After Ice

By Jinxy259

672 162 17

Shailene lives on an island in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by massive walls that keep out the water... More

What the Tide Dragged in
I Heard a Rumor
The Assignment
Through the Clouds
Underwater Sound
My Bathtub Apparently
The Expanse
The Art of Breathing
Into the Nothingness
Dark Water
Sunlight Curses
High on Seaweed
The Portal
Ancient Queen
To the Surface
Ave, Drakon
Island of Moenia
Sixth Sense
Sailor Boy
White Wings
That Dark Corner
Into the Woods


25 4 5
By Jinxy259

*This is not a chapter. If you have no desire to read this you can go straight to PART 3 no worries. If at any point you are confused or just curious, feel free to come back to this guide to check about anything. All picture credit to artists. Some characters may be mentioned, but no spoilers I promise. 


Things that I am going to be listing: Whether these creatures are...

-Delmari ( from the water), Plana Terra (from the earth), Caelir (from the sky), Infernum (from the underground/Hell or Below), Creatura Mundi (found everywhere)

-Rare, Medium, Common

-Hunter or Prey/Aggressive or not

-Where it came from


-ExTrA ImPoRtAnT sTooF ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪



Karkaren are rare and generally roam the deep ocean alone. They are naturally very neutral creatures, but if provoked they will attack (they protecc they atacc but most importantly they will eat u for snacc). Karkaren can be found depressed and roaming the deep ocean, as well as guarding ancient ruins. Powers they have include, one, being frikin massive and two poison in their tentacles. My lil' octopus baybwees are deadly haha. Karkaren CAN Shift evil (Shifting will be discussed later in the book). Once having Shifted, they become a Mare Daemonium (sea demon yeet which will also be mentioned later). Special stoof: each Karkaren will acquire a black tattoo of an anchor for each ship they've sunk. See pic for reference:


Like the Karkaren, Rae's are solitary and rare (sad manta noises). They are roamers of the deep ocean and are generally female. Rae's are neither hunter nor prey, and their freaky powers are to blend in veeeeery well with their water surroundings. They can also sing at certain pitches, or vibrations, to be able to communicate between vast distances. Not much is known about Rae's, but personally I think their cool af  (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) 

3. MER: DELMARI (your boi Rei is one of these uwu)

The Mer are one of the prime races of the Delmari, and are fairly common. They are hunters (u consider a Mer to be prey idk what's going on in ur head lol). They can be found anywhere in the ocean, but tend to stick to where sunlight still reaches, if only barely. Their city is known as Nemaephis, underwater ruins of the cities that flooded before the Ice. The Mer posses a variety of abilities: their song, their strength, their scream, control of le water, and their power to Change. "Screaming" can only be used below water, and can physically wound any attacker that has the guts to fight them (like that sea monster poor eel baybwee he didn't stand a chance). The Change is the process Mer go through when acquiring their human limbs. Mer who Change often appear more human than their scarier comrades. Some extra sparkle sparkle: Mer all have different shades of tattoos, including the signature one behind their ear. They can also be cast out by their Queen (singular ruler always) and the only way to make deals is through the Alliges Duplicia (a binding oath) ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

tattoo reference:

Looks sorta like this: 


We're almost done with the Delmari I swear ;). Eco's are some of the most mysterious of the Delmari bunch and are classified 'rare'. Like Rae's, they are neither predator nor prey and can be found even below Karkaren's in the deepest darkest parts of the sea. (Life is better under the sea lalala). Their powers consist of being able to tell the future, prophecies, and grant wishes (kinda like a genie except for the fact that they're bioluminescent hehe). They also have excellent memory so don't screw with them k?


Last one, phew (✿'‿').  Sirens are relatively common but less so than the Mer. Unlike their very similar relatives, they cannot Change to human-like form. They are, of course, hunters and always female. They can be found near the rocks on the far side of the harbor on Moen, stunning and pretty and blablabla till they sing your pathetic ass into the ocean to eat you for dinner. (Sorry that was a bit harsh) Sirens sometimes enchant young Mer like Zerie to play with them, granting them pearls from their shimmering black hair. Another important thing to remember: a long long time ago, when the Ice was thawing and the waters rose, Sirens were carried into forests which later became swamps. Those who were trapped became Luto, which I will explain later. Anyway, as most of you know, their special power is their song. However, theirs differs from that of the Mer in the sense that their's can lure you to your death. Fun. 

