
By iluvmilfs05

110K 1.9K 316

A/U G!P Rachel is Quarterback and she has a G!P. Shes sleeping with Quinn while Quinn's dating Finn. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

14.9K 249 28
By iluvmilfs05

Rachel sighed as she walked off of the football field. She took her helmet off and finally let her hair out of its tie. The quarterback was in a world of her own as she ran her hand through her wet hair, trying to recover from the game she just played. She needed a shower.

After pacing a little, the brunette joined her team who were celebrating their win with the cheerleaders. A Latina bounded up to her, kissing her cheek and saying something to her in Spanish that she didn't understand. Out of the corner of her eye, Rachel saw Quinn with her arms around Finn, smiling and listening to every boring word he had to say.

Rachel wrapped her arms around the Latina who was throwing herself at her. "You were amazing out there Berry." Santana gushed. "Amazing players get amazing rewards. Brits and I would be more than happy to reward you." She said in a low tone, her lips moving closer to Rachel's ear. "Hey Brit, come here!"

The bubbly blonde cheerleader left the guy she was fawning over to join Santana on the other side of the star quarterback. The brunette looked away from the two cheerleaders for a moment to Quinn who was shooting daggers at her. She chuckled to herself and turned away from the girl, slowly making her way to the locker room.

Rachel and Quinn weren't official so why shouldn't she have some fun with Santana and Brittany?

The blonde could only see green. She wanted so badly to go after Rachel and stop her but she couldn't without it looking suspicious. Everyone on the team and the cheerio's knew what Santana and Brittany were like and everyone would kill to get some of both of them. Quinn sighed.

"Babe? You listening to me?" Finn said, squeezing the girl tighter in his arms.

"Sorry, I don't feel well." True, she felt sick to her stomach at the thought of anyone else with Rachel.

"Oh, well the guys were going to go back to Pucks and celebrate. Do you want to come or do you want me to take you home first?" he asked.

"No, you go. I think I would rather walk home anyway." She sighed, trying her best to smile reassuringly up at the boy. There was a time when she did love him. It was genuine at the beginning but she just couldn't deny her feelings anymore. Quinn wanted Rachel and Rachel only.

The blonde had done as Rachel asked. She hadn't slept with the boy since she had started sleeping with the brunette. This only frustrated Finn and made the couple fight a lot. Quinn didn't like fighting with Finn because he was always right. Their relationship pretty much turned sour overnight but he had no idea why. Neither of them left the relationship however. The couple had an unspoken understanding that they both needed each other for their images.


The Quarterback walked out of the changing room with a smile on her face, laughing with the two cheerleaders as she said goodbye. As soon as they were out of sight she leaned against the wall in the hallway and sighed.

"Congratulations on your win." The soft airy voice of a goddess drifted in to Rachel's ears as she rubbed her face in frustration.

"Thanks." She replied, looking up at the cheerleader.

"Did you have fun?" Quinn asked as she motioned towards the locker room, trying not to sound bitter but she couldn't help it.

"Yeah. Watching them fuck each other and try to hide a raging boner is always fun." The brunette sighed, pulling her jacket on.

"They didn't let you join in?" the cheerleader asked in a hopeful voice.

Rachel smiled, holding her hand out for the blonde to take. Quinn took the hand that was offered, only for Rachel to pull their bodies together. "They were begging me to join in. But I couldn't. I'm yours Q." the quarterback ran her fingers through the girls long blonde hair as her other hand lay on the girls hip.

"Then why did you go with them?" she asked, trying to hide her smile.

"To keep up appearances. I can't be the biggest stud in school and not sleep around. They wont tell anyone that I didn't join in because how would that look for them? That I didn't want to have anything to do with them." The girl shrugged.

"I'm jealous." Quinn admitted quietly, her hands finding their way into the front pockets of Rachel's jeans and refusing to make eye contact.

"Of what?" the football star cooed softly, running her thumb across the girls cheek.

"Its stupid," she started, "I'm jealous because for a few minutes tonight people looked at them and knew you were all together. Even if it was only going to be for an hour or so. They all knew who Santana and Brittany belonged to for that period of time."

"That's not stupid." Rachel reassured her. she placed a kiss to the blondes lips. The school was practically empty now that the game was over.

"You look good." The cheerleader changed the subject.

"I look good every day." She smirked. Rachel knew exactly what Quinn was talking about. The blonde loved when the girl wore tight jeans, a polo and her team jacket.

"You won the game." Quinn mumbled, leaning completely against the brunette who was still leaning against the wall with one foot on it.

"For you." The quarterback breathed.

"Take me home Rae." She pleaded, kissing the girl in front of her. Their lips touched as their tongues danced. It wasn't hurried which made it perfect.


