screw it, i kinda like you (b...

By Gh0stSp1r1t

70.1K 1.4K 345

a dumb oneshot book where i try to be aesthetic More

write requests please UPDATED VERSION
spooks - bakugou
cold - todoroki
ghosts - kirishima
love song - kaminari
sunkissed - bakugou
oranges - sero
wrong number - shinsou
im back
ballroom (part 1) - tamaki
this dead book

ballroom (part 2) - tamaki

1.7K 73 5
By Gh0stSp1r1t

I REALLY DISAPPEARED FOR A MONTH, DIDNT I? i might write a hawks oneshot next are yall proud


It had been about a week since the U.A. ball. That also meant it had been about a week since Tamaki had last seen (Y/N). Maybe it was stupid for Tamaki to want to see him again. But, at the same time Tamaki couldn't help but feel more lonely without the presence of the male with him.

Tamaki had social anxiety, that much was obvious. Yet, when the (Blond, brunette, etc.) male was with him, that terrible feeling had lightened, even if just a little.

He had never felt that way with anyone before, not even his siblings. Tamaki had no idea why he felt so comfortable around him. 

(Y/N) had been plaguing his thoughts all day and he needed a break from it. Nejire had noticed his distress and suggested he go for a walk around their castle. Although Tamaki really didn't enjoy the idea of people seeing him walking around, but he figured a walk would be a nice change of pace. 

Tamaki hadn't been walking for even a minute before he heard a loud thud next to him, and saw someone fall from the tree.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" a loud scream could be heard from said person who fell out of the tree.

Tamaki immeadiately recognized the victim as the person who had been stuck in his mind all day. He quickly ran over to help your flustered self who had been laying on the ground covered in leaves and sticks.

"(Y-Y/N)! What a-are you d-doing here?" Tamaki frantically suttered.

"I promised to see you again, didn't I?" (Y/n) smiled widely hugging Tamaki tightly.

"Y-you never said t-that..." Tamaki struggled to breathe and speak through the bone crushing hug.

"Huh? I didn't?  Well, that's not important now! Whats important is you coming with me outside the castle walls!" (Y/N) quickly moved on.

"R-really? You'll r-really take m-me out t-there?" Tamaki excitedly asked. Tamaki had always been allowed out, and he had even been out there a few times with his family, but him being royalty made him the center of attention and he didn't enjoy that.

"Yep! I have some amazing people you have to meet! And I got us some clothes to look like commoners" (Y/N) said with stars in his eyes, handing Tamaki the clothes, as (Y/N) was dressed and prepared already.

Once Tamaki had changed (Y/N) grabbed his wrist and quickly ran out of the castle walls, Tamaki dragging behind him with nervous squeaks.


Since leaving the castle, (Y/N) had taken Tamaki to many amazing places. He met a half dragon, half-human by the name of Kirishima. A strong mage by the name of Ururaka, who made a business by accompanying travelers on their journies to keep them safe. He even met a couple of heroes along the way who all had different reasons for the same goal.

Tamaki was so excited to meet a friend of (Y/N)'s from the Shiketsu kingdom by the name of Camie. She was a pretty blonde girl who was a hero that grew up with (Y/N). Tamaki would never admit he was jealous of their close relationship.

After all the places they had been to, Tamaki was worn out. Night was approaching already, and they had left around late morning. Tamaki didnt want to leave the male, but he was exhausted and his family probably worried about him.

"Tamaki! There's one last place I want to show you before you go home!" (Y/N) exclaimed holding Tamaki's hand and began walking with him. "O-ok..." Tamaki blushed lightly at the contact, but he held hands back. "We're here!"

 It was a marvelous sight to see. The sun was setting. Various shades of pink, orange and blue mixed across the sky. The sky was clear and there were no clouds in sight. The waves of the sea quietly crashed. "I like you Tamaki, like, like like you." Tamaki blushed heavily. He didn't know how to respond.

"I know we met recently and all, but if you're okay with it could we maybe go on a proper date?" (Y/N) whispered, his cheeks bright pink.

Tamaki silently gasped. He turned his head and gave (Y/N) a sweet kiss on the lips. "Yeah...I'd like that." Tamaki squeezed (Y/N)'s hand, and realized that he spoke without a stutter. Tamaki leaned his head on (Y/N)'s shoulder and closed his eyes. He was in love, and he was happy.


727 words. Sorry I disappeared for a month. I finally felt like finishing this. I'll try not to disappear again but don't worry if I do. It's either school or me not having motivation. Bye!

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