Perfectly Wrong | S.M

By SimplyJodi

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I turn my body facing him, "You left me okay, Shawn!" I yell causing him to look at me shocked, "I was so in... More

Characters :)
Twenty - One
Twenty - Two
Twenty - Three
Twenty - Five
Twenty - Six
Twenty - Seven
Twenty - Eight
Twenty - Nine
Thirty - One
Twenty - Two
Thirty - Three
Thirty - Four
Thirty - Five
Thirty - Six

Twenty - Four

71 3 0
By SimplyJodi

Perfectly Wrong | S.M
Chapter: Twenty Four

I lay on the couch in my dress room, i check my phone and i drop it on the floor seeing there is no messages from Layla, i frown slightly.

"Shawn" Andrew trails off, i look up at him as he has just entered. "You can't keep moping around after her all the time" He tells me.

"She called me dude earlier, dude" I scoff, i sit up and i rub my eyes trying to wake myself up more, since I've been so exhausted.

"I can't listen to this anymore" He rolls his eyes. "You're back in New York in ten days, I'm sure you'll be fine" He says, i can hear that he's growing frustrated with me by the tone of his voice.

"I guess so" I sigh.

"Anna is in town, i saw pap pictures of her from today arriving" He informs me, i nod my head not really caring. "Call her and hangout with her" She yells at me.

Calling her couldn't hurt, we used to be so close. We were friends, we kinda start out as just sleeping with each other but when i went back to Toronto i only wanted Layla. So i would only speak to her as friends not when i wanted to fuck or nudes.

"Fine" I mumble, i grab my phone from the floor and i find her contact. "Leave" I chuckle looking at Andrew, he leaves laughing.

I dial the number and it rings for a few seconds.

"Shawn" Anna screeches through the phone, i chuckle at her response.

"We're in the same city at the same time" I say with a smirk written all over my face. "Want to meet up?" I ask her.

"Sure, meet me at my hotel in like an hour, I'll text you where I'm staying" She tells me, i get up and grab my hoodie. "We could go for a walk, it's kinda late so we should be fine" She suggests.

"Yeah, sounds great" I smile, i end the call and put my hoodie on.

I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty, i know that somehow Layla was going to find out about this, not that I'm doing anything wrong but i know how she thinks. While i change into a pair of jeans i can't help but think what is she doing right now, am i on her mind like she's constantly on mine? Looking at her snapchat and Instagram she's living her best life and I'm sat around waiting for her.

I walk out of my dressing room.

"Andrew said you're meeting up with Anna, i thought we were all going to the bar?" Geoff asks, a smirk forms on my lips and he laughs at me. "Shawn is getting laid tonight" He laughs.

"We're just friends" I shake my head at him, he smirks at me again.

"Friends that sleep with each other often" He teases me, i roll my eyes and he laughs at me again.

"We haven't slept together in a year, now would you back off?" I roll my eyes jokingly.

"I'm kidding man" He nudges me, i slip my phone into my pocket. "Have a good night" He smiles at me, i smile back.

"I'll see you later" I say and he nods his head at me.

My bodyguard waits for me and we walk out the back entrance together i get in the car that Andrew booked for me, my bodyguard shuts the door and i inform the driver on where I'm going.

Once i look down at what hotel she sent me, i couldn't help but smirk at the fact that we're staying at the same hotel.

The drive there was pretty long, there was a lot of traffic tonight and i decided to call Layla to pass time, it couldn't hurt. I ring her number and just as it's about to cut off she answers.

"Hello?" I hear her voice, i didn't think she was actually going to respond to me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask trying to make conversation, the background of the phone call sounds really loud.

"Layla, are you coming babe?" I hear a male voice in the background, my heart drops at some other man calling her babe. "I gotta go Shawn, bye" She ends the call before i can say anything.

Did Layla have a boyfriend?

Is this why she's been so distant with me this past month?

Is it that fucking Matthew or is that Noah that she's been tagging in most of her snapchats?

I feel like flying to New York just to see for myself if she really is with someone else, i really thought that it was going to me and Layla in the end, nobody else mattered just her.

The driver stops outside the hotel and i spot Anna outside straight away, i smile at how good she looks tonight.

