ONE: Vanilla on My Hands

By tragician_child

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18+ only Frank is just an inquisitive young adult, with a penchant for politics, and a boyfriend in the loop... More

1: Defenseless and Needy like a Pup in Heat
2: When a Date is as Painful as Pulling Teeth
3: Shot Down By Oral Hygiene
4: A Little Less Vanilla, A Little More Aerated Cream
5: That Just Sounds Messy
6: Oh... Go Hug a Landmine
7: It All Started with Pink Pineapple Socks
8: Showing an Interest in Your Internal Organs
9: Just Wish He Liked My Tongue
10: I'm Blaming it on You and Your Tongue
11: Muscle Memory is a Wonderful Thing
12: When Special Occasions Call
13: Why Did You 'George' Me?
14: It's Not Always About Coming Early
15: The Sensitive Tissue of Its Organs and Its Sturdy Bones
16: Aunt Mabel's Sofa Wrapped Around His Legs
17: You Can Kiss My Ass Instead, George
18: Far Too Cutesy and So Sugary Sweet
19: I Can Safely Say That One of Us Grew Up
20: But it Really Does Look Like 'Anal'
21: I Don't Think That's in My Paygrade
22: I Am How You See Me, Nothing More, Nothing Less
23: I Have Far Better Things to Do with You Right Now
24: I'm Vastly Aware of the Situation, Thanks
25: Turning Up to Work Looking like You Buttered the Biscuit
26: Who Owns That Many Scarves, Anyway?
27: And All He Needed was Seven Inches
28: The Last Thing I Want is to Let You Go
29: Carpet Burns on a Wednesday Night Smell like Regret
30: A Dog Should Never Forget Who His Master Is
31: The Crystal Lake Killer isn't Going to Ease that Situation
32: That Sounds a Bone Disease
33: Accidentally Unearthed in the Depths of the Internet
34: Also Called 'WIITWD', an Acronym for 'What It Is We Do'
35: It's Not So Bad When You Get Used to It
36: A Crown was the One Thing I Didn't Get
37: I've Never Known That One's Blush Could Match Their Knees
38: Ah, the Prize Quality in a Dominant, Humor
40: Manners Become Fruitless When Not Used Properly
41: Don't Make it a Habit, Boy
42: So, You're Deciding on These Things Now, Are You?
43: You Also Seem to Do Somewhat of a One-Eighty
44: You Think You Could Get Away with Trying to Take Control?
45: The Only Problem was Sorting Out the Problem
46: Have Fun Thinking About Your Bladder, Frank
47: A Day for Him to Prove Himself to His Master
48: Your Sarcasm is Intensely Unappreciated, Sir
49: A Lot Less Business-like and a Lot More Douchebag
50: Frank Told Himself that He Wasn't Going to Cry Anymore
Book Two

39: You're So Mushy When You Wanna Be

1.5K 82 48
By tragician_child

After Frank had taken a minute or so to calm himself down, he wandered back out of the room and down the hallway, stopping at Gerard's door before he pushed it open and peered in, looking around when he caught sight of Gerard standing by his wardrobe, back to the door, "Sir?"

"Yes, boy?" Gerard asked as he turned to look at Frank who had now carefully walked into the bedroom, hands clasped in front of him awkwardly.

"Just 'thanks'..." Frank muttered, pursing his lips as he nervously ran his tongue stud over the roof of his mouth, "Thanks."

"You just get yourself comfortable on the bed, boy." Gerard gestured to the large mattress that Frank found so inviting and yet so foreboding at the same time, "I brought your papers and markers with me. We'll get it done and dusted in no time, okay?"

"Y-Yeah, okay." Frank nodded, telling both Gerard and himself of this fact, he was determined to get it finished now or never. And hopefully the former. Frank looked at Gerard's bed with sudden nerves creeping in his stomach, he had barely been in Gerard's room as it was, seeing it maybe twice in his life, stepping into it once and now here he was. Finally being able to get a look at it with its hardwood floors and the soft-looking beige carpet that stood stuck-out from under the bed.

