Marvel's The Titan (Male Read...

By therealneil2000

1.5M 36.3K 30.5K

You are Y/N L/N, and under strange circumstances, you gain fantastical abilities. Let's see how your story un... More

A Strange Encounter (Iron Man)
First Night Out (Iron Man)
Hero Life/Surprises (Iron Man 2)
Spider's Aren't So Bad (Iron Man 2)
Recruitment (Avengers 2012)
Meeting My History Project (Avengers 2012)
God-Fighting Machine (Avengers 2012)
Kid In The Room (Avengers 2012)
First Monster Fight (Avengers 2012)
Live Up 2 The Name (Avengers 2012)
Wartime Baby (Avengers 2012)
Earning My Stripes (Avengers 2012)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Crashing This Ship (Winter Soldier 2014)
Boss in Trouble (Winter Soldier 2014)
New Player In Town (Winter Soldier 2014)
On The Run, Great (Winter Soldier 2014)
Into A Birds Nest (Winter Soldier 2014)
Winter Battle (Winter Soldier 2014)
My Order's (Winter Soldier 2014)
Quitting in Style (Winter Soldier 2014)
Avengers: Age Of Ultron
Gang Is Back (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Party Time Problems (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Witch's Wicked Ways (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Slight Detour (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Metal Poisoning (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Evening The Odds (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Petal 2 The Metal (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Eye Of The Titan (Age Of Ultron 2015)
Voting Time
Captain America: Civil War
2nd Favorite Spider (Civil War 2016)
Problem After Problem (Civil War 2016)
Switching It Up (Civil War 2016)
Bones 2 Pick (Civil War 2016)
Debate Team (Civil War 2016)
Winter's Return (Civil War 2016)
Breakout Decisions (Civil War 2016)
In Queens (Civil War 2016)
Airport Battle (Civil War 2016)
Fractured 4 Good (Civil War 2016)
Voting Time (Part 2)
Guardians Of The Galaxy
Invasion (GOTG 2016)
Locked Losers (GOTG 2016)
Going Knowhere (GOTG 2016)
Cherry Bomb (GOTG 2016)
Small Vote
The Guardians (GOTG 2016)
Just A Question
Avengers: Infinity War
Before The War (Infinity War 2018)
Earth Is Closed (Infinity War 2018)
Reunion Of A Lifetime (Infinity War 2018)
Two (Infinity War 2018)
War Of Wakanda (Infinity War 2018)
Clash Of The Titans (Infinity War 2018)
Final Assault (Infinity War 2018)
Avengers: Endgame
Aftermath (Endgame 2018)
One More Chance (Endgame 2018)
Five (Endgame 2023)
The Get Togethers (Endgame 2023)
Newfound Hope (Endgame 2023)
The Plan (Endgame 2023)
Whatever It Takes (Endgame 2023)
The Final Battle Pt.I (Endgame 2023)
The Final Battle Pt.II (Endgame 2023)
Finale (Endgame 2023)
Voting Time (Part III)
Black Widow
Stay-At-Home (Black Widow 2023)
Return 2 Action? (Black Widow 2023)
The Fighting Spirit (Black Widow 2023)

Welcome 2 Space (GOTG 2016)

13.5K 381 207
By therealneil2000

Long Chapter, so BE PREPARED


The Ravagers seem to be having the time of their life. Partying, screaming, playing games, drinking, you name it. Y/N is tied down by his hands, chest, and feet to a chair in the middle of the Ravager party.

One soldier gets a bright idea and takes his drink over to the slump over Y/N.

"I wonder if a damn drink will make this Terran soft...."

He raises his glass above Y/N's head and slowly pours his alcoholic beverage over his head, causing everyone in the room to laugh.

Y/N groggily comes to as he hears various chattering going on around him. He feels himself restrained as he tries to get up.

"Wha-what the....where the hell am I? And why am I covered in liquid?"

Y/N strains his eyes as a bright light shines in front of him,

"Boss! Boss! He's awake!"

Yondu's boots clank against the floor as he walks up to the awakened Y/N. He stops a few feet in front of the Avenger and picks at his own teeth with a toothpick.

"You put up quite a fight, Terran. Even more so then I thought. Who taught you how to fight?"

Y/N glares up at the blue-skinned alien,
"Why the hell am I tied up? I know you didn't bring me here just to tell me that. What am I, your entertainment? A grand prize?"

