YOU AND ME ⇒ larry


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INWHICH LOUIS FINDS himself pregnant with Harry's baby after a particularly unpleasant reunion via Harry's ho... Еще



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Harry woke up with the rich fragrance of French vanilla filling his nostails. He soon realized this was due to he and Louis' positions in Harry's bed. Louis' head was tucked away neatly under Harry's chin, resulting in his hair and its intoxicatingly sweet vanilla smell reaching Harry's nose. Harry inhales deeply, taking in the aroma, cherishing it. It wasn't even just Louis' shampoo that made the smell, of course it contributed to it, but Louis had always had such a sweet scent about him.

French Vanilla and nicotine. He smelt just like French vanilla and nicotine. And Harry was drunk on that scent.

Harry silently takes Louis in. Gently, Harry lolls Louis' head to rest on his shoulder, rather than against his neck. Louis looked peaceful as he slept. He looked angelic and innocent and Harry couldn't really believe that this was the man he'd gotten pregnant; this celestial appearing dainty man in his arms.

Pregnancy had been good to Louis appearance wise. He looked good. He'd always been petite and thin and if Harry was being honest, he liked the little bit of weight to Louis. He liked to see Louis rounding out slightly, no longer twinkish and thin. Pregnancy had made everything about Louis so much more heavenly to Harry than all his features had been before; he didn't think it was possibly but somehow it was.

Harry analyses Louis' face. His long, dark eyelashes sitting against his tanned skin, his razor sharp cheekbones hadn't changed during his pregnancy, they'd remained as prominent as ever. Louis looked good. He looked so good.

Harry pondered back to the night before, how Louis had been so quick to gain embarrassment over his panic that Harry no longer found him attractive. Louis was so very gorgeous in Harry's eyes. He always had been. Nothing would ever change the way Harry saw Louis.

Harry carefully slips out of the bed, softly rearranging Louis to detangle himself from the smaller man. Harry quietly opens the bedroom door, closing it behind him. He makes his way down the stairs where he can hear his mum and sister chatting. He enters the kitchen to see Anne flipping pancakes and Gemma sipping a mug of tea.

"Good morning sleepyhead, where's Louis and my neice or nephew?" Gemma greets him teasingly.

"He's still asleep. Actually, you jinxed us," Harry says fondly.

"Oh yeah? How so?"

"Mmh, the baby kicked for the first time last night," Harry beams, pouring himself a mug of tea.

"Oh, Harry! That's wonderful," Anne practically melts. "I'm so chuffed for you two. I always say it, but when people are meant to be, no matter how long apart they may spend, they'll always find their way back to one another,"

Harry groans. "Mum its not like that-"

"Nonsense, you love him Harry, I can see it in your eyes when you look at him. There's a reason you never got over him these last few years," Anne scoffs. She knows her son. "I just want you to be brave enough to to again, for you both to not be so scared of repeating your history,"

Gemma chuckles. "I'll drink to that one, you tried so hard to forget him by jumping into relationship after relationship," She muses. "You've got such a soft spot for him, H,"

"Can you blame him? Louis is lovely, you two have always made such a beautiful couple," Anne says.

"Well we all know how ugly that became real quickly," Harry says dryly.

"Just dont be so afraid, honey. You and Louis can figure it out, I know you guys can." Anne shakes her head. "And what are you planning on doing when you've got a newborn? Are you and Louis just gonna live separately, what is it gonna be? You have the little one on weekends?"

Harry pauses. "I-" He cuts himself off. "I hadn't considered that," He mumbles.

Was that how it'd go? Bubba would only know Harry on weekends while Louis struggled along weekdays? Harry knows the drill with separated parents, he knows how divided that can be. But as for Louis? Louis who had his mum weekdays and weekends, Louis who barely even knows his father, Louis who's spent years upon years avoiding and dodging questions from fans or interviewers about his father, Louis who's father only dared take an interest in him when he became someone in the public eye.

Anne and Gemma share a knowing glance. "Well you've still got like five months or so to figure it out." Gemma shrugs. "Don't stress it, Haz,"

"Hey, morning," Louis suddenly enters the kitchen. "Sorry, I overslept I guess, baby's got me all worn out," Louis places his hand on the under side of his bump. "M'sure Harry's mentioned the kicking, yeah?"

Anne nods. "Yes he did, I can't wait to feel." She smiles warmly. "I've got pancakes coming up, that alright for you, Louis?" She asks.

Louis nods, taking a seat beside Harry. "Yeah, 'course. Thank you," He says.

