π‘±π’–π’…π’Šπ’„π’Šπ’π’–π’” {Louis x F...


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Stage Manager and Lead Actor to lovers, I wonder how that happened? Slowish updates due to the fact of I am i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20

Chapter Fifteen

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I huff as I roll up my sleeves even higher than they were before. I was working on some of the backdrop for the Meteor Festival performance while the art team was working on the dinosaur. Being stage manager I was able to be used for multiple things when it comes to helping out. There really wasn't anyone to direct for this performance anyways considering it was just a dance or two. No blocking or anything like that. I glance up from my work, wiping my forehead and seeing Legosi and Haru talk. So Legosi was the grey wolf last night. I look back down at my work and stand up, looking at it from different angles. I wish it was like digital where you can flip the canvas. Sadly you cannot. I pick up the paintbrush once again to thicken a particular line in the line art. I tilt my head and nod in satisfaction as I pick up the green once again to finish painting the inside of one of the leaves. I still have a lot of work left to do considering I am the only one who is working on the background. Others are doing other things so I'm not complaining much... okay. It sounds like I'm complaining. I smile to myself at my antics as I hum slightly, continuing to paint the background. "[Y/n]!" Kai calls from the top of the T-Rex they're painting. I look up to see him waving his hand at me. We make eye contact and he smiles at me, gesturing to go up there. I give a thumbs up and I stand, dusting off my pants.

I begin climbing the scaffolding to meet with him and Legosi. Once I get to the top I huff. "I am never doing that again." The two boys laugh at me and I stick my tongue out at them.

"We know you were working on the background but we were wondering if you could help us?" I look down at my very unfinished work before sighing. I still had a lot of work to do but I would feel bad if I said no.

"Yeah, I'll help you guys out." They both smile and begin telling me what they need help with. Well, Kai was. Legosi was too busy watching something that was happening below. My eyebrows furrow as I look to see what he's watching. I spot Louis and Haru and I roll my eyes, going back to pick up the bucket that Kai asked me to use. I gasp as paint splatters all over me and I also drop the bucket in the process. "Legosi!" I shout in frustration and the wolf looks down at me, eyes widening. I take note of the paint that is spattered on his fur. I purse my lips as my shirt sticks to my body from the water, the paint easily staining it. Kai starts to laugh and I smack him upside the head. The clang of the bucket and my shout grabbed some attention but I didn't notice. I rub my eyes.

"I'm sorry [Y/N]." Legosi begins to stammer out, reaching his hands to me before pausing and pulling back. I wave my hand at him even though I'm still upset.

"I'm gonna go get more paint." I mumble as I begin to climb down the scaffolding. Due to the water on my shoe I slip and fall about three feet, landing on my butt. I groan, today just wasn't my day. I stand up and head over to the art area that is run by the art club. The moose sees me and begins to laugh. I glare at her before explaining the situation and she hands me more paint. I give a sarcastic thanks before turning around only to bump into a chest. I look up to see Louis looking down at me. I roll my eyes before stepping to the side and walking past him, not even saying a word. Yes. I'm petty. I stick my tongue out as I look up, trying to figure out how I'm going to get up there while carrying these paints. I need two hands to carry them. Kai seems to spot my situation and smiles down at me. "Just toss them up [Y/N]! We'll catch them!" I snort.

"Bold of you to assume that I have that type of strength!" Kai laughs before I toss up the paint. The Mongoose easily catches it and we keep up this routine for a bit. I don't see Legosi and I'm assuming he went to fill the water bucket again. I huff as I begin climbing once again, my muscles starting to burn. Damn hybrid traits. Kai sees my struggle and offers me a hand which I gladly take. We smile at each other as I begin to mix paints to get the right colors for the T-Rex. Kai and I then begin to paint in peaceful silence. There wasn't much left to paint anyways. The others were doing the lights inside of the statue.

The sun was setting as we all stare up at our completed statue. The button is pressed and the lights turn on. I smile as I look at it, wandering off from the rest of the group. I needed to finish the background. I get on my knees and get back to work on painting it. I'm most likely going to be staying up late tonight in order to finish it. That or spend most of my free time tomorrow painting it. The other students admire the statue and it's lighting effect in awe even though it is the same as last year. I shrug, I guess we are easily amused. I begin to paint the leaves once again. I look up and spot the mayor walking around and observing everyone. He walks over to me. "And what is an herbivore doing here by themselves?" I clear my throat.

