TRUST MY HEART ━━━ 𝐛.𝐛𝐚𝐫...

By lightupmydays

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His eyes finally landed on her, as bits and pieces came back to him. He vaguely recalled seeing the brunette... More

status update
A C T | o n e
1. That's life.
2. Neighbor.
3. I hope I go down dancing.
4. Captain's orders.
5. Locked, cocked and ready to rock.
6. The 41st floor.
7. Don't be that guy.
8. Avenging stuff.
9. I told you so.
10. A clean slate.
11. A big building.
E N D O F A C T | o n e
A C T | t w o
1. Don't be sorry. Be better.
2. Closure.
3. Whiskey plans.
4. Some very awful news.
5. Goes with the territory.
6. Maybes.
7. Ready to comply.
8. Outage.
9. Colleagues.
10. Saying goodbye.
11. Homecoming.
12. Where to?
13. A breakthrough, Pt. I
13. A breakthrough, Pt. II
14. Who are you?
15. Outsider.
16. Vague.
17. Choices.
18. Are you in, or what?
19. The smarter you are.
20. Friends.
21. Sleepover.
22. Just Barnes.
23. If you have a minute.
24. The art of losing.
25. Nomad life.
26. Death wish.
27. Mags.
28. See ya, Buck!
29. The tiger lies low.
30. Atlas.
31. Join the damn club.
32. New life, new expectations.
33. Happy birthday.
34. Cupid schemes.
35. Blurred lines.
36. Jamais Vu, Pt. I
38. Something new.
39. A nice ring to it.
40. Time's up.
41. Some enchanted evening.
42. You're free.
43. The Old One-Two
44. The Barking Dog.
45. Weird activities.

37. Jamais Vu, Pt. II

112 3 0
By lightupmydays

/ˌʒæmeɪ ˈvuː/

a French borrowing meaning "never seen"; disorder of memory characterized by the illusion that the familiar is being encountered for the first time -- a situation that one recognizes in some fashion, but that nonetheless seems novel.

»»————- ✼ ————-««



T'Challa glanced around the hut, taking in the small changes and personal details Bucky had placed all over his home. The furniture was sparse, yet functional. Sure, there wasn't much to look at, but he did notice an old wooden armchair that sat between the bed and the window. It appeared to serve as a makeshift bedside table for reading material, since it was stacked with colorful books. On top was a neatly folded set of clothes. The King recognized the novel titles and smirked lightly; he was aware of Magna's visits, and that the books belonged to his private library, and couldn't help but wonder what was going on between the brunette and the former soldier. Particularly given Magna's apparent reluctance to say goodbye prior leaving for their mission.

He'd already noticed the pair multiple times, standing there, 'pretending to be just friends' whenever they weren't arguing - despite that 'all the time in the world could not pry them apart'. Well, at least according to Shuri. Those had been her words anyway. But the King would never comment on it. It wasn't his place, and he didn't really care that much. It was none of his business, after all. Furthermore, there were plenty of more pressing issues for him to worry about than the complicated relationship between the friends of Captain Rogers.

Bucky and his royal visitor had been talking for a while now, with the former offering updates regarding his progress and taking the opportunity to vehementy thank T'Challa and his people for the continuous help. That was something Bucky made sure to do every time they had a conversation. Granted, the young king was a very busy figure, but the handful of exchanges they'd shared so far were very important to the convalescing man, as brief as they were; and Bucky's gratitude never went unnoticed by T'Challa.

They walked for what felt like an hour, finally making it to the most populated region within the tribe's territory. The huts were built closer to each other, and there were several corrals and sheds in sight, much like where Bucky lived, the only difference being the quantity of animals quartered there. People paid the two no mind as they strolled around --mostly because of Bucky's current company. The King's guards kept their distance as well, per T'Challa's firm request. 

»»————- ✼ ————-««

»»————- ✼ ————-««

— ... Well, I am glad to hear you are doing well.- oddly enough, T'Challa placed a hand on his shoulder for a moment. The touch felt strange somehow, hardly deserved, but it reminded Bucky of Steve. And while it offered him comfort, it also opened a floodgate of emotions that were too scary to even contemplate at the moment. — ... So is my sister. 

The King nodded once, feeling a smile tug the edges of his mouth, and his gaze held Bucky's momentarily. 

— I'm still trying to figure things out...- the latter murmured, unblinking, mixed feelings chasing across his face and voice dripping with unease.  —... Still trying to understand this... new world. Hopefully I'll get to be me... at some point. Even if I don't know who that is.

As though reading his thoughts, T'Challa looked at him out the corner of his eye for a moment before focusing back on the horizon, hands crossed behind his back.

— Would you like to help your new world this time around?- the soft question held no hidden motives nor personal agendas. It had been uttered out of simple interest. And maybe even a little bit of hope. — Perhaps join Captain Rogers hero duties..?- it took Bucky a full minute to speak again, and when he did, his gaze was lost somewhere in the distance.

