Shadows Of Our Past - a KILL...

By DanieD00

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Embark on a new journey with Ryuko Matoi, set five years after the first KILL la KILL. The Life Fiber Sicknes... More

Chapter 1: The Seed
Chapter 2: When Life Met Death
Chapter 3 : An Oath, Never Fulfilled
Chapter 4: The Nightmare That Never Ended
Chapter 5: Pining For A Friend I Love
Chapter 6: Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Chapter 7: A Stitch, Connecting Two Species
Chapter 8: The Tools Of A Tailor
Chapter 9/1: Across Japan, Pursued by Darkness
Chapter 9/3: Across Japan, Pursued By Darkness
Chapter 10: A Heart, Thrown Away Like Trash
Chapter 11: A Scar On My Heart
Chapter 12: But You Were The Greatest Failure
Chapter 13: A Withering Flower
Chapter 14: Evolution
Chapter 15: Desiring Purpose
Chapter 16: Breaking Hearts Apart, One By One
Chapter 17: A Smile To Hide Tears
Chapter 18: For You Live Ever Eternal In Me
Chapter 19/1: Facing Darkness, With A Brave Heart
Chapter 19/2: Facing Darkness, With A Brave Heart
Chapter 20: What I Once Was
Chapter 21: If Only You Had Thorns Like A Thistle
Chapter 22: A Daughter I Would Love To Wear
Chapter 23: Tear You Apart Until You Cry
Chapter 24: KILLlaKILL
Chapter 25/1: Sharing Tears Together In The Darkness
Chapter 25/2: Sharing Tears Together In The Darkness
Chapter 26: REVOCS Fashion Show
Chapter 27: Cry, For When I Am Truly Gone
Chapter 28/1: The Things I Did For You
Chapter 28/2: The Things I Did For You
Chapter 28/3: The Things I Did For You
Chapter 29/1: Like a Thistle, With Proud Thorns
Chapter 29/2: Like A Thistle, With Proud Thorns
Chapter 30: Across Japan, With Calm Hearts

Chapter 9/2: Across Japan, Pursued By Darkness

60 4 4
By DanieD00

"Access denied."

"*sigh... shit..."

"Access denied."

"... can't believe this." Houka mumbles annoyed. It's 11:30 PM. Nonon enters the command room. She and Houka are the only ones in the room.

"Still working?" Nonon asks curiously and leans to Houka. Command lines are everywhere.

"Neo-REVOCS can be hacked, I know that. I've managed it once, I can do it again. I could control every factory, I knew their plans, I could control the Ashigaru..." he mumbles and sighs.

"Yeah, but only if you are awake, and you are not."

"... yes. But you are like that too. Your first concert was catastrophic, and I remember how you talked with Uzu and me back then. The entire night, might I add. You felt bad."

"Mhm. Kind of ate me up inside. You're not sitting here just because you wanna kick Neo-REVOCS ass. You do this for Satsuki too, huh?" she asks and sits down.

"I... yes. Without Satsuki, I'd be a nobody. I feel like I owe this to her. Helping her, I mean. She wants her company back."

"We all want that. Ira, Uzu, me..." Nonon answers. Houka nods slowly.

"Inu, you're the smartest nerd I know but you gotta take care of yourself. Data won't bring you anything if you are tired. I'm sure there is a way to hack the facility, but maybe we should really just send someone to their HQ like you suggested. Maybe upload a virus or something, I don't know. Come on, buddy." Nonon says and slowly closes the Laptop. Houka seems a bit disappointed.

"You haven't rested for a single hour since Satsuki didn't came back. She's fine, I'm sure of it." Nonon smiles. Houka nods. Nonon gives Houka his Laptop and pats his shoulders.

"Go to bed, Inu."

"How'd you know I'm awake?" he asks curious.

"Your room light was on, but I haven't heard you typing. And really... we are friends, Inu. I gotta know when I can annoy you." Nonon grins. Houka chuckles.

"Indeed." he answers smiling. Houka and Nonon leave the room and wish each other a good night. As Houka sits down on his bed, he thinks briefly.

"Maybe a virus is indeed the solution..."

Day 3:

"WAKEY WAKEY!" Nui screams and kicks open Satsuki's door, who falls from the bed scared. She looks annoyed as she watches Nui grinning towards her.

"You do this one more time and you get a problem." Satsuki threatens. Nui laughs.

"Aw, Satsuki my dear, I'm sorry, I just want you to wake up!" Nui smiles.

"Stop screaming you maniac!" someone in another room yells at Nui. Then, Ryuko leaves her room with a Pyjama, walking to Nui and trying to punch her in the face, but Nui dodges.

"Missed." she grins and shows her tongue.

"Shut up." Ryuko answers and pushes Nui away. Satsuki looks at the watch. 8:43 AM. Well, at least it was good that Nui woke her up. Satsuki puts on her suit and takes a look at Fuji. She smiles slightly in excitement.

The group walks through the streets of Numazu. You could think you'd landed in the old Japan. Everything here looks old. There is a nice little garden to their right, but other than that, just a museum and that's it. It's getting more interesting as the group arrives in Fuji three hours later. Satsuki is amazed while Ryuko is rather confused and Nui just smiles like always.

"Well THAT's a culture shock!" Satsuki says happy. Fuji is completely crazy - houses built in various different architectures. European, american, spanish, indian... Ryuko simply asks herself where they just landed.

"Where the hell are we!?" Ryuko asks her sister confused.

"There are a lot of goods from various parts of the world. Especially Europe! Come on!" Satsuki says.

"So?" Nui smiles.

"Ah fuck, I know what she's thinking about."

"European tea!" Satsuki grins and walks quickly into the city. Ryuko never saw Satsuki that euphoric, at least not when it comes to tea. Ryuko and Nui look at each other and shrug their shoulders, then they follow Satsuki, although Nui walks rather relaxed.

No matter where you look at - various amazing and interesting booths stand around from all sorts of countries in the world. Expensive spices from the orient and wonderful silk and cloths greet Ryuko, Satsuki and Nui. Nui curiously takes a look at the silk.

"Good day, honorable young woman! Can I amaze you for our beautiful silk?" a vendor asks. Nui nods curious. Ryuko follows Satsuki. After the orientalic booths, Ryuko finds some vendors from South and north america. They mostly sell good looking and tasty food and little cool figures. Senketsu takes a look at the little sculptures.

"Damn, the food smells good." Ryuko notices. Satsuki doesn't care and walks to the harbor.

"Arepas! Who wants Arepas!?" a young woman asks. Ryuko looks at the food. Looks good.

"Try it out!" the woman says in a rather unsecure english, but Ryuko accepts the offer and tries one of the corn cake like snacks. Ryuko nods satisfied.

"That's really neat." she says smiling and notices Nui coming to her with a backpack full of silk. Ryuko is impressed.

"The fuck did you do?!" Ryuko asks wondered.

"THAT is material I can work with. Not cotton or polyester! It's not Life Fibers, buuuuut it's still good!" Nui reacts happily and downsizes the bag with Life Fibers - however that works. The people don't even notice that as everyone is too busy and there are simply too many people.

