Full Moon(Wattys 2023)

Af AngelBuyawrites

833 267 0

Gwen Greene had it all. White-privilege, top and most attractive cheerleader, rich and prestigious family. Ju... Mere

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV

Chapter V

64 18 0
Af AngelBuyawrites

Chapter Five

"Anna, Gwen, Alice! Get up! Come on! Breakfast is on the table!" Mom calls as she goes back down the steps.

I finish by smearing on some lip gloss, and putting hair spray in my hair.

Picking up the perfume bottle I got from my grandma, I spray it and walk through. It smells like vanilla.

I head down the staircase, and eat my bacon and eggs for breakfast. Anna and Alice come down ten minutes later.

Mom shoves the plate at Anna, "I'm not hungry."

Then Mom looks to Alice, "I'm not hungry," she copies.

"Suit yourselves!" Mom's mad, she probably won't even make breakfast tomorrow.

Now it's time for some payback, with some extra dessert. Hmm

"So, Alice," I start, "how was the party last night?" Mom will never hear a word until you say boys, party, beer, or sex.

"What? Alice, baby, you went to a party, last night?"

Alice's expression is mortified, she glares at me, "I went out with some friends, I don't know if I'd call it a party though."

Mom is glowering at Alice, "Was there beer?"

"Mom?!" Alice scoffs, but looks away.

The thought of beer makes me want to throw breakfast up, especially after the dream last night.

"Alice Henrietta Greene! You get up to your room! We need to talk before you go to school, I'll drive you!"

Alice moans, and stomps up the staircase.

"I'm not a baby!" she cries.

Anna laughs, "Thank God, Mom! You got rid of my stalker for this morning!" Anna walks out to the car, and I follow closely behind.


"What do you want, creeper? I have to go!"

I smile sweetly. "Can I have a ride? It's a million degrees out, it's hotter than yesterday!"

"You just sold your own sister out," she says, "plus, you made a fool of me last night. So you'll be walking!" She gets in the car, locks the doors, and drives off.

"I hate you!" I scream after her car.

Starting the long trek without a water bottle was stupid. The tight jean shorts are suffocating my thighs, and the tank top is like a corset.

'Why didn't I buy more comfortable clothes over the summer?!' I remind myself, 'Oh yea, that was before'.

Five minutes into my walk, two Harleys drive by they both stop about a hundred yards down.

I walk my usual pace, and they both wait. "Hey, do you want a ride today," the voice asks.

I look down at my sweat soaked body, "I don't think you want a ride with this,"

he looks me up and down.

"I've seen worse."

I roll my eyes, and step forward, "Okay."

Finn takes off his helmet, and his hair is sticking up everywhere. "Put this on, okay?"

I nod, sliding the helmet on, he helps me onto the bike. "Where do I put my hands?" I look around for handles.

Finn looks away awkwardly, Aaron pipes up from the other bike, "Chick, you put your hands on his waist. Why do you think he asked you if you wanted to ride?" I glare at him, ready to tell him my name, but Finn beats me too it, "Her name is Gwen, but you can call her princess."

Aaron laughs, "You ready princess?"

I glower at him, but he just shrugs his shoulders. The boys take off, and my hands, which were in my lap, fly around Finn's waist and squeeze.

"Hold on!" he yells.

What would have taken me twenty minutes, now took us five as we pulled into the school parking lot. People stared at the two guys on the Harley, and did a double take at the girl with the huge helmet on her head.

Finn and Aaron park right next to each other, "You're a sophomore, Aaron?" I ask once the helmets off.

"No, I'm a junior," He answers

my facial expression must have read confused because Finn explains.

"My parents started me in kindergarten a year late, along with buttwipe over here," he points to Aaron over his shoulder as he straps the helmet to the bike.

"Class should be fun, today!" Aaron rubs his palms together in anticipation.

"Hey, about the Spanish," I start. They both go silent at the awkwardness of last night. "It's not biggie! I'll just tutor you for half an hour after school, okay? Today I have cheer practice, so you can wait here or you can come to my house or I can go to yours." On the inside, I was hoping he said no to the last one.

He glances at Aaron who's raising his eyebrows, "I guess I'll wait for you and we can study at your house. If that's all right?"

Aaron's laughing to himself.

"Yea, that's fine! Just, one rule,"

he nods.


"You can't tell my mom or dad that you're seventeen, and therefore, actually, a senior. You must be my age. Got it?" I wait for a reply.

"Sounds doable, princess," he says with a smirk.

We walk into school together, and we are definitely stared at. "Do people always look at you like this?" Aaron asked.

I almost said no, "Actually, it a new thing this year."

"It's kinda weird," he shrugs it off and keeps walking.

"You should probably go to the office and get your schedule. The lady in there will assign you a buddy,"

he looks confused.

"What's a buddy?"

Finn points to me, "Your babysitter idiot!"

I look to Finn, "Shut up, dipstick! It's not like I wanted to babysit."