"Thanks mate" I say to the driver, i get out of the car and i walk over to Anna. "Hello stranger" I chuckle and she smiles at me.

"Shawn, I've missed you" She says as she hugs me, i hug her back quickly before someone takes a photo.

"Where are we walking?" I ask curiously, i stare at her waiting for a response.

"Well i lived here for like two years before my family moved to Orlando, there was this place called Mike's ice cream we could walk there it's only like a twenty minute walk?" She shrugs her shoulders, i nod my head and she leads the way.

"How come you moved to Orlando?" I ask, she frowns slightly at my question and i worry that I've made her sad.

"We moved here to be closer to my grandparents, but they passed away and my mom couldn't handle living here without them so we moved to Orlando and that's basically where my career started" She explains to me, i put my arm around her trying comfort her.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to-"

"Honestly it's fine" She cuts me off and i nod my head, i remove my arm once i see a few people starting to take photos. "Don't you ever wish you weren't in the public eye for just like an hour?" She asks.

"Yeah" I trail off. "Don't get me wrong i love my job and i wouldn't trade it for anything, i have the most amazing fans but sometimes i do think about life without paparazzi and TMZ and all that" I answer her question, she nods her head understanding.

"Speaking of tmz, if i seen you with a girl with dark brown hair a lot" She smirks at me waiting for me to spill the gossip, i shrug my shoulders. "Tell me about her" She rolls her eyes at me.

"Nothing much to say, I've known her for a really long time she's my bestfriends sister we had a little thing and then i left for years, i came back she had a boyfriend they broke, we had a little thing again mainly sex and then i left" I reply bluntly, she shakes her head at me knowing I'm not telling the full story. "Then she moved to New York and i was in New York for a break and i saw her and tried to be with her and she basically rejected me" I add.

"Someone rejected Shawn Mendes?" She fake gasps, i smirk at her nudge her arm.

"Before i left i asked for her to wait for me, she said no but she also said something about she doesn't see herself getting into a relationship" I say, i frown slightly remembering someone calling her babe.

"That's good then, you still have your shot" She tells me and i shake my head.

"She's been distant with me this last month and i called her earlier and someone in the background was calling her babe" I sigh, she leans her head on me.

"I'm sure it was nothing and if it was she definitely doesn't know what she's missing out on" She replies and i nod my head.

Curiously i check my snapchat to see if Mat has posted anything, if she's at a party he must be there. I added Mat when Layla mentioned him in her story before, i didn't really care for him it was mostly so i could see Layla.

My heart sunk once i saw Layla kissing Noah on there, is this really happening? Has she moved on to Noah. I felt sick.

"Yeah she's moved on" I mumble, i pass the phone to Anna and frown slightly.

"Shawn, i'm so sorry" She rubs my arm trying to comfort me.

"Do you want to come back to my room and we can order ice cream instead?" I ask her, she nods her head and we change the direction we were walking in.


My phone begins to ring, i look down and see that it's Shawn. I contemplate if i want to talk to him right now, things are just too awkward right now and I'm not really into having a awkward conversation while I'm trying to have fun.

"Hello?" I answer the phone giving in.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks me, i roll my eyes slightly knowing he doesn't really care about me anymore.

"Layla, are you coming babe?" Noah calls me waiting for me to play beer pong with him, i nod my head at him.

"I gotta go Shawn, bye" I end the call.

I know what he must be thinking right now with Noah calling me babe, i kind of like knowing he's probably annoyed right now, it's exactly how i feel when he's been pictured with a blonde girl.

I walk over to Noah and stand next to him in front of the ping pong table, we have cups on there for beer pong instead though.

"Everything okay?" He asks looking concerned by the frown that formed on my lips, i smile at him nodding my head.

"Yeah, but just because we kissed in truth or dare doesn't mean you can call me babe" I smirk at and he laughs.

"Are you guys ready to play beer pong or are we just going to talk about Noah's crush on you all night?" Mia teases, i smirk at Noah and he shakes his head at me.

"I do not have a crush-"

"Okay, lets start" Tristan complains cutting Noah off from finishing his sentence.

Noah throws the ball and he misses, Tristan and Mia laugh at him and i pat his back in a jokingly way. Mia throws the ball and gets it in the cup.

