Torn 🤎 (Completed)

By ChantalAndrea01

97.3K 7K 3.6K

Mia Jones was the sole witness to a devastating tragedy that changed her life forever. With that change came... More

Characters List
Chapter 1:The proposition
Chapter 2: The Warning Signs
Chapter 3: The Preparation
Chapter 4:The Date
Chapter 5:The Partnership
Chapter 6:The Understanding
Chapter 7: The Roommate
Chapter 8: BEFORE
Chapter 9: During:Part 1
Chapter 10: During: Part 2
Chapter 11: The Aftermath
Chapter 12: Hysteria
Chapter 13:Angst
Chapter 14: The Decision
Chapter 15: Ladies Night
Chapter 16: The End of Ladies Night
Chapter 17: Realization
Chapter 18: A Difficult Discussion
Chapter 20: Confusion
Chapter 21: Dangerous Games
Chapter 22: Family Is Everything
Chapter 23:True Colors
Chapter 24: Bliss
Chapter 25: Falling Apart
Chapter 26: Revelations: Part One
Chapter 27: Revelations: Part Two
Chapter 28: Questions
Chapter 29: The Truth: Part One
Chapter 30 The Truth: Part Two
Chapter 31: When It Rains It Pours
Chapter 32: Disarray
Chapter 33: Confessions
Chapter 34: Anxiety
Chapter 35: Uncertainty
Chapter 36: O Lounge Part one
Chapter 37: O Lounge: Part two
Chapter 38: Unraveled
Chapter 39: Hopeless
Chapter 40: Karma
Chapter 41: Persistence
Chapter 42: Forgiveness
Chapter 43: The Dangers of a Single Story

Chapter 19: Crossroads

2.1K 144 143
By ChantalAndrea01

Zane ♠️

Alicia called me earlier in the week and asked if I wanted to go to a place called Xtreme Action Park in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Apparently, it was an indoor entertainment venue that offered a host of different activities such as laser tag, bowling, rollerblading, and Go-karting. At first I didn't really feel like going to something like that, but then she told me Mia would be there and those were the magic words. Alicia knew damn well that I was a sucker for Mia.

Yes, I knew that I told Mia that her chances with me were over and in that moment, I meant every damn word that I'd said to her. Ever since leaving Tanisha, I was the kind of man that didn't play games when it came to my heart. When I made up my mind, there was never any going back.

But that mentality waivered when my ex-girlfriend showed up randomly yesterday. When my eyes landed on Tanisha, my first thought was how do I flee this scene without falling victim to her antics. And when Mia tried to help out, I wasn't an idiot. I knew exactly what Mia was trying to do but at the same time I was pissed off at her earlier comment about Jared.

Somehow one thing led to another and I found myself putting on a show for Tanisha while kissing the hell out of Mia. I would be lying if I said I didn't want Tanisha to be jealous. And so, I took the opportunity that was in front of me. I kissed Mia and I enjoyed every moment of exploring her plump soft lips. After I did it, I realized that, even though kissing Mia felt fucking amazing, it was the wrong move because of the motive behind it. Plus, if I wanted to keep up my resolve to not chase her, kissing her was sending her the wrong message. But the more I thought about Mia, the more I felt a pull towards her and it scared me that she might be the death of me. Additionally, a part of me relished in the fact that I could affect her even though Mia was so adamant about not catching feelings for me. In that moment yesterday, when I gazed at Mia, I could see and feel an overwhelming amount of emotions swimming in her hooded eyes. I could observe the emotions that she was trying to lock away and stay hidden. I knew what Mia's problem was and it was that she couldn't reconcile how she might be feeling for me with her preconceived ideas of who she thought I should be. Was she worth trying to fix? I couldn't answer that yet.

I didn't know where Mia and I would be in the future or if I was even willing to change my stance on giving us a viable chance. But, I did know that there was something strong pulling me towards the woman, even against my better judgement, and it made me believe that there was something worth exploring between us.