— I think... after all I've done... how could I?- he said bluntly, and his eyes clouded with bottled up sadness and regret. The King didn't interject. He patiently waited instead, encouraging him to speak freely, compelling him to be honest. And Bucky was tired of lies. — What gives me the right to pretend I'm the hero, when I'm actually the monster? With all due respect, I'm not one of the good guys. I'm not you, Your Highness, T'Challa... and I'm definitely not Steve.

— Anyone can be a 'good guy'. But try waking up every morning and loving the world all over again.- T'Challa's balanced voice sounded like the force of mighty waters tumbling over smooth rock. He looked very serious, but there was no judgement in his tone. — ... That's what takes a real hero.- Bucky didn't say anything back. Guilt twisted his gut. And every possible response he came up with sounded dumb in contrast to T'Challa's speeches. Besides, the latter's words were sweet, yet Bucky wasn't entirely sure he believed them. No, that's not it. He was actually afraid of believing them. He didn't even dare to consider it a possibility.  — ... The sound of what cannot be seen sings within everything that can. And there is nothing more to it than that... just take it one day at a time.

... What? Bucky thought, feeling confused again. Why did he always speak riddles?!

— ... Think about it. No pressures.- one of T'Challa's eyebrows rose as the man smiled knowingly. — I am more than sure that the offer has no expiration date.

After exchanging goodbyes, Bucky watched the King and his guards leave, feeling a little lightheaded and overwhemled by the profoundness of his wisdom. However, at last, he finally stepped out of his musings, putting two and two together, and came across a realization. The impact of what it implied nearly knocked the wind out of him. He had no time to cringe at his own stupidity for not figuring it out sooner. Nothing else mattered, nothing but that feeling

Other emotions be damned. T'Challa was back. He'd had returned from his mission. Which also meant... She's back too. 

He didn't notice it then, but as his brain worked faster than his clumsy feet, Bucky's thoughts wandered off. She was back, and the pace of his footsteps on the grass quickened, much like his own heartbeat. She was back, and all he could picture in his mind's eye while the imposing buildings got closer, and closer, was a familiar pair of lips, --most likely, curled up in a teasing smirk--, which he wondered if he'd ever be able to taste again.  

And so, Bucky rushed to her apartment, focused on the burbling relief at the prospect of seeing the brunette again -- a feeling decidedly predominant over the mess she'd left behind upon her departure.

She was back. 

»»————- ✼ ————-««


»»————- ✼ ————-««



— ... I was right, you know. - Magna said, sitting on the edge of the examination table and letting her legs dangle as Shuri went about some task. — The costumes were so tight they'd even give a man cleavage.- she had started sharing details about the mission as soon as the teen finished checking up her injuries.

— I can't believe you changed your hair already. I wanted to see it blonde!- Shuri was now busy typing a message for Nakia, who was back at the Wakandan International Outreach Centre in California. 

From what Magna had gathered so far, Nakia was T'Challa's partner, and head of the social outreach department, whereas Shuri was appointed by the King as head of the science and information exchange. 

— Speaking of men... were you ever going to tell me?- the girl asked next, her voice sounding only slightly more attentive. Magna suddenly gawked back at her, mouth wide open and eyes raised, feeling all the blood draining from her face. The Wakandan princess held her stare and puckered her lips into a mock kiss, making weird sounds in the air. — Must say, it was hard to believe at first that whenever you two are not trying to kill each other you are busy making out.

— You know.- Magna took in a deep breath, then let out a long, drawn-out sigh. Shuri knew. How..?

— Maybe I do, maybe I don't.- when the eyes of the brunette focused back onto Shuri, the latter had a full-blown smile on her face. — Next time it happens you better tell me all about it, though.

— It was a oneti..-Magna rushed to stutter the weak excuse before interrupting herself as Shuri glanced up at her with a triumphant expression. Then, it finally clicked. — ... You were fishing.- she resumed querulously and the teen leaned back into her chair, arms crossing over her chest.

— And oh, how the fish are biting today!- the girl said proudly, rolling her eyes. — It was so obvious. You two are always giving off so many pheromones that wild animals are going to start showing up here any minute.

Of course Shuri knew! She'd seen it coming. And when the information slipped out of Zura's mouth in one of their conversations, the Princess promised her best friend to stay cool around Bucky. He couldn't know that she knew about the kiss too. Magna, on the other hand... 

The poor man had confided in Zura, and she felt guilty for telling her. Then again, Shuri was... Shuri. Keeping things from the latter was always hard, and it usually ended up with impromptu confessions out of sheer frustration. Nonetheless, Zura still had a revelation up her sleeve, but that was a secret of hers - therefore, one that she might never disclose.

 Magna felt her face heat with embarrassment underneath Shuri's gaze.

