Kamen Rider Gaim - Fruit Wars...

By MitchellDonnelly

13.1K 198 21

Yuuta is a young man who is from a family who are descendants of famous warriors who fought back in the Sengo... More

Characters (Updated)
Episode 1 - Transform! The Orange Samurai Appears!
Episode 2 - The New Sengoku Period
Episode 3 - Pulverize! Pineapple Arms!
Episode 4 - A New Armored Rider Appears! The Grape Dragon!
Episode 5 - Samurai to Ninja! Go, Strawberry Arms!
Episode 6 - Arrival of a Rival! The Banana Transformation!
Episode 7 - The Man Who Fell in Love with the Enemy
Episode 8 - Melon Rider, Prepare for Battle!
Episode 10 - The Final Showdown of Love! Orange vs. Melon!
Episode 11 - Legend of the Golden Fruit (REMADE)
Episode 12 - Encounter with Durian and Cherry! Unleash Watermelon Arms!
Episode 13 - Another Battle Begins! Confrontation with the Lemon Archer!
Episode 14 - The Orange's Fear and The Lemon's Determination
Episode 15 - Banana, Acorn, and a Familiar Face!
Episode 16 - The Truth Behind a Banana's Peel
Episode 17 - Go to War! The Lemon Rider's Rampage!
Episode 18 - The Power of Oranges! Birth of Jimber Tangerine!
Episode 19 - Kai in Crisis! The Apple Warrior's Debut!
Episode 20 - A Samurai's Disappearance
Episode 21 - Jam's Trial and Secret
Episode 22 - The Orange and Banana's Rescue! Siege at Akechi Castle!
Episode 23 - Back to the Front Lines! Raise Your Flag, Triumph Arms!
Episode 24 - The New Mysterious Enemy
Episode 25 - Return and Recruitment! The Jimber's Potential!
Episode 26 - A Banana's Genesis Transformation!
Episode 27 - Counterattack! The True Battle Begins!
Episode 28 - Fallen Tiger, Rising Dragon
Episode 29 - The New Dangerous Threat! Rise of the Inves!
Episode 30 - Appear, the Peach Fortune Teller, Marika!
Episode 31 - Another Assault! The Green Overlord!
Episode 32 - Gaim and Baron! Clash of Ideals!
Episode 33 - New Troubles in Echigo

Episode 9 - The Mother Tree

240 5 0
By MitchellDonnelly

In the little time that has passed during Episode 7, it shifts back over to Yuuta.

Presently, he's seen riding his Sakura Hurricane through the open fields, going somewhere.

While riding, Yuuta thought back when he was at the Takeda castle.


In the Takeda castle, Yuuta is present along with Shingen, Sakura, and Yukimura.

As of right now, he's telling the three of them something very important.

Shingen: You have to leave for a while?

Yuuta: That's right. So, may I have your permission Lord Shingen?

Sakura: Wa-Wait, Yu. What are you thinking in a time like this? There's no telling when the Uesugi will come attacking again. Without you with us, we'll be totally no match for them again.

Yukimura: Besides, where will you go?

Yuuta: It's hard to explain... But, all I can say it's something that will help us in stopping our war against the Uesugi.

Sakura: But, Yu-

Yuuta: I already know Sakura, about not being there. But if we don't do something to end our war against them...

Yuuta then turns to Yukimura.

Yuuta: -Then some very unfortunate things will happen.

Yukimura: Yuuta...

Shingen: Mmm... Very well, Yuuta. Your permission has been granted.

Sakura: But, my lord-!

Shingen: I do not like the decision of him suddenly leaving us either, Sakura. However, Yuuta isn't one to make foolish decisions. Therefore Yuuta, I will trust in whatever you are willing to do.

Yuuta: Lord Shingen. Thank you so much! I swear it won't be for nothing!

Shingen: But one more thing. Here.

Shingen tossed Yuuta another huge lock in the shape of a dandelion.

Yuuta: Another one of those huge locks?

Shingen: This lock vehicle will allow you to transport yourself back to us if you are far away. Whatever you're about to do, caution yourself out there.

Yuuta: Thanks lord, I promise I won't let you down!

*end flashback*

Yuuta is then seen back at the present, where he's riding through a forest with a bunch of trees.

As he continues down the trail, he finally made it out to the open to his destination. Specifically, where he's about to start.