However, when I thought back to Tanisha just showing up out of the blue, I couldn't help but worry. For some reason, I've always regressed and gone back to Tanisha regardless of my common sense or what people have told me. I loved that woman so deeply for so long that at one point I thought I had no life without her. Tanisha was wicked because she knew the power that she held over me. And although it's been years since I've seen her, the moment I saw her beautiful face again, I felt the slight tug from the chains that she locked around my heart all those years ago. It scared the hell out of me because I thought I'd removed that bondage a long time ago when I walked out of her life. And since seeing her, that pull to be with her had gotten worse because she was texting me nonstop since yesterday. I had so many questions... How did Tanisha find me? Why did she suddenly show up? What were her plans? Did she want me back? Would I have the willpower NOT to entertain her? Those were all valid questions that I didn't have any answers too yet.

I shook my self doubt out of my mind and slid on my sneakers. At the same time, I received a text from Alicia saying that she, Raymond, and Mia were leaving the house soon. This was my cue to leave my house also since driving to Fort Lauderdale would take me some time due to the heavy traffic. Earlier in the week, when I asked Alicia who would be coming to this little outing, she stated that it would only be the four of us since two of her close friends bailed at the last minute. Knowing that information made me raise a brow because it felt like I was being set up on a double date. I had no objections to the idea of spending some time with Mia and so I got ready and left the house.


45 minutes later

I pulled into the parking lot of Xtreme Action Park and immediately called Alicia to let her know I'd arrived.

"Hey I'm here." I said as I turned off the engine. Alicia sounded muffled for a moment and then she began to whisper into the phone.

"Hey, so about our plans... something has changed." She sounded hesitant and right away I knew something was wrong. I narrowed my eyes in anticipation at what she had to say.

"What's up Alicia? You sound concerned." I stated the obvious.

"Uh um, don't get mad but..." Alicia paused for a moment too long and it was frustrating me; she needed to spit it out already.

"But what?" I asked.

"Uhhh, so, don't get mad but Jared's here..." Her voice trailed off. I didn't say a word as her statement sank into my mind.

I immediately frowned at this revelation and my mood shifted into something dark. I could feel the veins in my forehead begin to pulsate as irrational thoughts of Jared and Mia began to crowd my mind. This wasn't what I'd expected to walk into. And if I'd known, I wouldn't even be here.

I thought back to the pictures that Mia "accidentally" sent me earlier and thinking about it caused me to exhale a deep breath and flare my nose. In those text messages, Mia taunted me while knowing damn well that everything she wrote would get a rise out of me. Mia wasn't dumb; she knew exactly what she was doing and that telling me that those pictures were for someone else would probably set me off. In addition to that, I wasn't totally convinced that she didn't mean to send me those pictures. I had a real good idea of who she claimed the pictures were for and it irked my nerves to no end. And by someone else, I knew she meant Jared. So, to know she invited him at the last minute pissed me the hell off. I brought my attention back to Alicia. My voice was strained.

"Why is he here? Did you know Mia invited him?" I asked with obvious anger in my voice. Alicia continued to mumble quietly.

"She invited him behind my back because I didn't know until right now. And it wasn't Raymond because he doesn't even know Jared like that." I rubbed my brows together as I thought about my plan of action. Alicia spoke again while I thought.

"So are you still coming inside or are you leaving?" She questioned. I shook my head as I thought.

Finally after thinking for a minute or so, I decided to go inside and not back down. There would now be five people involved with today's activities but I could absolutely guarantee that I wasn't going to be in that fifth wheel position the entire day. Earlier, I'd already warned Mia that she needed to be disciplined. But now, there was no doubt in my mind that this woman either didn't learn her lesson by now or she was just a glutton for punishment.