— It's not like that! it was a one-time mistake,- she could hear the pitch of her voice rising with her protest. The corners of Shuri's mouth turned up as she tried to stifle a snicker. — We got... carried away. Okay? But it won't happen again.- with a vehement shake of her head in conclusion, Magna almost scowled at herself.

It didn't sound believable, at all. She'd only tried to make it sound convincing because she was trying to convince herself too. Shuri noticed, but rather than pointing it out, she merely peered at her from beyond a digital projection moving between them, a slow grin settling over her cheeks. 

— Mistakes are made so they can be learned from, Shuri.- the brunette carried on and argued in a deadpan voice, sat back, and slowly crossed one leg over the other, adding. — ... So they don't get repeated. -her eyes wandered to a different part of the office and missed Shuri's head at a coquettish tilt, the latter's expression full of complicity. Teenagers are gonna be the death of me, Magna thought.

— What's the fun in that?- she paused to see what effect this had but Magna's face was unreadable. The brunette wasn't even looking her way anymore. Shuri sighed and cautiously pulled back from the jokes. — ... I just wanted to hear it from you. I like to think we have become friends, Mags.- at that, she finally met her hesitant gaze, which had never looked more vulnerable. — I hope you know it is not gossip, I care about you. We all do.

— We are,- Magna then muttered calmly. It took one final soft look from the teen for Magna to put down her pitchforks and let down her walls.— ... friends, that is.- she added. — We are. 

Her shoulders shrugged as she sighed again, the remains of her earlier defensiveness wearing off. Eventually, her lips parted and she began to speak.

»»————- ✼ ————-««

— ... I've got it bad.- Magna mumbled, wrapping up the story, and ran a hand across her face. — ... and I can't avoid him any longer.

She'd told Shuri as much as she could, only the things she deemed appropiate for the princess to hear. Not a bit more, not a bit less. 

— I know,- Shuri commented without looking at her, now focused back on the screen. — But, are you sure about that?- the teen genious crossed her legs and swiveled the chair, facing her again. — Look how well you've managed to avoid everyone for the last two weeks.- she gave Magna a pointed look; head tilted forward and her eyebrow quirked. It wasn't malicious, that much was obvious. Yet, the way the Princess always said things, in such a blunt way, startled Magna constantly.

Ouch. But Shuri was right -- she'd avoided Bucky, he'd avoided her, they'd avoided each other, and she'd avoided everyone else too, just for good measure. And by omission, she'd had to lie to them in the process. Magna had wanted to confide in her, in Zura, but it became obvious that old habits died hard when it came to her. Or maybe it's the residue of fear forced to the surface, her mind conceded wearily. Whatever it was, the risk felt too great. 

She suddenly groaned, a little louder than she meant to.

— How do I fix this?- Magna voiced the question tentatively, barely raising her voice above a whisper. Then, she jumped off the examination table and paced the room, trying to put her worried thoughts into place.

Shuri stopped typing, her face growing pensive as her gaze slowly shifted to hers. The princess was quiet for a few moments and seemed thinking. When she finally spoke, she spoke with certainty.

— ... You don't.- and she shrugged her shoulders, as if to overpower by force the great amount of knowledge which her extensive mind contained.

— What's that supposed to mean?- the brunette questioned, then tilted her head to face Shuri as the latter rose from her seat and circled the desk toward her friend.

— There is nothing broken about... you two.- Shuri elucidated with earnest simplicity. The brunette looked at her in disbelief, as if to ascertain what to do next. — I mean, it sure does not sound broken to me. If anything, it seems... more different than anything else.

Shoulders straight, head held high, the former S.H.I.E.L.D agent's voice emerged again in protest.

— Different can be scary.- Magna mused. Truthfully, the latter hadn't felt that way about someone in a long time, and even then, she didn't remember feeling it so strongly.

The teen hummed, nodding to hersellf as if reflecting on something. She was working out something in her head, trying to hold it back, not wanting to let it come to the surface.

Shuri's gaze had no amusement in it when her reply came, no curiosity either, only a kind of steadiness, and Magna had no idea what she was thinking. The lips of the princess tugged up just slightly before the latter reached out to squeeze Magna's arm in reassurance. The smile didn't quite reach the girl's eyes, though.

— Different can be good.- was all she said.

The brunette let out another dramatic breath before turning glancing way. The volume of her thoughts increased as she stared at the transparent office wall behind Shuri. She'd missed him, even if admitting that annoyed the hell out of her. But she had missed him. So much. Definitely more than she'd expected to. It made her want to get up and run to his hut just to tell him that, and to hear what he said in return. But it was her first day back, and they were not in good terms, and it was not the right time. She just hoped the right time was soon.

— Sorry,- she apologized honestly, feeling terribly ashamed about her childish behavior. — I'm really sorry for leaving like that, Shuri. And for not telling you about us.

