Marvel's The Titan (Male Read...

By therealneil2000

1.5M 36.3K 30.5K

You are Y/N L/N, and under strange circumstances, you gain fantastical abilities. Let's see how your story un... More

A Strange Encounter (Iron Man)
First Night Out (Iron Man)
Hero Life/Surprises (Iron Man 2)
Spider's Aren't So Bad (Iron Man 2)
Recruitment (Avengers 2012)
Meeting My History Project (Avengers 2012)
God-Fighting Machine (Avengers 2012)
Kid In The Room (Avengers 2012)
First Monster Fight (Avengers 2012)
Live Up 2 The Name (Avengers 2012)
Wartime Baby (Avengers 2012)
Earning My Stripes (Avengers 2012)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Crashing This Ship (Winter Soldier 2014)
Boss in Trouble (Winter Soldier 2014)
New Player In Town (Winter Soldier 2014)
On The Run, Great (Winter Soldier 2014)
Into A Birds Nest (Winter Soldier 2014)
Winter Battle (Winter Soldier 2014)
My Order's (Winter Soldier 2014)
Quitting in Style (Winter Soldier 2014)
Avengers: Age Of Ultron
Gang Is Back (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Party Time Problems (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Witch's Wicked Ways (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Slight Detour (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Metal Poisoning (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Evening The Odds (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Petal 2 The Metal (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Eye Of The Titan (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Voting Time
Captain America: Civil War
2nd Favorite Spider (Civil War 2016)
Problem After Problem (Civil War 2016)
Switching It Up (Civil War 2016)
Bones 2 Pick (Civil War 2016)
Debate Team (Civil War 2016)
Winter's Return (Civil War 2016)
Breakout Decisions (Civil War 2016)
In Queens (Civil War 2016)
Airport Battle (Civil War 2016)
Fractured 4 Good (Civil War 2016)
Voting Time (Part 2)
Guardians Of The Galaxy
Invasion (GOTG 2016)
Welcome 2 Space (GOTG 2016)
Going Knowhere (GOTG 2016)
Cherry Bomb (GOTG 2016)
Small Vote
The Guardians (GOTG 2016)
Just A Question
Avengers: Infinity War
Before The War (Infinity War 2018)
Earth Is Closed (Infinity War 2018)
Reunion Of A Lifetime (Infinity War 2018)
Two (Infinity War 2018)
War Of Wakanda (Infinity War 2018)
Clash Of The Titans (Infinity War 2018)
Final Assault (Infinity War 2018)
Avengers: Endgame
Aftermath (Endgame 2018)
One More Chance (Endgame 2018)
Five (Endgame 2023)
The Get Togethers (Endgame 2023)
Newfound Hope (Endgame 2023)
The Plan (Endgame 2023)
Whatever It Takes (Endgame 2023)
The Final Battle Pt.I (Endgame 2023)
The Final Battle Pt.II (Endgame 2023)
Finale (Endgame 2023)
Voting Time (Part III)
Black Widow
Stay-At-Home (Black Widow 2023)
Return 2 Action? (Black Widow 2023)
The Fighting Spirit (Black Widow 2023)

Locked Losers (GOTG 2016)

13.4K 370 281
By therealneil2000


The 5 new prisoners walk in a line, handcuffed and led by two guards. The order is Gamora in the front, Rocket, Y/N, Peter, and Groot.

"I guess most of Nova Corps wanna uphold the laws, but these ones here, they're corrupt and cruel." Rockets chuckles as he monologues.

"But hey, that's not my problem. I ain't gonna be here long. I've escaped 22 prisons. This ones no different. You two are lucky the broad showed up, because otherwise, me and Groot would be collecting those bounties right now and you'd two be getting drawn and quartered by Yondu and those Ravagers."

Y/N gets a confused expression on his face,
"Wait? I had a bounty? And Yondu was the one that put it up? Blue-bastard..."

Peter widens his eyes a bit as he looks at the back of Y/N's head.
"Wait, you know Yondu?"