"So when you two heading back to the states?" Gemma asks.

"In about a few hours," Harry replies. "We're gonna head over to Dan's, pay the littlest twins a visit, and then meet the other lads for a bite to eat before boarding the plane," He explains.

Gemma nods. "Lovely, tell Ernie and Doris I say a big hello, give em each a kiss for me, yeah?"

"Sure thing," Louis answers.

After another hour of chatting with Anne and Gemma, the boys decide they better get going. Anne envelopes both boys in a hug.

"I'll miss you two," She says. She turns to Louis. "When you get back to the UK to have the baby, make sure to call if you need anything; anything at all. I know it'll be a bit scary without your mum so if you ever need a mumsy cuddle just give me a call," Anne cups Louis' face, giving him a kiss on the check that leaves a faint mauve lipstick stain.

"Thank you, Anne," Louis smiles. To say Anne Twist touches his heart is an understatement. "I'll be sure to call," He promises. "Thanks for everything,"

"Safe journey, guys," Gemma calls as the boys step into the driveway, luggage in hand. She blows a kiss at each of them. "Love you, baby bro," She calls to Harry. "And I love you too, Lou,"

Both boys share a glance and snort slightly. "Bye, Gem," Harry waves as they get into the taxi. Getting into taxis is all the pair seem to be doing lately. Louis sighs tiredly as they start their journey to Dan's house. He rubs at his stomach.

"Bubba's kicking again," He alerts Harry. He and Harry share a glance before Louis scoffs slightly and grabs Harry's hand, guiding it towards his stomach. "You can touch it, Harry, you're alloweded to feel. S'your baby too," Louis whispers the last part.

"Does it hurt?" Harry asks, mesmerized by the feeling of the light kicks.

Louis shakes his head. "No," He says. "It's a little weird though, like a flutterin' under me skin,"

Harry nods in response. He lets his hand roam Louis' tummy. "When's Olive coming back?" He questions. "You're due another check up,"

"Yeah, definitely am," Louis hums. "Reckon poor Olive's gonna be in for a shock when she sees the size of the bump " He smirks.

"It suits you, Lou," Harry says, biting his lips. "Did you, uh, did you mean what you said last night?" Harry hesitates before asking.

"I said a lot last night, actually I yelled a lot last night," Louis pauses with a shrug. "Which part you on about?"

"I'm askin' about the whole me not thinking you're attractive anymore. Do you really think I don't find you attractive anymore?"

Louis stares at him, blue and green meeting. He shakes his head. "Well I am a good deal heavier now-"

"Louis, you know I'll always think your beautiful no matter what," Harry frets. "You always look so good, pregnancy didn't change that,"

Louis sighs. "Why you so hung up on me?" He asks boldly. "You could be out gallivanting with any girl or boy of your choice, why do you stay alone in hotels with all of us? With me? Playing FIFA, eating greasy Chinese takeaway, when you could be out and about with anyone you want. Is it because m'pregnant? You feel bad, dontcha? Feel like you have to be around me twenty four seven, or else I'll just fucking break-"

And for the first time in a long time, Louis Tomlinson is surrendered silent as Harry locks his lips against Louis'. Louis is taken by surprise. But its somewhat pleasant. Its natural for him, to kiss Harry. He's been doing it for years now. He's suddenly eternally grateful for the fact that the taxi had one of those blockages so the driver could give them that ounce of privacy.

Harrys soft lips against Louis' feel familiar but yet so far away. Its nice. They haven't kissed one another in awhile. And its nice.

The sex from the night prior had merely been rough and passionate rather than soft and light, with small pecks and kisses.

Harry pulls away, averting his gaze out the window. He looks embarrassed.

"Harry-" Louis starts but is cut off.

"That's why I'm not out with anyone else," Harry mumbles. "Because I don't want to be with anyone else,"

Louis follows Harry's gaze out the window. "Harry," He starts softly. "You know we can't-"

"Of course I know! Doesn't make it any less painful though, does it?"

Louis lowers his voice to a mutter. "No," He agrees. "First I practically beg you for sex and then you kiss me, we're a right mess, you know that?"