Oh, the bed was just what Frank expected, dark hardwood four-poster that looked so sturdy but so old, the postered columns in that old-style of rounded varying widths as they went up to a point a few feet up. The bed was high, the white and beige filigree sheets tucked in meticulously with the matching pillows, a dark red throw in the softest fabric was draped haphazardly across the bottom with two small red cushions that matched it. The bed was sat between two end tables in the same wood with tiny drawers situated all over it. There were two tall white, vintage-looking lamps with dark stands as well, a small potted plant on either table to add more color. In the corner of the room sat a large, red velvet armchair that Frank was dying to sit in and curl up under the white, fluffy throw Gerard had artistically placed over it.

The other corner where Gerard was had a large and expansive built-in closet, the doors in the same dark wood, a lengthy mirror down the side of the wall beside it, a tall ficus plant stood on the opposite end in a red pot. The room was exactly what Frank had envisioned when he had first seen it upon arrival, but it was so much more beautiful once he stood in it.


"Huh- What? Shit, sorry. Pardon?" Frank stuttered, Gerard's voice pulling him from his daze completely, making him turn slightly to look at Gerard who had gotten undressed and dressed in the time it took Frank to inspect Gerard's room. He was now in a simple lilac Beatles t-shirt and a pair of black boxers to mid-thigh. Frank cursed himself internally that he had missed Gerard getting dressed but he pushed it aside.

"You drifted for a moment," Gerard commented as he wandered over and lay himself on the bed, propping himself up on his elbow on his side.

"Right..." Frank muttered softly as he shook his head, walking over as he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down, tugging them off before haphazardly folding them over his arm and setting them down on the floor, keeping his old and moth-holed black Golden Girls sweatshirt on that he had snagged from Goodwill over five years before. Frank tugged at the bottom of it slightly before he carefully lifted himself up, not quite realizing how high Gerard's bed was, the top of the mattress hitting him hip-high thanks to the thick mattress and the lengthy legs of the bed.

"Good boy." Gerard smiled, crossing his one leg over the other at the ankles when Frank grabbed his contract and the markers and rolled onto his stomach, opening to the right page as he swung his legs up behind him lazily.

"Right." Frank exhaled slowly, "Press Style Nipple Clamps: these are nipple clamps that press the nipple between two pieces of metal usually forced together by a thumbscrew. The thumbscrew allows them to be squeezed tight or just enough to stay in place. Fair enough. Green. Prison scenes: the submissive being the prisoner and the Dominant plays the warden in the scene, varying forms of unfair treatment. Sure. Public exposure? No. Punishment scenes. Yes. Pup-play: sub is made to act like a puppy. Sub barks, whines, eats from a bowl, etc. Such play is sexual but also focuses on the altered mind-space of bottom/pup and the complete dominance of his/her Trainer/Master. Perhaps the most popular of animal RPGs. Here, the submissive actually mimics a puppy. Sometimes it can evolve into a lifestyle where the 'puppy' even sleeps in a cage. Oh, for God's sake. Are you hinting?"

"I swear, I'm not." Gerard chuckled and Frank narrowed his eyes at his partner, scrutinizing his amused expression, "I'm really not. I told you a lot of things are repeated because there are varying terms for it."

"Fine." Frank looked back, lining it all in red, "Pushy Bottom: old school phrase for a very demanding bottom, associated with Topping from the bottom. A-ha, green. Quirt: a type of buggy-whip used for whipping the submissive, easier and safer to use than a bullwhip. Alright, I can dig it. RPG: abbreviation for Role Play Games. Green. Rack: Bondage furniture patterned after the infamous torture device of the Inquisition, the bottom is put on it and 'stretched' but not in the extreme fatal way. Whoa, I like that. Green. RACK: Risk Aware Consensual Kink. Well yes, green. Rape fantasy, ravishment. Oof, fuck me up with that. Real Life or Real-Time, r/l or r/t: as opposed to virtual or cyber life. Okay, green, I guess. Red: Most common safe word meaning 'stop'. I've seen this, I don't understand it."

"What, boy?"

"The whole 'red' thing." Frank frowned, "I don't get it."

"Oh." Gerard turned back onto his side and looked at Frank, "It's called the 'Light System' and it's used as a way of expressing yourself in the scene. So, if the Dominant starts doing something you've got concerns with, you give them a 'yellow' and if they do something you're not okay with, you give them a 'red'. Like a traffic light. Green is hardly ever used unless it's for confirmation that they're doing something good."