"Hell yeah, I do. He's the only reason I'm here and not at home sleeping."

Peter shrugs as he now addresses Rocket,
"I've had a lot of folks try to kill me over the years. I ain't about to be brought down by a tree and a talking raccoon."

The prisoners yells "Hold", causing the 5 law-breakers to stop.

"What's a raccoon?" Rocket asks outloud

"What's a raccoon? That's what you are, stupid." Peter informs, causing Y/N to look down at Rocket.

"Wait, you didn't know you're a raccoon?"

Rocket turns and looks up at the surprised Y/N,
"Well, obviously, since I asked, idiot!"

"Hey! I'm not gonna be called an idiot by a DAMN raccoon!" Y/N snaps at the small creature

"WHAT.THE.HELL. Is a Raccoon!!" Rocket lets out exasperatedly

"They're thieving little rascals that think they can take anything in their sights! There, happy?!"

Rocket perks his eyes up, "Really? Sounds like my kinda crowd."

Y/N groans as the guards push them ahead. Gamora for a second, looks back at Y/N before the doors open up.

As they continue to walk forward, Y/N asks Quill a question.

"Hey, so what exactly is in that orb?"

Peter shrugs, "I don't know, I just stole it."

"Wait, so you took something and you don't even know what it is you stole?"


Quill turns his attention towards Gamora,
"So, this orb has a real blue suitcase, Ark of the Covenant, Maltese Falcon sort of vibe. What is it?"

"I Am Groot." The tree announces behind them

"So what? What's the orb?"

"I have no words for an honorless thief." She retorts, causing Y/N to smirk to himself.

"Fine." Y/N interjects, "I'll ask. What's in the orb?"

Gamora lets out a small huff,
"It's a weapon. Something that Ronan seeks. That's all you need to know."

Y/N lets out a hmph, "Vague, but okay."

Wanting to know a bit more about his fellow inmates, he turns his head back at Quill.

"So, what's someone like you doing here when you should be on Earth?"

"I'm from Missouri, not Earth. Anyway, who are you?"

"What the- Missouri IS on Earth, dumbass. How the hell you end of all the way here?"

"Yondu took me as a kid." Peter blunts lets out.

"Wow." Y/N says, "Look like Yondu has a fetish for taking young men from their homes."

Peter and Rocket laugh as Gamora just shakes her head. Since Y/N asked a question, seems only right that Peter ask him the same thing.

"So where you from? I assume Terra?"

"Naw." Y/N draws out, "I'm actually from Cyberton. Optimus Prime is my adopted father."

"Really?!" Peter asks excitingly

"No, you idiot! I'm from Earth too. More specifically, New York."

"I am Groot."

Rocket laughs out loud, "You're right, Groot. I like this kid too."

Y/N, having a brain freeze from Quill's cluelessness, faces forward at Gamora. "So, what the hell does this Ronan need the orb for?"

Before the green alien can respond, Rocket interjects,
"Hey, Kid, I'd advise not talking to the lackey of a genocidal manic."

Rocket looks up at a slightly distressed Gamora, "Yeah, I know who you are. Anyone who's anyone know who you are."

"Well, then obviously I'm nobody because I don't have the slightest clue who you are." Y/N directs at Gamora.

"Yeah, we know who you are!" Peter yells out before looking back at Groot, "Who is she?"

"I am Groot!"

"Yeah, you said that." With an annoyed expression on Peter, Y/N looks forward at Gamora as the guard opens up yet another door.

"I wasn't retrieving the orb for Ronan. I was betraying him."

"Oh, betrayal, huh?" Y/N lets out, "Always a good sign for a good person at heart."

Gamora rolls her eyes at the snide comment,
"Anyway, I had an agreement to sell it to a third party."

"I am Groot!"

"Hey, Rocket." Y/N addresses the talking creature,
"What's up with the Christmas tree back there?"

"What's Christmas?" Rocket asks the former Avenger.

"It's a- forget it. What's wrong with Groot?"

