ONE: Vanilla on My Hands

By tragician_child

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18+ only Frank is just an inquisitive young adult, with a penchant for politics, and a boyfriend in the loop... More

1: Defenseless and Needy like a Pup in Heat
2: When a Date is as Painful as Pulling Teeth
3: Shot Down By Oral Hygiene
4: A Little Less Vanilla, A Little More Aerated Cream
5: That Just Sounds Messy
6: Oh... Go Hug a Landmine
7: It All Started with Pink Pineapple Socks
8: Showing an Interest in Your Internal Organs
9: Just Wish He Liked My Tongue
10: I'm Blaming it on You and Your Tongue
11: Muscle Memory is a Wonderful Thing
12: When Special Occasions Call
13: Why Did You 'George' Me?
14: It's Not Always About Coming Early
15: The Sensitive Tissue of Its Organs and Its Sturdy Bones
16: Aunt Mabel's Sofa Wrapped Around His Legs
17: You Can Kiss My Ass Instead, George
18: Far Too Cutesy and So Sugary Sweet
19: I Can Safely Say That One of Us Grew Up
20: But it Really Does Look Like 'Anal'
21: I Don't Think That's in My Paygrade
22: I Am How You See Me, Nothing More, Nothing Less
23: I Have Far Better Things to Do with You Right Now
24: I'm Vastly Aware of the Situation, Thanks
25: Turning Up to Work Looking like You Buttered the Biscuit
26: Who Owns That Many Scarves, Anyway?
27: And All He Needed was Seven Inches
28: The Last Thing I Want is to Let You Go
29: Carpet Burns on a Wednesday Night Smell like Regret
30: A Dog Should Never Forget Who His Master Is
31: The Crystal Lake Killer isn't Going to Ease that Situation
32: That Sounds a Bone Disease
33: Accidentally Unearthed in the Depths of the Internet
34: Also Called 'WIITWD', an Acronym for 'What It Is We Do'
35: It's Not So Bad When You Get Used to It
36: A Crown was the One Thing I Didn't Get
37: I've Never Known That One's Blush Could Match Their Knees
38: Ah, the Prize Quality in a Dominant, Humor
39: You're So Mushy When You Wanna Be
40: Manners Become Fruitless When Not Used Properly
41: Don't Make it a Habit, Boy
42: So, You're Deciding on These Things Now, Are You?
43: You Also Seem to Do Somewhat of a One-Eighty
44: You Think You Could Get Away with Trying to Take Control?
45: The Only Problem was Sorting Out the Problem
47: A Day for Him to Prove Himself to His Master
48: Your Sarcasm is Intensely Unappreciated, Sir
49: A Lot Less Business-like and a Lot More Douchebag
50: Frank Told Himself that He Wasn't Going to Cry Anymore
Book Two

46: Have Fun Thinking About Your Bladder, Frank

1.3K 81 43
By tragician_child

The blaring alarm woke Frank, the pleasant-sounding melody from the alarm that he had chosen previously was now rousing him somewhat from his heavy sex-induced sleep. He opened a bleary eye and looked at the shockingly minuscule numbers on the red face, grimacing. He reached up, his arm still heavy and dead with sleep, and shut the alarm off, the other hand scratching his head as he grabbed the blanket around his shoulders.

"Five minutes..." Frank muttered to himself as he closed his eyes and rolled over, his arm wrapping around Gerard's waist. Although that wasn't the case in point for the young submissive as he drifted off into the seductive sleep that was whispering his name.

He frowned to himself, slowly and subconsciously coming to the realization that the amount of sleep that he was getting was suspiciously long for 'five minutes'. He roused himself fully, groaning at the bright light hitting the inner of his eyelids, glowing red in his view. And then he realized his mistake and he turned, heart, sinking as the alarm clock read almost half eleven in the morning.

"Shit." Frank gasped and turned over, yelping in fright when he saw Gerard standing over him at the side of the bed, hands in his pockets, and the worst look of disapproval plastered to every pore and follicle.

"Shit indeed, boy." Gerard's voice was cold and clipped and Frank grimaced yet again, wishing that Gerard was rather shouting at him than speaking in such an icy calm tone.

"Sir, I-"

"Did the alarm go off?" Gerard interrupted Frank's sad attempt at apologizing, raising a hand at him to silence.


"Did it, or did it not go off, Frank?"

"It... It did..." Frank whispered softly and looked away as he sat up slowly, his cheeks flushing bright red.

"And what did you do?"

"I-I thought that I snoozed it for five minutes but yours is different to mine and-"

"I didn't ask for excuses," Gerard snapped harshly, "I asked a simple 'yes or no' question."