"You forgot to mention you're having my baby and we don't talk about how we feel so we just kiss and fuck it out,"

"Mmh, seem to of slipped my mind, so it did," Louis interwines their fingers hesitantly. "We need to be a friend to one another," Louis repeats Harry's words from the previous night. "Friends don't kiss and friends don't fuck each other," He says. "F-friends don't have each others babies," Louis says shamefully. "We've gotta be a team, Haz, not just two players on the pitch,"

Harry nods. He gives Louis' hand a reassuring squeeze. "We're such a mess, Lou,"

Louis smiles weakly. "I know, babycakes, I know," Gently, he rubs his thumb over Harry's knuckles. "Now try cheer up a bit, you've got two six year olds dying to see you again,"

The pair arrive at Dan's house. They opt to leave their luggage in the taxi, simply directing the taximan to return within two hours. Louis knocks on the door. The door opens revealing Louis' stepfather. Dan grasps Louis tightly.

"My boy!" He hugs Louis. "You've been so missed, how's tour going?" He let's him go. Next he hugs Harry, a polite hug. "You two must be so tired from all the traveling, and especially the pregnancy. Come in; the kettles just boiled,"

Harry shuffled into the hallway, photos of Jay clutter the wall gracefully.

"Look who's here to visit you two," Dan calls into the living room as he leads the two band members into the kitchen. The sound of running can be heard and then Doris and Ernest appear. They're so much bigger than Harry remembers.

Louis immediately hunkers down so he can be at eye level with the twins.

"Achoo!" Doris shouts, running into Louis' awaiting arms. "You're back to see us!" She cheers gleefully.

"Hey, hey, be gentle with your brother!" Dan winches.

"Course I'm back to see you, my favorite two munchkins," He squeezes his little sister tightly.

If there's one thing Harry loves, one thing he could never ever get enough of, is watching Louis with children. He adores the sight of Louis' face light up with s smile as he interacts with his baby siblings, as he pulls a funny face in attempts to make one of them laugh, or that time he walked Daisy and Phoebe home from school for the This Is Us film. He has always been so good with little children, so attentive and caring, he listens to them. He gets children. He knows exactly when they need to be soothed or put down for a nap or when they've had enough food.

He knows just the exact reasons why they're crying. Too cold, too hot, hungry, not hungry, sleepy, too sleepy; the list goes on. And more importantly, he knew the exact solutions to each of these minor problems.

Louis was amazing with kids. He played games with them, games that often resulted in children squealing with laughter and giggles, one particular game earned him the nickname 'Achoo' from his youngest siblings.

"Harry came to see you guys too," Louis smiles at the twins, having roped Erniest into the cuddle. "Isn't that nice of him? You guys haven't seen Harry in awhile, haven't you not?" Louis straightens himself up.

Ernie smiled up at Harry. "Does this mean you and Achoo love each other again? Because when mummy was here she said that you and Louis-"

Louis coughs, cutting his only brother off as he scoops Ernie up into his arms. "Of course we love each other, Erns, we're best friends, friends love each other." Louis tells him.

"But-" Doris tries to intervene but Dan shushes her.

"Why don't we have some scones? Yeah? Tea and scones, juice and scones for you two, eh?" Dan diverts their attention towards the fridge.

Louis sighs in relief. "M'sorry, Haz. They must've overheard mum and Dan when they were little, you know how kids don't forget certain details," Louis says.

"No, no, no. Don't worry about it. They're only little, I'm sure they're confused as to why I'm suddenly back paying visits,"

Dan sends his son and daughter back into the living room with their treats. He grins at Harry and Louis. "Sorry about that, boys, they're just really excited to see you both again, especially together. They usually get this excited when it's just Lou, but seeing as there's two of you here its like double the excitement,"

Harry laughs. "They're lovely, really," He dotes. Dan pours out mugs of tea.

Louis is leaned back in the slightly uncomfortable wooden kitchen chair. He's discovered that by arching his back, the swell of his bump seems to distend outwards. He cradles the bump. "Ah, I've missed em," He says. "Miss me snuggles with them,"

"You can have snuggles with your own little baby soon, how's pregnancy been treating you, Lou? You're doing good, yeah? Baby's healthy, happy?"

Louis nods. "They started kicking last night which was pretty cool for Haz and I," He pauses. "Mum would be pretty handy right now, could ask her about this shit seen as she did it so many times," He chuckles.

"You look good, son," Dan says "Properly glowing, so you are,"

Louis snorts. "Thank you but I think I'll have to disagree,"

"Do you guys know what you're having?"

Harry shakes his head. "No actually, we hadn't really talked about that with Lou's midwife yet,"

Louis and Harry look to one another. "Did you wanna find out?" Louis asks.

Harry hums, sipping his tea. "Whatever you want, I don't mind either way; s'long as we've got a healthy baby,"

"I think it'd be nice to know. That way we could potentially narrow down on a name," Louis says.