"Well, he don't know talking good like me and you. So his vocabulistics is limited to "I" and "am" and "Groot." Exclusively in that order."

"Well, I'm sure that won't get old soon." Y/N mutters under his breath.

Suddenly, music is heard from the side the group walks past. Peter looks on as he spots a alien guard put on a Walkman headset.

"Hey!" Peter yells out, "Put that away."

Y/N, who sense Quill is gonna do something idiotic, tries to stop him, "Wait, Wait, don't go in t-"

Peter steps into the other cage, causing Y/N and the rest of them to widen their eyes.

"Listen to me, you big blue bastard. Take those headphones off. That's mine. Those belong to impound. That tape and that player is mine!"

The alien quickly picks up a taser baton and lunges to at Peter's chest, causing the Ravager to get on his knees and clench up in pain. He looks up at the angry alien

"Hooked on a Feeling, Blue Swede, 1973. That song belongs to me!"

The alien pokes the baton into Quill's chest again, shocking him even more as he lands on his side.

Y/N and Gamora leans against the gate, looking on at the stupidity that is Peter Quill getting his ass handed to him.


Y/N is lead into a separate space and told to strip to his undergarments. He reluctantly does so as he keeps his eye on the guard holding a hose towards him.

"You guys couldn't have atleast had a female guard do this? I'd be a bit more comfortable."

The guard does nothing as he sprays the shirtless Y/N with orange liquid, seemingly to clean him.

After that "unpleasant" event, they push him into his another space, where he sees Starlord and Rocket getting dressed.

Y/N puts on his new yellow uniform as both him and Peter look at Rocket's back, which seems to hold some cybernetic pieces.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into..."


The 5 new prisoner, in their prison uniforms, walk into the giant cafeteria. In there, they are a ton of prisoner, ranging from small to tall, fat to skinny, orange and blue, puny and muscular, you name it.

Seeing a slightly nervous Y/N walking with them, Gamora gets close to him, "First time in space prison?"

Y/N turns his attention to her, "First time in any prison. Why, was it that obvious?"

"It's practically oozing off your face." She smirks as they walk through the eating space. Most of the aliens look at the newcomers in curiosity, some in distaste, and some as if they want to eat them.

Y/N looks up at the huge control center in the middle of the floor, noticing the windows and gun-wielding drones flying around.

Peter is hit on the head with a can, causing him and Y/N to look up and notice the prisoners above yelling at them.

"You first! You first!"


"Coming for you first, Gamora! You're dead!"

"Check out those Terrans? I call getting the H/C one!"

Y/N notices most of them directing their anger and distaste towards Gamora, who is trying her best not to show any emotion.

"Like I said." Rocket starts off as the 5 of them continue to walk together, "She's got a rep. A lot of prisoners here have lost their families to Ronan and his goons. She'll last a day, tops."

Y/N turns to Gamora, "What kind of people do you hang with?" Gamora does her best not to look at Y/N.

Peter looks down at Rocket, "The guards will protect her right?"

"They're here to stop us from getting out. They don't care what we do to each other in here."

Y/N accidentally drops the black wrapped bag the guards gave them earlier, causing him to go down and reach for it. Once he looks back up, a giant blue alien prisoner steps in front of him.

"Check out the new meat."

Y/N, with a weirded out look on his face, takes a few steps back. "Uh, I believe we don't know each o-"

The alien carcass Y/N's cheek with his fingers, causing the newcomer to widen his eyes and squirm from the foreign touch.

"I'm gonna slather you up in Gunavian jelly, and go to-"

Y/N grabs onto the aliens fingers and swiftly breaks them, earning a loud screech of pain. He spears the alien to the ground, gets on top of him and starts alternating his fists into the poor aliens face.

"I'm- BAM BAM - not getting- BAM BAM - raped by no- BAM BAM- damn- BAM BAM- alien-fuck! BAM BAM BAM BAM!"

