you."

I look at him with a raised eyebrow and smile. He just looks up at me and smiles a quite flirtatious smile. I nod to him and walk off to see a few more aircrafts similar to the one I rode on. I can't see much since of the dark. As I wait for Thor, Steve walks up to me and I show him a small smile.

"(Y/N). If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a few questions as we walk to the control room," Steve asks with a hint of shyness in his tone. I smile and nod, signaling him that it's okay. He lets out a sigh and he walks to my right side, slightly brushing my wing. He continues to walk so I walk after him. I turn my head slightly to see Loki walk away with guards beside him and he looks at me with an evil smile.

I quickly look forward, trying to remember Steve's question. "I'm sorry, Sir Rogers but would you mind repeating the question? I was just amazed by the interior of the Helicarrier." He smiles and replies with a yes.

"How did you survive? The battle I mean. I read in Norse myths that you were either lost in battle or known as deceased." I let out a sigh and shrug my shoulders.

"I myself do not know how I am still alive but all that matters is that I am on your side with dealing with Loki." I look at him with a hopeful smile while he looks at me with a side smile and gentle eyes.

Steve blinks a few times and looks away. He asks again, "Another one of my questions was how did you get your wings??" I feel my legs slow down a little as I look down in growing sadness. I could feel Steve's gaze on my body language and he stutters out an apology. I put my pointer finger on his lips to shut him up.

"It's alright, Steve. I gained them from my birth parents leaving me as a child. There's no way to sugarcoat it. It was very traumatic for 7 year old me and I wish for you to keep your mouth shut about it." I look up from the ground and to Steve, who held a shocked expression with a noticeable blush. He nods and I pull my hand away.

Steve stutters his question out, "This is my last one, uhm..Do you have a certain someone?" I look up at him in confusion, not entirely understanding his question. "I a boyfriend or husband..
..girlfriend maybe..?" I make an 'o' face and smile at the thought of my Bruunhilde.

The smile vanished as I think that after the time I was taken by Hela, Bruunhilde must have moved on. Maybe found a husband or wife and had children. No, Bruunhilde doesn't like children. Although, she may have changed throughout the years. Or maybe, she got so low, that she..No. I don't want to think about that.

I reply, "I did. Her name is Bruunhilde. The toughest woman I know. She looks off-standish and rude on the outside but that's what drew me to her. She's really a big softie with a heart worth more than any riches. I don't know where she is or if she still lives or if she moved on."

I feel a large hand rub my left shoulder as to comfort me. I look up at Steve with a sad smile as a door opens. A short-haired brunette walked up to Steve and me, "Welcome back, Captain. And you are?" I put my hand out for her to shake and introduce myself.

"I am (Y/N) or Guardian. I'm here on behalf of Thor as I am to protect him. And you are, my lady?" I'm not sure why but she gripped her hand tightly and smiled at me like Bruunhilde used to do. I nervously smile and Steve sets his left hand on her shoulder.

She seems to snap out of her trance and replies, "Agent Hill, ma'am, but you can call me Maria. If you want to!" I smile and let go of her hand and nod. She looks at Steve and walks away without another word. I raise an eyebrow at Steve but he just smiles and leads me to a chair surrounding a large table.

I shake my head in protest and say, "I'd rather stand so you may have it." He lets out a sigh and obliges. Thor walks to the small staircase so I walk over to him and I noticed his cape was off and on a chair. Perhaps I should get comfortable as well.

I ask in concern, "Are you troubled, Odinson?" Thor turns around and smiles softly but it fades. I felt that I asked an obvious question and wanted to smack my forehead in frustration.

Thor lets out a sigh and says, "Yes, I am. Loki may be dangerous and ruthless but I cannot help but think that I could have had a part to play in his personality now. If I had just not been so prideful in my younger years and watched out for him, maybe he would've been different."