"Why don't we use that?" Frank's frown deepened and Gerard shrugged.

"It's your choice but I always found it so impersonal, I'd rather have a word and signal that we could share instead." Gerard pursed his lips before continuing, "But, if you'd prefer using the light system-"

"No- No, I was just curious. I'm good with our safe signals." Frank reassured, "They're good."

"Good." Gerard sighed softly, "Good." He smiled as he absentmindedly began running his hand over Frank's back, stroking slowly and affectionately in small circles. Frank sputtered at the touch, realizing just how much a simple touch could affect him.

"R- Uh, religious scenes? What, like Catholic schoolboys and priests?" Frank asked with a chuckle as he highlighted it in green, shifting slightly closer toward Gerard, "Brilliant. Restraint: limiting the bottom's movement with the use of various bondage gear, equipment or devices. Yes. Restriction: limiting the bottom's behavior or physical movement. Yes. Riding Crop: a firm, leather tipped crop used for hardened whipping. Yes, please. Riding the Horse: A wooden horse, or cavaletto squarciapalle, is a torture device, of which there exist two variations both inflict pain by using the subject's own weight by keeping the legs open, tied with ropes from above, while lowering down the submissive. The French called this instrument the Chevalet, from the French diminutive of cheval, horse. That sounds painful as fuck. I'm down."

"No great shocker there," Gerard commented casually and Frank shot him a playful scowl as he slid the green marker over the line.

"Rimming: tongue contact with the rectum or asshole. You bet. Ring Gag: a device that keeps the submissive's mouth wide open. Also called a 'piss gag'. Excellent. Rituals and Protocol: A protocol is any defined, enforced code of behavior, and or rituals whether it be within the confines of a particular group, community, or other interpersonal dynamics. In this case, the Dominant will set out rules and regulations of rituals that need to be done on a daily or weekly schedule. Okay. Do we have this?"

"I do. Those are the ones we spoke about at breakfast." Gerard smiled reassuringly, "Your sub training."

"Okay." Frank lined it in green, "Role Play Games: taking fantasy roles in BDSM scenes, for example, nurse or doctor/patient, etc. Green, as long as there's no doctors."

"Duly noted."

"Rope: the most common of bondage equipment. Then green it is. Rubber: after leather, the most popular fetish material. I can see why. Green. Sadism: the act of inflicting pain. Yes. Sadist: A person who enjoys inflicting pain, usually sexually. Oh look, sir. It's you."

"Well, indeed it is, well spotted," Gerard replied with a small and fleeting smile. His fingers skillfully sliding up underneath Frank's shirt to trickle touches over Frank's spine slowly. Frank paused, reveling in the touch and how it sent butterfly waves down to his thighs.

"Um. S-Sadomasochism: the perversion of taking pleasure, especially sexual gratification from simultaneous sadism and masochism. Green. Safe, sane and consensual: a popular slogan in the BDSM world meaning that play should always be safe, with good judgment exercised. And, most importantly, it must be consensual. Green, I like that. Safeword: a word or phrase a submissive can use to stop his or her scene. It is absolute. If a Dominant disregards a submissive's safe word, that Dominant is considered 'unsafe.' The most common safe word is 'Red'. Some also use a caution word such as 'Yellow' to signify that the dominant is approaching a limit. Oh, I see."

"As I said."

"As you did." Frank smiled, "Such a good mentor, sir."

"Oh, I'm getting praise now, is it?" Gerard asked jokingly, "Are you the Dominant now?"

"Well, no, I highly doubt that but, I mean, why not?" Frank smiled brightly, "What if you do something good? Why don't you deserve to know it was well-received?"

"Such a thoughtful heart in you, boy." Gerard reached up, the back of his finger casually brushing Frank's hip, "It's a rarity in this day and age, and it's quite suited on you."

"You're so mushy when you wanna be." Frank felt himself go pink, leaning into the touch as he looked at Gerard.

"It's the romantic French side in me, it comes out every now and again in the most inopportune moments." Gerard smiled slightly, "Whenever it sees fit, whether I like it or not."