As Y/N continues to beat the alien's face to death, Rocket looks around at the shocked prisoners,
"If he's message isn't clear enough, allow me to make it even more clearer."

He points at Y/N and Quill,
"These two here are our booty! You wanna get to them, you go through us!"

Crunching sounds are heard as Y/N's fist starts to crush the aliens skull inwards, causing blood to go everywhere as he doesn't let up. Most of the prisoners are frightened more by Y/N beating the criminal to death rather than Rocket's speech.

"Or, more accurately, we go through you!"

Y/N keeps slamming his right fist into the dead aliens exposed skull, which is practically nothing but pieces of bone, flaps of skin and flesh, and a SHIT TON of blood.

Rocket puts a hand on the occupied Y/N's shoulder,
"Alright, kid. I think they got the message now."

Y/N finally stops as he looks down at his handy work, he looks up at a smirking Rocket and nods with a heavy breath.

As Rocket and Groot walk away, Y/N slowly gets up and looks around at the petrified criminals,
"Anyone else wanna try me?! Huh?!"

Everyone takes a look at the dead corpse of the faceless alien on the ground, who is slightly twitching from the severe beating.

"Naw, I'm good."

"Don't want no piece of you, Terran."

"You got it."

"You showed me enough."

"I'll rub your feet if need be."

The aliens mutter to themselves as Y/N wipes his blood covered hands on his uniform to get the substance off him. He gives everyone the once-over before waving Quill over.

"Come on, Quill."

Peter sheepishly looks towards Y/N, who puts an arm around the scared Ravager, as they both walk away.

As they walk out of sight, Quill looks behind his shoulder, "I'm with him!" He yells out to everyone, just in case they tried to get into his ass at anytime.

Quill turns to an annoyed Y/N,
"Remind me not to get on your bad side."

The corners of Y/N's mouth go up slightly as he looks at Starlord, "Don't get on my bad side."

For the rest of the day, not a prisoner nor guard tried to get funny with Y/N.


Due to Y/N's earlier display of strength, none of the prisoners even dared tried to sleep near him in the sleeping quarters.

As Y/N and Quill lay a few inches away from their shoulders, Y/N's head perks up as he catches a voice talking in the distance

"Take her into the showers. It'll be easier to clean up the blood down there."

Y/N's looks around as he sits up and hears yelling, which can be determined to be a woman's voice.

Y/N shakes the resting Quill's shoulder,
"Hey, man. Wake your ass up."

Quill rubs his eyes as he sits up,
"W-what? What is it?"

"I think someone's in trouble." Y/N whispers as Quill yawns.

"Well, duh. We're in a prison. There's nothing here BUT trouble."

Y/N and Starlord widen their eyes when they sees several prisoners carrying a struggling Gamora away, to god knows where.

The two guys look at each other before getting up silently, which also causes Rocket to slowly get up, fur matted down at all.

"Y/N? Quill? Where you guys going?"

Rocket looks on as Y/N and Quill sneak away from the chamber and go away from sight.

Bathing Area

"ARGH!" Gamora yells out as she is slammed against the wall by three prisoners, who hold their knives near her throat.

"Gamora, consider this a death sentence for your crimes against the galaxy!"

He pulls his knife back to lunge it into her throat, but before that happens, a voice rings out.


All three prisoners look back as he big hulking figure comes from the shadows. He starts to slowly walk towards the frightened criminals.

"You know who I am, yes?"

"You're Drax. The Destroyer."

As they converse, Y/N and Quill sneak behind a door and look at what's transpiring.

Rocket gets near then and pulls on their pants leg, trying to get them to step away.

"And you know why they call me this?" Drax asks as the bald alien steps away.

"Y-you slayed d-dozens of Ronan's minions."

"Ronan murdered my wife, Ovette, and my daughter, Camaria. He slaughtered them where they stood."

He turns to the criminal, "And he LAUGHED!"

The alien flinches back in fright as Drax looks at him calmly, "Her life is not yours to take. He killed my family." He faces the expressionless Gamora.

"I shall kill one of his in return."