"It went off, sir." Frank looked down bashfully.

"I see." Gerard replied, "Why did you not get up?"

"I-I was tired and- and I didn't think five minutes would hurt anyone." Frank offered up with a small raise of his shoulders as Gerard looked down at him with a scowl.

"Well, here we are," He looked at his watch, "Six hours later. And on your first day, you've already proven to me that you can't even do the simplest task for me. An important task. What if I had an early meeting? What if I had an appointment that I could not reschedule? What if Derek was off and everyone was relying on me to open the office today, Frank? Did you consider any of these things when you decided to disobey me and hit that button on the alarm? Nowhere in your rituals does it say that you can have a five-minute snooze. If you so badly wanted one then you should have set the alarm earlier."

"Oh..." Frank looked down at his lap as Gerard straightened his bright cobalt blue blazer and turned on his heel.

"Get up." He ordered as he grabbed Frank by the hair and forcibly pulled him out of bed. The submissive let out a yelp of pain in protest as he was pried from the mattress and sheets. Gerard walked to the door and Frank reached towards his boxers laying discarded from the night before, "I didn't say get dressed."

"Bu- Pardon?" Frank panted softly, looking up at Gerard from an awkward angle, his hair still firmly clasped in Gerard's fingers, the pain digging sharply into his skull.

"You are being punished, boy." Gerard merely stated as he tugged at Frank's locks, "You're lucky I have nowhere to be until later and that I've called you in sick to Derek."

Frank didn't know how to reply as Gerard walked out of their bedroom and down the hallway. Frank knew exactly where they were going as Gerard tugged on his hair slightly harder to pull him along. Frank stumbled over his own feet as Gerard's grip made him speed up whether he wanted to or not. Gerard took Frank's wrist in his hand and put it on the doorknob, using his submissive's hand to open the door before he pushed Frank into their playroom. Frank let out a yelp as he staggered into the room, hearing Gerard slam the door behind him. He flinched at the loud sound, whimpering. He knew Gerard was angry but he knew he wouldn't outwardly lash out, suspecting the door-slam to be a scare tactic- One that worked for sure. Gerard slowly walked over to where Frank was standing, the latter looking at his Master who had his hand to his side, his index and middle finger pointed to the ground. Frank swallowed and nodded, dropping down onto his knees with his hands placed gently on his kneecaps and his head down.

"I considered various punishments for you and your first serious indiscretion, Frank." Gerard began as his shined leather boots came into Frank's view, stopping in front of the kneeling submissive on the wooden floor, "I considered putting you over my knee, I considered a solid caning, a stern lecturing... But no, none of those would suffice."

Frank swallowed hard at the idea and looked down at Gerard's shoes again, whimpering at the silence between them that was more than screaming at him, making his heart beat faster and his hands want to shake.

Gerard disappeared from view and Frank could see him walking over to the cabinet nearby, grabbing something that Frank couldn't see. Gerard walked across the room and out of Frank's periphery, the rattling clink of chains tinkled menacingly as Gerard went through them to get what he wanted. He appeared in front of Frank again and grabbed him by the jaw, forcing his mouth open. They looked at each other for a second when Gerard spoke, "How's your nose?"


"Not blocked or stuffy?" Gerard tilted his head to the side as Frank took an experimental sniff in, noting his nostrils both perfectly clear, "Good."

Frank was about to ask when his jaw was pried open a second time and a bright red ball was stuffed into it behind his teeth. He let out a sharp protesting groan as Gerard turned Frank's head and fastened the straps of the gag behind his head. Frank noted it wasn't the holed wiffle gag he had gotten the first time and it was the original ball gag that he had been dreading. Frank shuddered as his jaw was let go of, the ache remaining as his mouth stayed open despite his best wishes.

"Arms up above your head for me," Gerard ordered and Frank obeyed, lifting his arms up above his head as high as he could, stifling a sleepy yawn that left his throat. Frank continued to keep his gaze down as Gerard took his wrist in his hand and fastened a cuff around it before doing the same with the other, "Keep them up."

Frank kept his bound hands in the air above him as Gerard walked off again, this time he heard clinking and a small whirring sound around him. He frowned, wanting so badly to look at what Gerard was about to do to him when Gerard appeared, tugging on the chain of Frank's leather cuffs, hooking something to it.

"Now, boy," Gerard walked off, "When I say I want you up... I want you up. And since this seems to be such a grueling task for you, boy, I figured I'll make you stand whether you like it or not."