"Well, it's quite suited on you, too." Frank smiled before he turned back to his contract, "Safe Sex: using condoms and taking all necessary health precautions during sex. Green. Saint Andrew's Cross: a popular piece of BDSM furniture where a submissive can be conveniently tied or cuffed to it and rendered immobile. That sounds wicked, actually. I'm in. SAM: Smart Assed Masochist, a pseudo submissive who attempts to control everything the dominant does. Eh, I don't think I'm like that."

"You're smart-assed, yes. But you're very submissive, so that specific term isn't for you." Gerard informed as Frank striped it in yellow.

"Saran Wrap: a brand of cling film used in mummification scenes. Green. Scarification: scarification is a form of body modification in which individuals scar or brand themselves by scratching, etching, cutting, or burning designs into their skin. Uh, I'll go with 'maybe'. Scratching: giving. I'm definitely a scratcher. Scratching: getting. I won't say 'no', obviously. Scat play: feces play. Fuck, no. School Role-play: popular RPG wherein the submissive is the 'bad schoolboy' and the Dominant is the 'teacher'. Oof, fuck me up. Scene: a time period of BDSM activities also used to refer to the BDSM community 'the acene'. Sure, sure."

"So nonchalant." Gerard stifled a yawn and Frank giggled lightly, toying his tongue ring over the bottom of his teeth slowly as he markered away.

"Self-Bondage: the practice of performing bondage on oneself by oneself. I- Oh."

"What?" Gerard frowned and Frank felt himself going bright crimson in the face as the memory came screaming back to him, making him bury his face in his arms and a small groan leave him, "Frank?"

"Nooo..." Frank whined as Gerard put a hand on his arm, "No, don't. I'm hiding in shame."

"Frank, what in God's name?" Gerard began prying Frank from his own limbs with more force than Frank anticipated, fingers digging into his flesh so hard that he eventually succumbed, letting Gerard break him, his face reappearing, "What's gotten into you, boy?"

"I have a confession," Frank admitted with a small groan.

"Is this an 'I have a sneaky chocolate before bed' confession or an 'I'm married to a goat' confession?" Gerard raised an eyebrow and Frank thought for a moment, looking up and realizing just how easily Gerard had rolled him over, leaning over him with his hands still holding Frank's arms down on the bed, the contract under Frank's head.

"This is in the middle." Frank finally announced, "Like... Okay, so a thing happened a couple of days ago that might fall under the category we just discussed, and I didn't even remember it until now, and I feel such shame for it but I don't at the same time."

"What? Did you do something?"

"Well, I- Okay, after we slept together I thought you didn't want anything to do with me and what we had was just a pity fuck. And it fucking hurt like a bitch, to be honest. And I thought that would be the end of my sex life for a while, so I decided to do something about it, something for myself." Frank explained, squeezing his eyes shut, "So I-I went on my lunch break and bought myself a toy of sorts."

"Frank Iero, I'm well aware of your dildo," Gerard stated outright, making Frank groan and try and squirm out of his grasp when he remembered that Gerard had previously found Felix.

"You fucking know I used it." Frank scowled ruefully as the color returned to his cheeks as he remembered the humiliation.

"By the way, was that in the nondescript black packet under your desk? I just thought you bought some knock-off shoes. I didn't think you had it in you, boy. I'm impressed. Have you properly used it by the way?"

"Well, see..." Frank began, "That's the thing. I-I have. Twice. On the same day."

"The same day?" Gerard seemed surprised.

"The first one was purely your fault, I'll have you know." Frank scowled, "You and your dark teal suit, and I had just come down from realizing we'd fucked and it had opened so many things for me, what with me bottoming, and I couldn't shake you in my head so I..." Frank paused, his head suddenly in conflict whether or not he should tell Gerard both of the times he had used his new toy, the first time at work no less. He suddenly realized that he'd probably get in so much shit for that and should most likely leave it out.

"Yes...?" Gerard pried curiously.

"I took it with me and I- Well I-..." Frank let out a groan, "It's your fault with the way you grabbed me. I was so hard and I really couldn't help myself from wanting you that night after work. And when you grabbed me and told me off, it- it was something I hadn't expected to like. And I tried so hard to just be normal when I was jerking off but it wasn't enough so I ended up..." Frank cleared his throat, "Trying to get the same feeling of you."