Mia probably thought she was "one-upping" me by inviting Jared along. She probably also thought that she was safe from me because she was under the false pretense that Jared could save her from my antics. I didn't fully know. But Mia failed to realize that I didn't give a damn about what Jared thought about me and I definitely didn't give a damn about their fake ass "relationship." It wasn't my job to care about any of that. Instead, Mia was the one who needed to make sure she was secure enough in her relationship with Jared so that nothing I did could jeopardize what they had going on. In my mind, I only cared about testing how much willpower she had against me.

(Inside the park)
I got out of my Jeep and finally headed inside of the building. Once inside, it didn't take long for me to find the four of them standing at the kioske and buying tickets. With my eyes trained directly on Mia, I ambled over to the group. Right off the bat, I could see that Mia was uncomfortable by the way she shifted from one foot to the other. I was glaring at her with my narrowed eyes while I observed the way she averted her dark gaze to look everywhere but at me. The fact that Mia was trying so hard to look at everything but at me, reinforced how much I probably affected her. Seconds later, and I'd reached the group. Only out of share courtesy did I shift my eyes off of Mia in order to look at Alicia and Raymond. Alicia smiled up at me and then moved in to give me a quick hug. Raymond then gave me a bro hug before taking a step back. I turned my attention on Mia and Jared in order to gage their reactions to me. Jared looked angry with a tight-lip and narrowed eyes. The man was openly gawking at me which made me believe that he didn't know I would be here either. I was surprised that he decided to nod slightly at me as his way of a greeting. It was something, but it was far from his usual warm greetings he'd previously given me. By his demeanor, I knew for a fact that Jared viewed me as a threat. And I couldn't blame him. He should.

On the other hand, Mia crossed her arms over her chest and still refused to acknowledge me. I gradually took her appearance in and it reinforced why I wanted this woman. I loved how short and petite she was compared to my height. Her beautiful face, dark skin, and ample curves were so feminine that I couldn't see how anyone could NOT find her attractive. She wore a red bodysuit that exposed her elegant shoulders and medium sized breast. Her amazing ass was clad in a pair of black high-waisted shorts that left her nicely toned legs on full display. Just looking at her had my imagination running; Mia had no idea how badly I wanted her thick thighs wrapped around my waist with my cock shoved deeply inside her.

As I observed her, there was no small talk or quick hellos. Mia was downright ignoring me and it caused me to press my lips together with irritation. So she was really going to stand there and pretend like I didn't exist? Like we didn't just kiss yesterday? Okay, watch what happens then... Mia underestimated how much I didn't give a damn. So clearing my throat exaggeratingly, I pasted on a false smile and peered down at her.

"By the way Mia, thank you for those amazing pictures that you sent this morning." I stated with a beguiling smirk growing on my face. By the way her jaw slackened and her eyes finally narrowed in on me, my grin grew even larger. Yeah baby girl, I said it.

Before Mia could even say anything, Jared turned to me with furrowed brows. Confusion was written all over his face and it took everything inside of me not to laugh out loud.

"What pictures Mia? You sent him pictures? Were they the same ones you sent me?" Jared snarled at Mia with his arms crossed over his chest. On the other hand, Mia peeled her narrowed eyes off of me and looked at Jared with worried eyes. She looked like she was at a loss for words as she opened her mouth and then shut it multiple times.

I could let this play out longer but when Alicia shoved me in my back with her elbow, I got the message that I needed to stop playing around. So, before Mia could gather her excuse, I interjected on her behalf.

"Ah, don't worry Jared. I think we have a misunderstanding. Mia and I are working on a project together and she sent me some images regarding that project. Don't take it so seriously." Jared craned his head to look at me again while staring at me suspiciously for a few long moments. After some time, he finally accepted my answer. He then turned to Mia with his voice calmer but I could still hear the irritation.

"My bad babe, I kind of overreacted." Mia still hadn't said anything. Instead, she nodded her head and dawned a tight lipped smile.

