Heather || Yoonmin βœ“

By mygluvbot

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[🎡] 》this story is purely based of the song "Heather" by Conan Gray Meet Park Jimin and Min Yoongi. Two best... More



584 36 22
By mygluvbot

[Long Chapter Ahead]

Jimin looked around and saw a bunch of highschool students adjacent his table.

He knows he is very shy meeting other people but he knows this will be a one time thing and they will never meet again. So, he beat his fears, stood up and walked to their table.

Jimin went to the person who is nearer to him. "Excuse me, do you have a spare paper and pen?" Jimin asked quietly to the girl infront of him. She looked over her shoulder and looked at Jimin. She is wearing a scarf over her neck matched with a big round glasses and Jimin just noticed she was wearing earphones.

"WHAT?" The girl screamed and Jimin almost had a heart attack. The other students in the table looked at them with an irritating face and Jimin muttered a small sorry for the disturbance they caused.

Jimin sighed and looked back at the girl he was talking to. He signed a gesture to take off her earphones and the girl flushed immediately and Jimin can hear her saying a small oops.

"I'm sorry, what was it again?" The girl asked Jimin with an understanding tone. Jimin chuckled and shook his head. "Ah, it's okay. I'm asking if you have a spare paper and a pen that I could use?" Jimin tilted his head waiting for a response.

"Oh! Yes i do!" The girl gleamed brightly and turned around to open her bag. The girl first took out a pen and handed it to Jimin. He muttered a small thank you while waiting for the paper. It took a few minutes until Jimin could hear a small rip of paper from a notebook.

She turned back to Jimin and handed over the notebook-ripped paper to him. "Here you go! I'm sorry but as you can see..." she looked at the paper she was holding "It's a little crumpled.. I'm sorry!" She scratched her head and looked away. "Is it okay with you?"

"Yes! Thank you! Anything will do so thank you for this." Jimin said as he reached over to take the piece of paper from the girl's hand.

"You're welcome!" The girl smiled at Jimin and Jimin smiled back as he slightly bowed to her as a sign that he's leaving.

Just as Jimin turned around he heard the girl's voice talking from behind him.

"Oh actually, wait!" The girl muttered. "That pen, I'm not using that quite recently... so you can keep it if you want!" She beamed with much delight.

"Thank you so much you're so kind!" Jimin beamed back at her. "I'll go now! Thanks again!"

The girl smiled and nodded towards Jimin as he went back to his own table at the slightly dimmed afternoon view of the restaurant.

Jimin sat at his table and immediately wrote down a couple of words and phrases on the piece of paper.


Jimin smiled at his work.

In the past, Jimin really wanted to write lyrics based on what he's feeling on the inside. He wanted to finally let all the stuck emotions he kept after all these years to finally be free from him. He wanted to remove all the pain that he never had a chance to let out. He wanted to tell the world.

He wanted to tell Yoongi.

And that will happen today.

He decided to tell him this through a song. A song that he will perform on this very night, a song that will tell Yoongi what he felt all these years, a song that will finally spill the words out of his mouth.



Just as he was about to write more of the lyrics he thought of in his head, a notification sounded in his ears.

Jimin looked towards his phone and immediately opened his eyes at the realization.

It was already 2:15 in the afternoon and Yoongi messaged him.


Jiminie we're already here! Where are you? We've been waiting here for 15 minutes pabo!

Jimin stood up from his seat and grabbed all his things from his table. He couldn't believe he was so enthralled and focused by writing lyrics that he didn't notice the time passing by so quickly.

He left the restaurant in just a minute and immediately went to a cab.


I'm coming hyung!

I'm sorry, I was a bit focused on writing lyrics for my performance tonight... I didn't notice the time.

Oh... i see.. It's okay Jiminie!

By the way... are you okay? You've been out of it lately.. you can talk to me you know?

I know hyung.. I'm okay! don't worry.

I just arrived. See you there hyung.

Jimin turned off his phone and opened the cab door. He payed and thanked the driver for the ride. It was already 2:30  in the afternoon yet it was already a bit dark. The trees swaying lazily amidst the shining sun and the wind moving slowly flattering his skin calmed him very easily. They say your moods usually affect your surroundings so that must be it.


He then went inside the cinema. Of course, he wouldn't forget to buy food for them to eat during the movie so he then went and bought a bucket of popcorn just enough for three people.

He then proceeded towards the innermost part of the cinema to look for Yoongi and heather.

There were surprisingly less people today, and it must be because they all went to the newly opened amusement park just across the street.

He's actually glad they didn't plan to go to the amusement park today. Jimin could not even imagine the amount of embarrassment he would feel especially thirdwheeling his bestfriend and his lover once they go up and ride scary looking rides.