"How so?"

"Tied myself up with a belt." Frank whispered, the blush that had somewhat subsided now reared its head, coating his face in an even ruddier hue than before, "Bound my wrists up as best I could and I- I couldn't move the dildo like I wanted so I stuck it to something and y'know."

"You rode it, didn't you?" Gerard asked, the words falling so heatedly but so calmly from his mouth as though it were a mere conversation about the weather. Frank did not feel the same just yet and despite his best efforts he still couldn't shake his shyness, "You did."

"I did, I stuck it to the side of the wardrobe and sat on the top of the vanity table." Frank screwed his eyes shut, unable to look at Gerard as the shame clouded over him, "Couldn't help it. You were all I could think of."

"What I wouldn't give to see that." Gerard sighed softly and Frank tried to squirm again, desperately trying to hide his face, "It's no use, boy. I've got you down, now."

Frank let out a whimper, scowling, "I have to finish my contract."

"Is that the only reason you want to get away?"

"Yes." Frank lied, feeling Gerard's grip slacken before he moved away, pulling the pages out from under Frank's head, the latter opening his eyes to see Gerard examining it.

"So, boy. How about serving as art?" Gerard looked up from the contract and Frank nodded, watching Gerard light it green with the marker, "Furniture, I'm sure you've said 'yes'."

"Y-Yes, sir."

"Serving as a maid, you've agreed to. Serving as a waiter?"


"Serving orally in a sexual manner?" Gerard looked up with a smirk and Frank let out a groan, "Green, Shackles: metal or leather bondage restraint device consisting of round cuffs joined by a chain or bar?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Sensation play: BDSM play where the intent is to push people's sensory limits, thus exploring texture, sensory deprival, through to whips, flagellation, and edgeplay?"

"Just..." Frank sighed, "Yes."

"Alright," Gerard greened it as well, "Service-oriented submission: a person who enjoys performing a service in a sexual or BDSM environment?"


"Excellent. Shoe Fetish: one who enjoys shoes, a popular fetish, even in the vanilla world." Gerard looked up and Frank gave a nod, "Skinny dipping?"

"Never done it." Frank shrugged, "But I'd like to."

"We will someday." Gerard smiled, "Slapper: a rigged paddle modified to make a loud sound."


"Slave: a term used interchangeably with 'submissive', some consider a slave a more extreme version of a submissive?"

"Ugh. It's so inappropriate. I dunno. Yellow."

"Slave Contract: a signed consensual contract, wherein a submissive or slave cedes to the Dom or Master a specified set of powers over her for a set period of time although legally unenforceable, it is still a powerful document between dominant and slave."

"Lime." Frank sighed, now deciding to turn it into a game to see how many shades of red, yellow, and green he knew.

"Sleep deprivation?"


"Olive is technically both categorized as a yellow and a green, pup."


Gerard smiled, "Sleepsacks: Sleepsacks are a type of bondage BDSM gear, sleepsacks are primarily used to confine a person comfortably for an extended period of time similar to a conventional sleeping bag, a person climbs into a sleepsack and is usually zipped into it up to their neck."


"Slutty clothing?"

Frank pursed his lips, "I don't like that term. What constitutes a 'slut' anyway? It's a societal pressure to make people feel like shit."

"I didn't choose it. I don't judge people on how they want to dress in their free time. Or how many people they choose with whom to sleep." Gerard corrected, "It is still a lifestyle term, boy."

"Fine. Mint."

"Sound: Medical device to be inserted into the urethra in medical play, also called urethral sounds?"

"Oh, uh... Crimson."

"Are you having fun?" Gerard asked and Frank nodded, smiling as he stared up at the ceiling, putting a hand under his head, "S&M: Sadism and masochism. One who enjoys administering pain and one who enjoys receiving pain."

"Teal. Wait, that's a green right?"

"It is," Gerard affirmed as he used the marker on the line in question, "Snowballing?"

"And that is...?"

"Oh, dear boy. So innocent." Gerard smirked as he reached down to run a thumb over Frank's bottom lip, "Snowballing or snowdropping is the sexual practice in which one person takes someone's semen into their mouth and then passes it to the mouth of another, either by kissing or spitting."