"And how'd you pay that?"

"I didn't." Nui smiles.

"Should have figured." Ryuko reacts. They both continue walking to the harbor. Arriving at it, they see some sellers and even an fortune teller. There is also an old portuguese ship, it reminds of a galleon. Civilians are on the ship. At the harbor, there is mostly european goods like cloths or, most importantly, tea. Lots. Of. Tea.

"Of course." Senketsu chuckles. Ryuko and Nui go down the harbor and find Satsuki sipping some tea on a terrace, enjoying the nice view. She doesn't even notice both companions sitting down next to her. She sips satisfied some more tea.

"Ahh... Soroi, now I understand what you meant with this formidable european tea." Satsuki says to herself pleased. Nui and Senketsu chuckle slightly, Ryuko rolls her eyes and smiles. A little fish cutter arrives in the harbor. A waiter appears, bringing Satsuki more tea.

"Your tea. Do your companions wish for some tea as well?" the waiter asks polite. Satsuki turns around and see's Ryuko and Nui. She grins and blushes briefly.

"Hi." Ryuko grins.

"Hello." Satsuki answers blushing. The waiter still expects an answer.

"Oh, yes, of course, my companions want tea as well, correct? Of course you would." she smiles.

"Hey, I didn't..."

"Specialty of the house please, two times." she orders. The waiter leaves.

"As if you just ordered tea for me and this weirdo."

"The tea is great."

"But I..."

"The. Tea. Is. Great!"

"Maybe, but..." Ryuko grins.

"You get a tea now! It's fantastic!" Satsuki chuckles.

"Alright, alright, I believe you." Ryuko laughs. A lot is going on here at the harbor - people load wares onto ships, visit the galleon or buy stuff. It would probably take hours to see all of Fuji...


Around the same time, Masaru works in his office, working on the security systems of Neo-REVOCS and improving the combat efficiency of the robotic-like Ashigaru soldiers. A Samurai enters the office.

"Master Yamamoto, our units have been upgraded and use Anti-Life fiber ammo to combat Matoi and Harime more efficient. Any more orders?"

"There's no need to call me master." Masaru answers slightly ashamed.


"All good. Uh, no, get back to your post, I gotta talk with the CEO." Masaru then continues, with the Samurai leaving the room. Entering the presidential office, Ichiro laid his legs onto the desk, reading a book called "Cooking Fish 101." Masaru can't see his face due to the book held up by him.

"Master Ichiro." Masaru reacts calm. Ichiro lowers the book just enough so Masaru can see his eyes and hair.

"Nudist Beach tried to hack us this night again, but I've defended the system. The Ashigaru now use the new ammo, as you ordered."

Ichiro doesn't react.

"Apart from that, the patrols haven't spotted our targets yet. Why did we even let them run?" Masaru asks confused. Ichiro still doesn't react. This is kind of uncomfortable.

"Oh... we also sent more goods to Honnouji. Why exactly Honnouji, if I may ask?"

Ichiro lowers his book.

"Recycling, Masaru. Why waste ressources? They could be useful for the academy."

"But what kind of ressources?"

"You'll see. I want to rebuilt the academy. Does that answer your question?"

"I think it does."

"Good. Regarding your worries about the three targets... I don't know, honestly." Ichiro smiles and claps with his hands once.

"Maybe I was just in a good mood? I know that Matoi wants to visit her old school. Chasing her with dozens of units wouldn't be right, if you ask me." Ichiro explains and leans back onto his chair.

"Well... we could intercept them before they arrive."

"Masaru, you truly are a genius and a monster, who would have thought that?"

"I'm not innocent. I did enough bad stuff too. But if it's for a good cause and if the destruction of Nudist Beach and the resistance leads humanity to a better future without this stupid sickness, sacrifices are needed, I suppose, even though I do feel bad somehow."

"Of course you do. Don't worry. Once this is over, we don't need Ashigaru, Samurai and these "Shinobi" anymore. Look, we Life Fibers did a lot of bad stuff and we paid for that, but even we can change. We just want a home as well. After all, there aren't many of us left."

"There aren't?"

"No. Not many." Ichiro answers calm and clears his throat.

"I see. Well, I'll get to work again. Can I send out some units?"

"I'll do that in a minute." Ichiro reacts and orders a certain unit into the presidential room. He stands up and looks outside the windows, down to Tokyo. The door opens, and slight, clear steps are visible.

"Yes, Ichiro?" a female voice says.

"Couturier. Order several Ashigaru and Samurai units to follow Matoi, Kiryuin and Harime, they are at Fuji right now. Keep distance. Once they arrive at Matoi's school, destroy the school and kill everyone there is, then retreat. It's not a broken rule if we don't attack Matoi herself, after all." Ichiro chuckles. The Couturier chuckles as well.

"As you wish..."


"We take three more!" Ryuko yells at the waiter. The waiter nods scared as he watches the table. 21 cups of tea stand there, all properly stapled. The cups aren't big, but it still is an impressive view. Senketsu looks worried at Ryuko and Satsuki. Satsuki grins mischievous at her both companions and sips like Ryuko, and Nui slurps.

"MMMHM! Satsuki, my dear, you should become a professional tea drinker!" Nui grins.

"Look who's talking." Satsuki chuckles.

"You guys scare me." Senketsu smiles. New tea arrives, which the tree drink quickly. Civilians watch them worried.

"Told y'all the tea is great." Satsuki mentions and leans back.

"You got some space in your bag left, Satsuki?" Ryuko asks.

"Yes. Why?"

"We'll buy the entire booth."


"Buy the booth!? Pff, right. Watch this, darling." Nui says and stands up. Both sisters watch Nui walking to the vendor.

"Hey, aren't you part of the group that drank 24 cups of tea already?!"

"Yeah, I do. We love your tea, it's AWESOME, I'd kill for it, if you get what I mean."

"I hear that a lot actually, thanks." he smiles. Nui nods and smiles mischevious. She puts her hand behind her back.

"I bet you do! Question. How much for the entire stock?"


"Do I look like I'm joking?" Nui smiles and chuckles.

"Well, uhm..." he tries to answer and starts thinking. Nui blinks towards her two companions and then takes out a clone behind her back, letting it fall down without anyone noticing it. The clone rolls behind the booth and turns big, looking at all sorts of tasty tea.

"... hmm, a crate costs 12000 Yen and I have three at the moment, eight are in the ware house and twelve should arrive later on..." he mumbles, while Nui whistles. Ryuko, Satsuki and Senketsu watch closely.

"You gotta admit that this is hilarious. I'll pay the man anyway." Satsuki mentions.

"Eh... yeah, maybe. She's still a psychopath and a bitch." Ryuko answers annoyed. Satsuki shrugs.

"I think it's funny." Senketsu chuckles. Satsuki nods towards Senketsu.

"So you want 120.000 Yen for ten of your awful tasty tea crates, yes?"

"Yes. I need a crate for myself so I can serve the visitors here."  the man answers. Nui's clone collects tea packages from the crate and already emptied one and a half crate.

"How about... 119.999 Yen?!"