"Of course, Drax. Here, I..." the alien hands Drax his favorite knife.

For a few seconds, nothing happens. Suddenly Gamora disarms the two prisoners next to her, kills them and holds the knifes next to Drax and the bald aliens necks.

Y/N gives off a pleased expression,
"Not bad. Not bad at all."

"I'm no family to Ronan or Thanos."
She drops the knives, which clatter in front of Drax's feet.

"I'm your only hope at stopping him."

Drax yells as he grabs her by the throat and slams her against the wall. "Woman, your words mean nothing to me!"

Y/N steps forward and raises his hands up, which causes Quill and Rocket to panic.

"Hey, man. What's your name? Drax right? Maybe it wouldn't be in your best interest to gut her."

Drax turns his head to the slow approaching Y/N,
"Back away, Terran! This has nothing to do with you!"

"Maybe, but did you hear what she said? Maybe she's the key to stopping Ronan. You see if we-"

Drax charges at Y/N, who widens his eyes as Drax slashes his knife towards Y/N's neck.

Titan moves his head to avoid the swipes, which enrages the Destroyer even more for not landing a hit.

Seeing an opening, Y/N swiftly disarms Drax and lands a punch on Drax's jaw, which looks to not affect Drax much at all as he glares at the surprised Y/N.

"Ah, shit.." he whispers under his breath before Drax chokes Y/N with one hand and throws him near a recovering Gamora.

Drax picks up his knife and attempts to kill Gamora, but Y/N gets in front and holds an arm in front of her.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Quill calls out, causing Drax to turn to the approaching Ravager.

"You know, like Y/N said, if killing Ronan is truly your sole purpose, I don't think this is the best way to go about it."

"Are you not the man this wench attempted to kill?" Drax asks

"Well, I mean, she's hardly the first woman to try and do that to me." Quill raises his shirt up and bit and shows off a scabbed wound.

"Look, this is from a smoking-hot Rajak girl. Stabbed me with a fork. Didn't like me skipping out on her at sunrise."

Y/N mouths out to Quill
"Get to the point."

Quill doesn't see that as he lowers his collar a bit, revealing another wound, "I got this, right here, from a Kree girl who tried to rip out my thorax. She caught me with this skinny little A'askavariian who worked in Nova records. I was trying to get information."

"Quill!" Y/N cries out, causing Peter to look at an annoyed L/N.

"Get to the point!"

"Sorry." Quill apologies before looking back at Drax,
"Here's the point, she betrayed Ronan. He's coming back for her. And when he does, that's when you..."

Quill makes a cutting motion on his throat, which has Drax mightily confused.

"Why would I put my finger on his throat?"

Y/N, who is still protecting Gamora, and Quill both look on at Drax like he's stupid.

Quill is the first to snap out of it,
"Oh, no, it's a symbol. This is a symbol for you slicing his throat."

"I would not slice his throat. I would cut his head clean off."

Y/N rolls his eyes at the exchange,
"Oh, for the love of- What he means is that you'll get to kill him."

"Thank you." Quill directs at Y/N,
"What we're saying is, you want to keep her alive."

Drax looks at both Gamora and Y/N, which the latter smirks, "Alive. You know what that means right? Or do I have to explain that as well?"

Drax slowly nods as Y/N's smile gets bigger,
"Good. Don't do Ronan's work for him"

Drax eventually loosens up as he looks down at the knife in his hand. "I like your knife. I'm keeping it."

The alien looks down in sadness,
"That was my favorite knife."

Y/N chuckles as he helps Gamora up,
"You okay there?"

"Y-yes." She waves him off as she walk ahead of them.

Minutes Later

"Look!" Quill yells out to a walking Gamora,
"I couldn't care less whether you live or whether you die."

Y/N elbows Quill ribs, which earns him a small "ow."

"Be nice, Peter." Y/N warms the whining Quill.

Gamora quickly turns to them,
"Then why stop the big guy?"

"Simple." Quill answers, "You know where to sell my Orb."