— Don't be sorry, Mags,- her fingertips stopped moving across the keyboard. Shuri locked eyes with her for a fleeting instant. There was both a mixture of earnestness and playfulness there. Then it was gone, and the princess averted her gaze, her attention somewhere else.  — ... Just go do something about it.- by a nonchalant wave of her hand she dismissed Magna and put their conversation to rest; for the time being, at least.

Magna said goodbye to her and walked over to the door, eager to get out of there and apparently glad to be doing something to get past her awkwardness. And much to her surprise, like a soft whisper, the words of her trainer in Berlin echoed in her head.

Don't be sorry, be better.

»»————- ✼ ————-««


Magna could still hear Shuri's scoldings for not getting there sooner as she made her way out of the princess's office. Then again, the young woman insisted that her injuries weren't a big deal. Still, she walked out in a huff.

Down the hall, she heard the elevator ding in the distance, followed by the sound of its door sliding. Magna's body stiffened as she waited to see what it would reveal, and much to her dismay, the heavy box opened slowly, like a vaudeville curtain. Unlike other occasions, this time her heart gave an uncomfortable jolt against her ribs, and her breath hitched in her throat, just loud enough for him to hear it.


There he was, standing before her and looking as determined as ever. There was no way she could avoid him this time. He didn't even seem surprised to find her there.

Magna could perfectly remember their first meeting after she saved him, months ago, when he'd pointed out how vague she was about her identity. Yet, each time she faced him felt as if that certainty and familiar emotion that came with his scent, his breathing, the way he moved and the way he looked at her could somehow coexist in her mind with the sensation of always seeing him for the first time. 

Bucky, on the other hand, had no time to ponder over sweet nothings. The stubborn woman in front of him had been avoiding him for two weeks and he was furious that she'd been so successful. Furthermore, he was resolved for that to end.

The unpredictability that defined and surrounded their relationship inevitably implied a sense of eerines. They never knew what to expect from each other; therefore, despite seeing each other again and again, each time felt like the first. They were strangers to each other, albeit not. And so the closeness and familiarity that magnetically drew them together with every encounteralways became cloudy to the point of non-existence.

In addition, the attraction they felt for each other did not, of course, help their purpose of understanding that intimacy, an occasional constant which belonged to them only. It was overwhelming how their feelings for each other hit them as if they were being encountered for the first time - when, in fact, their fate had been signed, sealed and delivered at first sight.

It could have been because having her reject him and then take off after sharing such a vulnerable moment had felt like being deprived of oxygen during her absence, but the minute he laid eyes on Magna again air rushed back into Bucky's starving lungs, precious joy momentarily replacing the anger he felt. Momentarily.

The former soldier hoped that his face wouldn't reveal his true emotions as he approached her cautiously. The closer he moved with each step, the more he noticed the bruising on her face. When he eventually reached her, a better view revealed a few tiny cuts too. She'd been struck pretty hard, it seemed. A rage surged in him, and suddenly Bucky found himself clenching his jaw. He wanted to find whoever had done this to her, all consequences and rehabilitation be damned.

He also wanted to take her in his arms, kiss every inch of her, and take all the hurt away. Nice, man. Real nice. She's hurt, and you've got her undressed to tend a hell of a lot more than whatever wounds she's hiding. Upon scolding himself, his anger simmered down and a knot fisted in his stomach instead. 

Wordlessly, he brought his hand up to her face gingerly and looked closer, unable to detach himself from the sickening spear of emotion that looking at the depth and shade of the marks on her skin shot through him. She blundered and flinched ever so slightly at the touch. Despite her attempts to cover the pain with a forced smile, her previous reaction was enough to send his hand away instantly. Bucky took a step backwards and gave her enough space so he didn't crowd her or make her feel threatened.

Magna's heartbeat quickened when he lifted his gaze to meet hers demandingly. 

»»————- ✼ ————-««




Fisher took his topcoat off and threw it over one of the kitchen chairs. He sat down to wait for the water to run through the coffee grounds and his hand automatically went to his left breast shirt pocket for his pack of cigarettes. None there. He was panicked for a moment as his hands went to his suit jacket pockets, only to confirm they were empty as well. The usual anxiety he experienced nowadays came back in full swing. Fuck, you gotta be kidding me! Did I forget? I've never... Fuck! 

Well, he thought to himself next, might be a good thing. It'd do you good if you left them back at the apartment. Might cut down on the number. He had thought about quitting several times, but that was as far as it went. After a frustrated sigh, he noticed the coffee was done. Maxwell poured a cup in the kitchen, grabbed up his topcoat and started for his office. 

As the man went through the door, he was startled by someone's silhouette sitting in his high backed leather chair behind the desk.

— Jesus,- Fisher gasped, an expression of fear evident on his face.