"... what?"

"Or 120.001?"


"Your price sounds boring, that's why." she smiles.


"If you guess why it's boring, I'll pay 10000 Yen extra!" Nui chuckles and closes her arms.


"Got an idea?"

"... not yet, but... maybe... no, uh, uh..."

"Come on, it's not that difficult."

"... hm..."

"Wanna know?"

"Yes, please."

"Are you sure?" she asks, with her smile getting bigger.


"Are you REAAAAALLY sure?"

"Yes, now tell me already!" the man answers slightly annoyed now. Nui inhales deeply, then exhales.

"I don't know either. As if I pay for your crates." Nui laughs. The man shakes his head annoyed. Senketsu and Satsuki have to grin, especially because Nui simply just did it.

"Very funny. Go back to your friends and leave me alone!"

"They aren't my friends! Ryuko and Satsuki are my big..." Nui reacts and then looks towards them. She briefly thinks, then sighs and looks back to the man, calm, and with a normal face expression.

"... actually, they are my friends, that's all."

"I don't care. Leave me alone." he reacts angry. The clone is done and makes a thumbsup with it's hand, then shrinks and rolls to Nui. Nui nods and grabs her clone. She walks back to Ryuko and Satsuki.

"So how's my performance?" she asks curious. Ryuko doesn't answer. Senketsu looks happy and Satsuki has a very slight smile in her face.

"I think it was funny, scarface." Senketsu chuckles.

"Yeah, it was amusing to an extent." Satsuki answers.

"And you, Ryuko?!"

"Annoy someone else."

"We should go." Satsuki says as she looks up a watch. The group stands up and leaves the harbor, with Satsuki laying down 150.000 Yen in bank notes. That's a lot. But Satsuki had a decent part of the REVOCS money on her bank account so she can afford it.

The group leaves Fuji. Their visit was definitely worth the time and fun - Ryuko bought some snacks, Satsuki got a huge pile of tea and Nui silk to tailor some clothes when she's bored. The area around Fuji is pretty relaxed - farms here and there, but nothing too special. Around 8 PM, the group arrives at the border to Shizouka, the capital city of said prefecture. There is a little hotel the group visits, with Ryuko and Satsuki sharing a room again. While Ryuko sits on a little couch, Satsuki reads product details of the tea packages.

"Europe's finest tea." she smiles. Only Soroi made tea as good as this one.

"You paid the guy?"


"Hm, aight. I gotta be real with you, Satsuki. The idea of walking on foot the entire time is still stupid to me. I mean yeah, it's fun and games, but fuck, we seriously gonna obey a weirdo from space?"

"You don't know how strong he is. Only Nui knows that. Besides, I won't take any risks. Not until we have a good plan."

"How strong can he already be..." Ryuko answers annoyed. Satsuki sighs.

"I know, Ryuko. You're accusing me of protecting Nui and treating you like a little kid."


"He was my father too. I lost him to this psychopath as well. But I don't want to lose you."


"Let's take a car already. Any car, I'd take a clown's car too if I have to. I just wanna get rid of all this bullshit."

"I know. Me too."


Day 4:

The next day begins. Mikisugi and Tsumugu sit in the command center while Houka works in the background. Sanageyama and Ira play Go at the moment.

"So how's it looking with the air ship?" Tsumugu asks Mikisugi and smokes.

"Probably done in a few months if we are lucky. We have to get more recruits."


"But in good news, the armor of Satsuki's friends is done."

"Good." Tsumugu answers and puts out the cigarette. Mikisugi seems to think slightly sad.

"You still thinking of her, huh?"

"... yeah, I do. I sometimes ask myself what my wife would think if she would see me like that. All of us."

"She'd probably call you crazy. And then she'd jump at you."

"Heh, I was always crazy for her." Mikisugi grins and moves his hair back.

"Naked soldiers, all heavily armed and trained to destroy alien clothes." he grins in disbelief.

"If it wouldn't be so sad and overkill, you could laugh about it better."

"Yeah. But I'm still proud of our group. Kinda like a second family."


"We should ask Jakuzure if she could prepare a concert or something. Would be a nice change of pace for the soldiers." Mikisugi suggests. Tsumugu shrugs.

"If it doesn't annoy anyone, yeah."

"I'll make sure it won't. Jakuzure loves music and recently she's pretty serious about it."

"I'll take your word for it."



"Are we there yet?!" Ryuko asks Satsuki impatient.


"Hey, Ryuko, you told me I shouldn't ask that and now you do it!" Nui chuckles.

"Shut it."

"Nope, nope, nope!" Nui laughs. Most of the day was spent with walking around at the coast the entire time without anything interesting happening. Around 4:30 PM, Satsuki notices Ryuko biting into a tasty looking snack, and briefly after, they arrive at a sign.

"What's that?"

"Corn cake. It's neat, want some too?" Ryuko answers and continues munching.

"I want one!" Nui says.

"Should have bought one for yourself."

"No, I meant that sign." Satsuki clears up and walks towards a sign near the road.

"5-Star Restaurant at the Oi-River..." she reads silent. Ryuko and Nui wait for her.

"Hotel rooms and amusement park..." and then she takes out her map.

"About three hours way." Satsuki guesses. She puts her map away and smiles towards the other two.

"Well, looks like we are eating in a Restaurant today." she smiles excited. Ryuko reacts with a smile as well.

"And then there's me, I'm just hanging around on Ryuko's shoulder. That's unfair." Senketsu comments and sounds like he'd be smiling.

"Someone's gotta stitch a mouth for you."  his wearer reacts.

"I can stitch a mouth for him!"

"Yeah right, forget it."

"You are so mean to me! I haven't done anything to you! Well, at least not in this life!" Nui smiles innocent.

"You do, you exist."

"Is that your best counter?" Nui asks curious.

"You're not worth being countered."

"Too bad, I'm trying my best."

"Scarface, please let Ryuko alone and talk with me. Ryuko isn't... too happy with you. I mean, I'm not either, but hey, you and me, life fibers, you know..."

"Oh of course, I'd love to talk with you once you're a big boy. With legs, and arms. I can make some for you!"

"Eh, good offer but maybe not from you. You like the scar on your eye by any chance?"

"I do, it looks really cool, doesn't it?!"

"Not really, no." he chuckles.


"You looked better when you had only one eye."

"Talking from experience, right, my dear? Besides, I always look great, boys and girls love me! I bet Ryuko secretly thinks about me every time she takes a shower!" Nui chuckles. Ryuko suddenly turns around and tries hitting Nui, but Nui dodges again.

"Missed me again, darling!"

At the evening, the group arrives at the Oi-River. The water here is clear and sounds really nice too, and the river ends in the ocean not far away - you can see the coast here. The wind howls a bit, but thankfully, they arrive shortly after at Kakegawa. A small city where this 5-Star Restaurant is located. And it looks awesome, like a palace, with lights everywhere, terraces in the upper floor, and an hotel that is actually connected to the building. Everything here looks impressive, and most importantly, everyone is excited for the food.