Yondu laughs a bit as he smiles down at the irritated L/N, "Frankly, a sweet little Terran boy like yourself ain't worth a rats ass to me. But..."

"But what?"

"You could be a small help to us. You see, one of our own named Quill, took something that he was suppose to deliver to us. He never returned, so we thought, why not capture a Terran to GET a Terran?"

Y/N laughs to himself as he takes in what he just heard, "Sounds like I'm worth more then a rats ass if you're asking me to-"


Yondu slams his fist into Y/N's cheek, who just rolls with the punch. Didn't hurt as much as he thought.

"Got a bit of mouth on ya too, eh? Just like Quill."

"Wait, Wait, wait." Y/N interjects as everyone quiets down, "so you thought it was a good idea to travel from wherever you came from, ALL the way to earth, just to capture someone to help capture someone else? Am I getting that right?"

Yondu looks around as everyone dumbly nods and mutters amongst themselves.

Y/N leans his head back in disbelief,
"And I thought Earth was full of idiots." He looks back up at the blue alien and offers a suggestion.

"Why not just put a bounty out on this "Quill" guy? Seems less troublesome to me."

Yondu looks surprised as his Ravangers like that idea.

"I like the sound of that."

"Why didn't we think of that earlier?"

"Still have no idea where that pasty fucker is."

Yondu smiles widely as his golden tooth glistens, "You know what, boy? That ain't too bad."

"Hey!" The Ravanger in the back who first told Yondu about the bounty, whines out.

Yondu turns to one of his men, Kraglin.
"Put a bounty on him. 40k. But I want him back alive!"

"Alive?!" One of them cries out, "I told you when we picked that kid up, we should've delivered him like we was hired to do! He was CARGO! And now you take advice and go soft on yet ANOTHER Terran?!"

Yondu roughly grabs the yelling Ravagers collar.    "You're the only one I've been soft on!"
The soldier looks down nervously as Yondu's arrow glows a bit.
"Now don't you worry about Mr. Quill. And with this bozo over here, we have extra hands."

Y/N raises one of his eyebrows,
"Um, blue guy or whatever your name is..."

"Yondu!" The Captain informs, "And don't you forget it!"

"Right, Sorry, YONDU. Anyways, I couldn't care less about helping you guys. And besides, unless your bounty prize is U.S. dollars, I really don't care."

"What's a dollar?" One of the Ravagers asks from the back.

"My point exactly. Anyway, if you could just let me out of these bindings and led me one of your ships, I'm sure everyone here will be happy, especially me."

Everyone looks around at each before bursting out in laughter. Y/N looks around in confusion before laughing to himself nervously.

"Ha Ha, w-what's so funny..."

"You are!" Yondu bellows as he smacks a laughing Ravanger on the back. "Either you help us find Quill, or I'll give my boys your Terran flesh."

"Well, you're gonna have to eat me because I ain't giving ya shit!"

Yondu whistles towards the trapped Y/N, which causes his arrow to fly out and float right in front of L/N's throat, causing him to gulp to himself.

"So what's it gonna be, Terran?" Yondu asks as everyone looks to see Y/N's answer.

Y/N rolls his eyes as he frees his fingers a bit,
"Ya know, on second thought, I can help you guys with one other thing before you kill me."

"And what's that?"

"I'll tell you, but you gotta move this damn arrow away from my throat."

Yondu snarls at the request, but nevertheless whistles again, causing the arrow to fly back into his holster.

"Okay, now you have to get closer so I can tell you."

"If he's the dumbass I think he is, he's actually gonna do it."

Yondu gets close to Y/N's face, unaware of the smirk plastered on the Avengers lips.

"Fuck you AND your crew."

He summons electricity around his body, causing Yondu to scream out in pain and the ropes around Y/N's body to sizzle off.

Once they're off, he headbutts the blue alien away, knocking him into unconsciousness as he falls to the ground.

Everyone surrounding him gapes down at their fallen leader. 3 seconds later, they look up at the attacker, but Y/N is already seen running away.


Y/N runs around, finding whatever he can that resembles a escape pod or small ship. He's seen enough movies to know that's an option.

He ducks as he sees blaster bolts impact the walls and equipment in front of him. He looks back and sees several Ravagers coming at him with blasters.