The pair drove home in silence. Their growing feelings for each other were starting to come between them. Rachel was more than happy to open up and tell the blonde how she felt but Quinn couldn't bring herself to tell the quarterback her true feelings. They were each certain that the other knew how they felt but there were gaps in their conversation where things should have been said or compliments should have been given that weren't. This made things awkward and hard. They used to be able to spend time together and then have their physical relationship on the side, but not anymore.

It was getting to Quinn that she was being unfaithful. She wanted more than anything to be open about their relationship, their love. But alas, she knew that her parents wouldn't ever accept it. She knew that her life would change drastically if she were to ever go against what her parents had to say about her way of life.

Rachel pulled in to the driveway of her family home. Her dads were out, as usual, leaving her to have the house to herself. The brunette turned to the girl in the passenger seat, taking her hand.

"Q," she started softly, trying to hold eye contact with a girl that wouldn't allow her to. If she did, she would see Quinn's vulnerability and the blonde just couldn't have that. "You said this morning that if I won the game, you would do anything, that you would be my slave." She stated. "I don't want you to be my slave baby. The only thing I want tonight is that from the moment we walk in to that house, Finn doesn't exist. Nothing exists except us and how we feel about each other. From the moment we walk in the door, you are my girlfriend as I am your girlfriend. I just want a night with you where we can forget the world and spend time together like we used to. If we have sex then that's great. If we don't, that's great as well." The cheerleader listened to the girl talk and took in what she was saying. She bit her lip and nodded, silently agreeing to the proposition. Quinn desperately wanted this night as well.

The girls got out of the car, walking hand in hand to the front door. "Do you want to watch a movie and have dinner?" Quinn asked as Rachel unlocked the door.

"That sounds great." She smiled, pushing the door open and letting the cheerleader in first. "Did you want to go and change in to something more comfortable while I start on dinner?" the brunette offered. Quinn was still wearing her cheerios uniform since no one wanted to go in to the girls change rooms and disturb what Santana, Brittany and Rachel might have been doing an hour before hand. The girl took Rachel's offer and disappeared upstairs.

The quarterback moved into the kitchen, turning the oven on so that it could preheat. She didn't know a lot about cooking but she had managed to teach herself enough to get by. She got a frying pan out of the cupboard and a saucepan. She then put some fries in the oven and some sausages in a pan. The brunette tied her hair back with an elastic band, turning her iPod on before turning her attention to the sausages in the pan.

She stared singing effortlessly along with Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars as she turned the sausages over, letting them cook evenly. When they were pretty much brown all the way around she moved to the fridge, got some cream and the cooking wine out and placed a fair amount of it in to the saucepan. She added some cracked peppercorns to the sauce and "Boom!" the girl thought, throwing them in.

Quinn watched from the doorway, completely amused with her girlfriend's behaviour.

The brunette looked up as the sing changed. "Quinn!" she exclaimed happily. "Girl you got me tripping on sunshine, god knows you just made my day," she started, dancing her way towards the blonde. The couple laughed with each other as they sang random parts of the song. "I like you in my clothes." Rachel admitted, tugging slightly at the strings of the hoodie Quinn had chosen to wear.

"I know you do baby." The cheerleader cooed. "What are we having for dinner?" she kissed the girl quickly before moving out of her arms and over to the stove to see what was happening. She picked up the tongs and turned the sausages again. "These look like they're done." The blonde smiled, taking the pan off of heat.

"That's because they are." Rachel smiled, taking the pan from her girlfriends hands and began dishing it up. "We are having sausage, chips and black peppercorn sauce." The quarterback said proudly.

"Well look at you, a chef in the making." Quinn teased, feeling Rachel press up against her back. The quarterback rested her head on the blondes shoulder and wrapped her arms around the girls stomach. The cheerleader relaxed into the embrace, letting her head lull back against the brunette.

"You smell amazing." The girl breathed, holding her girlfriend tighter in her arms.

"Hmm, I can't see how. I haven't showered since before the game. I feel disgusting." Quinn laughed. She knew that Rachel never cared about whether she was sweaty and dirty or squeaky clean. The quarterback would take Quinn however she chose to be that day. She couldn't help but let her mind drift to a comparison of Rachel and Finn. He wouldn't touch her if she was sweaty. He would cringe at her touch. Rachel would welcome it. She would get Goosebumps just from being close to the blonde.

The couple ate their food in front of the TV. 50 First Dates was the movie they had chosen to watch. When their dinner was finished, they pushed their plated on to the coffee table and led out on the couch. Rachel was on the edge while Quinn was safely between the sports star and the back of the couch. Her arm was draped protectively over Quinn's shoulder while the cheerleader was curled up in to her side.