I frown slightly and rub his back to sooth him. It's good to know your problems and toxic traits to your personality. I then see an electronic showing camera footage of Loki and another man. They seem to be talking but I could not hear until I heard them talking from behind me. I turn around to see a man with glasses and a purple shirt looking down at a tablet with uneasiness.

"In case it's unclear, if you try to escape, you so much as scratch that glass," I hear something opening and see Loki looking out and down. Must be a drop then. The man continues, "it's 30,000 feet straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?" He closes the trap door.

"Ant. Boot" I slightly tilt my head in confusion as to what he meant but then Loki chuckles.

He speaks, "It's an impressive cage. Not built ,I think, for me." I furrow my eyes in confusion again. If it isn't made for Loki, then who?

Loki starts to slowly walk around the cage and the other man replies.

"Built for something a lot stronger than you."

"Oh I've heard." Loki then turns to the camera I'm watching from. He walks up to the camera and continues, "A mindless beast. Makes play he's still a man. How desperate are you, that you call on such lost creatures to defend you?" I frown at his words but remain still.

The man walks up to the glass wall in front of Loki and says, "How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace, and you kill because it's fun. You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did."

Loki winces mockingly, "It burns you to have come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what?" He turns to the camera again and continues, "A warm light for all mankind to share. And then to be reminded what real power is."

There was a few seconds of silence from the camera footage before the other man walks away. He says while leaving, "Well, let me know if "real power" wants a magazine or something." I am so confused. What's a magazine, who is that man and what is ant boot??

Loki looks at the camera so I move away from the large tablet showing him. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and felt some stress leave my body. I shake my wings a little and stand up taller. It can't be any straighter cuz I'm not straight.

"He really grows on you, doesn't he?" I turn to see the man with the glasses and purple shirt fidgeting nervously. He can't be just a citizen so how is he here? Perhaps, he has powers? Curiosity begins to grow within me as the feeble man shifts his gaze at me. I unconsciously smile at him and wave.

A blush shows up on his face as he slowly waves back. "Loki's gonna drag this out. So, Thor, (Y/N), what's his play?", asks Steve as he looks at me and Thor with an uncertain expression. I decided to take my helmet off to let my hair (down/out). I sigh in relief as I shake my head a few times.

I set my helmet down as Thor responds, "He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard, nor any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth."

I finish his sentence with, "For that, in return, we suspect, for the Tesseract." I look at Steve with a serious expression and he has a slightly shocked face.

"An army...from outer space." He said it as if he doesn't believe it. As if a supposedly dead warrior angel and two demigods aren't in the same place as him. Although, if I were to be in his situation, I would be more confused than the Midgardian slang.

The purple shirt man said, "So, he's building another portal. That's what he needs Erik Selvig for."

Thor looks at him in confusion, "Selvig?" It sounds like he knows the man.

The other man replies, "He's an astrophysicist." My brain is slow so I'm thinking that he studies the stars. Perhaps, he has found Asgard at some point! Or maybe Asgard found him.

Thor says, "He's a friend." So they do know each other! I wonder how they met.

Nat speaks up, "Loki has him under some kind of spell..along with one of ours." She looks away at the last part of her sentence. Is she close with the said agent? That must be hard for her, a close friend turned against you.

Steve demands, "I want to know why Loki let us take him. He's not leading an army from here." I nod at that, Loki is a very powerful being so it confuses me as well. Perhaps, he's just a distraction for his team to take over the Helicarrier??

No, that doesn't seem likely.

The other man interjects, "I don't think we should be focusing on Loki. That guy's brain is a bag full of cats. You can smell crazy on him." I feel a little frustrated at his words, as I do not know what cats are but apparently, they smell strange.

Thor speaks up, "Have care for how you speak! Loki is beyond reason but he is of Asgard. And he's my brother." I shake my head slightly in his stupidity. Family or not, he's a lunatic, Thor. I'm sure you know that but your thick skull won't let your brain figure that out.

Nat then tells him, "He killed 80 people in two days." I look at Thor with a 'Ya see?!" face but he just ignores it.