Inside the palace like building, it gets even more impressive. Noble and expensive chairs, a huge bar with about 20 people sitting there and four barkeepers, and surely about three dozens of hungry guests. The walls are golden colored, there are red carpets, and the lights on the ceiling are beautiful. A waiter appears.

"Good evening. Did you order a reservation?" the waiter asks polite. Ryuko and Nui are amazed.

"No. We would like a table for three." Satsuki answers.

"Very well.  Take a seat, I'll be right back." the waiter reacts and points on a table in the corner of the room. The building and interior is marvelous for Satsuki, it's nothing compared to Tokyo or Ôsaka. The group takes a seat at a chair in the corner of the huge room. Their seats a red, very comfortable and soft and warm. After two minutes, the waiter appears again. The three of them chose a drink already.

"Here's the menu. Can I offer a drink already?"

"Cola." Ryuko says first.

"Water." Satsuki continues and...

"Sake." Nui reacts and finishes. The waiter quickly writes their wishes down on a little notepad and walks to the bar. The group curiously looks at the menu and is amazed by the various food the Restaurant offers. Ryuko is speechless, Satsuki smiles and Nui's eyes shine briefly.

"They even got Steak and stuff... damn..." Ryuko mumbles.

"Indeed, although I'm trying to not be too euphoric. A huge menu isn't always good. On the other hand... 5-Star Restaurant has to mean something." Satsuki comments.

"Oooohhh, Fish!" Nui smiles happy. Briefly after, the waiter arrives.

"Did the ladies chose something to eat already?" the waiter asks curious. Ryuko turns to the waiter first, then Satsuki, then Nui.

"I'll take that big Steak, Number 12. With rice and salad, and for starters, a little bowl with fries. Oh, and I wanna try out that Wagyu-Steak if that's cool."

"Excellent choice. You?"

"Number 1, a Miso-soup. And number 28 - Curry and a huge bowl of rice with a little salad including dressing, please." Satsuki answers.

"Gladly. And you?"

"50B - Sashimi. And SM2 - the huge Sushi-menu. I want more Gunkan Sushi, and fried rice for starters." Nui orders smiling. The waiter nods.

"No problem. Should take about fifteen to maximum twenty minutes and we are done." he answers and walks to the kitchen. The group looks around a bit.

"Didn't knew there's a Restaurant like that around here." Ryuko mentions surprised.

"Didn't knew it either. You, Harime?"

"Eh, heard of it, but never visited it."

"I want some food too!" Senketsu gripes envious.

"For real now, I took a look at the tables, the food looks and smells awesome."

"Indeed, Ryuko."

"Reminds me a bit of the restaurant Mako and I visited on our date." Ryuko smiles nostalgic.

After five minutes, the waiter comes back with the appetizers. The bowl of fries for Ryuko, the Miso soup for Satsuki and the Sashimi plate for Nui. The food looks, smells and tastes great and even the fries that are rather unusual to find, are tasty and freshly made. Satsuki smiles satisfied and Nui thankfully has her mouth shut.

"Hmmhmmh..." Senketsu grumbles envious. Ryuko has to chuckle. After about twelve more minutes, the main dishes arrive. They are well made, smell good and are absolutely fantastic. Ryuko is amazed. The rice is fresh and tasty, the salad juicy and the little sauce for it a bit sweet and gives a nice additional flavour. The steak is perfect, and Ryuko didn't even tried out the Wagyu-Steak yet. Satsuki is happy with the curry and enjoys it with smaller bites to enjoy it longer, and Nui approaches the Sushi with almost scary precision and calmness. After all, there are rules on how to eat Sushi. Senketsu doesn't know where to look at first - Ryuko's steak, Satsuki's curry or Nui's Sushi.

"The Curry is very good." Satsuki judges satisfied.

"Try the steak." Ryuko suggests and cuts off a little part of the steak, giving it to Satsuki. Even though that isn't exactly the best manners, Satsuki still tries it out and likes a lot.

"Not the best steak I ate yet but damn sure one of the best." she says impressed.

"Hell yeah."

"Pff, you and your "Curry." Sushi is..." Nui grins and kisses the air, then shoves a little piece of Maki to Ryuko and Satsuki, which surprises both of them and Senketsu - Nui shares her food after all! That's... unusual.

"Wow, uh... thanks." Ryuko answers uncomfortable and tries out the Maki. She carefully dips it into the soy sauce and eats it. Satsuki does the same.

"That's really good actually. Nothing compared to a proper Sushi bar... but good." Satsuki reacts surprised. Ryuko nods. To be fair, Satsuki shares some of the Curry, but Nui declines, as she is pescetarian - which means she eats fish, but not meat like chicken for example.

The evening continues pretty relaxed. After the good meal, the group sits around for a while and drinks some more Sake and chill out. Ryuko has the box with the scissor blades safely under the table. This is a pretty weird moment, considering Ryuko and Satsuki come along with Nui who isn't annoying at the moment. Well, Satsuki comes along with Nui better than Ryuko, that's for sure, and Ryuko laughed once after Nui made a bad joke. Eventually, Satsuki pays the food after half an hour - 10400 Yen. A good price, considering the good food. The group then proceeds to the hotel, checks in and goes to sleep.

Day 5:

It's night. Satsuki stands on top of the Honnouji-Academy, holding Bakuzan.

"Fear is Freedom! Subjugation is Liberation! Contradiction is Truth! Those are the facts of this world, and you will ALL surrender to them, you pigs..."

Satsuki feels an aura behind her.


"Fear is Freedom? Subjugation is Liberation? Contradiction is Truth? Oh my... you sound like a dictator."


"It certainly causes an impact on my human shell, as illusional as it may be. Answer me this, my dear."


"Wasn't I the person that made you the woman you are today?  And wasn't it your dad that made you rebel against my reign?"


"It needed an army of kids under your command to even out your inferiority. Haven't I gave you all you wanted, and even more? Isn't there a lot more behind your truly powerful speech? Afraid of the Life Fibers, as they are truly the strongest of beings that existed in the universe, and therefore, afraid of evolution? Is the kind of subjugation, of absolute dominance, that you propagate against me not also something you would apply to yourself as well? After all, you killed and humiliated those who were against you, only to fulfill your ambitions. How selfish. And wasn't it not just the contradiction towards me, but also the contradiction towards responsibility, that you would never have to lead my reign... my... legacy? A worldwide company, built on human corpses, and look at you now... the circle closes. I destroyed lifes. And you did as well."

"... pathetic."

"Is that so? Isn't everything I believe in pathetic to you? Survival of the fittest - the concept you believed in is the concept you inherited. It's why you were so cruel to everyone. Even to your friends. It's why you destroyed everyone who was against you. To emphasize your strength and power. It could have destroyed your first sister. All, because of your selfish ambitions. And yet I am evil? I am the monster?"


"Fear is Freedom. Subjugation is Liberation. Contradiction is Truth... do you still believe in it? Afraid of Evolution. Afraid of Responsibilty. Subjugating to these fears. And contradicting them, to make sure everyone thinks you are still the strong woman you pretended to be. And yet... almost every night and almost every dream, you end up here, practicing your speech when no one looks at it. Because you fear no one will take you serious."