They chat with Dan for another half an hour before Louis excuses himself and enters the living room to find Ernest and Doris engrossed in a cartoon. "Hey," Louis says. Two sets of eyes look up to him, tearing away from the animations on the television.

"Achoo!" Ernie cheers, making a motion for Louis to sit in between him and his twin. "Watch cartoons with us?" He asks.

"Course, what're we watching?" Louis snuggles in between them, both twins heads find their way to lean on Louis for a cuddle.

"Cartoons," Doris answers with a cheeky, know it all grin.

"Nobody liked a smart are, Dor," Louis smirks at her. She giggles in reply.

After a few minutes of silently watching the cartoon, Louis clears his throat to gtab both six year olds attention. "I wanna tell you guys something, yeah?"

Ernie reaches across the sofa for the remote to lower the volume on the television. It amazes Louis how tech savvy his baby siblings are. "Is it a secret?" Ernie asks.

Louis shakes his head. "Nope," He replies.

"Okay, go ahead," Doris looks up at him.

"So you know the way I'm on tour right now, so I'm not home a lot?"

"Yes," the twins say in synce.

"Well I'm gonna be home a little earlier than expected,"

Doris blinks at him. "For a visit?"

"No, I'm just taking some time off, need my rest"

"Why? Are you sick, Achoo?" Ernie asks.

"No, little lad, m'not sick. M'gonna have a baby," Louis exhales.

The twins stare at him for a little longer than Louis likes. "A real baby?" Doris asks.

Louis nods. "Yup," He popes the 'P'.

"Where is it? Why isn't the baby here right now?" Ernie questions.

Louis smiles softly. He rolls down the waistband of his jeans -his next size up jeans, much to his unamusement. Louis gently pulls up his hoodie to show his little siblings his tummy. "The baby's right in there," Louis drums his fingers against the bulge of his stomach. "S'why I'm all heavy lookin'," He smirks.

Doris' hand immediately goes straight to her older brothers stomach. "Ooh, and the baby lives in there, Louis?"

Louis nods. "Uh huh, at least until just after Christmas they do anyway,"

"So Santa's bringing us a baby?" Ernie smiles toothily.

"Yeah, your very own niece or nephew, innit,"

The twins grin. "Oh wow! We can dress it up and play with it!"

Louis chuckles. "S'not a doll, its gonna be a real life, crying, dirty diaper wearing little baby," He says. He puts his hand over Doris' much tinier hand. Ernie joins in too. "But I'll have harry to help me with that, won't I?"

"Course you will, Lou," Harry says, appearing in the doorway of the living room.

Louis smiles almost teary eyed from his place on the sofa. "Cmere and get this baby to kick, will ya?" He says. "Bubba likes the sound of Harry's voice because they know Harry's their daddy, yeah?" He explains to the twins.

Harry smiles, kneeling down on the ground in front of Louis at the sofa. He pulls Louis further gently by his waist. Harry places his palms against Louis' tummy. "Hey in there, you've got your very excited auntie and uncle out here that'd love to feel you kick," Harry grins. "Give us a little kick, mmh?"

Moments pass and nothing happens. "Maybe they're sleeping," Doris suggests.

"Maybe so," Louis replies. He pulls himself off the sofa. "You'll get to feel em kick when I'm home from tour, I promise," He says to the two disappointed six year olds. "Harry and I've gotta get going, I'll miss you two rasals. Be good for your dad, yeah?"

They nod eagerly. Ernie smiles cheekily as he presses his face into Louis' bump. "Tell the baby to be good for their daddy too," He sasses. Louis is very much fond of the fact that Ernie seems to be just as check as Louis was as a little kid.

Louis and Harry depart from Dan's house and are enroute to a small lowkey restaurant near the airport to meet up with the rest of their band mates. "M'starving," Louis says as they get out of the taxi. "Honestly, can not wait to eat," He declares.

"Then let's go get you some dinner, love," Harry says. They enter the restaurant to see their three friends laughing in a dimly lit booth near the back together.

"Hey, how'd your little family weekend go?" Liam asks as soon as they approach the table. The Wolverhampton man would be lying if he said he didn't notice something different about the expectant parents. They sit closer together in the booth; close the way they had all the way back in 2011.

"Great, great," Harry nods. A waiter places menu's in front of each boy.

"Mmh, we should get dessert. The dessert menu looks nice," Niall licks his lips.

Zayn shorts. "Course you'd say that, Ni," They all share a laugh. Eventually they order. Louis hates the fact that he's suddenly overwhelmed with excitement for his pasta and garlic bread to come.

