Kizuato, the Vigilante (disco...

By NaLuStarFire

211K 8.8K 2K

After being cast out by society, izuku Midoriya still strives to be a hero. After being a hero the only way h... More

Important info for the story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Welp im a dummy
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Ideas for story

Chapter 20

2.8K 162 58
By NaLuStarFire

-Shinso's POV-

When I was sitting in my bed watching cat videos I heard a knock on my door. I paused the video reluctantly and called out to whoever was on the other side to come in. It was my mom, she came in with a letter on her hand and a pained smile on her face.

"It's UA's exam results, you might want to open it." She said tossing the letter to me. She was about to leave a close the door but something seemed to be on her mind as she stayed frozen in the doorway.

"Mom? Are you okay?" I asked her. Lately she's been acting like this, like looking at me just pains her.

"Oh um" she said as she jumped from my question, obviously lost in her thoughts again. "Can I come in?"

"Sure, is everything okay?" I asked moving over on my bed so she had enough space to sit next to me. She walked in, looking at the ground as she did so and sat beside me. She sat there silent and fidgeting in anxiousness. "Mom?" I asked her again, in hearing my voice she finally looked up. Her eyes meeting mine, something that hasn't happened in awhile, and then again looking to the floor.

"Im sorry."

"What mom, wha-" I started to say as she cut me off.

"Please let me finish, it's something that I've wanted to say to you for awhile but I never had the courage to. If I don't say it now I don't know if I can later." She sighed looking at me again. "I'm sorry for the way I've treated you, I always knew that it was never your fault for what happened to me, but instead I blamed you and that was wrong. Before you open this letter I just want you to know that no matter what you get, I'm proud of you." She said, reaching over and placing her hand on mine. "Your dad is too but he's too macho to say something, or at least something like that, never could understand man's pride. Anyways, I know you'll be a great hero S-Hitoshi."

I started tearing up, my mom and I were never really that close even though we lived in the same house. She had always called me Shinso, never Hitoshi and to hear that they were proud. That they were proud of me, something that I've always been trying to do since I was little, it made me so happy. My mom then awkwardly held out her hands, I accepted and we both shared an awkward hug. It was the first time that my mom was actually trying to talk nicely to me, I could see that she felt bad and was trying to change. We both the drew away from each other, my mom quickly standing up and head over to the door, not really knowing how to act. She then gave an awkward smile and closed the door leaving me in my thoughts. 'Did that really just happen?' I thought. "That's right I have to text Izu" I said to myself. I texted him that I got my letter and asked if we could meet at the cafe at 6:30. After an hour I finally heard back from him, he must have been training the other demis or something.

Izu💚: Yes can't wait!

I smile after seeing his text, I swear just hearing or even seeing his name gives me butterflies. Seeing that it's already almost 6:00 I start to get ready. I put on one of my sweatshirts and grabbed my letter, heading out my room heading over to the door where my shoes lay. Slipping them on I check the time again 6:10, it only took a bit more than 5 minutes to get there. I sighed, 'I'm all ready but now I don't know what I want to do, I just want to go and see him already.' I thought as I walked over to the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror, seeing if I looked okay. I tried taming my hair but I know it's a lost cause, after several minutes with no results, I decided that this was the best I was ever going to do. 'Might as well just leave now and great there a few minutes early.' I thought, finally heading out the door, saying bye to my parents.

Finally reaching the cat cafe, I sat down in my regular spot, letting a cat walk over to me and jump on my lap. Petting the small black cat behind its ears, I then heard it start purring. I smiled at the cute cat and looked up at the clock on the wall of the cafe, 6:20. 'Looks like I'll be waiting for a little bit.' I thought.

-3rd POV-

When the time finally reached 6:30, Midoriya came crashing through the door. Looking up to Shinso he asked, "I'm not late am I?"

"Nope, in fact I came here just a moment before you did, I already ordered for you so your coffee should be out soon!"

"Thank you! So, where is it?"

"This?" Shinso said waving the letter in his hand. Seeing midoriya's face light up he laughed, "Wow you almost seem more excited than me!"