"How are we gonna sell it when we and it are still here?"

Quill looks down at the talking Racoon,
"My friend Rocket here, has escaped 22 prisons. And we plan on getting out, all 4 of us."

Y/N widens his eyes a bit,
"Wait, we're leaving? Damn, I kind of liked it here. Everyone knowing not the fuck with me, man that feels good. I felt like a king."

Gamora, Quill, and Rocket give him a "are you serious?" type look.

He looks at them before bursting out in laughter,
"I'm kidding, you guys. Fuck this place."

He looks down at Rocket,
"So you can get us out?"

Rocket crosses his arms over his chest,
"Oh, we're getting out. And then we're headed straight to Yondu to retrieve both you guy's bounties."

Y/N scoffs at that proclamation,
"Yeah, right."

"How much was your buyer willing to pay you for my orb?" Quill asks the green-skinned woman

"Four billion units."

"Holy shit!"
Quill and Rocket exclaim at the same time, but Y/N looks uninterested.

"That orb is my opportunity to get away from Thanos and Ronan."

At the mention of Thanos, Y/N gets a slight chill down his spine, and he can feel Sasuke getting angry in his mindscape.

"If you free us, I'll lead you to the buyer directly and I'll split the profit between the four of us."

Y/N waves that notion off
"Eh, I don't need much. I just need a ship so I can get back home to Earth."

"I am Groot."

The 4 of them turn and see Groot looking at them behind the sleeping chambers door.

"The 5 of us." Rocket adds in before looking at his giant friend, "Asleep for the danger, awake for the money, as per frickin' usual."

The Next Morning

In the cafeteria, the 5 of them are currently in a line to get their foods on their trays.

The criminals that pass by quiver when they see Y/N standing in line. He smirks as he spits at one of them coming near him.

"AAH!" They scream as they run the opposite direction, which earns a laugh from Y/N.

"HAHAHAHAHA! This is great. Got them scared shitless in here."

"Anyway," Rocket interjects as he looks up at the watchtower, "If we're gonna get out of here, we're gonna need to get into that watchtower. And to do that, I'm gonna need a few things."

They all get their food and walk towards a table to sit at, "The guards wear security bands to control their ins and outs. I need one."

"Leave it to me." Gamora offers

"That dude, there." Rocket motions his head towards a metal-legged inmate, "I need his prosthetic leg."

"His leg?" Peter asks

"Yeah. God knows I don't need the rest of him. Look at him, he's useless."

"All right." Peter says unconvincingly

Y/N looks down at Rocket, who winks up at the Avenger.

Y/N rolls his eyes as they sit down at a table in the corner.

"And finally, on the wall back there is a black panel. Blinky yellow light. Do you see it?"

Y/N turns his head and spots it from afar,

"There's a quarnyx battery behind it. Purplish box, green wires. To get into the watchtower, I definitely need it."

Gamora looks at the creature in slight confusion,
"How are we supposed to do that?"

"Well, supposably, these bald-bodies find you attractive. So, maybe you can work out some sort of trade."

Y/N snickers under his breath, which doesn't go unnoticed as Gamora glares at him before looking back at Rocket.

"You must be joking."

"No, I really heard they find you attractive."

"Look," Quill adds in, "Its 20 feet up in the air, and it's in the middle of the most heavily guarded part of the prison. It's impossible to get up there without being seen."

Rocket shakes his head, "I got one plan, and that plan requires a frickin' quarnyx battery, so FIGURE IT OUT!"

"Fine." Y/N lets out, "I'll see what I can do."

"Now, this is important. Once the battery is removed, everything is gonna slam into emergency mode. Once we have it, we gotta move quickly, so we definitely need to get that last."

The prison is suddenly filled with a loud alarm sound, and the lights start to change up. The 4 of them look behind them and see Groot show them the battery in his large hand.

"Or we could just get it first and improvise."

"I'll get the armband."


Peter and Gamora get up to do their jobs, leaving a annoyed Rocket and a confused Y/N.