Frank looked up in confusion to see Gerard leaning against the wall next to what looked like a powerbox. He merely flipped a switch and Frank's arms lifted up. He looked up in surprise to see his tight cuffs attached to a chain on a roller that seemed to be fastened to the ceiling. The chain was slowly winding up back onto its roller and Frank let out a protest at the pulling in his shoulder sockets.

"You'll have to get up sooner or later, boy. That chain can hold all of your weight threefold." Gerard commented as Frank straightened up on his knees, his back completely straight as he tried to compensate for the stretch of his limbs. Frank was lifted off of his aching knees, his legs bent as he tried to stand up, thighs shaking. He swallowed the pooling spit in his mouth as the chain sped up and pulled him up into a standing position, his arms still taut and pointed to the ceiling above his head, aching wrists and biceps were in the forefront of his mind as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"And now you stand until I let you down. Do you think you'll be able to obey this simple order or not, dog?" Gerard stepped up to his submissive who was openly and ashamedly drooling. Frank nodded then, whimpering as he readjusted his weight on his feet, "I'm going to work."

Frank's eyes widened then, realizing that Gerard was indeed serious about leaving him there for most of the rest of the day.

"Maybe now you'll take my orders seriously, Frank. When I say something, you do it. On my time, not yours. Or you will be punished and reprimanded. Do you understand?"

"Ye-" Was all Frank managed to get out as he drooled on his own foot.

"Do you understand why you're being punished?" Gerard asked, hands clasped behind his back. Frank looked at him and nodded solemnly, "Are you sure?"

"Ye-" Frank tried again, nodding still.

"And you understand that you deserve this punishment for not obeying my order for you, boy?" Gerard added and looked his submissive over, the latter nodding again as the drool ran down his neck, "Good."

Frank looked at Gerard as he pulled a small side table into view in front of Frank and pulled a small analog clock out of his pocket, setting it on the table, "There. Something for you to look at while I'm gone. You spent six hours asleep and now you'll spend six hours like this."

Frank watched with wide eyes as Gerard turned on his heel and walked to the door, throwing a glance over his shoulder as he opened the threshold and eyed his submissive.

"Have fun thinking about your bladder, Frank." Was all he left his submissive with before he walked out and closed the door, bathing Frank in the red and pale luminescent glow of the lights around him. Frank then realized he hadn't gone to pee in the morning like he always did, he realized his bladder was already in protest and it wasn't likely Gerard would return in time to save him.

Frank felt like he was about to cry, ashamed of himself for fucking up so badly. He didn't want to have disappointed Gerard, he wanted to get up and start the day and make his Master proud. It was a natural instinct for him to snooze the alarm, having done it every day to give himself those five extra minutes that subconsciously made a difference in his sleep and his general daily outlook.

Needless to say, Frank was now up whether he wanted to or not, his body standing somewhat comfortably in the middle of the room despite the nagging infirmity in his arms and the remonstrate discomfort in his bladder.

Frank adjusted on his feet and looked at the clock as five minutes had passed. He tried to stifle another yawn behind the gag, drooling even more from the pinched sides of his mouth as he hung his head down and closed his eyes.

He so badly wanted to sleep, his lids heavy and body still like lead and he knew that if he found the right position to relax in that he probably could catch a nap despite still being forcibly stood in the middle of the room. The only issue he had was the still ever-present complaint of his bladder that was stopping him from reaching peak-sleep comfort levels.

Frank wasn't about to piss himself, he wouldn't stoop as low as peeing on his own feet and on Gerard's floor. He couldn't bring himself to do it even if he knew that he would be able to sleep afterward. He remained resilient though, moving his weight from left to right foot, resting his head on his lifted arm. He glanced at the clock a second time to see only another five minutes had passed. He closed his eyes, frowning as he tried to push passed every sinew of uncomfortable muscle pull. It was no use, he knew he wasn't able to sleep now or even hit that sweet spot between slumber and consciousness.

Almost three hours later and Frank was still where he had been left, only now he was in agony. His legs had all but given in this time and he was hanging from the ceiling by his arms, his knees bent as though he were about to fall onto them but he was just too high off of the ground to achieve the sweet bliss of folding his legs completely. His head hung on his shoulders, his hands numb from the pins and needles.

He had surrendered to his fate two hours ago after his legs had given in from being so stagnant for so long. Perhaps if he had done this before and had stood for so long he would have lasted longer but no, Frank had never had to or needed to stand completely still and solid for longer than a few minutes, even in a queue there was movement. Here, however, he found it so difficult. He had thought of moving his legs about to avoid the stiffness in his joints but it only hurt his arms and his wrists even more than before.