"... leave, mother..."

"The cruel truth, the contradiction in your own speech is... you are weak. You aren't worth the air you breath. Neither you, nor your sisters Ryuko and Nui."

"... how dare you..."

"Your fear of this world, of responsibility, of the loss of your dear sister Ryuko and your beliefs will cost her some day. And I sense this day will come closer every day. Will you cry, when she dies? Answer me this..." Ragyo smiles and walks in front of Satsuki, looking directly into her eyes.

"What is clothing?"


Satsuki wakes up. It's 3 AM. She falls back onto her pillow and breathes deeply.

"I won't let you die, Ryuko..."

"I won't let you and my friends be harmed..."

"I won't..." she mumbles scared.




The Neo-REVOCS army sent by the Couturier has arrived in Shizouka, and therefore they aren't too far away from Ryuko, Satsuki and Nui who just left Kakegawa and the Oi-River. The civilians who see the army move slowly with the transporters are surprised and curious to an extent. The Neo-REVOCS transporters seem to carry more than just soldiers. Around twenty of these transporters drive on the highway.

Ryuko yawns bored. Senketsu however is pretty curious. The group arrived at the old castle of Hamamatsu and looks around.

"Wow... the way they built this "castle" is really cool actually." Senketsu mentions excited.

"If you say so." Ryuko answers bored and puts her hands into the jeans pockets. Satsuki meanwhile talks a bit with a tour guide. She's interested in the castle as well. Nui on the other hand climbs up the castle without anyone noticing it. Ryuko walks near a wall. The castle is divided into several layers, and moat is in front of the walls. She's currently in the first out of three layers, with each layer higher than the other and protected by walls with little windows you can look out. Senketsu looks at them curious.

"Ah, so this is how they defended the castle then, huh? Bowmen stood in front of the windows and shot the attackers. They really have a nice design."

"The way you talk reminds me of the old history lessons with Mikisugi back then. If it wouldn't have been for you, I would have failed every test." Ryuko smiles. Senketsu chuckles. Ryuko walks up the next layer of the castle, but there's pretty much the same stuff. Ending up in the highest layer, she walks into the actual castle. Boring interior, nothing more. Desks, chairs, Samurai armor, just boring stuff. Ryuko leaves the castle again and then watches Nui arriving on top of the castle.

"Hey, Ryuko! The view is great here! You should come up! We could pretend to be pirates!" Nui laughs. Ryuko shakes her head.

"The colors are neat too." Senketsu mumbles to himself interested. The next 30 minutes are boring as well, at least for Ryuko. She just sits around while Satsuki curiously looks around some more, and Nui just enjoys the view and throws little rocks onto the peasants and quickly hides so that they think the sky hates them for some reason. But thankfully, after that, the journey can continue and the group leaves the castle. Satsuki is happy about a little souvenir she bought from the tour guide - a small figurine of the clan leader who owned the castle.

"Neat." she comments and puts the figurine into her bag.

Around evening, the group arrives at Toyohashi and therefore the last city before Nagoya - the city of Neo-REVOCS. Ryuko feels kind of uncomfortable the entire day already and has headaches as they take the elevator up to their rooms briefly after checking in the local hotel. Ryuko leans back on the wall, while Nui whistles around a bit.

"You alright, Ryuko?" Satsuki asks worried.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm good. I just feel dizzy every once in a while." Ryuko answers.

"I know, that's why I ask."

"Yeah... I... don't know, it's probably just the air or all the walking."

"I can buy some medicine tomorrow if you want, it might help."

"I'm good, Satsuki, but thanks." Ryuko smiles.

"Ryuko seems to be alright. I haven't noticed a difference in her blood or body yet." Senketsu comments. The elevator opens and Nui leaves it first, walking to her room. Satsuki and Ryuko follow her. Satsuki throws the key to Nui's room towards her. Just as Nui wants to open the room and enter it, Ryuko suddenly falls down.

"Ryuko!?" Satsuki asks scared and holds Ryuko still. Nui looks down at Ryuko worried.

"... ah fuck, I haven't slept well anyway... I mean, I sleep bad already but..."

"Ryuko, I'm serious, I can also call an ambulance if I have to."

"It's okay, Satsuki." Ryuko answers worried towards Satsuki's worries.

"You should take off your Kamui, darling." Nui orders in a serious and calm tone. Both sisters look at Nui confused.

Silence for a moment.

"Why should I do that?" Ryuko asks evil.

"I'm not trusting your Kamui and Satsuki doesn't either. If you aren't as stupid as I hope, you better take this thing off. I wouldn't wear that thing until I fully know who made it, and how." Nui explains serious.

"Yeah because you are unbelievable selfish, you only wear your own shit. Fuck you and stop pretending I would like or even come along with you just because I laugh once or twice about your jokes."

"Eh... one of the few times I care for someone and it's declined, that's why I love not giving a fuck about everyone." Nui answers annoyed by that and enters her room. Then she closes the door and locks it. Ryuko shakes her head and stands up.

"Drink some water and rest a bit. We can walk tomorrow a bit later if you like, it's not like we are in a hurry." Satsuki suggests.

"I think I do that, yeah. I guess I'm just worried about my school."

"I'm with you, and Senketsu too. It's gonna be okay." Satsuki smiles. Ryuko nods and then briefly hugs her.

"Good night." Satsuki says smiling. Ryuko wishes her a good night as well and then, both enter her room and go to sleep.


"Oh, dear Nui, you see the problem, but you can't prove it because no one trusts you. Ah... if only someone would let you investigate the Kamui. But that would be too late as well... after all, the needle has been set." Ichiro smiles mischievous...


Day 6:

The wind howls outside. Senketsu wakes up, jumps from the wall and hops to Ryuko. The alarm is off. It's 8:55 AM.

"Ryuko?" Senketsu asks. Ryuko doesn't react, she is still sleeping. Senketsu hops closer to her until he's directly in front of her.

"Ryuko?" he asks again. Ryuko slowly opens her eyes and then jumps up anxious.


"Hehe. Sorry." Senketsu answers ashamed and blushes. Ryuko chuckles and yawns, then she picks up Senketsu and hugs him. It's snowing outside. Then, she turns him to the window and both watch the snow falling.

"Hm. That's the snow Satsuki was talking about a few days, I suppose." Ryuko mentions.

"It looks really nice." Senketsu answers.

"It is." she smiles and puts Senketsu next to the window. While Ryuko gets ready in the bathroom, Senketsu watches the snow like a little kid, happy to see it fall down. He really likes the snow somehow.

Half an hour later, Ryuko, Satsuki and Nui leave the hotel after a short breakfast and continue their journey.

"It surely is colder than usual." Ryuko says. Satsuki nods.


"Don't you wanna get yourself a jacket or something?"

"If it gets colder later on, I can buy one quickly, yes. There are enough stores in the next city, and if I have to, I'll buy something in Nagoya."

"I could tailor you a wonderful jacket, sweety!" Nui suggests.

"Yeah right, don't think about it, asshole." Ryuko answers.