"Come back here, Terra trash! We just want some fun!"

"Yeah! Like your flesh served on a plate!"

Y/N pushes his legs faster as he tries his best to lose them. But not knowing your way around a ship doesn't help much.

He sees a purple-skinned alien runs towards him with HIS swords. This causes Y/N to clench his jaw and also charge towards the enemy soldier.

Y/N's hand starts to crackle electricity as he straightens his fingers pointing forward.

"Give me back my-"

When he gets close enough, he thrusts his hand forward and it goes right through the aliens throat, beheading him in the process.

As his head rolls on the ground, Y/N picks up his stolen swords. "-Shit!" He finishes as he puts them on his holsters in his back.

He continues to frantically run around before spotting what looks to be a ship.

"Bingo." He quickly goes over to the ship and with a look for surprise, manages to open the hatch and begins to climb in.


Y/N widens his eyes as he jumps into the cockpit and sees multiple Ravagers aim their guns towards him.

Y/N frantically pushes any button on the control panels that he can. "Come on! Come on! Come o-"

The lights flash on as the engine roars to life, causing the inside of the cockpit to shake wildly.

Some Ravagers get in front of the ship and start opening fire. Y/N, still confused, puts his hands on the weapons toggle and rapidly presses the red buttons, causing the ship shoot and lay waste on the dumb soldiers

"Oh, shit! Oh, shit! What the hell do I do now?!"
He spots a lever on the lower right of the control panel.

"Please be the transmission, please be the transmission."

He pulls the lever up as the ship starts to sway upwards. The remaining Ravagers start to fire on the ascending ship again, which doesn't do much as the bolts either bounce off the metal surface or miss completely.

Y/N panics as he gets control of the flying controls. He looks forward and sees a button near a closed hatch. Taking a kunai from his belt, he quickly opens the cockpit door and flings his throwing knife at the red button, causing the hatch to open up.

"Yes!" He yells before blaster bolts fire near his head, causing him to yelp as he sits back down and closes the ship door.

He puts his foot on the gas and flies straight into the vast opening of space.


A groggily Yondu starts to get up as his men huddle around him, wanting to know the next move.

"Boss, what do we do now? The Terran just escaped with one of our ships!"

Yondu rubs the front of his head as he gathers his thoughts, "Put a bounty on him as well, same amount as Quill. But we'll take him Dead or alive!"

One Ravager raises his hand, "B-but Yondu, we don't know his name nor have a picture of him to show on the bounty."

"Not to worry!" A green-skinned alien pops up with a small device. "While Yondu and the Terran were talking, I took the liberty of getting a photo of him. Maybe that will sufficient?"

He pushes a button on the device, causing a projection of a nervous looking Y/N bound to a chair.

Yondu laughs to himself as he rubs his hands together, "Boys, we're gonna be rich. Send the bounties out!"

In the vacuum of space, Y/N is absolutely clueless on where he is, and this is not the place to get lost. For what seems like hours, he just flies around in the vast universe.

He tries to get his wrist computer working, but he has little to no signal coming through to him.

"Damn!" He sneers as he looks around at the ship's compartment. Feeling slightly hungry, he looks around for any food around him. While leaving one hand on the "wheel", he picks up a bag filled with...

"What the hell is this?" He examines the bag as he also tries to keep his eyes on the road, or in this case, space.

He rips the bag open and a bunch of small green balls fly out. He picks one up and puts it between his index and thumb.

"Huh, feels like a jawbreaker...." Seeing that he feels like he could eat a huge cow, he simple pops it into his mouth.

"Woah, this actually isn't so-"

The ball cracks between his teeth as a slimy and sticky liquid burst throughout his mouth.

He hurls slightly as he takes his finger and puts it on his tongue, he slowly pulls it forward and sees black liquid stretch from his mouth to his finger.

"What the f-"


A asteroid crashes into one of his wings, causing him to spiral out of control.

He thrashes all throughout his cockpit as a alarm sounds in the ship. He feels the ship rapidly descend, which prompts him to close his eyes for impact, not realizing that he is about to land on a strange new planet.

Minutes later, the ship crashes into a deserted part of the capital. It lays in flames and smoke as the ground beneath it sizzles from the impact and heat.

Not even a second later, a figure crashes through the glass and flies out several yards away.