— Not quite.- said a familiar female voice. The chair was turned, facing the opposite direction, so Fisher didn't see her right away. Her voice was unmistakable, though. He instinctively backed to the wall and his palm fumbled along the side of the door, searching for the light switch. He flipped it immediately, the room brightening on cue. 

— Fuck's sake! What the hell you doing in here?- with that, the chair turned around. There she was, sitting with her boots up, chair tipped back, smug smirk quirking her lips.

Magna ignored him and leaned forward for a moment, carefully placing a listening device on the desk. She pulled a wire loose from the hidden microphone and then leaned back in the chair.

— This place could use some improvements in security measures.- she commented casually, hands folded on her stomach. — For a double-crosser, I have to say, you are not very clever.- the agent looked at him without expression. — That was under this stupid desk, by the way.- Fisher moved slowly to his oak deskdesk, set his coffee up on the surface and reached for the bugging device. He picked it up with trembling hands. — ... Seems like whoever put it there wasn't too bright either.- Fisher eyed her closely as she rambled. Her remarks continued. — ... These damn amateurs! I gotta tell you, they're getting more and more lazy. Can't even bug an office effectively anymore! People no longer do homework on their targets, it seems.

— And you do?- he angrily retorted, tilting his head to one side and glaring at her. Magna simply took a cigarette from her jacket pocket and lit it.

— I'm a very good student.- she said, and threw the pack across to him. He eagerly picked it up and frowned. That was his pack of cigarettes. The one he hadn't been able to find earlier. Fisher glanced up at her and Magna winked knowingly before leaning back.

— Wh..,- the man gulped. He could barely breathe. — ... Where did you say you found this?

— That one, under your desk.- Magna said with the cigarette dangling from her lips, nodding with her chin to the oak piece. — The others were...- her eyes roamed the place. — ... Everywhere, really. No cameras, oddly enough.- she added, looking at the man expectantly.

 — Others?- a puzzled expression slowly spread over his face as he dumbly repeated the word. Magna rolled her eyes, blowing smoke from her lips. She held out the hand that wasn't holding the cigarette and repeatedly snapped her fingers with impatience.

— C'mon, Fisher, catch up. I need you to stay sharp here.- then, with a silent order, she motioned towards one of the guest chairs before her. Magna, her eyes still judging him, watched him take a deep breath and sit down, as instructed. — We're not done yet, remember?

— What do you want from me?- the man demanded, feeling both furious and scared.

»»————- ✼ ————-««

»»————- ✼ ————-««

When she suddenly rose from her seat, he flinched. His back looked stiff. He was nervous. The office was very still. Slowly, Magna walked over to the window behind her and stared out over the city a moment.

— I paid your debt.- she spoke over her shoulder. Then, the brunette turned to him and carried on. — ... Which means you're mine now.- her voice was a harsh whisper, entirely without inflection. — Are we all right with that?- the was barely a pause before he answered.

— Do I have a choice?- he deadpanned.

— No.- she answered matter-of-factly, with a nonchalant shrug. At last, Magna returned to the desk, and put out the cigarette against its expensive looking surface. The man's eyes narrowed with annoyance at the sight, jaw clenching as he held back an insult.

She sat on Fisher's chair again, much to the latter's displeasure. When the woman met his gaze, he was scowling like a child. She laughed; a thin sound, without humour.

— Oh... come on! It's not so bad...- Magna leaned forward, bracing her elbows on the desk, her chin on interlaced fingers. The female agent assumed an angelic expression -- oddly innocent for a woman who could be anything but that--, and stared at Fisher, taking in every aspect of his face. When she spoke again, the man noticed there was a hint of underlying threat in her firm tone. — So, what do you have for me?

 »»————- ✼ ————-««


Fisher and Magna emerged from the elevator and stepped inside the seemingly empty underground parking lot of the office building. They were meant to meet T'Challa and Okoye there. Maxwell clumsily shut the door behind them and the metal echoed, a loud, thunderous clang, like the door of a jail cell slamming shut. The only light was a flickering fluorescent hanging roughly in the center of the space, making everything dark and hazy, but the scent of gasoline came sharp to her nose.

They were about to turn and walk towards Fisher's car when the brunette suddenly heard someone's whistling ring from the other side of the dimly lit lot. A cold rush of air swept up the floor. She slowly pulled the small gun out of the waistband of her jeans and looked around.

Another whistling drew her attention back and Magna swung her weapon in the direction of the somber area, pointed directly at the darkness. Squinting her eyes, she tried to identify where the sound came from.

— Who's there?- she yelled. Fisher grew even more pale and sweaty, his eyes nervously scanning the darkness as he cursed himself for following the woman down there in the first place.

Partially hidden in the shadows, Magna finally caught sight of the figures of two men. She rolled her eyes with impatience and fleetingly glanced at Fisher, who remained silent and looked scared to death.