"Dipstick? Really? There are so many other nicknames that you don't even know you can use!"

Finn growls, "Aaron, shut up."

"I know, I know! Keep it on the down low," he smiles. "That rhymes!"

"You're a genius, Einstein," I mutter.

"Is that my nickname?" Aaron actually looks excited.

"Uh, sure, it's kind of offensive."

"And dipstick isn't?" Aaron watches me.

"True, now no more talking go to the office and get your stuff!"

Aaron looks off into the distance, "Stuff. Such a vague word."

"Get out of here, Einstein!"

He smiles and heads off to the office. This time I turn to Finn, "First bell's going to ring in two minutes. I'm sure you can get to all your classes today?"

"Uh huh," He says not making eye contact.

"Oh," I turn back around before I walk away, "just so you know I could have embarrassed you last night."

Finn looks at me now, "Huh? Last night?" his expression is instantly worried. "Where did you see me last night," the seriousness in his tone takes all the fun out of the situation.

"On the road, dipstick, riding with you siblings. I almost rolled down my window and shouted something embarrassing,"

his lips twitch.

"Like what, princess?" again, I've dug myself in a hole.

"I don't know, maybe, 'run like the wind Bulls-eye!' or a countdown maybe. What ever came out of my mouth. You know," I look away my cheeks flushing, again, embarrassing myself.

"I'm glad you didn't," he says.


"I'm glad you didn't shout anything, I would have never lived down from the embarrassment. But that would have been after Aaron got over the idea that you were talking to him."

I laugh out loud and snort once. "Oh crap!" I cover my mouth and his lips pull back into a smile.

The bell rings. "See you in second out, princess."

"See you later, dipstick!" I say. He walks the opposite way of our lockers toward the office, to find his brother.

I grab my books and head to first hour, Spanish, with Jordan. Oh goodness gracious, please help me someone!

Walking into Spanish was okay, finding a seat was okay, having Jordan choose the seat next to me was awkward.

"Hey," he says.

"Hi," I look at my hands uncomfortably.

"How've you been?" he asks me.

I laugh, "You mean since last night? Good. How about you?"

Jordan shrugs, "Okay, could've been better," he looks me in the eyes and I know he's referring to the kiss. He's openly saying I should have kissed him.

"Jordan, I want to be friends still, so neither one of us is going to bring any of that up. Got it? That is no-no territory. We've decided together that we're going to be friends."

He shakes his head no, "Remember, on the Ferris Wheel when I told you, you were beautiful and that I couldn't be just friends anymore. I can't be just friends with you, Gwen, I need more. I told you that I," he lowers his voice so he doesn't embarrass either of us, "love you. You can't be just friends with someone that you love."

I hang my head, "You can't ask that, Jordan. If I don't love you what am I supposed to do? Just click delete? I like you a lot, and maybe over time," I take a shaky breath, "It's just to soon for me to be with another football player okay. I can't stand the persona of football player and cheerleader,"

he frowns. "I don't have to be a football player anymore,"

I smile sweetly at him. I put my hand on his cheek.

"I can't ask you to throw away your scholarship for a sill girl, Jordan. I just can't do that to my true best friend," I sigh, "I understand if you can't, but I'd really like for us to be friends."

He looks away and swallows back what looks like a start of a cry, "Okay, we can try the friend thing. Although," he smiles a broken smile, "I think it will be a little awkward."

I kiss his cheek as the bell rings, "We've done it before."

Before I know it, the class I have with Jordan is over, and I'm headed to art class. This time, when I get to my locker, Finn is there along with Aaron waiting for me.

"Hey," my voice is kind of sad after everything that happened.

Finn grabs my wrist and looks me in the eyes, "What happened?"

My eyes are huge and Aaron patting his brother's shoulder, pulling him back a bit, "It's Jordan."

"Did he hurt you, Gwen,"

my eyebrows furrow at the use of my real name.

"No, actually, I wish he would've hurt me. It'd be better than this," I close my locker and lock it.

Finn is clenching and unclenching his hands, "Spit it out all ready," he snaps.

"Wow! It's not really your business in the first place, but Jordan," I rub my temple, "Jordan told me he loved me. Loved me,"

Aaron smiles, but Finn frown slightly.

"That's cool," Einstein shouts.

"Shush, Einstein! It is not cool. I had to tell him I don't feel the same way, I felt so cruel!" Finn opens the door to the art room, Aaron and I walk in.

We take the three seats in the back, and I start talking, "I told him he was my best friend, and that's how I want it to stay. End of story."

Finn has stopped listening, and has pulled out his drawing.

"Let me see?" I ask.

He looks at me and Aaron laughs, "Finn and girlie hobby! Come on Finny, show her!"

Finn growls at Aaron, but hands me the drawing.

My breath hitches in my throat when I look at the drawing. At the very top of the page is the sky full of stars, and underneath is a girl.

Not any specific girl, just a girl, and standing next to her is a wolf. The shading makes the picture look like night and day at the same time.