Continuing to ride down the trail, he then parked near a tree and converted his motorcycle back to its lock form.

As he looked around, he grabbed a childish drawing of the same environment he's in.

Yuuta: Let's see, according to what Itou said, the path to this Mother Tree should be here. Although this drawing is kind of stupid, it's pretty identical to this place.

Yuuta then puts back the drawing and takes a deep breath.

Yuuta: Alright, here goes...

Beginning to go on foot, after Yuuta does through the Shinto gate and entered a cave, his journey begins.

The cave he entered is quiet, with hearing the voice of water droplets.

It was also dark, but luckily Yuuta got himself a torch while walking along.

Yuuta: Boy, it sure is dark in here...

As he continues to walk along, Yuuta stumbled on two different cave paths.

Yuuta: Oh great, now which way do I go?

Yuuta started to get stressed, but he slapped himself to snap out of it.

Yuuta: No Yuuta, don't get all stressed out. Remember what grandpa said, "Do not think, act. Persistence will always reveal the path". Alright, guess it's time to trust in my instincts.

He then went to a cave path randomly and continued to walk.

But as he get moving, Yuuta only stumbled onto more different cave paths.

But as he continued to walk, he suddenly heard something. A growl of a beast.

When Yuuta looks around, he then spots to source of the growl, a black wolf.

Black Wolf: *growl*

Yuuta: Oh, hey. I didn't see you-.

Black Wolf: *roar*!*roar*!

Yuuta tries to approach the wolf, but he stood back when it let out little, loud roars.

Yuuta remained quiet and stood still for a moment, but noticed something on the wolf.

The wolf couldn't move because it sustained an injury on the leg.

After Yuuta saw the reason why, he decided to move closer to it slowly.

Black Wolf: *roar*!

Yuuta: Shh, no it's okay... I'm not going to hurt you.

As the wolf saw Yuuta's worried expression from his face, he didn't showed its fangs. Allowing him to get closer to it.

After Yuuta went to the wolf, he grabbed a roll of bandages from his backpack and applied it to the injured spot.

Yuuta: You must've gotten hurt while trying to find a way out. Don't worry, I'll take care of it for you.

Black Wolf: *whine*

After the bandage is done, the wolf tried to stand up and walk around. Surprisingly, it feels better.

But as the wolf looks at Yuuta for a moment, it suddenly runs up to him.

Yuuta: Wait, what are you!?

The wolf then tackled Yuuta, but it didn't attack him. Instead, it licked him to show its gratitude.

Yuuta: Ah! Wait, ha ha ha...! No, stop it! Okay, okay you're welcome! Ha ha ha!

He then got up and patted the wolf, as it was friendly.

Yuuta: *pant*Whew. I guess we can call it a truce.

Then, he got up on one knee and got close to the wolf.

Yuuta: Are you trying to find a way out too?

Black Wolf: *bark*

Yuuta: Guess I'll take that as a yes. Hmm... I have an idea, do you want to come with me? We can find a way out of this cave together.

Black Wolf: *bark*!*bark*!

The wolf was seen wagging his tail, and Yuuta already knew the answer.

Yuuta: Heh, great. Come on, let's go!

As Yuuta got up, he and the wolf started to go.

However, the wolf blocks Yuuta in the direction he's going.

Yuuta: What's wrong? Do you still need something?

The wolf then turns its head to the direction it turned to and runs toward another cave path.

By the time it ran over, he barked to Yuuta, as if it's signaling something.

Yuuta: Are you saying we should go that way?!

Black Wolf: *bark*!

The black wolf barks in agreement and began to run down the cave path.

Yuuta: Hey, wait up!

Yuuta then starts to run and follow the wolf, leading them down towards other randomly cave paths along the way.

But while running, Yuuta got tired and stopped to take a break.

The wolf also realized and went back to him.

Yuuta: *pant* *pant*Not yet... I can't rest now.

Black Wolf: *wines*

Yuuta: Yeah, I'm fine. Let's get going.

Yuuta and the wolf then kept running forward while they are side-by-side.

=== stop music here ===

After another long run, a glimpse of light is seen up ahead.

Finally, they made it out of the cave, back to the opening. To a scenery of what appears to be a snowy place near the mountains.

Yuuta: This is it. We made it! I guess you do know the way out after all.

Black Wolf: *bark*

As Yuuta took a step forward, he then felt a little cold breeze, which made him try to warm himself.