— Just show yourselves already.- demanded defiantly the irritated agent in her, ignoring the conspicuous way Fisher then shifted the position of his body and hid behind hers.

Wordlessly, the two dark silhouettes emerged before them, and Magna was momentarily startled before recognizing one of them. Billy Moore. Billy-fucking-Moore. And he had brought company. One of his goons, most likely. Talk about teaching Fisher a lesson himself, she thought.

— You gotta be kidding me,- she asked when Moore crossed his arms. — ... Are you really this stupid?- when she was granted no answer, another taunting comment rolled off of her tongue as the woman pushed Fisher further behind her and took a few menacing steps towards them. — You shouldn't have come here, Moore.

 — And if you had any brains,- the latter told her, venom in his voice as he boldly sneered at her. — ... you ​wouldn't have pulled that crap in my office.

— Right. How are the little guys, by the way?- she poked him and watched his face darken. — Put some ice on it?

— That little stunt is gonna cost you.- he spat back. His expression was thunderous. Then, Moore cleared his throat.

Opposite her, the man he'd brought along moved forward, as if on cue. Magna's boots halted, and they stared at each other in the flickering light of the garage. The stranger's face came into focus.

Tanned skin, he had dark hair, graying at the temples, and shaved salt-and-pepper beard. Some heavily imprinted wrinkles and prominent scar across his right cheek told of a rugged man. Perhaps in his mid-forties, his dark blue bulging eyes seemed too large for his face. He moved toward Magna and the latter took a careful step back, securing her grip around the gun. 

— I wouldn't do that if I were you, buddy.- the brunette warned. The man didn't answer and opted for slowly taking his gloves off. A menacing grin twinkled in his eyes as he placed the leather fabric on the hood of the car next to him. She breathed heavily.

— The thing is...- his voice was hoarse and gravelly, but understandable. — I'm really looking forward to it.- Magna's nostrils flared when the guy's cruel smile only widened until he was not so much as smiling as he was showing off his teeth. The look on her face had been taken over by a far angrier one as well upon hearing the stranger's response. — How about a little hand-to-hand, gorgeous? Let's keep your toys out of it. Unless, of course...- he trailed off, and Magna shifted in her position, but only a little, making sure there was still a decent range between them. — ... you're nothing without them.

— You should have just taken the money, Billy...- she yelled over the goon's shoulder, locking eyes with Moore for an instant. 

Then, she watched the man closely as he showed her the inside of his jacket, his undershirt and the waistband of his pants. No gun. No knives. He was apparently unarmed. So, they truly wanted to just beat the shit out of Fisher with their bare hands, huh? And you, she reminded herself. They also want to beat the shit out of you. Slowly, Magna placed the gun on the hood of the car nearest her and lingered there for a moment, testing the waters. Where the hell were Okoye and T'Challa? Did something happen? 

Nothing happened, so she walked towards the man again, eyeing Fisher. The latter hadn't moved an inch, his back pressed against the wall where Magna had left him, shaking in fear. The only thing worse than staying there would have been to run away, he'd reasoned. Smart, Magna observed. Maybe he's not that dense.

— Good girl.- he slanted a look at her out of the corner of his eye and she could tell he sensed the dark undercurrent of her mood. 

Time seemed to have come to an abrupt stop. The murderous looking man with the dark brown jacket took a few steps to his right, and she mimicked his actions, settling what looked like a circling dance. It was hard to identify which of them was suppossed to be the mouse, the weak prey, since they both looked like dangerous hungry cats.

Staring at each other, accurately judging the distance and contemplating his next move, the stranger broke silence, which until then had only been filled by his own audible breathing.

 — What are you waiting for?- he didn't fear a woman in the least, but when she closed the distance between them, the goon had been close to changing his disposition.

— Just giving you a way out.- she told him with a tight-lipped smile, rocking on her heels and following his every move. 

If only Bucky could see her. He'd for sure roll his eyes at such stupid exchange of words. He'd actually be telling you off for going in blindly like an idiot and taking the bait, her mind sharply countered. He could still be armed, and you're not wearing a Kevlar vest; which was true, Magna wanted to kick herself for underestimating Miller's anger, but that didn't seem to be the case. She only hoped that the features on Shuri's bracelet could help her-- if the situation escalated and it came to that. Part of her really wanted a chance to explore its functions, but that was clearly not the time. 

— Is that so?- he murmured, and the scar on his face seemed to have gotten darker as the baleful words left his mouth. — See, I think you're just stalling. You scared?- the man continued with condescendence, tilting his head and shifting his jaw to the side. Magna scoffed but he didn't pay attention to her. — You think you're dangerous because you act dangerous. But you got a lot of shit to learn, baby.

 The brunette immediately let out a hollow laugh, cocking her head with disgust.

— Okay, then.- her expression brightened as she prompted him, beckoning her opponent with her index finger to come closer. — Teach me what not to do, baby.