After this small ordeal, Alicia quickly changed the subject by focusing on the rides and activities that we could play and all moved on. For the first hour, we all decided to play a few of the arcade games like air hockey, whack a mole, and pacman. After that, we did several rounds of Go-Karting. The entire time, I tried not to dwell on the fact that I was, in fact, the fifth wheel this entire time while Alicia and Ray were hugged up and Mia remained close to Jared like white on rice.

At one point, Jared needed to go to the restroom before we all headed into the laser tag arena. While he left, Raymond and Alicia stood off to the side talking to one another. This left me and Mia by ourselves for the first time since our little misunderstanding earlier. I took this opportunity to speak with her uninterrupted. So, while Mia scrolled through her phone, I walked up behind her and leaned in next to her ears. My voice came out as a calm whisper.

"I hope you don't think that I forgot about your faux pas this morning." The moment I said this, Mia physically jumped and then tensed up. She twisted her head ever so slightly so that she could look over her shoulder and speak with me.

"Just stop Zane, you're doing too much... Jesus Christ! Can we just get through one day of being around each other without you acting like a child?" I shook my head in answer to her words. Of course not, the woman drove me crazy. I leaned in and got even closer to Mia's ears. So close that I could see the little hairs on the back of her neck rise ever so slightly from the warmth of my breath feathering over her skin.

"Sure... I hope you keep that same energy later..." I said with a cryptic growl. This prompted Mia to turn all the way around in order to look at me.

"What does that mean?" She asked with a questioning look on her face and her hands at her hips.

"You'll see." I said before backing away from her before Jared came out of the bathroom.

When Jared came back, everyone was ready to head into the laser tag arena but a thought crossed my mind and I quickly went to the bathroom and washed my hands thoroughly. I then met everyone inside the laser tag meeting room where the attendant was explaining the rules and safety protocol that was required before entering.

"...And finally, make sure to return your equipment right here so that we can make sure to sanitize your gear between players. Alright, does anyone have any questions?" The attendant asked us before telling us to grab a vest off the wall and suit up. In total, including our group, there were two teams that would be playing in the arena. The five of us were on one team and we would be against the other five strangers.

(Laser arena)
Once everyone was strapped up, we all entered a dark 2-story arena with hip-hop music blasting through the speakers. Everything was glow in the dark, including our vests and laser guns. Soon, a loud countdown alerted us that the games were about to commence. Immediately, everyone ran for cover and tried to find shelter so as not to be in the open fire zone. The arena had a ton of barriers, walls, and obstacles for players to use and hide behind. While everyone was worried about taking cover, I had other plans in mind. I abruptly latched onto Mia's hand and tugged her so that she could follow in my direction.

Immediately, Mia seemed confused as she tried to pull her hand out of my grasp. But I wouldn't let her go. I stopped pulling her and tried to explain my intentions.

" Don't worry sweetheart. I just want to speak to you really quick without all the prying eyes. Nothing more..." I promised her as a way to pacify her. Mia looked at me skeptically with squinted eyes but she eventually followed behind me. It didn't take me long to pull Mia upstairs and into a very secluded area behind a wall barrier in a dark corner. For the most part, I could hear everyone playing downstairs on the first floor. I pushed Mia into a corner and stared at her.

"What Zane? This better not be what I think it is." She stated while letting her gun fall to her side and crossing her arms over her chest. I couldn't help the sly grin I displayed on my face, as I moved into her personal space and pushed her body flush against the wall.

"Oh, don't act like I didn't warn you about the punishment you're owed."  Mia rolled her eyes defiantly at my words. She then began to push my body away from her in order to escape from me. She almost slipped past me but I reached out and grabbed her arm just in time to pull her back. Her back hit against the wall while I stood in front of her. I stood above her as I leaned both of my hands against the wall beside her head. But Mia wasn't fazed easily.

"You're delusional Zane! I don't owe you shit!" She snarled at me with daggers in her eyes. If looks could kill, I would be dead.

