Ugly truths and beautiful lies

By apolk89

194 16 1

A business woman in her prime by the name of P.K. has accomplished her career dreams of standing on top of th... More

Let's play a game
One of my kind
Airport Shenanigan
Plane etiquette
Change of Plan
A meal to remember
That look
Whats understood
Who's the Boss Part 1
Who's the Boss part 2
Who's the Boss Part 3
Please be respectful
Calculated risk

The Triplets

8 1 0
By apolk89

AN: warning this chapter contains mental health subjects, and child endangerment if you are triggered by such things please skip ahead.

In a dark room with three cots, a bookshelf, and a window overlooking the stars a small voice whispered into the atmosphere. "Sissy I don't want to be here anymore. I'm hungry and cold and my body hurts real bad this time. We have to leave here! Please can we just leave here? Silence fills the room as the words sink in her mind. She looks at the boy with red hair and freckles filled face. I'm working on it Aiden I just need a little more time ok baby . Sissy, why can't we go now?

A small whimper begins to drown out the conversation. Oh, Eden don't cry love bug. Yeah, don't cry Sissy is going to get us out of here real soon ok you heard her right. The young girl inhales deeply as her heartbreaks. Staring into the boys Both of you come here. As they climbed into her cot leaving there own behind to be wrapped in her warmth, footsteps appear followed by a voice right outside the room.  SHUT Up in there or do you want mommy to play another game with you! The boy's bodies tensed up as their bruised and battered bodies began to shake. Eden's tears increased as Aiden's eyes began to fill. Quickly she placed her hands over their mouths to muffle their cries. The cold grip of fear holding the boys tightly caused them to soil themselves.

Sadness, pain, and an unimaginable level of rage begin to fill her chest. She waited to hear the footsteps leave from in front of the door before releasing them. She looked down at the boys who clung to her as if their life depended on it. I'm going to get us out of here lovebugs. But what if mom catches us again? She is not our mother! Yes, she might have birthed you and adopted me but that doesn't make her our mom Eden. Loving your kids and making sure they are ok and fed and not hurting in their body, mind, and heart. But most of all protecting them no matter what that's what makes a mom and that's what I'm going to find a woman you can call a mom. So rest now. I will stay up and make sure nothing happens to you tonight. Everything is going to be ok.  After kissing their heads and rocking them back and forth. The twins passed out in a deep sleep from fear, crying, and exhaustion wrapped in the love of their sister's arms.

  Though they are not blood-related her bond with the twins couldn't be any stronger. Born  years apart but having the same birthday they became know as the triplets. Since day one she showed them nothing but love and care a concept that was foreign to them. She embraced the role of an older sibling with every fiber of her being when the three became family something she yearned for after being passed around the foster care system. While she looked out the tiny window that night at the sky filled with stars and snowflakes she promised herself and the two boys that clung on to her as they all sat on a urine-soaked cot. I will protect you no matter what it cost me this is the last time she touches them and I put my life on it. She begins to hum into the night a song she made special just for them....

I feel my self being shaken as a voice pierces my subconscious  Pk... Pk... honey wake up... baby wake up! Phoenix!!!! I attempt to inhale deeply. My chest in on fire as the breath I tried to take feels like I'm breathing through a coffee straw. My eyes shoot open and i grab my chest in the process. I sit up with tears falling down my face. Yoongi scrabbles to the bedside table rummaging through the drawers. Shit where is it?! Baby just hold on. He Tosses the drawers upside down then grabs what he's been searching for. Popping the cab off shaking it and placing it to my mouth. Baby here take your medicine. Shoving it to my lips he presses twice to release the medicine from the inhaler.

He runs to the other side table and brings water. Drink he says with a tone of urgency. I nod as I try to let the inhaler do it's job. Taking a small sip. He stares at me with concern in his face.

"Let me get your clothes we're going to the hospital."
He grabs his phone about to dial for emergency when I grab his hand and shake my head no.
"Baby your breathing isn't stabilized yet we have to go before it gets worse."

No, I'm ok. I manage to whisper before taking another sip of the water. He shakes his head in disagreement and sits in front of me on the bed. I feel my chest feeling lighter and my lungs opening up. He wipes away the wet streaks on my face. My love, you scared the shit out of me what happened. I mean i woke up because you talking and crying in your sleep, then you started wheezing and it got really hard to wake you up. He grabbed my hand and scanned me with his eyes waiting for an answer. After a couple of minutes, I told him.

" It seems like I had another night terror that triggered my asthma just from what you described."

"Since when did you start having night terrors again?"

"Well I think I've just been over stressed I think it triggered my PTSD."

"You have PTSD. I mean I'm not surprised because of your past but you never told me you had it."

"Well, I was diagnosed last spring but I didn't tell you because you had just started your tour and i knew if I told you that you would have been distracted while working."

"Do you want to tell me what it was about? I understand if you don't."

"Well, its kinda like being transported into the past and reliving moments in time. I was with my brothers in our old room when we lived in that place and ... and...

"My eyes began to gloss over as I tried to find the words to tell my husband what it was like but the words became hard to get out much like all the times before."

