Our Forced Marriage ~ A Meliz...

By meIiiodas

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When Elizabeth's father suddenly comes back from months of business inquiries, she is hit with the news of so... More

| prologue |


766 20 11
By meIiiodas

[Elizabeth's POV]:

Walking down the stairs, I heard unfamiliar voices. I roamed into the kitchen to see familiar messy blonde hair with what I imagined was his two parents, discussing things with father.

I was praying that it wasn't who I thought it was, and that I was just hallucinating. He turned around though, with the same emerald eyes gazing at me, just the same as earlier today. That smile I got so flustered by had returned once again. My eyes widened.

"M-Meliodas??" I asked in shock. That is all that would come out of my mouth, I was so surprised. He was my future groom? My friends hate him, they are not going to be happy with this news.

"Ah, Elizabeth. I see you've made it downstairs. Very good." My father also turned around, leaving the food that was cooking in the pans for a moment.

"I assume you know Meliodas. How about you two go upstairs to your room to get to know each other? We have things to discuss, anyways." he cleared his throat at the last part. We both nodded and I lead him to my room.


Once we walked inside, he gasped a little.

"What, never seen a ladies room before?" I rolled my eyes before hopping on the bed and reaching for my phone.

"Nah, was just impressed by the interior is all. I love your style." he walked around taking a look, and I couldn't help but watch. I looked back to my phone and was about to message Diane, until I felt someone staring at me. Glancing back up again, I saw emerald eyes very close to my sapphire ones, which took me aback. He snatched my phone off me, and put it to a place where I couldn't reach unless I got out the bed. I groaned.

"What was that for??" I asked, almost irritated. He chuckled a little.

"There'll be none of that for now, our parents say we should get to know each other, so we should take the opportunity." he shrugged, sitting next to me on the bed which made it tilt a little in return.

I sighed. "You're actually enjoying this??" I was about to go on a rant. "We're getting a forced marriage, and you don't seem to care. It's as if this isn't new to you-- I wanted to explore my life, not have to force it with someone."

"Especially someone my friends don't like."

That phrase made Meliodas rise a brow.

"You mean Diane and Elaine?? Why would they dislike me, I used to hang out with them all the time."

He sounded a little broken at that, which made me feel guilty. I don't know whether I was supposed to believe him, but he seemed genuine.

"Why did you stop hanging out?" I asked curiously. He sighed a little, with a small laugh coming out. It was silent, and admittedly adorable. I will never admit that to anybody though, even if it cost me my life.

"It was because I told King of Diane's feelings for him. It caused a bit of drama, but I never thought they'd just hate me completely. I meant it as a joke." he frowned a little. "I miss the gang."

I was disheartened at this, but I didn't know what to do. I could hug him, but to me that's too fast. I could say something wise, but I'm not wise enough for this situation. There were many options too, but I just sat there as still as a rock.

"Well, I could talk to them about it if that's fine with you?" I blurted out. The one stupid thing I shouldn't have said but did. He turned to face me, and gave a small smile.

"That'd be appreciated, thanks Elizabeth."

"That doesn't answer the rest of my rant though." I stated. Although we just had a sob story, I was not about to let that get the best of me. I was to stand my ground no matter what.

"Oh yeah." he chuckled. "Well, you don't seem to hate me. I notice those stares at school, Liones."

I pouted. "That was nothing.." I did sound really nervous for some reason, which he definitely picked up on.

"I even saw you flustered running home. Perhaps you don't know it but maybe you do enjoy my presence?" he leaned me against the wall and placed his hand on one of my breasts, giving it a light squeeze. I blushed immensely, I wanted to slap him away so badly, maybe this was the douchey side of him I hadn't seen yet?

"I was only teasing." he let go. "But you never said no?"

That made my face boil. I hated to admit it but there was truth in everything he had said. Maybe I enjoyed this conversation right now. I seemed awfully engaged and curious about his life. And why did I not say no when he did that? It actually felt nice, he had a firm yet light grip so that it wasn't painful. Although it did feel nice, it was still a bit too fast and I'm glad he was just messing around.

"Elizabeth, Meliodas, dinners ready!!" the parents called. We both hopped off the bed.

"Oh, and as for why I'm not so bothered about the forced marriage." he stopped before his hand could reach the door handle, with me at a distance from behind.

"It's because it means I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

After that, he opened the door for me, and we walked down together. I didn't even say a word as a response, I wasn't sure how exactly to respond to that?? Why would he want to spend the rest of his life with someone so random? I still don't get it.

We sat at the table side by side, with glasses filled with red wine and a full dinner. My father typically decided to start a conversation about us two, exactly what I was dreading.

"So, have you two got to know each other?" he asked, whilst munching on a chicken wing, leaving some crumbs to fall onto the table. Some scattered onto the floor, causing our puppy to eat the excess. We both just nodded and casually continued eating.

The adults were mostly talking and laughing. I was fine with the spotlight not being on us, infact I preferred it that way. Me and Meliodas would make eye contact from time to time and smile awkwardly but look away after. The puppy walked across the bottom of our table discreetly and wrapped its body around mine and Meliodas' foot, which made us finally look at each other without it being so awkward. We blushed a little before it walked away.

"I'll clean our plates way." Meliodas offered to take mine. At first I refused but with convincing I finally accepted the request. After that we both went upstairs, whilst the parents were getting ready to leave.

"By the way." Meliodas started to say. "I'm sorry."

I rose my brow a little. "For what?"

"For taking away any opportunity for you to have a love life. If I could, I'd stop it so you could be happy." he explained.

"I'm sorry you're going through all of this aswell." he gave a genuine smile. I smiled back warmly, it wasn't just his appearance that was attracting me anymore. I was genuinely interested in this person. Where was the douchey person Diane and Elaine were on about? I only saw good in him.

Without thinking, I went towards his cheek and pecked it with my lips. "It's alright, it's not your fault, Meliodas."

He blushed for a little before smirking.

"Falling for me already, Ms Liones?" which in return made me a little flustered. I cleared my throat.

"Uh, no. Just...thankful." I whispered. Is it wrong to have thought I really wanted to kiss him? I mean, I'm going to end up spending my life with him anyways. God, I'm catching feelings already, I really am such a mess.

We both laughed, before his parents called him down.

"See you at school tomorrow-- oh, and here's my number. Let's keep it on the low for now." he advised. I nodded in agreement, he gave me his number and I immediately tapped it in my phone. I waved off the family with a smile after he rushed downstairs and walked outside.

I bobbed him a text and decided to sleep early, tomorrow was another day, and I wanted to tell Diane & Elaine EVERYTHING that happened.

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