I pushed my body flush against hers as I reached one arm up and grabbed her cheeks in one of my large palms. I then slid my other hand down the side of her body until I reached her vest. I then began to slowly unclasp it. Mia reached up and steadied my hand with her own hands shaking. It was dark, but my eyes had already adjusted to the darkness. I looked down at her shaking hands and then back up into her eyes. I smirked.

"I'm delusional?" I questioned her. Mia didn't say anything. Instead, I watched as she nervously bit her bottom lip as she stared up at me. She had no clue how something so innocent could be so sexy. I couldn't take it anymore. I'd been waiting all day to do this and so, I hastily leaned in and planted a light slow sensual kiss on her soft plump delicious lips. With our lips locked with one another, my body melted into her and felt at home.

After some time, I reluctantly pulled back from her and watched her body language intently with my blue gaze. This woman was a fucking goddess and I was drowning in her eyes.

I listened as Mia's breath hitched in her throat while she tried to say something but failed. I watched with merriment at how her eyes widened with shock at my sudden assault on her lips. My heart was pounding hard in my chest and I could hear the blood rushing in my ears. This woman affected all of my senses.

And if none of those reactions were any indication, I could feel my fast growing erection bulging hard against my pants, I was turned completely on by Mia and she didn't even have to do much except bite her bottom fucking lip. My mind wondered back to the sexy pictures she'd sent me and I nearly lost my shit. And by the way Mia's breathing turned labored, I could tell she was also affected. She was so stubborn with her words but her body told me everything that I needed to know.

"Zane, we can't do this right now. Not here..." She said as she desperately pleaded with me. I smiled because I knew that I had her where I wanted her.

"So, when is a good time?" I asked. "You don't want me to do this?" I questioned as I finally unhooked her vest and deliberately snaked my hand up her chest to one of her breasts. I lingered over her chest and watched her sexy reaction. I could tell that she was waiting for me to make a move and so I didn't disappoint. I squeezed Mia's breast hard and watched as she instantly let out a small whimper and closed her eyes. Mia's mouth opened ever so slightly as she took in the sensations I was making her feel. I still held on to her cheeks and forced her to look at me.

I rubbed her breast from the outside of her body suit before slowly pulling her strap down to release one dark nipple. I made sure to never take my eyes off of her face.

" your eyes and tell me you don't want what I'm about to do next." I say while teasing her nipple between my fingers. Mia let out an exasperated breath as she slowly opened her eyes to look at me.

"What the fuck are we doing Zane? Anyone could see us right now." Her words made me grin.

"I don't care. I want them to see me with my woman." I stated with no hesitation in my voice. At the sound of my words, Mia groaned out and melted in my arms. It was like me claiming her was the straw that broke the camel's back.

I wasn't expecting to call her my woman so soon, but when the words tumbled out of my mouth, it sounded like music to my ears. I liked the idea of there being an "us." It had me second guessing my stance on not pursuing her romantically. Sure we had sexual tension but it was hard for me to ignore my romantic feelings that were also developing. I brought my mind back into the moment.

"Fuck, Zane! Urgh! I'm so confused but-" She stopped speaking as she gathered her thoughts. In the meantime, I released her other breast from her bodysuit and played leisurely with both nipples. Seeing her dark nipples against my paler skin was so damn sexy. Mia swallowed hard as she tried to process the sensations that I knew were shooting through her body.

"Zane, you're driving me fucking crazy right now! Please...." Mia pleaded desperately on a moan. I took that as her way to confirm that she wanted what was coming next.

"Okay princess, you asked and I will fulfill." I whispered slyly into her ears.