Look at these bootiful -yet ferocious akjdhakhds- ladies


Ahh, a change of scenery. Welcome to the creatures of Plana Terra (fuzzy wuzzy land animals uwu). Fawns are common and live in the Plana Terra forest where they have a plentiful supply of medicinal plants. They ARE classified as prey but do not have any enemies since they are healers and extremely peaceful. A distant relative of the Fawn is a Krysta (Fawns who are cave dwellers). Some of their abilities include sometimes becoming partially immortal (what?!) if they develop a spiritual bond with the forest. They will then live as long as the forest does. Fawns also all possess amazing healing abilities and guard the seven stones representing each element. These fuzzy wuzzy baybwees are Plana Terra creatures, but one who turns to hurting instead of healing will become a Dumoris (one of the Infernum Viventum). -Dumoris' will be explained in the Demon section.

7. LUTO: PLANA TERRA (Flynn is part Luto, part Elemental)

The Luto (previously mentioned) are the Sirens that got trapped in the swamps. They are relatively common and are a danger when entering the forest. Luto's can be helpful or dangerous, depending on what they feel like that day. They have a very good memory like Eco's, so it would be a bad idea to harm them. A Luto will usually live alone and eats by luring prey with fog. Most MC's who encounter the Luto get lost, unless they are Gifted with Luto powers (or like Daphne and have lit Sensor abilities). They live in swampy, murky areas, and are usually covered in leaves or mud.


These creatures are probably the most deadly Plana terra ones. Nineja's are highly flexible, can run fast, jump high, scale walls, and have sharp canines. Some have claws, and all have tougher nails. Nineja's are employed as spies for many people because of their abilities. Those who turn evil become wild - more animal than their counterpart. Their wild side cannot be controlled and that is why high stimulation for Nineja's is dangerous. A Nineja who turns evil, or cannot be reasoned with becomes a Wilder. Down below is a very non-intimidating Nineja uwu I couldn't find a more accurate picture:


Last but not least for our furry friends, we have le Spryte. Sprytes are small creatures that blend in with wood and leaves. They can communicate with all forest creatures and are sometimes mischievous, though mostly shy. They like to eat mushrooms and small bugs ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ


Caelir derives from the Latin word Caeli meaning air. All the creatures from the Caelir category have the power of flight. First up on the list are the Winged, common creatures who live in the mountains and pine forests of Moen. Most of them reside in the Winged castle. They have large wings (doy) capped with talons protruding from their backs which will grow gradually -like a Fawn's antlers- as they mature. My feathered friends have extreme agility, eyesight, and are very prideful.  Winged are all warriors and Generals of different ranks: Tertium, Tertium guards for Vincalum (their prison), Sergium, and Premium. Their main weapons of choice are the shortsword and bow and arrow. Winged do not posses the ability to Shift. I guess that's a good thing (they definitely hold this over other creatures that's for sure). 


Flutters are rare creatures, also called Sensors for their keen analyzation skills. They have many different insect-like attributes (wings, clawed feet, antennae, shells, spotted skin, and many different eye lenses). Flutters are normally smaller and frail, with light skin and hair, yet can have all different skin colors (including those not human). Their primary abilities are smell and touch and in some even more rare cases the Sense. The Sense allows Flutters to have a sort of 'sixth sense' which can vary in definition for each individual. Some, like Daphne, have it stronger than others. Cool faxs: when a Flutter dies, all that remains is dust. A Flutter who possesses non-predatory insect qualities cannot Shift either.


Meeka aren't seen so much as living, thinking, creatures, but as food. They DO however whisper secrets, or the names of the dead occasionally. Only when the moon shines on them do they appear, launching off the treetops or high places where they have fallen and settled. Meeka look somewhat like dust and are food for the Sprytes (see Plana Terra section); are extremely common. They are the light of stars that have fallen or shed from the sky and taken form. The Sirens come out when the Meeka settles on the ocean, creating a galaxy in the water. There, they will sing (like the Luto) to lure sailors to the sea.

13. DRAKON: INFERNUM (Kadence is a dRakOn)

The infernum are the bridge between creature and demon. Hehe. Everyone, Ave the Drakons. These boiz be pretty common yet have never been completely trusted since they spawn in Hell. One of their main attributes is being incredibly stubborn, which doesn't clash well with Ninejas since those cattos are feisty as heck. Drakons are the most likely out of any MC to Shift and will become the most powerful type of Demon if they do. Drakons can move extremely quickly, especially in warm/fiery environments. They also can usually tell if someone is lying. Obviously, being dragon hybrids, they can fly. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つweeeeeee