The suffocating tension expanded, wrapping around both of them and shutting the rest of the world out. Both their faces were unreadable: now no fear, no invitational smirk. He had no time to retort because Magna's balled fist collided with his mouth, throwing him backward. As he stumbled, tha man nearly fell over, rubbing his chin with his palm. Her action certainly took him by surprise. 

His tongue was soaked in the taste of blood. He chuckled bitterly, wiping the red liquid with his sleeve. 

— Oh, I'm sure you can do better than that...- he winked before jolting forward and launching at her.

She gracefully ducked the first few punches, panting slightly, but the man then slid one of his legs under hers and sent Magna down to the floor. The latter crawled furiously with her hands only to be deterred by the man yanking on her foot.

The brunette took her free limb and kicked him in the leg, using this distraction as an opportunity to finally get away from him. He released his grip on her and she rolled on herself multiple times, gaining some distance as she tried pushing herself up into a sitting position.

The furious attacker regained his balance and she cautiously stared at him. His expression was still impassive, the man's training clearly still holding up. Her face was pounding. Magna slowly went back to her feet, expecting the next movement.

— Don't worry,- she assured the scarred man, stretching her sore ankle — I can do this all day.- her fists covered her face in a classic boxing position as she aproached him, daringly, and there was irritation all across the stranger's face.

 — Shut up,- he mumbled, and when Magna went for him, he gripped one of her wrists, pushing her arm upward. The young woman groaned in discomfort. She welcomed the pain and saw the second blow come for her abdomen.

Another wave of agony jolted throughout her features when his clenched fist met her cheekbone, momentarily letting her go as the rest of her body took in the impact. The female agent endeavored to scoot back away from the man but was stopped by an iron grip suddenly around her waist and lips at her ear.

— It always turns me on when they put up a good fight- he whispered in her ear. The viciousness of his voice seemed to reach Magna, and her eyes cleared.

The latter struggled against him, shooting her right leg out but her movements were far too slow and he ducked each attack effortlessly. His hands slowly travelled from her waist, and the stranger seized her arms, trapping them to her side. He pushed her roughly, in attempts of causing her to stumble and fall on her face, but she was only waiting for him to release her.

With an agile gesture Magna grabbed the hem of his sleeve forcefully, kicking his back a few times and shoving the man against a car. His legs weakened and he dropped to the ground.

— Why do you talk so much?- she dryly commented, shooting him a murderous glare. Blood dripped down her nose, and her lips were puffed and cracked. Bruised and winded, she grabbed the foot of the man and pulled him away from the vehicle, dragging him closer to her.

Practically sitting on top of him, she delivered multiple punches to his face. Each time she brought a fist to the disfigured man's face, his nose snapped more and more, and it didn't take long for her to feel his arms loose their tension and fall limp on his sides in defeat. Ceasing her attack, she stared at the almost unconscious man, panting. His features swollen and filled with several cuts. Under the jacket, his white shirt mottled with crimson.

Gritting her teeth, Magna swung herself back up, taking a few steps backwards before spitting some blood. She inclined while embracing her stomach, slightly out of breath. Sweat beaded up on her hairline to her chest, travelling down her neck and underarms. She sighed, pushing the tangled hair away from her face. The brunette then held out her hands in front of her eyes and couldn't help but notice how shaky they were. She moved one of them up, reaching for a particular aching spot at the side of her forehead. 

The liquid felt warm and thick against her trembling fingers, and when she lifted her palm, Magna confirmed the sweat had in fact been blood. The young woman grimaced after shooting one quick glance at Billy, inspecting his prominent scowl. A loud gasp left her lips when he abruptly flied at her, ignoring the battered stranger laying on the ground.

However, this guy was definitely in no state to fight whatsoever. In mere seconds Magna had taken him down, effortlessly dodging his kicks and knocking Moore to the ground with two swift blows. Despite her fighting skills, she felt a pungent flash of pain across her face. The back of his hand would leave a horrible bruise on her cheekbone, she was sure.

Eventually, the second opponent yielded. She crouched down in a threatening way, noticing the subtle flare of her own nostrils.

—  Stop! Fine, just stop, stop!- Moore cried out, holding up his hands as if in surrender.

Relief came over her and she took a deep breath, ready to stand up, when a rush of air swooped in, pushing hair off her face, and a familiar face dissipated her frantic thoughts. The new presence in the room drew her full attention.

— Sorry, things got a little... messy.- she flinched. With her slight curving lips and deep stare, Okoye's demeanor projected an air of complacent authority without even trying.  

No words came out of her mouth at first. During that frozen second between stand off and fighting, Magna saw Okoye's eyes flick from her to Billy and the unconscious battered man with the scarred on his face, but the warrior's expression remained utterly blank. The brunette didn't catch any emotions; not even a hint of surprise, anger nor disappointment, but it that was no novelty, by now she was familiar with the extent of her projected indifference.