"Yes!" Mia screams in excitement, i laugh at her and watch as Noah takes the ball out of the cup and downs the liquid that fills the red cup.

"Now, not trying to brag but I'm kinda good at this" I shrug my shoulders while throwing the ball and landing it in back cup.

"For someone is good at this, you almost missed" Tristan teases me and i roll my eyes, he drinks the drink and i think that one may have been plain vodka because he started to cough.

"What's the matter? Can't take it?" I smirk.

"I'm going to make you drink now" He threats, he throws the ball aiming to get it into the middle cup, but he fails and it rolls off the table.

"What was that again?" I laugh, he shakes his head at me.

"Great i have a shit thrower on my team" Mia groans and me and Noah both laugh.

"Don't worry, i have Noah" I roll my eyes jokingly and he nudges my arm.

Noah throws another ball and it lands in a cup to the left and Mia drinks it, she throws another ball and misses me and Noah both tease them. I throw a ball and it lands in the middle cup, Tristan shakes his head at me.

"Stop getting moody" I laugh at him.

He drinks the drink and throws the cup on the floor sulking, i don't know if it was the alcohol but it was extremely funny to me.

"You guys suck at this" Noah chuckles.

Tristan throws the next ball and its lands in a cup, i pick up the red cup and down the substances inside of it.

"Proud of you dude" I raise my cup in the air and Tristan laughs at me. Noah takes his turn and misses it, Mia takes her turn and also misses, i laugh at them both. "I'm like the only one with talent here" I tease.

I throw the ball and before it lands Tristan catches it, i roll my eyes at him and Noah shakes his head.

"That's cheating" Noah shouts.

"You have to drink the cup it almost went in now, it's only fair" I tell him, he shakes his head at me.


"We have a sore loser here, cheating is shitty" I try to wind him and it works, he drinks the drink and chuckles.

My phone vibrates on the table and i look at it, it's a snap from Ellie. I look at it to see that she forwarded me Mat's story of me kissing Noah in truth or dare.

I lock my phone and i leave the room and go into the kitchen, i finally lock eyes with Mat and i storm towards him.

"What's wrong now?" He asks rolling his eyes at me, i furrow my eyebrows at him confused on why he's acting weird with me.

"Delete that story before Shawn sees it now, please i'm begging you" I beg him, he takes another sip of his drink.

"Shawn already seen it Layla" He tells me, my eyes go wide.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" I yell at him, I'm starting to get angry at the way he's acting.

"He doesn't care, get over it already" He rolls his eyes at me and i shake my head at him knowing he's clearly had too much to drink.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I ask feeling offended by what he said.

"You're my problem, I'm sick of hearing about Shawn" For the first rime he raises his voice at me and tears started to build in my eyes, i kept them in.

"You're the one who brings him up, i try to avoid it" I defend myself. "If you're struggling to find a girl to sleep with you tonight go fucking home and stop taking your mood out on me" I snap.

He laughs at me and it's only then i realise that everyone is staring, i couldn't help but feel anxious. I needed to get out of there before i started to cry.

I ran outside and i opened my phone, i rang the only person that i felt like would be there for me right now. Shawn. It rang, but he never answered.

My heart ached at the thought that he was mad at me, or he was upset thinking i had moved on. He knows right? He knows that i would never move on.

"Fuck" I mumble to myself.

I decide to book and uber, i look down at my phone to see its only two minutes away. I look on my socials to see if i had any messages, i refreshed twitter and seen a photo of Shawn, he wasn't alone. This is the girl that i seen him with a few time on TMZ before he came home.

My uber arrives and i get in there, i begin to obsess over the photos, he has his arm around her and she has her head on his arm, i frown at the photos.

She was beautiful, way more prettier than me, she had brown hair, brown eyes and her skin was flawless. The smile on her lips in the photo is probably the best smile I've ever seen. She is gorgeous, and i am not.

Has he really moved on? My heart ached at the thought, i knew i said i wasn't waiting but i hope he knew that i was really waiting for him.

It's always been Shawn, it will always be Shawn. 

Authors Note;

Please vote and comment! It really helps me out and i would appreciate it so much!

I really hope you're all doing well!

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