"Oof!" The male cries out as he lands harshly on his stomach. The figure, revealed to be Y/N, swiftly gets up and pats the flames away from his black cloak.

He winces as he looks up and sees three suns shining down him. He covers his face with one hand as he looks back at his destroyed ship.

"Well, that's just great, isn't it?" He groans to himself as he tries to use Water Style to put the flames out. All that comes out his mouth is a small pathetic stream of liquid.

"Damn, my powers haven't fully come back to me back, heh? God really must love making it challenging."

With a deep hesitate breath, he does what he has been doing for years now. Walk towards a new destination.


Almost as if his feet have become planks of wood,   Y/N drags his legs tirelessly as he finally spots what looks to be civilization.

" 'Bout time...maybe I can finally get some help."

Y/N strolls through the alien city. The technology, he noticed, is light years ahead of Earth's. The Xandarians aren't that much different from humans appearance wise but Xandarian blood is coloured blue rather than red and they are biologically more durable than humans. However, he also sees foreign aliens mixed in with the crowd, so this place must be popular amongst life forms.

Because Y/N is wearing his Titan suit and a black cloak over it, some of the Xandarians give him strange looks. If it wasn't for the fact that his mask is down, they probably will think he is an alien of some unknown origin.

There is this awesome floating skyscraper in the distance that he just doesnt take his eyes off of. Titan is so focused on it that he doesnt notice the individual who is walking straight towards him.

It isnt completely his fault as the woman is busy looking at the mini computer on her wrist. In her right hand is a cold alien beverage colored blue.

The two of them bump into each other head first, the collision makes the woman accidentally drop her drink. Y/N regains his bearings first and quickly catches her drink just before it can hit the ground.

"Woah, sorry about that. You good?" He asks.
The woman nods with a friendly smile. Now that    Y/N can see her face, he has to admit she is quite beautiful.

Her long blonde locks gently brush the side of her face, thanks to the light breeze that is flowing through the air. She is wearing an old Airforce jacket over a futuristic form fitting red and blue uniform. In the centre of her outfit is a curious star like symbol.

"I'm fine. It was my fault anyway. I should've watched where I was going." She says, taking back her beverage. "Thanks for catching my drink. You got some nice reflexes."

Y/N smirks. "I'm just glad I was able to catch it in time. Guess my senses are picking back up."
Y/N looks down at the drink, "Say, What're you drinking there?"

The blonde lady looks at him strangely. "This? It's Xandarian iced tea. I thought all of you Xandarians knew that."
"Oh, uhhh..." Y/N rubs the back of his neck,  "I'm not actually from around here."

"I see." Now that she thinks about it, it made sense. The armor he has on doesn't look like any of the clothing the Xandarians wore. "So where are you from?"

He holds out his hand. "A strange place called Earth. My name is Y/N. Y/N L/N."
"Really? Im from Earth too." She is pleasantly surprised and shakes his hand firmly. "I'm Carol. Carol Danvers."

"Carol....." Y/N whispers to himself as he thinks back to when he first saw and heard that name.


A younger Y/N stoops around Fury's office, feeling proud of himself by getting in undetected.

"Lets see what the one-eyed pirate has stacked in here."

Y/N sits in Fury's chair and spins around for fun. He stops after getting dizzy and inspects items on the desk, flipping through papers after papers, files after files, and even finds a case full of fake eyeballs.

"Ugh.." Y/N places the case down and continues being noisy. He stops when he picks up a particular file. He flips through it and stops to see a picture in a young woman next to an aircraft.

"Wow, she's beautiful. Not "Natasha" level beautiful, but still..."

He looks closer at the inscription on the side of the jet, CAPT CAROL "AVENGER" DANVERS

"What the hell..." Y/N whispers to himself,
"Is this where we got our team name from?"

"Why, yes you did." A voice calls out, causing Y/N to jump up in surprise. He quickly closes the file and looks up at a calm Director Fury

"I....uh, didn't read anything."

"Why not? Got some interesting stuff in there." Fury walks around the desk and looks at the file Y/N put back on the desk.

"Ah, out of all the files I got in here, your attention is stuck on THAT one."

Y/N looks up at the older man, "Carol huh? What is she, your ex?"

"No, she's an old friend. A powerful one at that."

"Really? How powerful?"