"He's adopted." I give myself a facepalm at his words. This is really the demigod I'm protecting.

"I think it's about the mechanics. Iridium... What do they need the iridium for?", says the man in the purple shirt. I really need to figure out his name, I'm kinda annoyed but shy to ask.

Tony walks in with Mr. Coulson(he insists I call him that), talking about something. He yells out, "It's a stabilizing agent. It means the portal won't collapse on itself like it did at S.H.I.E.L.D. No hard feelings, dollface and Point Break. You both pack a mean swing." As he says that last part, he walks up to me and pats my hair and then to Thor and taps his shoulder.

I feel a small smile of encouragement rise on my face at the compliment. I'm still as good as I was when I was younger! Tony continues as he walks by the little touchy computers, "Also, it means the portal can open as wide and can stay as long, as Loki wants. Raise the mizzenmast. Jib the topsails."

I raise my eyebrow in confusion at his words. Ugh, I wish I could stay here to learn about the language. Maybe I should stay, it isn't that bad here. "That man is playing Galaga." I look at who he was pointing at in confusion but found no one who could be playing this Galaga. Although, I see Steve is looking around too so I don't feel so left out.

Tony continues on his rant, "Thought we wouldn't notice, but we did." He then puts his left hand to his face and he stutters. He looks at Maria in question, "How does Fury even see these?"

She replies, "He turns."

"Sounds exhausting."

I couldn't help but giggle at that. Tony can turn, he's just japing. He turns around to a touchy tablet and continues again, "The rest of the raw materials, Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily. The only major component he still needs is a power source of high energy density."

As he stopped talking for the second, I see his hand go under the tablet. Hm, must've put something there. It's slightly suspicious but maybe it's for a good cause. I look up at him, silently asking 'what did you put there?' and he subtly winks. I failed to hide my small smile, staying silent about his action.

He finishes his speech, "Something to kick-start the Cube."

"When did you become an expert on thermonuclear astrophysics?", asks Maria. Those were big words for my slow brain.

Tony replies nonchalantly, "Last night. The packet, Selvig's notes, the extraction theory papers. Am I the only one who did the reading?" My left wing twitches in awkwardness and I felt a little embarrassed.

Steve speaks up as I follow Tony's movements, "Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?"

The other man informs, "He would have to heat the Cube to 120 million Kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier." That sounds very hot to me.

Tony says, "Unless, Selvig has figured out how to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect."

"Well, if he could do that, he could achieve heavy in fusion at any reactor on the planet.", says the surprisingly smart man.

Tony says as he walks towards him, "Finally, someone who speaks English."

"Is that what just happened?", Steve asks in utter confusion. I look at him with the same confusion on my face and shrug.

Tony shakes the man's hand and says, "It's good to meet you, Dr. Banner." So that's his name! I'm happy I could hear it or else I would feel awkward talking to him. Tony has a short conversation with Banner when Fury walks in.

"Dr. Banner is only here to track the Cube. I was hoping you might join him." Perhaps I should ask him Mr. Banner about himself and his profession. He's smart like Tony so he may have answers for my questions about Earth and their language!

Steve says, "I should start with that stick of his. It may be magical but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon." I never felt so confused in my entire life.

Fury replies, "I don't know about that, but it is powered by the Cube. And I would like to know how Loki used it to turn two of sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys." WILL MY CONFUSION CEASE?!?!!?

Me and Thor spoke at the same time, "Monkeys? I do not understand-"

"I do!", Steve exclaims like a cute child that was showing an adult something amazing. Tony just rolls his eyes and I slightly chuckled. "I understood that reference.", Steve states. Well surely, I have to ask him about that.

Tony shifts his attention to Mr. Banner and asks, "Shall we play, Doctor?"

Mr. Banner points his arm to his left and says, "This way, sir." As I watched them leave, I heard strange sounds coming from behind me, like little alien noises.

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