Yuuta: *shivers*Brr. It sure is cold up here.

Black Wolf: *whine*

Yuuta: Yeah, don't worry about me. I'll be fine.

Yuuta then stares at the wolf and bends down to its level.

Yuuta: You know, since you're coming along with me, it would be troubling if I start calling you "wolf". What do you say I give you a name?

Black Wolf: *bark**wags tail*

Yuuta: Alright, let's see, hmm... How about, "Buster"?

The wolf then showed a puzzled look.

Yuuta: Okay, never mind that. ...How about "Hana"? "Fuji"? No actually, forget what I said, those won't work. ...! I know, how about "Kurou"?

Kurou: *bark*!*bark*!*bark*!

The wolf, now known as Kurou seemed to like that name. As it, now called a "he", is licking Yuuta's cheek.

Yuuta: Heh. Okay, Kurou it is! Now come on, we still have a long way to go.

As they continued to go up the snowy trail, Kurou is whining at Yuuta for some reason.

Yuuta: What is it now, Kurou? ...Are you probably wondering where I'm going?

Yuuta saw Kurou nodding his head, and now he's scratching his head, trying to find a way to explain.

Yuuta: I don't know how I can explain since your a wolf and all, but I'll try to be brief. I'm here to find something to help someone who's sick. Because of that, a huge fight broke out for his sake. I'm trying to stop that fight by finding the one thing that will save him, from a special tree which is called the Mother Tree.

Kuroh: *bark*!*bark*!

Yuuta: Kuroh, what is it?

Kuroh: *bark*

Yuuta: ...It can't be. Are you saying you know where the tree is?

Kuroh then nod his head again, and Yuuta is completely surprised and relieved.

Yuuta: Can you lead it to me?

Kuroh then runs on ahead, with Yuuta following from behind once again.

As they continued down through the snow, they stumbled on a trail of steps that is leading to another cave.

Yuuta: Ah! That must be it!

Yuuta continued to follow Kuroh up the steps, until they reached the doorway through a cave.

As they entered, the cave is actually a small trail leading towards the light at the end.

After they both entered, Yuuta cannot believed what he sees in front of his eyes.

It's an appearance of a peaceful, natural environment, with greens and a huge waterfall.

As Yuuta takes a few steps slowly, enjoying the scenery, he saw what he was looking for in front of his eyes.

Yuuta; The Mother Tree...

Yuuta and Kuroh went up the steps and saw the Mother Tree's beautiful appearance up close.

Yuuta then climbed the tree and sits on one of the branches. Then, he picked only a few of its leaves and climbed back down.

He approached Kuroh and patted him to show his appreciation.

Yuuta: Thank you so much, Kuroh! Because of your help, me and my friends have an actual chance to stop a war.

Kuroh: *bark*! *wags tail*

But the moment was cut off when the two saw the tree suddenly glowing. Then, the Mother Tree grew another Lock Fruit.

Yuuta: Hey that's another one of those fruits Yukimura told me about.

Yuuta went back to climb the Mother Tree and picked the fruit off of it.

When he got back down, Yuuta saw the lock transforming into a new lockseed.

However, it's not one of those Kurokage's pinecone lockseeds.

Instead, it takes the appearance similar to Yuuta's orange lockseed. However, it's outer shell appears translucent with a blue color.

Yuuta: This is...


The others are still present at the Takeda castle.

Sakura: Eh~. I wonder where Yuuta went off to? I sure hope he's okay.

Shingen: Sakura. Yuuta is our comrade, so please have faith in him.

Sakura: Mm, alright~...

???: My lord!

Suddenly, a Takeda Kurokage Trooper barged in through the door.

Shingen: What is it?

Kurokage: Reports came in from our patrol group from the North-Western border! The Uesugi army and their leader, Uesugi Michiko are heading our way!

Sakura: What did you say!?

Shingen: How far apart are they?

Kurokage: According to our scouts, about 2,500 km.

Shingen: Mmm... Inform our men to arm themselves and prepare for battle! We shall departure at once!

Kurokage: Yes, my lord!

The Kurokage then immediately left.

Shingen: Well then, we shall go too.

Sakura: Right!

As Shingen and Sakura left, Yukimura is seen going out as well.

However, while he's preparing himself, the last thing is seen is Yuuta's orange lockseed in his hand...

To be continued...

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