π‘±π’–π’…π’Šπ’„π’Šπ’π’–π’” {Louis x F...


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Stage Manager and Lead Actor to lovers, I wonder how that happened? Slowish updates due to the fact of I am i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20

Chapter Fourteen

3.8K 152 69

Surprise early update? Surprise early update. Enjoy everyone!


I spot Legosi in the hallway and quickly rush to catch up with the much taller wolf. "Legosi! Hey!" He turns around at my call, stopping to allow me to catch up. "How was the day out in the city?" I ask casually. Legosi stills for a second before responding.

"It was fine. Nothing really happened." He says as he looks away from me and I raise an eyebrow before shrugging.

"Okay then. I'm glad everything went well then. Did you ever figure out what that Black Market was that Louis was referring to? I heard it also goes by the Ghetto. I don't know much about it." Legosi goes rigid and looks panicked. "I'm gonna take that as a yes. I'm assuming it isn't good then." Legosi clears his throat and shakes his head no.

"No. It isn't." I purse my lips, choosing to drop the subject and Legosi then decides to change it. "Did you ever figure out why your ear is turning white?" I slow in my walking before quickly going back to my quick pace to keep up with the wolf's long strides.

"Yeah... I did. I would prefer not to say though." Legosi nods in understanding. Looks like we both have secrets we are trying to keep. Nothing is wrong with that. Hopefully they don't backfire on us. I let out a sigh at my thoughts and Legosi's ear twitches at the noise. The day was over and the drama club ended only a few moments ago. I didn't get a chance to thank Louis for yesterday because he was in a rush somewhere. I decided not to hold him back. The rest of Legosi and I's walk was in silence. It was a little bit awkward to be completely honest, the wolf glancing at me every few moments. It's like he saw something he didn't want to see and I'm reminding him of it. My ears flatten at the thought. "I'm gonna go ahead and head to my dorm. I'll see you later." I didn't even give him a chance to say goodbye before I was rushing away from him.

I didn't actually want to head to my dorm and opted to go to the roof of the building once again. I can easily see all the other rooftops of the campus along with the other students down below coming back from their club activities. I sigh as my legs dangle over the edge of the rooftop that I sit on. I swing them back and forth as I look to a rooftop filled with flowers and other plants. Is that where the gardening club is? I never knew where the club took place, all I knew of were the rumors behind the rabbit that was in the club. How ironic that it was a white dwarf rabbit. I snort at the irony. I tilt my head as I see a grey wolf enter the roof of the gardening club. I squint my eyes to try and get a good look, the roof wasn't too far away. Even then I still couldn't see who it was clearly. He goes to open the door of the shack but a red deer walks out, antlers shining in the setting sun. I attempt to count how many points the antlers have to figure out who it is. There aren't many red deer in our school but still, there are some. I count twelve points and tilt my head. The only deer that has twelve is Louis, everyone else has eight or six. His antlers are just another reason why everyone loves Louis. The more points you have the better you are in the deer world. It seems the others picked up that information as well. The two converse before they both leave the roof together, Louis looking up and seeing me on the roof of the dorm. What were both of them doing there? I shrug before lying on my back to look up at the sky.

I hold my hand up into the sky, turning it this way and that. I ended up calling my mom and telling her about everything. Honestly, this hybrid thing doesn't even matter considering I don't know my biological parents. It's still hard to wrap my head around it though. I frown at the thought of being weaker than the average deer. However, it does explain how my bones always ache after a workout, even if it wasn't an intense one. Normally rabbits would be fine with the workout as well as deer. Still, I'm weaker than average. Apparently I got the bad side of everything. I hear the roof to the door open and lean my head back, looking upside down. I spot Louis walking over to me and I continue to look up to the sky. He opts to sit next to me.

"I saw you from the other roof."

"I know." I say simply.

'I was discussing arrangements with Haru for the meteor festival considering she is my friend." I look at him, still laying down.

"You didn't need to explain. I wasn't questioning you. Even then I know you're lying." Louis's eyes widen in surprise. "No one rushes that quickly out of a room to ask about flowers Louis." The buck stares at me in silence, I maintain eye contact with him. He breaks first, looking away.

"What must I do?" My face turns to one of confusion. He looks back at me and sighs. "What must I do to keep you quiet?" I scoff, sitting up.

"Really? Nothing. I wouldn't say anything to anyone." I was hurt. Did he really think I was going to tell the whole school something like that? I stand up, dusting off my legs as I begin to rant. "I thought we were getting along. On our way to being good friends." I seethe. "Turns out you don't trust me! Thinking I'm going to tell everyone?" I shake my head, voice raising as he stands as well. "Is that all you came up here for? To figure out what would keep my silence?" I throw my hands up, shaking my head. Louis goes to speak but I cut him off. "No! All you care about is your self image! I'm sick of it! I'm trying to see past that, I'm trying to be friendly with you!" I grip my head, hot tears of anger gathering in my eyes.

"There's no need to cry-" I let out a growl, one resembling a wolf. It shocks Louis that I would make the noise of a carnivore.

"I'm not crying because I'm sad! I'm crying because I'm angry! Hell! You are the only one at this school that knows I'm a hybrid! I trusted you and now I don't!" Louis goes to reach out for me and I slap his hand away. "Don't. Don't touch me." I say, rubbing my head.

"I never had a friend other than Haru-" I glare at Louis.

"A fuckbuddy isn't a friend Louis." The buck glares at me harshly.

"Don't call her that." I scoff, crossing my arms and shaking my head.

"What's her favorite color? Food? What does she like to watch?" I see Louis get more nervous with every question. "You don't even talk to her during the normal school day Louis. If you actually care for her you would know these things." He tries to counter me.

"If you care so much, what are my favorite things then?" He seethes.

"Green, celery, and you like to watch crime shows along with romance." Louis's eyes widen. "I told you, I'm trying to be your friend. Clearly you don't want to be mine." I turn and begin to walk away. I was over the conversation.

"[F/C], [F/F], [F/M]." He says quietly. I pause in my walk. I turn to Louis.

"I'm tired of chasing after you Louis. Decide whether or not you want to be friends. I'm done. I'm done being the one making the effort in this friendship, I'm done trying when you aren't. Make up your mind." I begin to walk away again.

"[Y/N]!" Louis calls. He continues to call my name, getting more desperate and louder with each call. I didn't turn back around, I kept walking. If I did turn around I would have seen Louis on his knees, tears streaming down his face and seeping into his fur.

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