Once the food arrives, they tuck in; chatting about their free weekend.

"Just hope we get more down time the second half of the tour," Louis says. "M'growin' a whole ass human in here," He reminds them, patting his stomach lightly.

"Littlest twins take the news okay, yeah?" Niall asks.

Harry nods while Louis smirks. "Yeah, except they now are under the impression that Harold and I utterly in love," The Doncaster man snorts.

"Honestly, where would they have even pulled that from?" Liam scoffs mockingly. "It isn't like there's a baby involved,"

"Hey, don't bring my baby into this," Harry jokes from across the table. "Me and their mother are a mess, but the baby is not a mess," He smirks.

Zayn raises his glass of white wine, the others follow while Louis raises his coke. "To this glorious mess then," The brown eyed man states.

"To the glorious mess," The rest of the boys chorus with a few heartfelt laughs.

True to his statement earlier, Niall does in fact make them all get dessert; despite Louis' moans from being too full. "Shut up, you're growing a little person; eat up, Tommo," Niall had retorted to him.

They have no need for taxis as their tour bus is their new transport. "Think m'gonna snooze on the plane," Louis announces.

"Mmh, might join ya," Niall hums.

Louis smiles at the iris boy. "Good, 'cause I've been missing my Nialler snuggles," He grins. This gives Niall a huge sense of pride and he beams at Louis.

Before the plane takes off, the two boys eyed men make themselves comfortable for their long flight to come; cuddling up in a huge duvet textured blanket that seems to hold weight and keep them warm.

Zayn, Harry and Liam settle a good bit away from them, wanting to give them space and a more quieter setting to nap in.

"Hey, question," Liam says to Harry as they settle down in some longue chairs, leaving Louis and Niall in the other room of the plane.

"Shoot," Harry says.

"You and Lou were sitting quite close earlier, everything happy in paradise?" Liam arches an eyebrow. Harry hums in response.

"I uh," Harry fumbles for words. "I fucked Lou," He eventually exhales.

"Well yeah, he's pregnant, we already knew that had happened," Liam deadpans.

"Yeah, and many times before that," Zayn adds.

Harry shakes his head with a sigh. "No, m'not talking about before. Last night we um well we did it," He pauses. "And then we argued and then we cuddled like we hadn't just screamed at one another,"

"Wow, anything else we should know about?" Liam asks dryly.

"Yeah, I kissed him this morning,"

Zayn and Liam both groan. "Can you not just keep your hands off him?!" Zayn exclaims into his hands. "You're a dog, Harry Styles, an absolute dog,"

"This is gonna complicate things so much more, Haz," Liam sighs.

"Yeah. I know that, Liam, but thank you for your clever fucking observation," Harry says sharply.

"No need to be snappy," Liam retorts.

"You guys are gonna end up back where you left off," Zayn says quietly.

Harry nods. "Yeah,"

"I just," Zayn pauses. "I just don't wanna see him hurt," He hesitates.

Harry scoffs. "See him hurt?" He rolls his eyes. "Mate, I'm not the only one here whos hurt him," He reminds Zayn.

"You guys really shouldn't do his here, not with Louis in the other fucking room-" Liam tries to intervene.

"One rude tweet isn't the equivalent to getting somebody pregnant, Harry," Zayn replies. He's so nonchalant it bothers Harry. "Dont try divert your guilt for hurting Louis onto me. You don't think I've felt bad? 'Course I have. But I made my amends and righted the wrongs with Louis. You, howverr, keep sprialling back in between right and wrong," Zayn says calmly.

"Do you know how much it hurt him that you just up and left us? You abandoned us in the middle of a tour!" Harry cries out. "You jepradised all of our careers. And then you went and slated Louis on Twitter like he was nothing to you?" Harry huffs. "He shouldn't of sparked a fight with you but oh my god the day we'd had,"

The day of the infamous Twitter feud took place approximately one hour after Louis and Harry had gotten home from couples counselling. Louis had already been in a dirty, foul mood. Hence why he picked the fight with Zayn; because for once he was directing his frustration on somebody that wasn't himself or Harry.

It'd been a rough session. Margo -their relationship therapist, a woman Louis hated with every single fibre of his being; a fact he would remind Harry of every chance he saw fit- had suggested an exercise during their time with her. The exercise had forced Louis to expell some of the roots of his somewhat dark issues with his biological dad and how they may of been effecting his and Harry's relationship.