"Calm down, Ryuko. I'll keep your offer in my mind, Harime." Satsuki answers. Nui nods happy. The group travels near the coast of Toyohashi where they can see some fish cutters about to catch some fish. The area itself is rather empty and lonely though. A few hours later, they arrive at a street that leads into a little forest. Ryuko stops there and looks at Satsuki. Satsuki walks up to Ryuko and see's the sign.

"Masamune High School." Satsuki reads quiet to herself. Ryuko sighs.

"Do you want to go there?" Satsuki asks worried.



"I've been... thinking about this for quite some time already, but... I haven't talked about it a lot, it's... you know."

"I do. It's okay, Ryuko. Let's go." Satsuki says and walks forward. Ryuko and Nui follow her into the forest. The forest looks quiet. It's not dark or anything, but it somehow gives an uncomfortable feeling. There is a town half an hour away. However, Satsuki could imagine around summer time, the forest would make up for a nice visit.

"I knew you would feel uncomfortable about your old school, that's why I never asked about it. What are you trying to accomplish, if I may ask?" Satsuki asks.

"I just wanna... well, I just want to see how everything changed here, and... I want to find out what happened to my gang. I don't care about most of them, but... we've always stayed together..."

"I see. Alright." Satsuki answers. The group arrives the school yard. The school is surrounded by concrete walls, and there is a huge gate with the sign of the school - Masamune High. Right now, students are outside, playing little snow ball battles or munch their lunch on banks under the roof. The students here are around 16-20 years old. Ryuko hesitates first, but as Satsuki smiles and nods towards her, Ryuko finally makes the step forward. Nui is bored.

"So many stupid humans." Nui mumbles grinning.

"I'll take a look at the office and ask there, I'll be away for five or ten minutes. You guys can look around too if you like."

"Naturally. I'll keep an eye on Harime. You won't cause trouble, right, Harime?" Satsuki asks.

"Oh please, I'm never causing trouble." Nui smiles.

"And if something is wrong, Ryuko, lock yourself up in the bathroom and talk with Senketsu, he's with you after all." Satsuki smiles. Ryuko nods grateful.

"Sure." the little sister smiles and inhales, then exhales. Then, she enters the school building, first hesitating, but then with a raised head and some strength thanks to Satsuki's words. Nui closes her arms bored and Satsuki looks around, but she is unimpressed. It really is just a normal school.

"Well..." Satsuki mumbles, unsure of what to do now.

"Your school was cooler." Nui says.


"Gonna break your minds slowly, but steady..." Ichiro chuckles...


Ryuko walks through the halls of her school. Although the halls are warm and seemingly renovated, it does feel very cold here. Students walk around here and there and lead conversations, but they ignore Ryuko. The building is shaped like an L and in the first floor is the canteen and a few class rooms, as well as a few bathrooms and a janitor's room. There is also a teachers room. Two teachers pass by Ryuko, but she can't recognize them. They're new apparently.

"Feels weird being here." Ryuko mumbles quietly to Senketsu.

"Mhm." he reacts. The snow still falls from the sky. Ryuko can see Satsuki and Nui investigating the school yard a bit more. Her big sister isn't impressed at all, and Nui pushes a swing. Following up, Ryuko walks up the stairs to the second floor where the office is. She stops for a brief moment and then continues.

"My gang had a battle here back then. One of our most difficult battles."

"Is that so? What happened?" Senketsu asks careful. Seems like the students don't care if Senketsu or Ryuko talks, everyone is busy with themselves.

"Another gang had a problem with my leader, so we fought them. One of them fell down the stairs and was bleeding really bad. He survived but he really looked ugly, needless to say he got into a hospital."


"Mhm." Ryuko hums and enters the second floor. The hall she's walking in leads to her old class room. The door is open, and so she takes a little look at it. Thirty chairs and desks, a few lockers, a blackboard, a few windows, nothing special.

"Still the same classroom." Ryuko mumbles.

"Looks like a normal room from the academy." Senketsu mentions. Ryuko nods.

"Excuse me?" someone asks behind Ryuko. She turns around. It's a teacher.

"Ryuko Matoi?"

"Miss Tanka." Ryuko reacts calm.

"Haven't seen you around here..." the teacher says annoyed. The teacher seems about 40 years old, brown hair, pony tail, nice suit... that's pretty much it.


"What would a troublemaker like you want here? Didn't you caused enough problems?"

"Just wanted to take a look at my old school and how my old "friends" are doing."

"Kaori is at the office. He's a social worker."

"Kaori's a social worker!?"

"Yes, he is. He applied a year after he graduated since he couldn't find a job. Seems like you did though. Good suit."

"Thanks. I'll take a look at it." Ryuko answers. Ryuko leaves the class room then. Senketsu looks up to her which she notices.

"Yeah that's how it is here. I'm kind of famous." Ryuko comments and walks next to the lockers.

"We locked up a rather chubby guy here cause he sat down on the wrong seat. Hope he's alright..." Ryuko mentions full of regrets and sighs with a bad feeling.

"Because he sat on the wrong seat?"

"Mhm. Kaori's seat. He was our leader. We were five people. Kaori was pretty strong but not really the smarted. Kikuko was good with words and looked good, she also was a great liar, hell, we sometimes couldn't tell if she was telling us the truth either. Taigen was our nerd. If we had something in mind, he planned it out. Someone mocked him for wearing glasses. Fucking glasses." Ryuko explains.

"Damn it. Your class had to be terrible."

"We all were terrible. No one was really innocent. Then there was Daisuke. Daisuke was a rich clown, he paid people so that we could do whatever we want, and if someone was a traitor, he paid some people to make sure the traitor got what he deserved." she continues and arrives at the office.

"Welp, and then there's me. I was our fighter. Kaori was a good fighter, but if he was knocked out, then it took a while until he was fine again, unlike me for obvious reasons. Worst thing was when someone rammed a knife into my left arm. Hurt like hell but I was able to pull it out easily and continued fighting. I've had so many fights here..."

"This sounds horrible. Ryuko... I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't knew how bad it was here."

"Well, the school did change at least from the looks of it and apparently the students here are far less hostile than before. You know, you sometimes just see how evil people are just by looking into their eyes." Ryuko continues to explain and opens the door to the office. Kaori stands there, alone, at the moment. He's a tad bit bigger than Ryuko, has some muscles, not many, but some, short hair and a black school uniform. He seems alright though.

"Hey, asshole." Ryuko says annoyed. Kaori turns around and raises his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Shiiiitt... Ryuko, you've been away for a while." Karoi mentions. His voice sounds calm, but powerful, and a bit smokey. He reaches his hand towards Ryuko but she doesn't react.

"Still as unfriendly as always.

"You never know when it comes to you."

"I've changed, girl."

"Yeah, combed your hair, I'm impressed."

"And more. I'm working here now. I want my reputation to get better when I work. Not like I care about the peeps here, but you gotta start somewhere."

"You fucked me over, asshole."

"Well that happens when you try to protect some idiots."

"Idiots? It was a fucking couple. Cause of us, the boy landed in the damn psych ward!"