"So uh..." Y/N lets out, "What do I do then?"

"Just keep the guards and prisoners off Groot's back. You'll know when to join us in the watchtower."

"Sure." Y/N swiftly gets up and gets near a confused Groot, "Hey, pal. You sure know how to throw everything off huh?"

Groot simply shrugs, "I am Groot."

"Yeah, whatever that means."

A voice from the watchtower blares from above,
"Prisoner, drop the device immediately and retreat to your cell or we will open fire."

Several drones surround Y/N and Groot, in which the latter one starts to grow a bit with agitation,



Chaos erupts through the prison as Groot covers Y/N with his body whilst the drones start to fire at the giant tree. Groot grunts as he quickly smashes one away from his face.

As Rocket crawls up Groot's body, Y/N sees several guards pointing their large guns at Groot's back.

"Well, here we go." Y/N cracks his neck before dashing at the occupied guards.

He kicks a gun away from one of their hands before smashing his elbow into the guard's temple, causing them to crumble to the ground.

One tries to fire directly at him, but Y/N rolls out the way, picks up a gun from the ground and delivers a shot to the guards forehead, killing them instantly.

Another guard goes to punch L/N in the face, but the Titan moves his head at the last second, grabs the middle of their arm and breaks it before flinging them into a wall.

Y/N delivers a devastating headbutt to a unaware guard, they almost fall to their ass in a daze, but Y/N grabs their neck and slams their nose into his upward knee, fracturing their skull.

Y/N chops the front of a large guard's neck, causing them to gag. He finishes them off with a hard uppercut to their jaw.

As Y/N senses someone behind him, he quickly turns to punch them before stopping. He stares into the cold face of Drax.

They stare at each other for a solid 5 seconds before slowly lowering their fist.

"Funny running into you again." Y/N comments

"What's so funny about it?"

Y/N rolls his eyes as he hears Rocket yelling out to go to the watch tower, "Never mind, I gotta go."

Y/N dashes off towards Groot as the humanoid tree stretches it's legs to get to the upper level of the tower.

Gamora awaits them as Y/N gets to the railing, while Gamora helps him up, Peter soon follows with the leg.

Y/N widens his eyes as he sees a drone approaching a climbing Quill, "Hey, Quill! Look out!"

Quill looks to his right and sees the drone's weapons pop up, but Drax jumps up and crushes the drone with his bare hands before looking up.

"You! Man who has lain with a A'askavariian!"

Peter rolls his eyes as he continues to climb up Groot's leg, "It was one time, man..."

Drax approaches Groot's leg and climbs up it as well.

Inside the WatchTower

The guard frantically speaks into the comms link,
"We need all available guards in full combat gear..."

An alarm goes off inside the tower, causing the guard to look around in confusion before turning around.

(Y/N's directly behind Rocket, with his hands in his pockets)

The guard quickly puts his hands up and the group walks into the control center. Groot grabs onto the poor guard and throws him out and below into the prison floor.

As the 6 of them huddle together, Gamora glares at the unexpected arrival of Drax.

"Spare me your foul gaze, woman."

Gamora looks at Y/N and points at Drax,
"Why is this one here?"

Y/N shrugs a bit, "Weeeellll, we did kind of promised that he could stick around until he kills your former boss, so there's that."

Quill tosses the metal leg in front of Rocket.

"Oh, I was just kidding about the leg. I just needed these two things.


"No, I thought it'd be funny. Was it funny?" Rocket snickers as he turns at a flabbergasted Quill, "oh, wait, what did he look like hopping around?"

"I had to transfer him 30,000 units!"

Y/N holds in his laughter by putting the collar of his shirt over his mouth.

"How are we going to leave?" Drax asks as more drones fire into the watchtowers windows.

"Well, the raccoons got a plan." Peter responds,
"Right! Or is that another thing you made up?"

Rocket starts to press numerous buttons on the control panel, "I have a plan! I have a plan!"