 — The Talon Fighter is outside.- was all Okoye announced.

Fisher finally moved, taking advantage of the situation and Magna's distraction. He tried to make a run for it, hands reaching out for the door, but the Dora Milaje was faster. The single sided spiked weapon surrounded in the finest vibranium and gold twirled with a fierceness as it glided through Okoye's long fingers before the latter threw it across the parking lot with flawless agility. The spear soared through the air, crashing into the door and slamming it shut right before Fisher's wide eyes.

Bullseye, Magna smirked in amazement. It could have been because of her headache, or maybe it was just the dimlit parking lot, but when she glanced up at Okoye, the brunette could have almost sworn that the warrior offered her a small smile.

»»————- ✼ ————-««





— ... Should've seen the other guy.- moving her shoulders in a casual-looking shrug, she spoke teasingly in order to disguise the ridiculous sense of relief that threatened to overcome her, together with a guilty pleasure on seeing him again. 

Wrong thing to say.

She knew that he knew she was downplaying it. It was a lame effort, and the joke fell flat. Magna felt it was better not to go into any details about what really happened. It wasn't the time, and it really wasn't any of Bucky's business.

He thought her shrug was much too casual looking. A warning signal flashed through him, causing a sense of unease. Along with exuding charm as effortlessly as most men sweat, Magna had always been too casual, and definitely evasive. And for good reason. She'd had a lot to hide.

Bucky's chest was rising and falling rapidly, his lips parted as if he meant to loose a defiant retort. After staring intensely at her for several weighted breaths, the brooding man closed his mouth and dropped his gaze, gathering courage to say what he really needed to say.

That wounded look in his eyes said it all. Worry had faded, replaced by hurt. The intensity was overbearing, and Magna felt like she couldn't breathe. However, the latter saved him the effort of speaking first.

— I know,- she said calmly. With lips pursed, one of her hands was raised in an imploring gesture. —I know. I shouldn't have left like that. It was fucked up, and I'm sorry.- Magna feared seeing contempt in his eyes, so she purposely avoided looking at him.

Bucky's response came in no time.

— That's an understatement.- all thoughts of him resenting her were momentarily dispelled by the sound of his voice. Even if he was currently giving her a painfully sharp display of his best cynical attitude. She deserved it.

— We need to talk.- she stated the obvious, silently congratulating herself for delivering the words without a trace of fear, and watched him carefully.

Her eyes searched Bucky's face desperately, trying to read his inscrutable expression. ​The latter stared into the distance though, deliberately refusing.

— That's another understatement.

— James, please. I'm trying here.- she gave him a hard stare. Magna wasn't one to beg. The former soldier inhaled deeply, glancing past her shoulder.

— Shuri is waiting for me.- he mumbled the quick white lie, brushing past her, and started down the hall. Magna turned her head to face him, stunned, almost, by the lack of emotion in his tone. Her hand instinctively reached out and landed on his shoulder, stopping him gently.

After T'Challa's visit he'd headed straight for her apartment, but they'd missed each other, Magna had already left. Logical thinking led him to assume next that if the brunette wasn't at home, then she was probably with Shuri. Without wasting time, Bucky had called for the elevator and pressed the button to the med wing.

— Tonight. I'll come meet you, and we'll talk.-she whispered.

Instead of muttering any sort of response, Bucky simply withdrew her hand from his shoulder and turned around, disappearing through the automatic doors of Shuri's office. Magna rushed to call for the elevator and took a deep breath to steady herself, pretending not to notice the way her lower lip was trembling nor how blurry her eyes were. 

The overdue explanations kept piling up, and time was running out on her charade. 


♡ 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘!

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"𝙞𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙞 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚, 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙩: 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙘𝙖𝙣. 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩."― 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙨

𝔸/ℕ: hi there! i'm sorry for the long wait— but i'm back with part 2.

thank you for your patience and constant encouragement 💞 this part was tricky to write; there's a lot going on and it felt absurd to divide the whole thing again, so i stuck to just two chapters.

in addition, part of the reason why it's taken me so long to post this was because i've been also working on a video for this story! (i'm not very good with video editing software and stuff but i tried as best as i could and i think the result is pretty decent, if i do say so myself! lol)

i wanted the video to work as some kind of visual reference/moodboard for Trust My Heart, which is why I also decided to include clips from Act III — Infinity War. They're not exactly spoilers since we all know what happens, right? ha! I hope you like it!

Last but DEFINITELY not least............ FAWS IS HERE!!!! Finally!!! What did you think? I've watched the first episode five times already, making notes for future ideas — am I actually considering a sequel following the events of the show.....? Maybe.............. but I won't get ahead of myself, there's a lot to come for now!!! 

Anyway, I hope you're all good. Happy reading! Stay safe!

x J.

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