"How could I not be?! I'm so excited! You could be in the same class as me!" Shinso laughed again, happy to be able to see and hear Midoriya again. Finally sitting down at the table, Shinso could finally see how tired Midoriya looked despite the energy he showed.

"Wow looks like you're beating me in having the deepest eye bags huh, what have you done to have you look like that?"

"Ah you noticed, well I guess for starters I haven't gone to bed since yesterday, plus I had to train the other students today."

"Hey, Im supposed to be the insomniac here, don't be taking my role!"

"Sorry, I'll try not to" midoriya said laughing. "Well come on, I'm dying to see what your results are! Plus we can open each other's together, I guess that UA gave us recommended students a letter too, to see how we ranked against everyone else. I found it after we all went back to our dorms. Hey wanna open mine and I'll open yours on three?"


"1..... 2......... 3!" They said together. Both of their faces lit up, each other's faces both revealing that both got great results.

"Oh my god, Izu, you got first on the physical exams! You ranked first out of everybody with 128 points?! How did you even get that many? Looks like you got 68 villain points and 60 rescue points! You also got a 100% on the written one too, guess it was too easy for you huh?"

"Yep, they need something a lot more challenging with my brain. Also, you got seventh place! Most of your points are in rescue being 45 points and 25 in villain points! Good job, I know that it's hard to take them down without a quirk, now that you have fighting experience you were able to whittle them down and take them out when they were on their last leg. On the written you got 94%, good job!"

"All thanks to your teaching! So, what class am I in?"

"What do you think, of course it's 1-A!" Shinso then stood up scaring the cat that was curled up sleeping in his lap, earning a growl from the cat as it walked off. He then hugged midoriya, or maybe it was more squeezing him to death, Shinso only knew that he was so happy.

"T-toshi, I-I can't breathe."

"Oh sorry Izu, I'm just so happy that we'll be in the same class!" He said grinning widely. The waiter looked at them weirdly before heading off to take someone else's orders. Midoriya then gave her a glare in return, what was so weird about two guys hugging each other.

"Maybe we should go to my house before you hurt that girl huh? I don't want to get banned from coming here again, there's not another place like this around here. Finding another cat cafe would take too long and the distance would probably be too far as well."

"Sure, maybe we could watch a movie?"

"Yeah, sounds fun, let's go. It's already getting dark out so let's go, my mom would probably let you stay over too."

"Ah, but I didn't bring any clothes to change into."

"That's fine, you can just wear some of mine, they might be a bit big but I think they'll work."

"Thanks." Midoriya said, happy that they get to spend more time together.

"Yeah no problem."


       They made it back to Shinso's house and made their way inside. They shouted their hellos to his parents, telling them they were gonna watch a movie and went straight up to Shinso's room. Midoriya went over to his bed and plopped down, he always like Shinso's bed better, one it was bigger and two, it was a lot more comfy than his. Shinso went over to the tv in his room and turned it on. "Hey Izu, what movie do you want?" He said turning around to him. "Hey move over, stop hogging my bed!"

       "Nope, Im quite comfortable here thank you very much!" Midoriya said smirking while taking up more of his bed.

       Shinso then smirked too and said very sarcastically "oh no, it seems that all of my strength has disappeared!" He then flopped onto Midoriya, who grunted at the collision.

       Midoriya started laughing "Toshi come on get off!" He said trying to push him off.

       "I can't..... too weak....." he said trying to hide his smile.

       "Fine I'll make you!" He said flipping him, Midoriya now over Shinso, looking down at him triumphantly. Shinso then blankly looked up at him thinking, 'something is wrong here'. "Toshi?" Midoriya asked wondering why he was so quiet. It was then Shinso's turn to flip over Midoriya, roles now reversed. Shinso pleased with himself then looks down at Midoriya who was blushing madly. "H-Hito?" Shinso's eyes then looked down to Midoriya's lips and without knowing it, he drew closer to them. Midoriya's eyes widened when he realized what was happening. Midoriya then raised his hands up to Shinso's face and did the same as Shinso, closing his eyes as he grew closer.