Drax grimaces at the exchange, "Cease your yammering and relieve us from this irksome confinement."

"Hold your horses, man. We'll be out of here in no time." Y/N assures him.

"I don't own any horses." Drax bluntly replies

"It's just a metaphor, Drax. Loosen up a bit."

This confuses Drax even more,
"Loosen what?"

Y/N lets out a huff, "Just drop it."

"Drop what?"

Y/N grits his teeth in annoyance,
"Forget it..."

"His people are completely literal. Metaphors are gonna go over his head." Rocket informs

"NOTHING goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would...catch it."

Y/N and Gamora whisper under their breath,
"I'm gonna die surrounded by the biggest idiots/fucktards in the galaxy."

Peter and Y/N look out the windows and sees new guards in body armor, equipped with huge rocket launchers.

"Those are some big guns." Peter says with big eyes as Y/N lifts his hands in front of him.

"Oh, yeah? Well I've got bigger ones." Y/N smirks as he tries to channel lightning through his arms.

"Where are your guns?" Drax asks, "I would like to acquire one."

"These are my guns." Y/N motions towards his hands as he tries his best to conjure lighting, but all he is getting is sparks.

"Come on, dammit...Come on." He strains, which irks Drax.

"Those are your hands, not guns. What are you attempting?"

Y/N gives up, as he figures that even though his eyesight is almost back to normal, his powers are not.

"Ah, fuck it." He drops his hands as they hear a commander yell out instructions.

"On my command! Number one!"

A soldier fires a missile into the front of the tower, which cracks the window in front.

Y/N looks down and chuckles to himself,
"Why don't they just fire the missiles all at once? Instead of one at a time? I swear space people need something called a brain."

"Well, it's a good thing we don't!" Rocket says as he continues to fumble around with buttons.

"Rodent!" Gamora lets out, "We are ready for your plan."

"Hold on!" He yells back as another missile hits the side of the watchtower.

"I recognize this animal." Drax says, "We'd roast them over a flame pit as children. Their flesh was quite delicious."

Y/N grimaces at the smiling Drax,
"Jesus, man. Not helping."

"Whose Jesus?" Rocket asks

"Number three!"

Yet, another missiles crashes into the tower, causing the windows the slowly fall apart.

"All fire on my command!"

"It's about time!" Y/N screams out, referring to them firing one at a time. This earns a swat to his arm from Gamora.


Everyone but Rocket has a concerned look on their face.


"Come on, come on!" Y/N chants to the smirking Rodent


Rocket smiles as he connects to wires, causing everything and everyone outside the tower to float as if no gravity was in effect.

Y/N looks on in amazement as he sees the sight in front of him. Gamora leans forward as she inspects the view.

"He turned off the artificial gravity, everywhere but in here." She whispers to herself

"Artificial gravity huh? Can't nothing surprise me now." Y/N comments in his head

Rocket fiddles with the controls even more, causing the top part of the tower to come apart from the bottom half.

Y/N looks down at Rocket, who now controls the drones to attach themselves to the sides of the tower, essentially using them to fly them away.

As if he was on a roller coaster, Y/N holds onto the control panel as they dive down and through the prison. Eventually, they stop near one of the large doors.

"I told you I had a plan." Rocket comments, which earns him a pat on his small back from Y/N.

"That you did, pal. That you did."

Quill kicks the damaged window away as the 5 of them enter the impound to get there stuff.

Y/N flips through the bag switch and eventually finds his. "Please have my things, please have my things."

He opens the bag and finds his armor,
"Yes!" He exclaims as he also sees his black cloak, swords, utility belt and gauntlets.

Y/N picks up his prison bag and looks to see Peter handing Gamora his own bag.

"Get them to the ship. I will be right back."

"Peter!" Y/N calls out as he approaches him and Gamora, "Where are you g-"

"Just keep the Milano close by." Quill demands as he runs off.

Y/N and Gamora sigh as they look at each other.
"Come on, lets go." Y/N directs as they run off with Groot, Drax, and Rocket.

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