Nick goes and grabs onto Y/N's ear, causing the young kid to screech in pain.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

"It's none of your business how powerful she is, what you need to do is get back to sparring with Agent Romanoff."

"Okay, okay! I get it!" Y/N answers as he flaps his arms around, with Fury walking him to the door by the ear.

The older man opens the door and pushes Titan out, who looks back as he rubs his reddened ear,
"You do know I'm gonna snoop around again, right?"

"I'm counting on it." Fury slams the door in front of the glaring Y/N.

Fury lets out a breath of relief as he sits back down on his chair.

"Ah, shit!" He yells out as he immediately gets up. He rubs his behind as he sees a tack fall onto the floor.

"That little..."


This is probably the first time in decades that she's run into a fellow human this far out in the universe. Carol's eyes linger on Y/N's face for a minute...he is handsome in an innocent yet dangerous sort of way.

She also notices that he has on a look of deep thought. Before she can snap it out of him, he perks up.
"You're Captain Marvel! I read a bit about you from some of Fury's files."

"Really? You know Fury?"

"Hell yeah, I do. I'm even apart of a hero group named after you.....geez, Cant say it's not an honor to meet you."

Carol giggles at Y/N's politeness and him being in awe, makes him even more cuter.
"Likewise. So what brings you all the way out here to Xandar?"

Y/N smiles nervously as he looks towards the ground. "I....uh, kind of crash-landed here.

"What? How?"

"It's a long complicated story. Just know that, it wasn't planned."

Carol frowned out of disappointment, she wouldn't mind hearing about his journey over here. It almost felt...natural to talk to the young man.

Y/N then decides to know more about her.
"If you don't mind me asking, since you left earth, what've you been doing?"
"Oh, just flying from galaxy to galaxy, helping out the citizens within. Ya know, keeping myself busy."

Y/N starts to look around, "Huh, where's your jet?"

"No jet." Carol answers with a smile.

Y/N raises his eyebrow in question, "No jet, huh? So, by yourself?"

Carol nods before she raises a fist, glowing with golden cosmic energy. "Yep. That's not the only thing I can do."

Y/N raises both eyebrows as he looks at the glowing fist, "Woah...that is pretty damn cool." He says in awe. "I wish I could do that with my powers."

"You have superpowers too?"

"Right now, I'm severely underpowered due to losing my sight earlier."
Danvers gasps a bit, "Wait, y-you're blind?"

"No,No,No." Y/N reassures her, "Not anymore. I got some help from a wizard, another long story."

"Wow..." Carol lets out with a smirk, "Seems you have a lot of "long" stories."

Y/N lets out a small laugh, "I know, right? So anyway, my eyes and abilities are getting gradually getting better and soon, I'll be more powerful then I was before. But basically, I could control the elements in certain techniques. I had an ocular ability that gave me super reflexes, awareness, and a handful of other skills. Plus, I have enhanced strength, speed and endurance. So I'm pretty stacked."

Carol smirks. "Wow....considered me impressed. Do you-"

The little computer on the superheroine's left wrist suddenly lets out a loud beep, notifying her that the box of supplies she ordered is ready to be picked up.

"...Looks like my things are ready. I'm afraid I have to go now." Carol says with a bit of reluctance. She was really starting to enjoy Y/N's company.

Y/N nods and holds out his hand. "It was nice to meet you, Ms. Danvers."

"Call me Carol." She shakes his hand before an idea suddenly comes to mind. "Do you have some kind of communication unit in your suit?"
Y/N widens his eyes at the question,
"Uh, y-yeah. Hang on."

Y/N lifts his wrist up to and types away at his gauntlet's computer.
The words, "Private channel established." soon pop up.

The cosmic powered superheroine quickly types away on her own wrist computer. "Give me a moment."

Titan waits patiently on the side. Once Carol is done typing, Y/N adds some new contact information into his wrist computer's database. His screen shows a unique seven-digit code.

"Anyways, I just sent you my personal communications code. Call me whenever you want to talk."

"T-thanks!" Y/N exclaims, looking like an excited kid. "I promise I'll call you."
"I just got a space-chicks"

Carol playfully taps her fist on his shoulder. "See you later, Y/N. You better give me a call soon or else I'm coming to Earth to find you."

Y/N chuckles and waves to her as he goes back to walking through the city.