"Pk it's ok if it's still too much for you to talk about I will wait until you are ready." I sat in silence as silent tears began to run down my face as he watched me in anguish. "Aww, baby what can I do tell me what to do to help."

I remove my hand from his and wipe my face. "I'm fine Yoongi and I'm sorry I don't know why I just did all that. But I'm fine so nothing to worry about." I try to force a smile before I go to get out the bed but before I could finish getting up I feel his long slender fingers wrapped around my wrist. I freeze not wanting to show him my face knowing that he will read me like a book. "Baby your not fine," he says in a whisper while gently pulling me into his embrace. I feel my body begin to betray me as I try with all my might to fight my biggest foe myself.

He begins to place little kisses all on my forehead as he tightens the embrace and tells me in the sweetest tone I've ever heard from him I love you and no matter what happened in your past or what we will face in the future we will face it together. I'm not going anywhere Pk so just believe in me. Trust that I will never leave you. Trust that when I married you I knew you came with a past and I excepted that and all of your future. Trust me when I say you are not alone and I love you more today than the day I married you. We will get through this together and I will protect you no matter what. At that moment my resolve was shatter and the well of tears I was holding down had all come to the surface.

My brokenness was fully on display and freely given to the only person in the world that I could trust to handle me with love and care without judging me or wanting anything in return. He held me tight in his arms and soothed me like a baby as I cried with all the strength I had in me.

On that night I fell even more in love with the man known to the world as Min Yoongi. He was the only person to ever tell me it was going to be alright. To cradle me as I cried and to be my strength. I knew at that moment I didn't have to be strong or brave I didn't have to protect anyone or take on the world I didn't have to be the Billionaire Pk or anyone's boss I didn't have to give encouragement or make a way out of no way because at that moment My husband did it for me. He allowed me for one of the only times in my life to know what it felt like to be saved, to feel supported but above all else he allowed me to experience unconditional love in the exact same way I give it. Time stands still  In the mist of my comfort and I'm at peace my body worn down and exhausted gives up it's long fight and fade to peace.

I inhale deeply to be met by the smell of cologne and downy fabric softener. I take a couple more sniffs and begin to open one eye only to be met by two cat like brown eyes looking back at me. So i shut my eye and stay completely still.

"There's no need to be embarrassed you can get a couple more snifts in I don't mind."

"Shut up"

"How did you sleep? Do you feel any better?"

"Yes I slept great thanks to you and I do feel a lot better thank you, my love."

"I can tell you left a puddle of evidence behind on my chest. Even when you drool your beautiful."

OMG, my eyes shoot open as i attempt to sit up but am restrained by the long arms of the man that I'm laying on. It's too late now the puddle is already out of your mouth were you planning to return it back to where it came he says with a straight face. I look at him in amazement. I mean, it was cold at first but I adjusted to the interesting sensation because you're worth it. I open my mouth to comment and the clock on the wall catches my eye Oh No No No i'm late. I hop up out the bed with superhuman force braking the grip Yoongi had on me and take off running to the bathroom.

  Almost falling over the drawers Yoongi put on the floor in the pursuit of my inhaler i let out a yelp stubbing my toe. Slow down before we really do have to head to the hospital he said while his eyes widen at my frantic movements.  I don't have time to slow down I'm late I say as I run into the bathroom only to be met by the floor as I slip and fall flat on my ass. "Agh" i let out a sound of frustration and pain while hearing Yoongi footsteps running to my aid. I look up to see my husband looking down at me. "Do you have time to slow down now." He tilts his head come on let me help you up so we can go to the hospital to make sure you didnt break anything.

No, I'm fine i say through squinted eyes I have to take a shower and head to Big hit to talk to your boss and straighten things out. I only have 4 days to handle everything and it will be handled in 4 days. I stand up slowly with some assistants. I am not dumb PK i am fully aware that when you say you're fine you really aren't so here are your choices bed rest or the hospital and there is no third option. Either you rest in bed and allow your body to heal for the day so you can be at your best or i will escort you to the hospital myself.

"Alright, you might be worse than a prison warden. I will be on bed rest then but what about my meeting?"

"I postponed it until tomorrow right after you fell asleep i was going to tell you but you were moving at the speed of light and wanted to run in the house. He said while smirking. Fine just help me back to the bed please ok i need a couple more hours of sleep anyways. Since you landed here I've been waking up earlier than usual since i usually sleep till 2 pm i have about four more hours to catch up on. We climb into bed and snuggle up.

Pk you know since you Got here you have been quite busy being half-dressed in front of my bandmates, fighting with secretaries, writing music, making clothes, and hiding your identity as PK.

He shakes his head the older we get the more you surprise me. Well, let's keep on living then because i think i might have some more surprises in store for you. He looks at me and smiles well i cant wait to see what they could be he says as we melt into each others embrace. He kisses my forehead and says make sure to give em a call today I know you miss em. "I think I just might do that.".....

... Hello, Mr. PD Nim, I'm so glad i was able to meet with you today. So am i Mr. PK and i look forward to working with you.....

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