"... yeah, you really changed." Ryuko mentions. Kaori grins and leans onto a wall.

"So whatcha doin, Ryuko?"

"Wanted to take a look around. Still have some contact with the others?"

"Nah. Kikuko went to REVOCS, Taigen ran away like you and died in a car crash and Daisuke lives on the street..."

And while Ryuko talks with her former leader, Satsuki and Nui continue walking through the school and enter is eventually.

"Satsuki, my dear, absolutely EVERYTHING here is worse than on your lil academy."

"That's the third time you said that now."

"Because it's true." Nui smiles. Satsuki nods and walks up the stairs, until she notices Nui walking to some students who look at her confused due to her scar.

"You look really weird." a student says to Nui.

"Hah, right! I'm not the one wearing a black school uniform! That's boooooooring!"

"You look like this weirdo from REVOCS." another student comments on Nui's look.

"I am the "weirdo" from REVOCS." Nui answers.

"Hah, yeah right." the student chuckles and walks away with his friend. Nui gets grabbed by Satsuki the moment she wants to follow the students.

"Leave them. They don't know how great you are, after all, right?" Satsuki smiles towards Nui.

"Nice try, Satsuki." Nui smiles back and follows the students. Satsuki follows her.

"... to find my dad. That's why I left. That, and because I was done with your shit. We only fucked things up." Ryuko explains angry. Kaori shakes his head.

"Your father never cared for you, dude."

"But he WAS my father."

"Eh, what a shitty dad. And what's this stupid box on your back? You playing guitar or something?" Kaori asks grinning.

"None of your business."

"Why not? We're friends, aren't we?"

"We're not friends."

"Look at you, trying to be tough again. Keep the talking to me and the fighting for yourself, that's what you've always been good for after all.."

In the meantime, Neo-REVOCS arrives at the school. A few Ashigaru enter the school yard and look around, with the main army being a few hundred meters away still. The students can hear the transporters already. Satsuki chases Nui through the corridor who harasses the students.

"Dude, fuck off, what's your problem?!" a student asks.

"I want you to apologize for calling me a "weirdo." Weirdo is a bad word and every good human doesn't say that."

"Are you done, Harime?" Satsuki asks.

"Look, Harime. These students were very unfriendly and I'm sure they want to apologize for that IF you don't harass them. Otherwise, we will end up having a fight and that would make Ryuko angry. That wouldn't be nice, considering the fact that Ryuko has the scissor blades. Right, Harime?" Satsuki asks. They can hear people talking outside. Satsuki and Nui look to the school yard and see the Neo-REVOCS vehicles. arriving. Ashigaru and Samurai leave the transporters.

"A fight, you said?" Nui asks smiling.

"God damn it." Satsuki reacts and watches as the first Ashigaru pull out their Katanas and submachineguns. Other Ashigaru empty their transporters. They carry field cannons.

"Kiryuin and Harime!" a Samurai yells and points at both of them since he saw them through the window. The Ashigaru open their fire shortly.

"You were the asshole that..." Ryuko reacts angry and then hears gunshots and an explosion, causing a quake in the building.

"What was that!?"

"Oh no..." Ryuko mumbles surprised and runs out of the office, seeing the Ashigaru and Samurai approaching the school, attacking the students and killing them. Screams are audible.

"What the hell? Who are they!?"

"Neo-REVOCS. Stay in cover.

"Neo-REVOCS?! But..."

"No time to explain. Stay in cover and get to my companions, you'll notice them!" Ryuko orders Kaori and pulls out the needle on her gauntlet, transforming into Senketsu Azami. His eye's largen.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?" Kaori yells confused. Ryuko throws the scissor blade box out of the window, jumps out as well, and as the box opens, Ryuko grabs the scissor blades in the air, making a roll and then attacking the Ashigaru. Kaori runs down the stairs and meets up with Satsuki.


"On the ground." Satsuki orders and pushes Kaori down, drawing her Katana and activating the Wrath Regalia. Nui gets next to Kaori as she notices him looking at her in disbelief.

"What's up, sweetheart?" Nui asks and pulls out her REVOCS standard fiber rifle. She aims at the first Ashigaru and starts shooting.

The Neo-REVOCS field cannons start shooting at the school building. Fire spreads out, glasses break apart, screams are audible, and bullets and snow fill the air. Ryuko fights her way through the Ashigaru and is then attacked by two Samurai as she reaches the gate of the school, where the cannons are.

"Matoi!" a Samurai says threatening and attacks her with his team mate. Ryuko blocks the attacks easily, then proceeds to slam the scissor blades against one of them. Satsuki follows Ryuko and defeats a few more swordsmen, then helps her sister by attacking a Samurai from behind, kicking his back. He falls down. Satsuki pulls of his helmet and knocks him unconscious. The other Samurai is being slammed into a field cannon by Ryuko. The cannon explodes, the Samurai flies into the air and spins around. More Ashigaru arrive at the muddy battlefield.

"WHERE ARE YOUR CLONES, HARIME!?" Satsuki screams towards Nui.

"Clones galore!" Nui grins and throws twelve clones out of the window. They expand briefly after. All of them have only one eye and wield a needle blade. Briefly after, the clones attack the Ashigaru and Samurai. Despite the clones not being able to sustain damage, they can dodge attacks well. Since the Ashigaru are not used against the clones, they have a hard time beating them. It's easier for the Samurai but only if they work together. One Ashigaru after another falls, while Ryuko and Satsuki fight through the field cannons. The cannons - four out of six are still ready - fire at the school. Walls break apart, blood spreads on the battlefield. A field cannon tries to shoot briefly after, but in the last moment, Ryuko kicks the barrel to the side into the direction of a Neo-REVOCS transporter. The cannon accidentally then shoots the transporter, but since Ryuko is too close, she's blown away. Nui chuckles as she see's Ryuko getting slammed into a swing.

"These bastards..." Ryuko mumbles angry, with mud and snow on her face and body. She quickly wipes off the mud on Senketsu's eye and then continues. Ashigaru run into the building and attack the students, which doesn't mind Nui too much, at least until the Ashigaru suddenly decide to attack Nui first, probably because she is armed and therefore dangerous. Kaori watches Nui fighting.

"You guys look funny." Nui chuckles and attacks the Ashigaru, dodging their attacks, then punching one with her fist and eventually shooting him in the head and the soldier behind him as well due to the penetration. A Samurai appears and attacks Kaori. He dodges and runs out of the building, leaving the fight to Nui. Nui hits the arm of the Samurai. Blood leaves his arm, then she attacks with the buttstock of her weapon, hitting the Samurai's head. Kaori leaves the building, hiding behind some debris. Fire conquered the entire upper floor. He watches Ryuko getting shot by Ashigaru, as blood and bullets leave her torso and the right shoulder where Senketu's missing eye is. However, Ryuko continues fighting which confuses him. Satsuki protects the fleeing students and tries to hold off the Ashigaru, and as the last students escape, Satsuki runs towards the gunners that shoot at the iwndows and walls.