He was lost in his train of thoughts when he spotted a familiar fluffy black hair just a few meters infront of him.



Jimin was cut off by a voice that he knows all too well. The said voice he heard was behind him and before he could even blink, a black haired girl just a few inches shorter than Jimin walked passed him and went towards Yoongi.

Watch as she stands with
her holding your hand,
Put your arm 'round her shoulder
Now I'm getting colder.

He watched as Yoongi turned around, showing his adorable gummy smile and pecked Heather in the lips with her holding his pale white hand and Yoongi placing his arm around her shoulder.

"You took so long in the restroom, I missed your loud ass." Jimin hears Yoongi joked, laughing at her. "I gotta look pretty for you, You know?" Jimin heard Heather reply.

Jimin could feel his heart aching and fluid filling his eyes.


Jimin beat himself to it and squeezed his eyes shut to remove his tears and prevent it from falling. He was really confused because he has already seen them kissing a lot yet he always has a pain in his heart every single time.

Today wasn't an exception.

It took a few moments until Yoongi finally spotted Jimin and waved at him.

"Jiminie!! There you are!" Yoongi beamed. "Come here! The movie is about to start!" He gestured Jimin to come quickly.

Heather smiled at Jimin and waved her hands at him too.

Jimin smiled and waved back before he went towards them and showed his crescent eyes to the both of them.

"Yah! why are you looking at us like that?" Yoongi deadpanned teasingly.

Jimin laughed. "Ah, nothing hyung! You both look so cute together!" At that, Jimin could see both Yoongi and Heather furiously blush pink.

He laughed it off and patted Heather's head "Be careful, Hyung snores when he sleeps."

Heather and Jimin laughed and Yoongi hit Jimin with a scowl visible in his face. "Yah! Don't say embarassing things like that to her!"

In the end they all laughed while they went inside the cinema. Jimin first sat down at his designated seat and then Yoongi, then heather.

Yoongi was at the middle so he took the popcorn from Jimin's hands so they could all share. The movie was a typical romance, that of course was lead by a het couple.

Jimin is sick to the stomach that he couldn't even eat the popcorn properly.


The movie ended just like that and it was already 4:30 in the afternoon. There were a lot of people now compared to earlier.

They all quickly went out of the cinema.

Jimin looked infront of him and saw Yoongi and Heather laughing while holding hands. He could see Yoongi smiling looking at Hearher and he wondered how much he would give the world to just see Yoongi looking at him like that with such adoration in his eyes. How much he would give the world to be in her place.

But the world is cruel.

If Jimin was to be honest, he finds Heather very entertaining and fun to be with. She was also nice and kind hearted. He remembers the time when she gave Jimin a cup of coffee when he was still at college in the middle of the exams. Even though it was just a one time thing, he kept it safe to his heart that she really is the perfect one for Yoongi.

But there is just that unforgettable feeling that he can't let out no matter how hard he tries.

If only... if only I was enough for him..

His train of thoughts were cut by the sound of his favorite voice ringing in his ears.

"Jiminie, come with us! we're getting early dinner at your favorite fastfood restaurant!" Yoongi beamed turning around to look at Jimin.

Jimin was delighted hearing those words. He really wanted company,especially since he has been hurting himself these past few days because he kept on overthinking. He wanted company to ease his pain even though the one hurting him all along is right infront of him.

But just as he was about to answer, Jimin looked towards Heather. He was sure he could see the pained expression she showed, he was sure that that pained expression is because of him.

It's always because of him.

Jimin looked towards Yoongi again and finally answered. "Actually hyung, I have to go somewhere else today... I need to continue writing my lyrics for my performance tonight!" Jimin pointed out towards the busy street.

"Oh... okay Jiminie.. Take care okay?" Yoongi exasperatedly replied. Yoongi smiled and went closer towards Jimin's direction.

Before Jimin could even process anything, two strong arms covered his tiny body and the scent of peach scented shampoo covered his nostrils. A hand was placed above his own head and Yoongi's chin is placed right above his shoulder.

Yoongi hugged him.

It was a short hug, but it was enough for Jimin to breakdown.

Before he let it all out, he muttered Yoongi a small "See you, hyung" and immediately turned around and went towards the street.

He could feel small tear drops falling from his eyes but he didn't bother to wipe them and just continued to walk towards the location he really needs to be in right now.

The convenience store where Jimin and Yoongi went to when they were still students.

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

1900 words 😭 yes that was a long chapter lmao..

Anyways,, so in this chapter, The plot thickens and it is now revealed how the song "Heather" by Conan Gray is related to the story.

I think there will be 2-4 chapters left? as this is a short story. Please wait for my future updates!!

p.s : u are loved ♡

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