       Then a few knocks came from Shinso's door, scaring both of them. Midoriya with his fast reflexes kicking in at the wrong time, shot up and his head crashed into Shinso's. They both grimaced at the pain and both of their hands shot up to their heads where they hit each other. "Ow...."

       "S-Hitoshi? I made you both some popcorn since you said you were watching a movie, do you want it?"

       "Yeah, thank you mom." He said trying to mask his annoyance. He was glad that his mom was trying to be nicer but of course she just had to ruin their moment. Hearing his response she then opened the door, bringing in a big bowl of popcorn for them.

       "Thank you Mrs. Shinso" Midoriya said, kind of surprised at her actions.

       "Yeah no problem, um if you guys need anything else I'll be downstairs."

       "Ok thanks mom" Shinso said as he watched his mom leave closing his door.

       "... holy crap" Midoriya breathed.

       "I know right, just today she started acting like this. She said that she felt bad for how she treated me and she's trying to change."

        "How do you feel about it?"

       "Well it kind of feels like a dream, like tomorrow I'll wake up and it'll be how it was before." They both sat there for a while, sitting in silence.

       Trying to make Shinso think of something else Midoriya said, "well should we get ready for the movie?"

       "Yeah, do you want to change into something more confortable? You can pick anything you want out of my closet."

       "Yes, thank you!" Midoriya said making his way over to Shinso's closet and started looking through his clothes. "Is this one ok?" Midoriya asked, holding out a purple sweatshirt which happened to be Shinso's favorite.

       "Yeah and here, hopefully these shorts will fit since you can tighten them. The bathroom is one-"

       "Did you forget that I've been here before? I know where it is" Midoriya said giggling.

       "Ah yeah, of course." Rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. He then sighed and dressed himself, sitting back on his bed when he was done. After awhile Midoriya came back into Shinso's room, a light blush on his face.

       "Um I think it's a bit big." He said awkwardly laughing. The sweatshirt went past his shorts so it looked like he wasn't wearing any, however he didn't want to change the sweatshirt. It was very soft and he liked its color, it reminded him of Shinso so he kept it on.

       'Oh..... my........lord........ is he trying to kill me?!' Shinso thought looking away from him. "Um yeah..... anyways what do you want to watch" he said trying not to show he was dying inside.

       "Oh what about Given? I know it's not a movie but I've heard it's really good!"

       "Sure, I haven't seen it either, I'll put it on" he said grabbing the remote while Midoriya sat down beside him. Then wanting to lay down he pulled Shinso's hand off of his lap and laid his head down. Shinso just smiled at his actions and continued to set up Given. After he clicked on it, he set the remote down and placed his hand on Midoriya's head, running his hand through his green fluffy hair. Midoriya seemed to enjoy it so he continued, and looking down at his head a thought popped into Shinso's head. 'Wait, would he like it if I scratched behind his ears like a cat?' He wasn't even paying attention to the show anymore as he wondered if he should just try it or not. After awhile he got enough courage to try, his hands now moving closer to his ears. When he started finally scratching behind his ears he almost felt Midoriya melt in his lap and to his surprise, he started purring. Shinso blushed and pulled away, he wasn't expecting him to actually purr! Midoriya then leaned his head back into Shinso's hand, rubbing against it. Now being able to see his face, Shinso realized that Midoriya had already fallen asleep. Looks like sleep had caught up to him and now his body was just reacting on its own.

Calming down, he realized that just laying on the bed would probably be more comfortable for him so he softly moved Midoriya's head to his pillow. He then checked his phone for the time, 11:00, no wonder why Midoriya is out. He has been up for almost 48 hours and has had to train his other classmates. Looking back at Midoriya he smiled and opened his phone, going into phone and changing Midoriya's name from Izu💚 to Kitten💚. Shinso laughed, laying down next to his 'kitten'. Shinso was going to tease him about it when he woke up but now he was too tired, so he just wrapped his arms around Midoriya and went to sleep as well.

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