Breathe Me

By eternalxrry

468K 15K 5.7K

Omega Louis thinks he's worthless, after being told thousands of times a day, he finally starts to believe th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 27
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 9

17.2K 673 210
By eternalxrry

Trigger warning, brief mention of homophobic slurs. If easily triggered please do not read.

Happy New Year to my readers 🎆🎉


"Faggot." I heard Aiden snigger, as my cheek made contact with the cool metal of my locker.

It's been a week since I've been to school. Somehow I managed to convince my mum to let me have a week off school. I haven't checked my phone since I left school that day. I've heard it go off , but I've ignored it and let it die. I don't need sympathy messages from Niall or Gemma, even worse Harry. I can't stop thinking about him.

"See you around omega." Jason sniggers next to Aiden. Great, Aiden's gone and got a new disciple for his gang. Another person to hate me.

Sighing heavily I push myself away from my locker. I've literally been here for 3 minutes and I already want to go home. Seven months left Louis remember that, it's okay. I'm actually quite glad I've skipped two years, means I get to leave school when I'm 16 instead of 18. Then I can finally be free, away from all the bullies.

"LOUIS!" I hear someone scream. I confusedly look behind me to see Niall running towards me, with a panicked and pained expression on his face.

"Oh god Louis you idiot." He says as he reaches me, pulling me in to a bone crushing hug. I stand there awkwardly as he holds me close, until I start to feel tears dripping on to my hair. I pull away and hold him at arms length to see him crying with red rimmed eyes.

"Niall what's wrong, why are you crying?" I frown.

"What's wrong? How can you even ask that! Gemma told me what happened Lou. She panicked and freaked out once you left and then we couldn't find you, we didn't know where you went. We were all panicking and when Harry and Liam came home, they knew something was wrong , so we had to tell them. And I'm so sorry if you didn't want them to know, but we were all so scared. Then you didn't come to school at all last week and you weren't answering your phone, so we thought that something really bad had happened to you." He rambles, pulling me in to another hug.

They care. People actually care. Tears brim my eyes and flow down my cheeks freely. This time I hug Niall back.

"I'm fine Niall, I was just ill last week." I murmur into his shoulder, trying to stop the tears.

"Last week was hell for everyone Lou. You may not realise it, because we've only known you for like a month, but we all really care about you! Especially Harry, he was the worst Lou. He was so worried, he thought he'd never see you again." He says softly, pulling back and wiping the tears away from underneath my eyes.

"He really cares for you Lou." He sighs softly. "You've just got to let us all in. Nothing bad will happen to you anymore."

Maybe it is time I let someone in. But I'm still too afraid. I don't want to let them in, just for them all to leave me. That's my biggest fear. Fuck my earlier decision about just being friends with Harry, it was a stupid idea anyway.

"Okay." I whisper barely audible. This could be a fresh start for me. Maybe finally, I can feel loved and protected. Niall's face splits in to a grin.

"C'mon lets skip school and go back to the pack house, we've got shit lessons today anyway." He says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.


(At the pack house)

"Is um, Harry here?" I ask, blushing slightly as Niall opens the front door.

"Yes why?" He asks turning back to look at me with a smirk, making me blush profusely.

"I think Harry will be quite glad to see you actually. He can finally get some rest now once he finds out your here." He says keeping the smirk on his face. I look down at the floor, still blushing a cherry red colour.

Then the next thing I know I hear heavy footsteps running down the stairs. I look up from the floor to see Harry staring at me with wide eyes, before he swiftly makes his way over to me, pulling me in to a hug, much like the one Niall gave me earlier. He presses his face in to my neck and breathes in heavily. I melt in to his arms as they securely wrap around me.

"Oh my god Louis thank god you are okay. I thought something had happened to you." He breathes out, tickling my neck as he talks. He pulls back and I see tears pooling in his breathtaking green eyes.

"I thought something really bad had happened Louis. You don't understand how scared and worried I was. I'm never letting you out of my sight again." He says softly, eyes flickering to my lips.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you all." He shakes his head and wipes some of the stray tears I have falling down my cheeks. That's all I seem to do now a days, I'm such an emotional wreck.

"Lou." He breathes, eyes flickering from my lips back to my eyes. I nod my head as we both slowly lean in. I wrap my arms loosely around his shoulders, as his tighten around my waist.

His eyes flicker back up to my eyes for final conformation, as we lean in the rest of the way and press our lips together for the first time. I close my eyes as my stomach erupts with butterflies. We move our lips against each others slowly. He kisses me sweetly and lovingly and I can't help but want more. He pulls away when the need for air becomes too much. He rests his forehead against mine, as we try to gain our breath back.

"I can't lose you Lou. I mean it, I don't care if we haven't known each other long, I will make you happy again." He says determinedly, pecking my forehead as he links our hands together.

"Please don't leave me." I whisper barely audible.

"I don't think I can Lou, I'm already too deep." He whispers back, kissing me again.

This is how I know I've made the right decision. Maybe now I can finally be happy.

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