Chapter 9/3: Across Japan, Pursued By Darkness

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People are talking. The atmosphere is nice. A restaurant with warm, red looking walls. It's rather small, but nice and comfortable. The late evening has arrived, it's about 9 PM now. Every once in a while, cars drive outside. And then, two young women laugh.

"I didn't knew you could use a fishing rod, Mako!" Ryuko grins and blushes a bit.

"I can't use a fishing rod, but I can swim! And getting the fishes out of the water is the main goal, right?!" Mako asks happy.

"I don't think this would count as proper fishing, but uh, sure..." Ryuko chuckles and looks down onto the table briefly, but she has to smile the entire time.

"Going to the cinema will be so fun! I'm so excited!"

"I can tell."

"But before, we will EAT! I am hungry! I even declined moms croquettes! I never do that!"

"Besides, then we eat them tomorrow." Ryuko answers with a warm smile. Mako nods happy. Both girls wear nice every day clothes in their colors - red and blue up to black for Ryuko, and white-blue for Mako.

"Y-you know, Mako... I kinda still don't know what to say. This is my first date, after all." she explains hesitant and looks up to her friend.

"Mine too! But that's okay. A date is about coming together and being there for each other!" Mako explains smiling.

"Fair enough." Ryuko thinks and leans back. Shortly after, a waiter appears with tasty food for them. Mako rubs her hands excited and Ryuko's eyes shine slightly. The food smells good. Mako has a lot of Tempura food. That is basically fried food. Chicken, fish, even vegetables. Ryuko has some rice and a nice looking baked fish.

"Ohhh, Ryuko! I don't know what to eat first!"

"Hmm... try the fish first. Always start with the easy and light stuff and then work your way up." Ryuko suggests. Mako agrees to that, grabs a fish stick and eats it. It's very crispy and has a nice sounding crunch, but inside, the fish is really soft. Ryuko licks her lips. This looks really delicious. Then she concentrates on her fish, which is fairly good as well.

The evening continues enjoyable and relaxed. Both girls enjoy their food and make little jokes every once in a while, with Ryuko blushing whenever they have to laugh. After a while, the waiter appears curious.

"Did you enjoy your food?"

"We definitely did!" Ryuko answers satisfied. The waiter nods glad.

"Very good."

"Uhm, Ryuko? Can we get a little dessert too? Maybe ice cream?"

Ryuko nods.

"You heard her. We take two bowls of ice cream as well. The small ones." Ryuko suggests.

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