"I- Fucking hell." Frank's entire face erupted into a rosy pink, his eyes widening, "I never knew that was... I mean..."

"What do you think?"


Gerard chuckled at Frank's whispered response, streaking the line in green before he set it down and pulled Frank closer. He leaned over him, smiling wickedly, "Oh, really? You'd be okay with snowballing, boy?"

"I-I would, sir."

Gerard leaned in, kissing Frank chastely on the forehead before he locked eyes with him, "I look forward to it, boy. Yours or mine." He picked up the pages again, hearing Frank whine at the lack of contact, "Spandex?"


"Oh, we're getting fancy now, I see," Gerard muttered, using the green marker, "Spanking: to slap on the buttocks with the open hand, or a short flat object such as a paddle or a hairbrush. Used as both punishment and/or in role-play context in BDSM scenes?"

"Shit, uh..." Frank frowned, wracking his brain, "Damn it."

"You're looking for 'Jade', I believe."

"That's the one." Frank smiled, "Thank you."

"Of course," Gerard cleared his throat, "Spanking Bench: BDSM furniture, a variation on the sawhorse, onto which a submissive is attached by cuffs, rope, etc. for the Dominant to spank and play with?"

"Citrine." Frank grinned, hearing Gerard 'hmm' in approval, obviously impressed.

"Speculum: a medical device intended for opening and examining the rectum or vagina; used mostly in 'doctor/medical scene' play?"


"Speech restrictions?"

"Uh... Acid green? Can I use that?"

"I'll allow it," Gerard replied simply, "Spencer Paddle: type of wooden paddle with holes drilled through it?"


"Spreader Bar: A long metal rod that holds the submissive legs, thighs or even wrists wide apart?"

"Isn't 'Sap' a shade of green?"

"It is, boy." Gerard chuckled, "'Sap' it is. Soft Limits?"

"I'm running out of green." Frank muttered with disapproval, "Fuck. Uh. I'm making shit up now. Slytherin green."

"Alright." Gerard chuckled, "Standing in the corner: a form of punishment?"

"Turquoise? That's greenish, I think."

"Sure." Gerard muttered, turning the page over to the next one, "Almost done. Stocks: a piece of bondage furniture patterned after the Puritan model, the head and hands go through holes while the submissive is standing?"

"Uh... Army green? Khaki? What's it called? That ugly one."

"Both are acceptable," Gerard smiled, "Straightjacket: confining device used mostly in psychiatric wards to restrain the violent and mentally unwell, it is intended to prevent the movement of the arms and is usually impossible to remove without assistance?"

"Um... Lemon?"

"Yellow, it is," Gerard muttered, "Strangling?"


"Excellent choice, boy. Although, also, chartreuse can be either yellow or green depending on the shade; I knew what you meant." Gerard smiled, striking with green, "Strapon: a belt or harness that has a dildo attached. It allows the wearer the ability to fuck another either in the vagina or anus?"

"Garnet." Frank nodded, "That's red, yeah?"

"And also the birthstone for January." Gerard added in nonchalantly as he uncapped the red marker and swiped it across the line, "Strapping: Another term for a beating?"

"Sea? Sea green?" Frank scrunched up his nose, "We keep this up I'm gonna have to start naming green stuff."

"Up to you, boy." Gerard replied idly, "Subdrop: a physical condition, often with cold- or flu-like symptoms, experienced by a submissive after an intense session of BDSM play, this can last for as long as a week, and is best prevented by aftercare immediately after the session."

"Whoa, really?" Frank turned away from the ceiling to Gerard, "That's insane."

"It's great physical stress on your body, Frank. What did you expect?" Gerard frowned, "What do you say?"

"Well, uh... If we're on birthstones then, I said 'emerald'. What's that other one? Peridot, was it?"

"That's the one." Gerard smiled, marking it green, "Submission: the act of submitting to the will and desire of another, usually within negotiated limits?"

"Uh..." Frank pursed his lips, "Dunno much about other stones and shit. Damn."

"Many stones come in green shades." Gerard commented, striking the line in green yet again, "Actinolite, malachite, opal, agate..."