I turn to Finn, "It really is amazing," I whisper.

"It's also very subtle," Aaron rambles beside me.

"Thanks," is all he says.

"Mine sucks compared to yours, though!" I make the mood more peppy.

"Bet it beats mine," Aaron jokes.

"Why'd you take this class?" Finn asks Aaron.

Aaron smiles, "Because you're in it, dipstick," he flutters his eyelashes. "Did I do a good imitation of princess?"

Finn laughs, "No she's much more prettier, Aaron!"

My heart beats faster, but I remind myself, 'Single girl this year, Gwen!'. I am not having another Robert.

Lunch rolls around, and I meet Finn and Aaron. "Please tell me we aren't sitting outside?!"

Finn shrugs.

"No, outside is much better. If I have to be in here all day, I'm going outside for lunch," Aaron informs us.

"Are you guys getting anything?"

Finn shakes his head no, but Aaron pipes up.

"We don't have any money for the account thingy!" Aaron is hyper.

I look to Finn, "You could have told me, I'd have gotten you something to munch on!"

"Well, we're starved now!" They each get a full lunch, whereas I get a cheese stick, an apple, and apple juice.

Like yesterday, we sit outside. "It's too hot," I complain. "It's a million degrees!" After we sit, I still complain, "It's torture!"

"It's because you're in clothing that doesn't breathe," Finn informed me.

Aaron smiles, "Let the girl wear what she wants, those clothes are nice!"

"Stop it!" Finn warns.

"Einstein, stop messing with dipstick," I warn.

"Okay, boss," he takes a huge bite into the sandwich. "Yummy!"

"Yea, I know you're lying. Why do you think I only get an apple and cheese stick? The lunches here are nasty," I make a gagging notion.

"So you're saying you eat more at home?"

I roll my eyes. "Are you kidding! I eat the most in my house. The ones who don't eat are my sisters."

Aaron's eyebrows go up, "You have sisters?"

"Yeah, I have an eighteen year old, spoiled rotten, brat and a fourteen year old, freshman, who's copying the spoiled rotten brat," I take a bite of the apple.

"Huh, how would they describe you?" Finn asks.

"That's a good one. This week they'd call me a stalker and a tattle tail."

"That sure is a combo!" Finn says after he finishes his last bite of lunch.

"Yea, well last night, after I got home, to direct the attention away from me, I told them my sister, Anna, was making out with Chad, at school, like a dog.

"And then this morning, I told on Alice for going to a party," I sigh. "I am a terrible person."

Right before either of them can say anything, Jordan walks up and sits down next to me, "Hey, buddy!"

I make a tight smile, "What are you doing over here, Jordan?"

"Came to sit with my best friend, in a million degree heat, apparently," he smiles at me.

"Hey, tell them. They don't want to sit inside."

"Hi, I don't think we've been introduced yet, I'm Jordan," he puts his hand out to Aaron.

Aaron shakes it, "Aaron, nice to meet you."

And to Finn, "Finn."

"Anyways, you guys could totally sit with us inside. We're right next to the windows," Jordan points to there table through the glass.

Aaron speaks up, "Yeah, that sounds nice, we'll..."

"Sorry, I don't think I really like that table," I smile nervously. God, Jordan doesn't even know.

"Okay, then. Not that table. Gwen, I know it's awkward around Robert, but it's totally okay. Robert's over it, since you broke up with him and all. Plus, he's not going to beat you up for it or anything," everyone laughs a little bit, but I feel like I have to throw up.

"I have to go," I leave all of my books by the tree and run into the bathroom. I can't even help myself from throwing up.

I cried a little bit before I heard someone come into the bathroom, "Gwen?" It was Finn.

Stopping myself from crying was hard, but I somehow managed to pull myself together, and put on that fake smile.

"Hey!" I say my nosed clogged. I see that the bathroom door is locked.

When I turn to the mirror I realize that I'm not fooling anyone. My eyes are red and puffy, my hair is coming out of the pony tail, and my nosed sounds stuffy.

"You don't have to tell me what happened," is all Finn says. I step forward and cry, he wraps his arms around me to comfort me, and I shake as I sob.

I hear the bell go off, but quickly lose track of when. "We should probably get to class," I murmur.

"If you want, but I could take you home if you need to go?" I look up at Finn with tears hanging on my eyelashes.

I try to smile, "Thank you, but I better stay. My parents will call, and it all goes down from there."

Stepping out of his embrace awkwardly, I walk over to the counter and fix my hair. I wipe away any of the mascara and tears before I feel well enough to leave the bathroom.

"Ready?" he asks tentatively.

I nod slowly, "I think so," Finn nods.

There, in the bathroom, I know something happened between us. But I didn't know what to say, so I just grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

Where we split at the hallway, I swivel over my shoulder as I say, "Wait for me in the gym, I get a ride back to my house!"

He smiles, and I can't wait for that ride to my house.

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