Captain Marvel wears a small smile as she watches Y/N walk away, with his damaged black cloak blowing in the wind behind him.

"I'm definitely looking forward to seeing you again,Y/N L/N." Carol whispers with a sly smile before she leaves to pick up the supplies for her Skrull friends, Talos and Soren.

As Y/N continues to stroll throughout the city, a scanner is seen pointing at an older man, getting VERY close to a younger alien chick.

"Look at Mr. Smiles over here. Where's your wife, old man? What a class-A prevert."

A talking raccoon laughs as he puts down his scanner, "Ha,Ha,Ha! Right, Groot?"

The small vermin looks to his left and sees a large tree-like creature drinking from a water fountain, and seems to be enjoying it.

"That's disgusting!"

Groot shakes his head as he lets out a small grunt.

"Yes, you did. I just saw you doing it. Why are you lying?"

The scanner in the small creatures hands start to beep, causing him to look down.

"Whoop. Looks like we got one....Wait, I got two!"

He starts to lift it up and moving upwards to look for bounties being tracked.

He first zooms in a human talking to a purple-skinned alien. "Okay, humie, how bad does someone wanna find you?"

The screen reads:

BOUNTY: 40,000

"Wow." The creature breaths out as he then spots another human walking past Quill, who is wearing a dark cloak over strange armor. This one reads:

BOUNTY: 40,000

"Holy smokes...that's 80,000 units together! Groot, we're gonna be stupid rich!"

The creature smiles as he hears gurgling behind him, he turns and sees Groot continuing to drinking.

As Y/N continues to explore, he continues to earn small glances from aliens, young and old.

"Ya know, this place isn't so-OOF!"

Y/N widens his eyes as he feels someone run into him, causing him and the said person to hit the ground. He quickly regains his bearings and sees a green woman writhe on the floor, with red energy wire wrapped around her ankles.

Y/N slowly gets up as he sees a small grey orb roll slightly on the ground. With curiosity getting the best of him, he picks it up and brings it close to his face. His eyes widen as the energy from within the casing invaded his senses.

"The things energy signature is...insane. It almost feels like the Mind Stone and the Tesseract."

Almost as if he's in a daze, he goes to open it, but a kick to his back causes him to drop it.

He staffers forward as he sees Quill run away with the orb. Gettinh slightly frustrated, he runs after the Ravager.

"Hey, man! I just want to talk to you, I promise!"

Y/N runs around multiple aliens as they gasp from the hot pursuit. Y/N manages to gain ground and tackles Starlord to the ground.

"Hey, dude! Who the hell are you?!" The Ravager cries out as Y/N tries to pin his arms.

"I'm trying to help you! That orb is dangerous!"

Peter quickly grabs his laser gun and shoots a blast into Y/N's chest, causing him to fall back a few feet.

As he groans from the blowback, the green woman from before, jumps over him and throws a knife into the retreating Quill's hands, who yells in pain as the orb rolls over the bridge.

As Y/N gets up, he feels tree branches wrap around his midsection and legs. He looks around frantically before widen his eyes, seeing a huge tree trying to subdue him into a bag and a talking raccoon urging Groot to put him in the bag.


Y/N almost screams his lungs out in terror as he tries to get out the creatures grasp.

With no other options, he conjures lighting around his body, causing the tree links to singe and get away from The Titans body.

Y/N flips over the railing to get away from the tree AND to get the orb.

He lands on his feet as his cloak blows in the wind. The green woman runs towards the stationary orb on the ground, but sneers as Y/N lands right above the orb.

He quickly picks it up, but widens his eyes as he sees the woman running at him at full speed.

"Oh, shit!" He runs the other way, not wanting to get caught up in whatever she has going on.

Y/N looks up and sees Quill jump down towards him, due to not reacting in time, he gets slammed to the ground.

"Get the-" Y/N wretches his arm back and slams his fist into Peter's chest, causing Quill to fly back and crash through a glass sheet displaying alien clothes.

"Woah." Y/N clenches his hand, surprised that his strength is coming back so quickly. He picks up the orb and tosses it playfully in the air.

He suddenly gets swept off his feet from a leg, which earns a groan of pain as a female puts her knee against his throat.

"Fool. You have no business meddling in my business."

Y/N opens his eyes and sees a very beautiful woman, looking very upset towards him.

