
By Fiercetalons

28.4K 793 116

Be a loyal soldier. Kill and don't ask questions. Follow your commander's orders. Snow never thought her life... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

1.4K 35 14
By Fiercetalons

"You can't hide forever, princess," a voice taunted.

Snow had been on the run for four months, not returning to Azgeda or Polis.

And today, she happened to stumble across a second Skaikru settlement.

She didn't know these people- they called themselves farm station. But she did know they hated Azgeda, and they were far enough north that Snow had to wear furs to keep warm, and therefore they thought she was one of them.

So she was hiding in the trees studying them, a stupid dry twig snapped, and they had seen her.

For future reference, bright red hair definitely doesn't help you hide in the snow.

"Come out," the voice continued.

She edged around the camp, trying to avoid the scouts and sentinels, but a jolt of electricity hit her side.

Snow was unable to move, but wasn't quite unconscious yet. That was probably the goal.

"Gotcha," the voice sounded like it was smiling.

They took her to a place to the edge of one of the major roads.

"Answer our questions or get electrocuted," the man said, "It's simple. I'm Pike. What's your name?"

Snow sighed, "Ezra kom Sangedakru." Her alias name for the time being.

"Will anyone come for you?" Pike asked.

"They're already looking for me," Snow didn't see the harm in answering their questions, "I don't want them to find me."

Pike nodded, "So you're on the run. How long?"

"Four months."


Snow sighed, "I'd like to stop killing for the woman who murdered my sister."

Maybe then they'd pity her.

"Who is this woman?"

"My Queen," Snow replied, leaving out her name and clan, "My grandmother."

It's not like any Azgeda warriors were listening, and even if they were, what could go wrong? She was stronger, faster, and smarter.

"You're just a kid," Pike said, "How old?"


Pike nodded again, "So why did you work for them, and for how long?"

"My whole life, until I realized I had other options."

"Why were you sneaking around camp?"

Snow nearly didn't answer, and nearly let it slip that they weren't the only Skaikru on Earth, "I got curious."

"You speak English?"

"Yes," and here's where she asked, "You. Behind Pike, short black hair." The woman flinched, "Yes you."

Pike frowned, "Ms. Green, don't answer her."

"Green?" Where has she heard that last name before- "Are you related to Monty Green?"

"You know the hundred?" Pike referred to the hundred kids they sent down, and Snow nodded.

Before they could ask anymore questions, Snow could move again. She dislocated her thumb, slipped through the zip ties, and started to get up and walk away.

"Ezra, wait-"

There was the sound of stomping feet, and of warriors talking. Azgeda.

Snow backed up and let them grab her, but stuck her finger in front of her lips, "Shhhhh."

They stayed silent for a few heartbeats until the voices passed.

"You really are hiding from them," Pike said slowly.

There was a shout, then another as Pike pulled Snow along with him towards the other pathway.

The hatch on the rover car trapped by trees opened, revealing Bellamy Blake. Snow cursed under her breath.

"Everyone out of the vehicle or he dies," Pike announced.

The back doors opened, revealing Octavia Blake, Monty Green, Harper McIntyre, Nathan Miller, Marcus Kane, and Indra.

"Indra?" Snow muttered in disbelief.

"Do I know you?" Indra snapped back in Trig.

Snow shook her head, "But I've heard of you."

While Pike and the other Skaikru were reuniting, Bellamy walked over to me.

"Do I know you?"

"No," Snow replied in a desert accent, "I'm Ezra."

Bellamy nodded, "What clan are you from?"

"Sangedakru," Snow replied as Pike replaced the zip tie holding her wrists together.

Snow realized it was a bad idea to have her alias from Sangedakru, the small desert clan. Why would they be here if they weren't a deserter?

"The desert clan," Octavia said, turning to Bellamy, "Lincoln's been teaching me."

Snow hid the relief she felt knowing Lincoln was okay.