"Finishing this background for the drama club's performance from Cherryton sir." He nods, as if satisfied with my answer before walking off. I let out a huff before groaning as I see Louis walk over to me. "What do you want?" I ask.

"Do you need any assistance?"

"No. I'm fine." I state harshly even though I very clearly needed help. Louis ignores me though and proceeds to kneel on the ground, picking up a brush and dipping it into the green paint. We both paint in silence, me by choice. I feel Louis look up at me every now and again and I simply keep my eyes down, working on my painting and ears pinned to my head.

"I know you are mad at me." I keep my head down.

"No I'm not."

"Your ears say otherwise." I huff, throwing down my paintbrush into the grass.

"I'm pretty sure I made myself clear last night! You can't act like nothing happened!" He remains calm, looking at me in the eyes as I look back. Amber meeting [E/C].

"I am trying to make amends." I roll my eyes, breaking first.

"You acting like nothing happened is not doing that." I pick the brush back up and pick off the pieces of grass and dipping it back into the paint.

"What do you want me to do then?" I sigh, gently placing the paintbrush back down for the millionth time.

"I'm not supposed to tell you Louis. That's the whole point of this. You're supposed to figure it out on your own. You're gonna need friends in your life. I'd like to be yours, I really would. I don't want it to feel one sided though." Louis stares at me for a moment before looking away.

"I understand." He says after a moment. He unbuttons his jacket and slides it off before holding it out to me. I give him a questioning glance. "To cover yourself. You are covered in paint." I push his hand back.

"Exactly. I don't want to get paint on your jacket." Louis furrows his brows.

"Others would easily take my jacket." I snort.

"Okay, wrong response. Your ego is showing." Louis scoffs, taking the jacket back and placing it on the grass. He rolls his sleeves up, continuing to paint. We sit in silence for a bit and paint before I speak up again. "Just because we are doing this doesn't mean I forgive you." Louis looks hurt for a millisecond and I don't catch it since I never looked up in the first place.

"I understand." He says once again, voice hollow. He looks up and so do I. "It's time for rehearsal, we need to leave." I stand alongside him and we both walk to the street. He walks to his limo and I begin to walk the other way. "Would you like a ride?" He asks. I see what he's trying to do but I'm too stubborn for my own good. I shake my head.

"No thanks. I'll take the subway." Louis frowns and I turn, walking down the street. I hear a car door close and listen as the limo drives away. I look up at the night sky as I walk. The streets are barren and it puts me slightly on edge, the fur on my back standing up slightly. I look back down, trying to even out my breathing. Luckily I make it to the subway with no issue and easily get on, sitting next to random animals. I occupy myself by plugging in my earbuds and looking at lists of colleges that I might want to apply for.

Nothing eventful happened to me during any time and I easily got off the subway and back onto campus. I walk into the rehearsal room, still covered in paint mind you. Others look at my weirdly and I see Louis stare for a moment. Bill doesn't notice this and scratches Louis on the hand. Louis looks down as the blood splatters out of the wound. The rest of the student body gasps and Louis stares wide eyed for a moment. No one dares to move and I roll my eyes, walking over to Louis and grabbing his upper arm. "Come on, I'll help since nobody else is moving." I may be mad at him... and am currently acting like an asshole to him... but I'm not that much of an asshole. I bring him into the other room, making sure to grab the first aid kit on the way. I gesture to the chair and he sits down. "I believe this is the second time I've bandaged something for you." Louis lets out a small hum as I stand in between his legs. He looks up at me as I gently take his hand and wrap it after disinfecting it. I look down at him through my eyelashes and he clears his throat, looking away. We remain quiet as I finish bandaging his hand. I turn and close the med kit as he stands up, flexing his fingers. The other deer stares at me. "[Y/N]..." He whispers, walking up to me. I turn and he places his arms on either side of me, effectively trapping me. I stare into his eyes as he stares back at me. We're silent. He begins to lean forwards, eyes closing. My eyes widen as I quickly look for a way out.

Louis then wraps his arms around me, tightly. He buries his snout into my neck, being mindful of his antlers. He holds on to me like he never wants to let go. He holds on so I don't slip away from him like I have done many times before. My breath gets caught in my throat as I forget how to breathe. He inhales, taking in my scent. "Vanilla." He mutters to himself but it reaches my ears. After a moment I slowly wrap my arms around him and that only prompts him to hold onto me tighter. "I'm sorry." He mutters. That's the moment I knew that he really cared for me. He said sorry. Something no one has ever seen him do. My eyes tear up as I ball the back of his shirt in my fists. Mint is the only thing that floods my senses.

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