"You know everything, don't you?" Frank asked sarcastically, seeing an almost pink blush to Gerard's cheeks that could have been a trick of the light as he moved slightly.

"I know enough about many things." Gerard's answer was cryptic, "Submissive, or sub for short: a person that gives up control either all the time or for a specified period, not to be confused with bottom or slave?"

"Green." Frank sighed, "Dunno enough green things."

"You did well, though." Gerard smiled encouragingly, "Very well. Subspace: a 'natural high' that a sub or bottom gets during a scene or when being controlled, the sub may feel disconnected from time, space, and/or their body, and may have limited ability to communicate. It is critical that a Dom or top take responsibility for the sub/bottom and be aware of their sub's well being if they are in subspace."

"That sounds awesome." Frank muttered, "Green. And, uh..."


"Can- Can I do some?" Frank asked, "If- If I do, then... Can- Can you hold me like you were before?"

"Of course." Gerard smiled as he handed everything back to Frank, who rolled back onto his stomach, taking the contract back as Gerard slid closer and draped an arm over Frank's lower back.

"Supplying Dom with partners? Yeah, definitely not. Crimson. Surface Burn: a temporary brand, usually produced with copper wire, heated less hot than steel, used in making a permanent brand. Yes. Surface Piercing: temporary piercing through the skin's surface. Yes. Suspension: suspending a submissive with ropes, webbing, or chain so that no part of the body touches the floor. Not recommended for beginners. Oh, definitely. Suspension upright? Yes. Suspension inverted? Yes. Swallowing? Well, I mean, why wouldn't you?"

"It's a judgment call."

"Yeah, for pussies." Frank snorted, "Swapping: with another person. Fuck that. Swinging: with another couple. Yellow. Switch: someone who likes being both top and bottom, either in one scene or on different occasions. Could do, yeah. Yellow. Taken in hand: 24/7 Male dominance in monogamous marriage, with or without BDSM aspects. That's cute. Green. Tattooing. Green. Tease and denial. Oh, God, yes."

"Keeping that in mind." Gerard muttered, giving Frank's hip a light squeeze, making his stomach jump.

"TENS Unit: acronym for Trans...cutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation unit, used for sexual stimulation is electrical play scenes, known as a violet wand. It's a 'no' from me, dog. Temporary Piercing: piercing the body temporarily. Yes. Thermolysis: a form of electrical hair removal. A-no. Thong Whip: a whip made of thin strands of either leather or rubber, when swung lightly it will not cause much pain, when swung hard it can cause considerable pain. Fuck, yes. Tickling- oh, Lord. Yes, but no. Yes. No. Maybe. Yellow."

"Watch yourself," Gerard smiled coyly, his fingertips grazing over Frank's hip, making him jerk and cackle suddenly, wriggling from Gerard's grip, "I have no issues tickling you, boy."

"Definitely yellow," Frank huffed, "TNG: The Next Generation, a tag commonly used by groups and organizations which cater to younger people involved in BDSM, typically ages 18–35. Ah, you just missed the cut. You're a whole Bondage-generation older than me."

"Don't remind me." Gerard frowned, "It just means I know what I'm doing."

"Silver lining to your silver hair." Frank snickered, earning a sudden slap to the side of the hip that had him yelp in surprise, the light pain resonating under his skin, "I- Uh..."

"You were saying?"

"Top: a Dominant partner," Frank cleared his throat, "Is this 'do I want one' or 'do I want to be one'?"

"Want one." Gerard clarified and Frank nodded, lining it in green.

"Topping from the bottom: this is where a submissive dictates the action in a scene, something that is highly frowned upon, can also be used in real-time context when a submissive becomes too demanding. Uh... Maybe? I guess I could try. TPE or Total power exchange: a relationship where the Dominant or owner has complete authority and influence over the submissive's life, making the majority of decisions. Yes, please. Training? Sí. Tragus: piercing through the ridge on the face side of the ear hole. Uh, no. Transgender: Not quite male, not quite female. That is offensive even to me."

"They don't mean it in a gendered way like if one is actually and physically transgender. They mean it purely for a scene. Look at the next term on the list." Gerard gestured with a wave towards the list before putting his arm back over Frank.