"Are you sure I don't know you?" Bellamy asked again, "Your eyes-"

"I'm sure," Snow said, "I don't meet a lot of people out here, and I remember the ones I do."

Pike looked over at them, "Hey, careful around that grounder."

Snow dislocated her thumb again and slipped her wrists through the zip ties. It started raining.

Cursing her luck, all she could do was stand there as the red hair dye washed out and left her hair it's normal white.

Snow pulled up her hood, but not before everyone recognized her.

"Snow?" Bellamy asked, "I haven't seen you since the mountain, I was worried about you." He pulled her into a hug.

"Well, Azkwin, Lexa was saddened to hear you died in the battle over the mountain, especially with your skill," Indra sighed, "And quite frankly, your grandmother didn't care."

Pike frowned, "You know her?"

"Oh, you don't know who she is," Indra said? "Let me introduce-"

"I can introduce myself," Snow snapped at the Trikru general, "Princess Snowflake of the ice nation."

Pike growled, "You're the one who killed my people."

"Snowflake has been missing for the last four months. She hasn't worked for anyone in that time," Indra explained, "Whatever you think she did, it wasn't her."

"It was an ice nation assassin," Pike protested.

Snow frowned, "There are lots of ice nation assassins. It was probably Echo."

"Echo," Bellamy said, "I met her in the mountain. She saved my life."

"She's the reason Queen Nia ordered new to keep the alliance from breaking," Snow sighed, "And she's one of the few people who knew about Frost."

And still no one else knew who Frost was.

Pike frowned, "Grounders can't be trusted. They killed children-"

"Azgeda kills children," Snow snapped, "Even their own. And they force their children to kill each other as initiation ceremonies, in religious rituals, and to become leaders. Don't think for one second that you are the only one who's lost people."

"Are you okay-"

Snow shook her head, leaning into a tree, "I have not been okay for a long time."

"If this is about Mount Weather, what they did to you-"

"This isn't about them destroying a tattoo or shattering a glass necklace," Snow slid her back down the tree, burying her face in her hands, "This is about my family."

Bellamy smiled, "You're not the only one with a dysfunctional family. My dad left, my mom was killed for having my sister, and my sister wants to become a grounder because of her boyfriend."

"Watch it," Octavia hit him in the back of the head. The sibling squabbles the two had reminded her so much of Frost.

"Let's see," Snow jokes, "My mom abandoned us, my dad got banished my my grandmother, who forced me to murder my twin sister, and my dad doesn't even know about it. On top of that, my grandmother seems to hat me, yet she uses me as an assassin, a spy, and a weapon and named me her heir, but even then I can't kill her because then I will be killed for treason, my dad will become king, and I don't even want to be queen anyway."

Bellamy laughed, "I guess we've all got our issues."

"Guess so," Snow noticed something, "Where's Clarke? When she's not with you, she's with Lexa."

"Clarke left after Mount Weather," Bellamy said, "Just vanished, and we couldn't find her."

Indra added, "Your grandmother wants Clarke, now known as Wanheda, alive so that she can kill her, take her power and title, and overthrow Lexa. I suggest you choose your loyalty wisely."

Wanheda, commander of death. Snow's people had a saying that when you killed someone, you took their power. With the amount of people Clarke killed that day, she'd be incredibly powerful.

So killing her would let Nia take over the coalition and bend it to conquer the world.

"She'll destroy the coalition," Snow argued, "She'll destroy Lexa's reign of peace."

"Good thing you're not a natblida anymore, or she'd use you to get there," Indra said. Snow gasped, "You really thought I wouldn't notice you bleeding black blood? I didn't tell anyone."

Snow took a deep breath and said, "If they're after Clarke, we need to find her first."

"I understand if you don't," Indra said, "This is a choice between your clan, your family, and your duty to your Commander and the coalition."

"I'll help," Snow agreed, "Let's go find Clarke."

The end, because I want to end it with hope. Bye, ya'll. Hope you enjoyed the story!

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