"Worthless machines." Satsuki says silent to herself in a disgusted voice. Even though the fight is going well for Ryuko, Satsuki and Nui, more and more Ashigaru appear from the forest. The missing cannons - two out of six - still continue shooting.

"Ryuko, attack the Samurai!" Senketsu suggests.

"But the cannons...!"

"Trust me!"

"Alright..." Ryuko agrees and attacks the Samurai that haven't noticed Ryuko yet as they have been too busy with Nui's clones and the students. More and more Samurai's fall due to Ryuko's scissor blades, making them completely naked. The Life Fibers from their armor enter Ryuko's body and Senketsu, increasing their power. Senketsu briefly lightens up red.

"Now hit the ground with the blades, Ryuko!" Senketsu orders to her. Ryuko slams the scissor blades onto the ground towards one of the field cannons. Life Fibers load from Senketsu into the scissor blades, the blades lighten up red and purple, then suddenly, the ground explodes in front of them in a three meter long row, and the cannon explodes.

"WOAH!" Ryuko reacts surprised. Motivated, Ryuko tries the same attack with the last cannon and destroys it, but briefly before it explodes, it can hit Ryuko and shreds away her legs, causing her to fall down into the mud. Kaori shivers scared as she see's Ryuko like that. Satsuki runs to the transporters and attacks the Ashigaru as they decide to flee. The school building is completely ruined. Nui and a few students and teachers leave the burning building.

"They flee!" Satsuki says towards Nui and Ryuko. Nui runs to Satsuki and meets up with her, while Ryuko slowly regenerates her legs. Nui shoots at some of the Ashigaru while Satsuki is able to reach a transporter that is about to drive away. She eliminates the Ashigaru driver and throws him out, then deals with the rest of them. From the about 240 Ashigaru and 16 Samurai that attacked the school, about 80-90 Ashigaru and 4 Samurai are left...

The school burns. Snow falls from the sky. Dead Ashigaru are everywhere. Broken armor of Samurai, and dead students and teachers lay around as well. Ryuko looks around on the battlefield as her legs are fully regenerated. As Satsuki and Nui come back, they see Ryuko sitting in the middle of the battlefield. She lets her blades fall on the ground as she comprehends all the chaos, and she is soaked with mud and snow. Satsuki shakes her head. Nui sighs annoyed.

"My poor clones, all dirty now..." she mumbles annoyed and starts collecting them slowly. Then she jumps up scared.

"FUUUUUUCK!" Ryuko screams angry and hits the ground. Kaori crawls towards Ryuko and then stands up. Ryuko looks up to him as he stands up, just like Senketsu.

"... I heard about you. You're that girl the people talk about right?" he asks disappointed but also, and especially angry. Ryuko nods slowly.

"You've destroyed REVOCS. And this... Kiryuin bitch that is supposed to be dead is your sister?" he asks. She nods again. Satsuki tries to comfort a few students in the background and helps them get out of the school yard.

"Don't worry, you are alright now." Satsuki tries to comfort.

"Stupid snow." Nui mumbles annoyed.

"... so you lead these people to the school?"

"... I didn't knew they would chase us..." Ryuko says disappointed. Kaori drags Ryuko up onto her legs.

"Look me in the eyes." he says purely evil. Ryuko looks at him.

"I always asked myself why your eyes were different. You're one of those... things, that wanted to kill all of us. Life Fibers, right?"

"... I..."

"You're just as fucked up as REVOCS, ain't you?"

"No, Kaori, I..." and then, Ryuko receives an uppercut all of a sudden.

"You stupid bitch! You stupid fucking bitch! YOU LEAD THEM TO THIS PLACE! EVERYONE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" Kaori screams annoyed and attacks Ryuko, hitting her face. Ryuko blocks with her fist and attacks back.

"YOU RUN AWAY AND SERIOUSLY COME BACK YEARS LATER TO FUCK ALL OF US!? YOU FUCKING BITCH, I'LL KILL YOU!" he screams and spits on her face. Then, he suddenly grabs the scissor blades.

"AND WHAT IS THIS?" he asks angry. Ryuko pushes Kaori away.

"Drop the weapons!"


"DROP THE WEAPONS!" Ryuko reacts angry.

"FUCK YOU!" he screams and attacks with the red scissor blade which is pretty heavy for him though. Satsuki comes back and see's him using the blades. She is shocked and instantly draws her Katana. Ryuko dodges, but Kaori grabs her back and aims at Ryuko's neck.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?" Kaori screams.

Suddenly, a shot is audible, and blood spreads into Ryuko's face. Kaori falls down. Nui walks towards Kaori. His kneecap is completely gone. Blood is everywhere.

"You think you could attack my Ryuko and get away with it?" Nui asks annoyed and reloads her weapon. A satisfying "Kling" rings out.

"NUI!" Ryuko screams. Kaori is scared and moans painfully. Nui pushes Ryuko away and rams the rifle blade into Kaori's heart. Then she grins.

"What's wrong, my dear, does it hurt? I can help you get rid of the pain! Don't you worry! Ain't I am a kind girl?" Nui laughs and then rips the blade out of his body. Blood mixes with the mud and snow on the ground, and Kaori dies instantly. Satsuki walks towards Ryuko and Nui. Ryuko jumps at Nui full of anger which confuses her.


"I only protected you?" Nui reacts confused.

"PROTECTED!?" Ryuko reacts and grabs the scissor blades.

"Ryuko!" Satsuki yells and runs to Ryuko. Ryuko doesn't react.

"YOU BITCH!" Ryuko screams and hits Nui's face. She's pretty confused. Satsuki then grabs Ryuko.

"Ryuko, stop this now!" Satsuki orders and grabs the scissor blades.

"Now my dress is dirty as well." Nui gripes.

"She killed Kaori! She..."

"ARE YOU DONE NOW!?" Satsuki screams angry.





"It's okay, Ryuko. I saw it. He threatened you and Harime protected you. She went too far. Killing Harime now won't help us."

"Satsuki, Nui..."

"I know. Ryuko, calm down. You'll get your chance. I need you alive and well." Satsuki requests and then hugs Ryuko. Ryuko sighs.

"It's okay." Satsuki whispers into Ryuko's ears. She turns back into the normal suit.

"That's all my fault..."

"You couldn't see it coming. I shouldn't have made the mistake and trust Ichiro's words to protect you. This man can kill you and I won't let him get away with that." Satsuki answers regretful. Nui looks at Ryuko and Satsuki calmly.

"We got a car now. We'll drive to Nagoya. I know a hideout there. It'll bring you on different minds and you'll feel better again, I promise. And there are enough ways to be entertained."

"... alright..." Ryuko sighs. Nui walks to the car.

Briefly after, Ryuko, Satsuki and Nui leave the burning school and get to the transport vehicle Satsuki stopped moments ago. She starts driving. Ryuko sits next to Satsuki while Nui is in the passengers room.

The car leaves the area.

Eventually, the school breaks apart...




To be continued.

Bonus cover

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Being an old Friend Of Isshin Matoi, Dr. L/N helped him with his Research on Life Fiber and helped him to create a Kamui specifically made for Isshin...