"Transgenderism: incorporating manners, behaviors, appearance, etc of the opposite sex while still maintaining some of the above of your biological sex when in a scene. Oh... Uh... Red to both of those." Frank cleared his throat, "Triple penetration. Wh-?

"Something in your ass, another in your mouth, and the last thing in your dick." Gerard shrugged and Frank's eyes widened before he scratched the line out with yellow.

"Tweezer Nipple Clamps: A style of nipple clamp that is like a pair of tweezers with a ring around the outside. As you push the ring toward the pincher ends, it causes the clamp to tighten or bite. Yellow. Uniforms. Green. Urethral Play: play involving the urethra, the tube that runs between the bladder and the outside of the body. Not for beginners. And not for me. Urethral Sound: medical device to be inserted into the urethra in medical play. No. Vacuum Pumping: Using the suction of a vacuum to increase the size of body parts. No. Vampirism: sexual arousal caused by drinking blood. Red. Verbal humiliation. Oh, God, every shade of green."

"Oh, really?"

"You have no idea," Frank shuddered lightly at the thought, feeling it resonate almost as much as the slap had done, "Vibrators? Yes. Videoing? Yes. Violet Wand: An electronic device usually in the form of a glass cylinder, which uses the effect of high-frequency electric charges to apply intense stimulation. Nope. Vanilla- ha. Okay, sure, yeah. Warm up: the period at the beginning of a BDSM scene which involves gentle play, allowing the bottom to begin endorphin production, enter subspace, and undergo physiological changes such as bringing fluids to the surface before impact play that will accommodate more intense play. Green. Water Sports: the sexual enjoyment of urine play, also called Golden Showers or GS. Also called Frank-likey."

"Such a wonder...." Gerard repeated simply as Frank marked his options accordingly.

"Water torture? Yeah. Wattenburg Wheel: a medical pinwheel that is commonly used in BDSM play to stimulate or cause a feeling sensation. Yes. Wax play? Fuck, yeah. Waxing? Maybe. Wearing symbolic jewelry? Symbolic of what?"

"Like of our relationship for one," Gerard offered up, "Or of the lifestyle. Pendants and such. Like I do."

"What?" Frank frowned and Gerard lifted up a simple leather bracelet around his wrist with a round metal symbol in the middle of it, the symbol similar to that of a Yin-Yang with only three pieces to it instead of two, "What's that mean?"

"It's the BDSM lifestyle symbol." Gerard smiled, "Lindsey had it made for me."

"It's really cool." Frank smiled, looking at the symbol for a moment, "I'd wear something like that, yeah."

"Good to know, boy." Gerard gave his hip another squeeze, "Looks like you're almost done, too."

"Not gonna lie, I'm a little relieved." Frank chuckled dryly, "Web: a bondage device, popular in many dungeons, created with ropes that are spun like a spider's web. Yes. Weights: used to stretch body parts such as nipples and labia; usually attached to clamps or piercings. Oof- fuck. Sounds painful, but I'm in. Whip: usually made of leather with a medium-size handle and long braided leather strings. Yes. Whipping Post: in olden times, a post to which offenders were fastened for whippings, reproductions are sometimes used in BDSM dungeons. Count me down for that. Wooden paddles. And, yes."

Frank dropped the marker, sighing in relief as he turned to look at Gerard, beaming with pride as a sense of completion came over him.

"Look at you." Gerard chuckled.

"Ah- I fucking did it." Frank grinned happily, "Awesome."

"How about as a celebration of you fucking doing it," Gerard merely pushed Frank right over onto his back, pinning him down as he had before, "I fucking do you instead?"

"Only if you promise me one thing." Frank grinned up at Gerard, watching as the latter slipped graciously between the younger's legs.

"And that is?" Gerard asked, hands on either side of Frank's head.

"That 'you doing me' will take as long as me having to do that contract." Frank chuckled dryly up at Gerard who sat up, tugging his t-shirt up and off with a simple, one-action motion.

"I'm sure I can arrange that, boy. The only question is..." Gerard muttered as he forcefully pulled Frank up into a sitting position by grabbing a handful of the front of his sweater, their faces merely an inch or so apart, "Do you think you can handle it?"

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