"Uh, hi. I-I'm Y/N. How are you today, beautiful?"

He tries to charm her with conversation, but clearly that doesn't work as she raises her arms above her head with a knife.

Y/N widens his eyes as he tries to lift his arms up to cover his face, "Wait!"

Quill charges in and blasts her away with a electric blast, tossing her into a city pool.

Y/N coughs as he slowly gets up, but groans again as Peter runs off with the orb.

Everyone in the city looks on as Y/N is then tossed into a grey sack by Groot, with the raccoon from earlier throwing a dart into Quill's neck, rendering him unconscious as the orb rolls towards the tree creature.

"Quit smiling, you idiot. You're suppose to be a professional." The small creature points out as they have Y/N struggling inside the nap sack.

The raccoon stops as the green woman walks calmly with her sword towards Groot, thinking Y/N still has the orb.

She hacks away and manages to take off both of Groot's arms, while the crowds gasps in shock.

She quickly opens up the fallen bag, but Y/N comes out and thrusts his two fingers into a pressure point in her neck, causing her to stiffen up as she falls on the ground.

Without a moments hesitation, Y/N quickly grabs the orb and runs away, not noticing the raccoon taking out his gun.

"I live for the simple things. Like how much this is gonna hurt."

With precision, a stun blaster bolt flies out the gun and hits right into the retreating Y/N's back.

The Titan screams as he shakes on the ground, flopping like a fish.

"Yeah. Writhe, little man."

The raccoon looks up and sees Groot whining as he kicks at his arms laying on the ground.

"They'll grow back, you d'ast idiot. Quit whining."

Suddenly, yellow rays surround and lift up the vermin, Groot, the unconscious green lady, and a groggy Y/N.

Inside a Star-shaped ship, an officer talks directly to the animal, "Subject 89P13, drop your weapon."

"Ah, Crap." He groans out as he lets go of his gun, which prompts the officer to continue.

"By the authority of the Nova Corp, you 4 are under arrest. For the endangerment to life, and for the destruction of property."

Y/N rolls his eyes as he looks and sees multiple "starships" around them.

"Great, my first time on a new planet and I'm already getting arrested."


Two officers look ahead as the green warrior stands by herself, with her information projected in front of her.

"Gamora. Surgically modified and trained as a living weapon. Adopted daughter of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Recently, Thanos lent her and her sister Nebula out to Ronan. Which leads us to believe that Thanos and Ronan are working together."

The talking vermin is next up as he reluctantly walks in front of the screen.

"Subject 89P13. Calls himself Rocket. The result of illegal and cybernetic experiments on a lower life form."

"They call it "Groot". A humanoid plant that has recently been traveling as 89P13's personal houseplant/muscle."

"Peter Jason Quill, from Terra. Raised from youth by a band of mercenaries called The Ravagers, led by Yondu Udonta."

Peter has a surprised look on his face as he looks up, "Oh, I'm sorry. I-I didn't know how this machine worked."

The guard snickers as the last male goes up.
Y/N lazily gets in front of the screen and yawns as his stats show up.


Alias: The Titan
Origin: Terra
Length: 306 Microbules 6'3" on Terra
Weight: 1420 Grets 195 lbs on Terra
Associates: The Avengers
Arms: 2
Legs: 2
Enhancements: Constant flowing energy throughout body
Retain scan shows a slight distortion in eyes
Bounty: 40,000

"Now this ones interesting. Y/N L/N, also from Terra. This one calls himself, The Titan. Whether or not him and Thanos have any connection has yet to be seen. From the reports from Nova spies, he is also apart of a group called "The Avengers"

The guard next to him gives him a look,
"The Avengers? What the hell kind of name is that?"

The main guard shrugs as he goes back to the list,
"Beats me. But what's weird is why he's so far away from home. On here, it also says Yondu has a bounty of 40,000, so he must have already caused some trouble."

Y/N, already fed up with waiting, throws his voice out behind the screen, "Can I get some water? My throat's drier than a motherfucker in here!"

The two guards snicker at Y/N making demands,
"Hey kid, you'll get plenty of water once they have you taking showers in prison."

Y/N's left eye twitches at that comment,
"And you can jump off a bridge. And make sure there's no WATER under there."

The main guard laughs as the second guard folds his arms over his chest,
"What a bunch of a-holes. Transport all 5 to the Kyln."


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