Mia's eyes looked frightened but she didn't say a word when I leaned in again and smashed my lips against hers. Fuck! This woman tasted so good. I coaxed her mouth open with my tongue and slowly stuck my tongue inside of hers. Our tongues danced and mated together while she moaned sexily into my mouth. Just hearing her sound so desperate for me had my penis thickening to its full length. The more I listened to her moan while feeling her soft feminine body, the more I felt electrical currents coursing through my body and straight to the head of my cock. I wanted to take her right here and now and I didn't give a damn about who saw what. The idea of being caught actually aroused me and stiffened my dick.

With our lips locked, I felt Mia reach up and hold on to my vest as if her life depended on it. I pushed my body flush against hers so that she could fully feel what she was doing to me. Mia took that opportunity to snake one hand around my neck, pulling me closer. After a moment, I pulled back for a moment to speak.

"Hold on baby, let me adjust my hand." I explained as I removed my hand from grabbing her face and now repositioned it at the front of her shorts.

"Zane, no!" She said with hesitance in her voice. Mia seemed like she might be embarrassed about something but she was mistaken; she had absolutely nothing to worry about when it came to me.

"Do you trust me?" I asked as I breathed softly against her lips. Mia's eyes shifted back and forth as she tried to read my face. She eventually nodded her agreement and that was all the permission I needed as I slowly slipped my hands into her pants. The moment my hands touched her hot slick vagina, Mia cried out and threw her head back.

"Fuck, Zane! How can something that isn't right feel so good?" She asked on a whisper while she whimpered under my touch. I grinned at the fact that I affected her so much.

"Baby, it's because this is right. There's nothing wrong about what we're doing." I said as my hands began to explore her hot pussy.

The fact that she was so wet for me was the sexiest fucking thing in the whole goddamn world. I just wanted to devour this woman right here and right now. As I explored her hot core, I felt a small patch of curls and I smiled. So this was what she was worried about? Only boys cared about something so trivial.

I began to pepper her neck with kisses and then I gradually moved down her neck and towards her chest. I soon captured one dark nipple into my mouth and I can definitely confirm that Mia was as sweet as sin. At the same time, I found Mia's clit and began to swirl it gently. Not too hard and not too fast. From experience, I knew that too much pressure didn't feel all that good for women and most preferred for you to start off softer.

Mia's reaction to my assault on her body nearly sent me over the edge. She hadn't touched me dick at all yet, it twitched as if I could release any moment. The more I played with her clitoris, the more Mia arched her body and groaned in response. I lifted my head from her breast and stared down at her.

"You've been a bad girl Mia..." I shifted my hands in her pants and moved my fingers towards the hot entrance of her vagina. I continued. "But I'm still willing to give you what you want if you just say it?" I asked deviously. My fingers hovered at her entrance but I stopped moving. The loss of her sensations brought Mia back from the brink of ecstasy and she blinked her eyes open as she peered down at me.

"Fuck! Zane, don't torment me like this..." Mia's voice sounded raspy and desperate.

"Tell me what you want right now Mia." I leaned forward and pushed up one of her breasts to give me better access to suck another one of her nipples; Mia nearly lost it.

"Urgh, Zane! I need your dick inside me. Right fucking now please..." She pleaded with me and I chuckled lightly at the sounds of her words.

I wanted to give her what she wanted so bad but I needed to have self-control because this wasn't the time or place. The game was probably almost over and no one had seen both of us since it started. I kissed slowly back up from her chest towards her lips and planted a deep kiss on her luscious lips. I could get used to kissing this woman everyday. Mia closed her eyes again.

"Not today baby." I kissed her gently again. "But, I can give you something else..." I said right as I took two fingers and began to push them slowly into her hot core. She was so fucking wet for me, I nearly lost my own composure. The more I pushed, the more I realized how super tight she was; it didn't make any sense and so I stopped moving my fingers while I peered down at her.

"Baby, are you a virgin?" I asked quietly. Mia's eyes fluttered open and her voice was low.

"No, but it's been years." She gasped and I understood. She was probably just very nervous.

"Relax and let me take care of you." I said calmly and Mia nodded her head while closing her eyes again.