Krishna's are common creatures and will tell you anything for a price. They can't lie, though they are very clever with their promises, and will not break them. Krishnas are -like Drakons- from Hell, and known as infernum. They have the ability to make potions and powders and usually live in deep caves. These concoctions are usually of dark magic, whereas with Fawns, they're for healing. Krishna's are part reptile, meaning scales, claws, eyes, body, etc. An easy way to identify these suckers is that all have the 'devil's tongue', or a forked tongue. (I don't have a pic but u can imagine)


At last, we have reached the last category of creatures. Creatura Mundis; from everywhere. Gifted are by far the most diverse group of MC's. They are for the most part physically human but have MC parts (wings, claws, tails, fur, scales, etc.) Creatura Mundi means World Creature. They are rare, but there are definitely some in Moen. (Giselle and Shai are Gifted).


LaSt OnE pEePs I sWeAr. Sigh. Ok, Elementals do not have any MC attributes and are extremely common. Like Gifteds, they can be found anywhere in Moen. Elementals have (by name) the ability to control a specific element. There are many forces that Elementals can control. For example: fire, water, earth, wind, sand, plants, smoke, storms, etc. It is very rare to find an MC or a Gifted with Elemental powers. If they do, then they are not known as a Plana Terra, Delmari, Infernum, or Creatura Mundi, but an Exceptis. (FLYNN, EVERYONE). An Exceptis can also be called an Exceptis Rara. Lastly, an Elemental who becomes absorbed by their element is called a Devoir, one of the infernum viventum once they have Shifted. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)




HI. OKAY. Look, there be some scary stoof down here. Proceed at your own risk ಠ_ಠ. There are two kinds of Demons: Mare Daemonium (from Below) and Infernum Viventum (from Hell). Hell and Below is used as a curse in After Ice and describes the two areas where Demons (plus Drakons and Krishnas) spawn. Hell is underground, and Below is a crack in the ocean. akjdhkahda creepy. Most Demons have not been charted, so most of the time Moenians will just refer to them as their category. Anyway, let's continue. 

Things I will be listing: 

-Level of Hostility (1,2,3)

-Destroyer or Lurker (le hunt or le wait)

-Hell or Below




An Anguis is an eel-like creature, the one that tried to eat Rei and Shai in Pt. 1 (the fact that I need to be specific about where they are about to get eaten lol). Its hostility level is a 2, and it is classified as a Destroyer (it'll hunt you). On average, an Anguis will grow up to a few miles long with pale eyes and rows and rows of teeth. They have a flexible body with many fins and will circle their prey, surrounding it on all sides before striking. The Angui were birthed Below, the counter/ocean version of Hell. No one has ever ventured there (I mean c'mon why would they??). An Anguis is usually killed by the Mer if it passes into their territory. Translation: Sea Snake Demon

Scawy baybwee look:


A Dumoris is what a Fawn becomes when they turn evil. More specifically, when they hurt instead of heal. Fawns will die and then respawn in Hell as these creatures. Dumori are faceless, with only masks, and made entirely out of darkness. Most of them will follow you silently until it is time to attack, or wait calmly in the forest (Lurker). You probably won't even notice that they're there. To be honest peeps, these boiz creep me out the most. Their hostility level may be just a 1, but Ima tell you now, the ladies don't like them much. Translation: Grave (death)


This was what the Vincalum guards were carrying through the streets, a storm Elemental Shifted: a Devoir. A Devoir is an Elemental who becomes so absorbed with their power it "devours them" quite literally. For a brief period of time, they are extremely dangerous (hostility 3) but will die a sooner death as their Element slowly kills them. It is very similar to becoming a Wilder (see further down). Devoirs are from Hell and charted as Destroyers. Translation: Absorb/Devour. (ಥ﹏ಥ)


Last one you made it!!! Finally, the finishing Demon on our list is a Wilder. Wilders are Nineja's who have too much stimulation, whether in combat, alcohol, 'love stuff' or anything else that gives them excessive amounts of adrenaline. A Nineja can be similar to a Flutter in a way that they notice very acute things. This is why in most bars, Nineja's won't be served strong alcohol, or they will be but at their own risk. A Wilder will slowly Shift, blacking out at random intervals. The end result is virtually no thinking concept of right or wrong. They will kill if told and without mercy. Poor Mara :( 

OK CHILDREN THATS IT THANK YOUUUU. Tell me if u have any more questions and I will do my best to answer them. I really hoped this helps with any confusion. The people mentioned here show up in later chapters, so if you don't know them don't worry. I'm no professional author, so my work definitely has gaps and I'm slowly working on it. Ty for reading!! (◕‿◕✿)

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