She of course mentioned how the constant attempts from Troy to contact his son may be causing trouble. Louis had hated it. He hated how his 'father' was brought into it. He'd immediately questioned Margo on why Desmond, Harry's dad, hadn't been brought into it. Why had it only been Louis' father?

Of course, the answer was obvious. Despite Louis not wanting to admit to it.

Harry had a relationship with Des.

Whereas Louis could barely tell Margo two things about Troy that weren't common knowledge such as his very bold statement of "well he contributed to making me," which had disgusted Margo.

Margo and Louis did not see eye to eye. Louis often invisioned what it'd be like to run the woman over with a range rover. Often, late at night; perhaps even in to the early morning, the couple would lay awake wrapped in each others embrace as Louis gave horrifyingly graphic descriptions of how much he'd love to 'get that stupid fucking bat'.

She liked Harry. She acted nicer towards him, as though she sympathized with him for merely having to 'put up' with Louis. She blamed Louis. All. The. Fucking. Time. While Margo held Harry high on a shiny porcelain pedestal, she merely placed Louis as the sole individual responsible for the downfall and destruction of 'Larry Stylinson'.

Every single god damn insignificant error in their relationship was all traced back to Louis in miraculous way. And Harry hated that; because he knew Louis, despite ranting furiously about it, believed it. Deep down, Louis believed her. And that made Harry feel a special kind of sick. Louis was perfect. An angel in Harry's eyes. Well, an angel with a very badly adjusted attitude problem.

Louis had a temper. He may be 5'7 but his attitude rivaled 6'3'.

That particular day he had stormed out of Margo's office, hollering rather vulgarly about Troy having nothing to do with Louis, let alone was he causing issues within Louis' love life, he left; slamming the door viciously behind him. Harry had trotted out after him twenty minutes later, having given Louis time to cool off. Because that's what you do when the man you're head over feels in love with has the raging temper of a caged grizzly bear, foaming at the mouth.

Harry had almost been embarrassed of Louis' childish behavior - Louis grew up in a house with practically four hundred siblings, the boy had a fine pair of lungs which he'd undoubtedly had to use as a survival tactic over the years with that many sisters.

Of course with that survival tactic came Louis' weird instinct while eating; the shifty eye never failed to intimidate the other boys.

Almost. He had almost been embarrassed. Then he tried to empatise to the fact that he and his father had a healthy father son relationship. Harry's father had supported him from the start; not just when he was selling out stadiums. Harry realized he didn't know what it was like for his Louis. He didn't understand what Louis was going through. Harry would never have to experience one of the people who created you only giving a fuck about you once you've made it big in life.

After that session, Louis had given him the silent treatment. Instead, the Doncaster boy had favored arguing publically with Zayn. For over thousands of people to see and comment on.

Harry's pulled out of his thoughts to hear Liam mumbling to Zayn.

He can barely recognize the words 'couples counselling' and 'shitty, bitchy therapist'. Then he feels Zayn's strong arms wrap around him.

"M'so sorry, Z," Harry whispers tearfully. He wasn't exactly sure when his eyes had grown wet from the recollections of couples counselling, but they undoubtedly had. "I didn't mean to snap at either of you." Harry apologizes. "Its just, lately I'm reliving so much. Seeing him pregnant is like, bringing so much shit I thought I'd buried back up,"

Zayn shakes his head. "You're having a tough time, Haz. Obviously you love Lou and it must be harsh right now to not be able to come to any agreement with him," Zayn smiles sadly. "You guys deserved better than what Simon Cowell gave you both,"

Harry nods. "We're so fucked," He utters breathily.

"No," Liam says. "You've got time to set things right. I'm not saying get back together, I'm just pointing out that it isn't always gonna be so confusing." He reassures.

"Louis loves you, H," Zayn says. "And if you and he are meant to be, things have a funny way of workin' out, yeah?" He gently pats Harry's shoulder. "Now stop your snappin', Li and I are just here to help. You aren't the hormonal one in the band, leave that to Louis for now,"

They all chuckle quietly.

"Just relax, Harry." Liam gives him a grin. "You and Louis are gonna be just fine. You're both gonna be great parents. And if its meant to be for you guys, it will be. So don't stress,"

"Yeah," Zayn pipes up. "Leave it up to the universe, give it to better hands to let everything be resolved,"

"You know, I can't wait to be a dad," Harry confesses. Those are words he's never actually said out loud. "I get to be somebody's dad," He smiles softly.

"Exactly. So quit your whinin'," Liam jokes. "You've got damn diapers to change, Styles"

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