Peter Parker and The Avengers...

By Winterlogy

708K 21K 10.8K

You know the drill P.S: Sorry for the grammatical errors. English is not my first language. More

Uncle Thor is sensitive
Avengers group chat
Peter is worthy (Group Chat)
Q&A with the Avengers
I don't know how to title this
Flash was accidentally added (Group Chat)
He's my kid
Flash was accidentally added pt. 2
Cats or Dogs (Group chat)
Jacksepticeye (group chat)
Rappin with Captain America
The passcode (Group chat)
I'm your superior so shut it
Gifs (group chat)
Peter Tingle
Don't piss off Madame Stark
I have no idea how to title this
7 times the Avengers disrupt Peter's class
5 times they broke the fourth wall
One way to get promoted
Cookies (Instagram)
Favorite Avenger (Instagram)
I went to Hell
Theme songs (Group Chat)
Don't post anything stupid (Instagram)
What's your greatest achivement? (Instagram)
What a sight to see
A trip to the Sanctum
You're Spider-man!!!
Protect Spider child
Son of a Spider
Dating Spiderman (Instagram)
Put your Stark on
Son of a Spider pt. 2
Spider-horse (Group chat)
*Insert Title Here*
Uhhhhhhhh (Instagram)
It's all in the abs
New cover
It's just a harmless prank
Mad Libs (Group Chat)
Baby problem
Changing my AI's name (Group Chat)
Theme Songs Pt. 2 (Group Chat)
Chimichangas with @Wade"Deadpool"Wilson (Instagram)
It's time for a change (Group Chat)
I've been Tagged!!!
If you think taking care of a baby is hard enough
My cousin dared me
The beauty of the Internet (Instagram)
The Burger King Incident
New Cover (Again)
Tell Me Why (Group Chat)
Let's play catch with a hammer
Don't Stop Me Now (Group Chat)
A couple of references but Cap doesn't get it
Agent Parker at your service

Not a Chapter... Just wanted to let something out

3.5K 59 49
By Winterlogy

The reason I'm writing this here is because Wattpad is my safety blanket. I usually don't write stuff about my problems and reach out to people about it but this time is different.

Let's start shall we...

I crave freedom. Not just because we're all in quarantine. I'm fine with quarantine, I'm an introvert after all. A Social Introvert to be specific.

In the eyes of many I'm a good and responsible child but in her eyes I'm not enough.

My mom is the problem. Don't get me wrong my mom is great but she's way too strict. She's way to strict it's suffocating me. She wants me to be everything she wanted me to be. She'll force me to do stuff I don't want to do and if my mom doesn't like anything that I do she'll ban me from doing it.

The result of this is me hiding things to her and lying to her. I got so used to lying to her it's basically like breathing to me.

I get really uncomfortable every time she's around. When she's around I feel like I'm caged, I feel like someone is watching my every move and if I did something wrong I'll go to jail.

I obey my mom not because I respect her but because I fear her. I can't even count how many phones she broke because "I'm always using it".

The only time I felt freedom is when she's not around. That's why I can't wait to go to college because I'll finally be far far away from her.

Maybe this is the reason I don't care much about Mother's Day and prefer Father's Day instead.


My dad is a different story, he's laid back and is perfectly fine on what I do as long as things are in order and I do my best doing my chores. His lectures are totally different from my mom. His voice is calm and collected, he never shouts and gets his point across very quickly. While my mom is the exact opposite. My parents are Yin and Yang and I prefer how my dad disciplines me.

I'm not saying I hate my mom I just don't like the way she disciplines me, but I must admit sometimes I feel like I do hate her.

I'll be back with a new chapter soon...

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