The blonde moved her hand slowly against the firm abs of the quarterback. Rachel tried to ignore it but she couldn't. She tried to ignore the fact that her friend was twitching in her pants, begging to be brought to life.

"Uhm, Q, you're going to want to stop that if you want to finish watching this movie." She warned, adjusting her cock slightly so that it would be less uncomfortable.

"I'm bored of the movie." Quinn mumbled.

"Then let's move this upstairs. I don't want to take you on the couch tonight." Rachel smiled softly, offing her hand to the blonde.

"Why not?" she questioned but took the hand anyway, letting Rachel pull her up and lead her upstairs.

"I just want this to be more special. The first time we were together was on the couch but that was mostly out of lust. I like to believe that there are more feelings involved after the eight months that this has been going on for. So right now, I want to make love to you in my bed." The girl said with all seriousness, turning to look at her girlfriend.

"Make love?" the cheerleader asked in disbelief.

"Yeah," Rachel took a step closer to the girl, "As in a bit more special than fucking because I have feelings for you Q." she said softly, running her fingers through the blonde hair that fell around Quinn's face.

"You love me?" the quarterback could almost hear Quinn's walls crumbling as the question fell from her lips.

"Yeah I do baby. I love you. I don't expect you to feel the sa-,"

"I love you too Rae." She said with tears welling in her eyes.

The couple just looked at each other silently for a few moments until Rachel reached out and pulled their bodies against each other, kissing the cheerleader with all that she had. She walked them back towards her bed and led Quinn down gently. Her lips worked on the blonde's neck, kissing, nipping and sucking wherever appropriate. She played the cheerleaders body like a fine tuned musical instrument, eliciting the sweetest moans and mewls from the girl.

Rachel pulled the girl up a little so that she could relieve her of the hoodie before connecting her lips and tongue with Quinn's rapidly hardening nubs "Rae!" she moaned out as the brunette grazed her nipple with her teeth. She felt Rachel smirk against her breast before kissing a trail down her body to the sweats she had borrowed. The star wasted no time in taking the item off of her girlfriend's body and moving back up the blonde's body so that their lips could be together once more.

The quarterback was already at full attention. Working Quinn's body always had that effect on her and she loved it. She pulled away from her lover for a moment to remove her own clothing. "You're beautiful Q. Like, so, so beautiful." The girl fell over her words. She wanted to be able to tell her girlfriend exactly how beautiful she was but at that moment in time, between the lust and the pure love she was feeling the words just evaded her.

She leaned in to kiss the girl once more before lining herself up with Quinn. "You ready?" Rachel asked, knowing that this was going fast but she could feel the evidence of Quinn's arousal on the head of her cock. It was driving her crazy. The cheerleader bit her lip and nodded.

Rachel pushed in to her, starting her long, languid strokes. She felt like she had all of the time in the world. she wanted to drag out Quinn's pleasure as long as she could. The quarterback looked at her girlfriend. Her hair was splayed out on her pillow, making it look as if there were some kind of aura around her. Rachel smiled. "Baby,"

"Shh," Quinn hushed, "don't you dare tell me that you aren't going to last long." She muttered in a frustrated tone.

"No," she panted, starting to be effected by what they were doing. The blonde moved her hips to meet Rachel's strokes, indicated that she wanted the brunette to move faster. The girl was more than happy to oblige. "I was going to s-say, I love you."

Quinn smiled, her hand on the back of Rachel's neck pulling them together for a heated, passionate kiss. The couple tried and failed to portray everything that they felt in the simple gesture.

On one hand, Quinn could only just be honest with herself, let alone the girl that was pumping away on top of her making her leap towards her orgasm. The blonde had told Rachel how she felt tonight out of a simple slip of the tongue. It was honest, but she had only just come to terms with the feeling herself.

Rachel, however, couldn't wait to be open about how she felt about Quinn. If she was happy that the cheerleader knew at least a small part of how she felt.

"Oh my gosh Rachel!" the girl cried out as her body flew into her orgasm. Her nails dug in to Rachel's back, the quarterback was certain that there were going to be marks.

Without allowing Quinn any time to recover, she started pounding hard and fast into the girl's pussy. At a jack hammer speed, she was soon at her edge, holding on desperately until the cheerleader was with her again.

"Fuck! Baby you feel so good!" her beautiful body arched off of the bed and further in to Rachel as Quinn came a second time. The brunette finally let go, shooting her seed deep into the girl.

Rachel fell next to Quinn, smiling as she led there. Her limbs were like jelly. She couldn't even move to hold her girlfriend.

"I'm going to talk to Finn tomorrow and break up with him." Quinn panted, her head falling to the side so that she could look at the quarterback.

The girl forced herself to move, pulling the vulnerable girl into a tight embrace and kissing her damp hair. "Thank you." She whispered.

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