Again, I attempted to slip two of my fingers into her vagina and this time, she let me in. She instantly let out a loud groan and I knew for a fact if the music wasn't on, everyone in this arena would've probably heard her. I began to move my fingers in and out of her while taking my thumb to caress her clit.

"Ooohhhh, Zane! Right there! Please don't stop..." Mia started to gyrate on my fingers as she threw her head back. I leaned in and began to suck and bite on her exposed neck while she whimpered in my arms.

"Fuck, Zaddy! I'm about to cum." She screamed out as her body began to convulse in my hands.The sound of her words prompted me to increase the pace of my fingers so that she could cum faster. She sounded so sexy, I could barely wrap my mind around how turned on I was. In the background, I could hear the countdown which indicated that the game was about to end. With my free hand, I pulled her neck forward so that she could look me in the eyes.

"Mia, I need for you to cum right now all over my fingers!" I demanded on a harsh whisper.

The sound of my words did her in and I felt as her vagina muscles clamped down on my fingers and her body began to shake. I held her in place while I watched her shake through her orgasm. It was literally the sexiest moment I think I'd ever experienced; it twisted the knots in my stomach by just watching her. When Mia was finally done, I pulled my hands from out of her shorts and helped readjust her clothing. Just in time, the lights to the arena turned on and the game was over.

I gave Mia a knowing smirk as she readjusted her hair and tried to calm her nerves as if nothing just happened. I leaned in to taunt her one final time.

"And that was only the appetizer babe." I gloated while placing my fingers in my mouth and licking every ounce of her juices as I watched her under hooded eyes. A moment later, I adjusted my hard penis so that I could walk properly. I then turned around and ambled away from her.

It might have seemed like I was being cocky at that moment, but in actuality I was probably just as frightened as Mia was. I'd been with numerous amounts of women, but never in my life did I feel such a strong pull towards anyone else like I did Mia. The closest person who had me feeling like this was Tanisha and that scared the hell out of me. Tanisha knew that she had a crazy amount of power over me, and used that power against me time and time again. Damn it! That thought made me think that maybe I was in over my head when it came to Mia.

I met up with the group before Mia came downstairs and I assumed she was probably still mentally kicking herself and doubting what we just did. From the very beginning, Mia has been saying that she didn't want me yet, here we were.

When the group saw me coming without Mia, I could see all of them staring at me curiously except Jared. No, Jared looked pissed the hell off. He strolled up to me before I could say anything and got into my face.

"You think I don't know what you're trying to do?" He asked with his eyes narrowed on me with fire blazing in them. "I don't know where you two went, but I'll be damned if you try and take what's mine." He then proceeded to push me back hard. I stumbled back a few feet and was about to react when Alicia stood in between us with her arms outstretched. At the same time, Mia finally joined the group and she wouldn't even look at me. I looked back at Jared.

"Whatever Jared, she's all yours." I said nonchalantly while shrugging my shoulders. I glanced back at Mia and I could tell that my words rubbed her the wrong way but I didn't attempt to console her. I just kept going. I walked past the group, dropped off my equipment, and strolled out of the venue.

In all honesty, I was scared. It hit me like a ton of bricks that like Tanisha, Mia had a deep grip on my heart. And just like Tanisha, Mia has been playing games with me this entire time. She's confused and stubborn and she refuses to give into her feelings unless I force it out of her. I was also confused on how I should feel because I wanted Mia but I also wanted to safeguard my heart from her.

For a moment there, I thought about going back on my words to not pursue Mia. But now, I was thinking of reinforcing my earlier stance to never chase women after I'd given them a fair chance. I sighed heavily because it was something I had to think about.

I hopped into my Jeep Wrangler and right when I closed the door, my phone rang. I looked down to see that it was a FaceTime from Tanisha. Against my better judgment, I answered her and her beautiful face appeared on the screen. She smiled at me before speaking.

"Hey baby, I think we should talk."


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