He let out a small sob, groaning to himself as a wash of relief hit his body and a slow warmth. And then he realized what was happening. Whether he liked it or not, his body hadn't been able to handle the pressure and agony of being so full of liquid that it had burst without warning. Frank didn't even look down as his body relieved itself, actual pee splashing his feet. Frank couldn't deny how much better his body felt, he couldn't deny that he instantly felt so much more comfortable despite the fact that he currently had body-warm urine in a pool around his feet.

And yet he still wouldn't have safe-signaled if Gerard was here and he knew it was because he deserved the punishment. He had fucked up and he knew it, he had fucked up and with Gerard's career even if it was only one morning. And the only morning, Frank internally promised himself as he curled his toes, resting his head on his arm.

Frank heard soft footsteps outside of the door and he whimpered, frowning as he looked at the clock in front of him, realizing that if it were his Master then he was almost three hours early.

The door opened and Frank glanced up to see his Master leaning in the doorway, eyes trained on him. Gerard walked into the room after closing the door behind him, hands behind his back as he scrutinized.

"Look at you, boy." Gerard's voice was a break in the loud and shame-filled silence that was around Frank for so long, "Disgusting."

Frank winced at the last word that slipped from Gerard's mouth and looked down again, looking at Gerard's shoes.

"You urinated on my floor, boy. Have you no self-control?" Gerard stepped back slightly, "Lucky I don't rub your face in it like a filthy dog."

Frank whimpered around the gag in his mouth, noting that the sound made his throat ache from the lack of fluid in his body. Gerard walked away from his submissive, idly waltzing somewhere that Frank didn't bother looking. There was a small clinking sound above Frank before he went crashing to the ground, landing on his knees on the hardwood floor before he fell on his chest and his face. Frank felt the urine on the floor underneath his thighs and he whined, frowning as Gerard crouched down beside him.

Frank felt the tight leather straps of the gag around his head finally give way and he spat out the gag, his jaw protesting at the movement. The corners of his lips stinging and most likely torn even just a fraction. Frank ran the ball of his piercing against his teeth slowly, trying to assimilate and distract from the ache in his shoulders as his arms lay stretched out in front of him. Gerard pulled the chain and disconnected it from Frank's cuffs, the chain shooting back up into its roller louder than Frank had wished for. He frowned at the sound, hearing the louder thuds of Gerard's shoes on the floor coming towards him.

"Up, boy," Gerard muttered as he cleared his throat. Frank shifted on the floor, groaning as he curled his knees in towards his body and sat up, his spine clicking in more than one place. He laid his hands on his wet thighs and took in a breath of relief as the blood filled his fingertips, "Good. Have you learned your lesson?"

"Y- Yes, sir." Frank croaked, wincing at his dry and cracking throat.

"You understand what you did wrong?" Gerard put his hands in his pockets.

"Yes, sir."

"And you understand why I did this to you?"

"I misbehaved and..." Frank swallowed, "And I didn't listen to you."

Gerard tilted his head to the side, "Exactly. Will you do it again?"

"No, sir." Frank looked up earnestly, "Never again. I-I don't want to upset you, Master."

"I would think not." Gerard shifted his weight to the other foot, "And I did shorten your punishment in half considering it's your first real misjudgment."

"Thank you, Master." Frank whispered, sniffing softly.

"You're sorry, boy?"

"Yes, sir." Frank bit his lip when Gerard stepped closer.

"Go on." Gerard's foot slid forward, "Say you're sorry."

Frank looked down at Gerard's shoe and up at his Master, his hands shaking as he clenched them and bent down, kissing Gerard's shoe for a prolonged second. He straightened up again with the taste of leather on his lips, tingling slightly and adding to every small sensation in his body.

"Good boy." Gerard muttered, looking at Frank, "Let's get you cleaned up and fed."

Frank looked at his Master gratefully as Gerard helped him up onto his feet when they paused, "Sir?"

"Yes, boy?"

"What about..." Frank glanced at the floor as the color flooded his cheeks, "I'm so sorry."

"You can clean it once you've gotten your strength back after some food." Gerard shrugged before he reached over and grabbed a towel, throwing it on the floor as he walked with Frank to the door, opening it before he stopped. Frank watched as Gerard unfastened his cuffs, freeing his wrists- bruised and chafed wrists- from their leather cuffs. Gerard brought one of Frank's wrists up, kissing it softly before he looked the marks over slowly.

"We'll get ice and gel on this as well, boy. I'll look after you. But don't think you're out of the dog box yet. You still have to prove yourself worthy to me again, Frank."

"Yes, sir. I understand." 

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