Getting Wilder ✔️

By booklored

1.2M 67.8K 62.4K

The three fundamental laws of Northwood High were clear. A rumour in motion tends to remain so unless asked... More

Author's Note
✸ a e s t h e t i c s ✸
issue zeroth: kiss and don't tell
issue one: she's kind of a bitc-
issue two: most liked comment saving my gluteus maximus
issue three: wilder and kendra sitting in a tree
issue four: roll credits
issue five: once there was a nugget
issue six: beg, borrow, steal
issue seven: confirmed b i t c h
issue eight: nugget vs slenderman
issue nine: third fundamental law reinstated
issue ten: sweat drops emoji
issue eleven: first last date
issue twelve: mashed nugget
issue thirteenth: broken not bent
issue fourteenth: cold asf
issue fifteenth: cafe and cheat
issue sixteenth: he loves me he loves me not
issue seventeenth: a cocktail of emotions
issue eighteenth: soft, hot, wet
issue nineteenth: scandalous
issue twentieth: s.o.s
issue twenty-first: scalpels and stitches
issue twenty-second: whispers in town
issue twenty-third: making headlines
issue twenty-fourth: *facepalm with a chair*
issue twenty-fifth: p.s 143
issue twenty-sixth: broken walls, open wounds
issue twenty-seventh: not a poet, just nico
issue twenty-eighth: oh.
issue twenty-ninth: can open, worms everywhere
issue thirtieth: not my bed
issue thirty-first: building bridges that weren't there
issue thirty-second: the last post...kinda
issue thirty-three: date and movie and...stuff... 👉👈
*ultrasonic screeching* aka Author's Note
Bonus Chapter: Writer's Block Is a B i t c h
BONUS: Wilder POV :D
Bonus POV: the other side of the glass
Bonus pov: slenderman.exe has crashed
Bonus pov: a green monster
Bonus: my heart loves yours
Bonus Chapter


14.2K 656 188
By booklored

Bonus chapter! This idea was given by bestwaffle1125 and QueenArtermis. Thank you!

This chapter takes place when Nico confesses to Wilder for the first time ever after he returns from his first date. It's also their last interaction for almost two years before Wilder kisses him at the party lol 



Wilder pov: rise and fall 

He hadn't called. 

I cursed under my breath and slipped my phone back into my pocket. It was late. Almost seven and the heavy rain a few hours ago had driven most people inside the cosy comfort of their homes. The streets were covered with a shimmering sheen of water over which the bright lights from the streetlamps reflected off gaily. It was a clear night, the clouds finally paving way for the starlight to shine. 

"Would you like to get some ice cream?"

I pushed my hands deeper into my pocket when Kiara spoke from beside me. We were walking back after a horrifyingly awkward date at Brewed and I couldn't wait to get away from her. I had been stupid to ask her out of everyone else. She was really cool and fun and a close friend of mine and my awkward ass date had possibly effectively ruined that friendship. 

Now I had two options. Either to date her or leave the damn country. 

"Er... no, I...I kind of have a sore throat," I gave an awkward cough for good measure and smiled apologetically at her. Her dark eyes were shining under the dim lights, her dark curly hair cascading around her heart-shaped face. Kiara Daniels was really pretty and I honestly liked her. However, I felt a weird sensation in my heart the entire time that we had been on our date. Like I was doing something wrong. 

She smiled at me. "That's okay. It's really cold anyway."

I nodded fervently, trying to pick up my pace. I suddenly felt her fingers brush against my hand as she gently pulled it out of my pocket and grasped it firmly. I gulped, too nervous and scared to refuse. She clearly thought I liked her. Just because I had flirted with her and invited her on a date shouldn't make her think I like her.

I mean maybe it kinda did.

I let her hold my hand as she picked up her pace as well. I couldn't understand. Were we dating now? What would change anyway? 

"I need to go there," she said when we reached a T-point and pointed to the right. I let out a sharp breath, thankful that our paths were finally separating. I removed my hand slowly from hers. I nodded and smiled at her, grateful that the most awkward date in history was finally over. 

She grinned and shook her head. "I know this was probably awkward but for what its worth, I really did enjoy,"

I gaped at her, a rush of gratitude overwhelming me. I felt relieved that she was making this easier even though it was her first date as well. I managed to give her a soft smile. "Thanks. You're awesome you know?"

She grinned wider. "I know."

I watched as she rose to her tiptoes and kissed me. I felt too shocked to do anything except close my eyes. Even though my heart catapulted to a hundred miles an hour, I did like the feel of her soft lips on mine. Her scent was like coffee mixed with a sophisticated floral perfume that I couldn't quite place. My stomach knotted in anxiety when she finally leaned back, her eyes overbright and cheeks flaming. The kiss had lasted mere seconds, little more than just a brush of lips, but I still felt like I had run a hundred miles an hour.

We stared at each other for a while before we started giggling. Even though I was laughing, I felt an unexplained pang in my chest. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Nico didn't seem to reciprocate anyway. I had hoped he would be jealous, but he hadn't called. Hadn't stopped me. Maybe I was overthinking things. 

Plus, it would just be so much easier with Kiara. I knew how my dad would react if he knew of the thoughts I was having about Nico and guys in general. 

"Goodnight, Wilder!" she beamed at me, "see you in school!"

I nodded, gulping and forcing my feelings down my own throat. My lips still tingled with the touch of hers. It had felt nice, yes. But wasn't my first kiss supposed to feel magical?

Or was that just Disney?

I sighed and turned away, finding my feet leading me towards the Evans household. Maybe telling him about my first kiss would finally make him jealous enough. I knew I was being petty. Pathetic. But I needed to know for sure that he didn't feel for me like I did so I could actually move on with the facade of my life. 

I reached up the familiar front porch and rang the bell. The moment that I did, I heard a loud volley of barks and smiled to myself. Of course, Arfie already knew who it was. The door opened after a while Kailey stared at me. She held a sour stick in her hand and grinned at me. "Hey, Wilder!"

"Hey," I said. I opened my mouth to ask something else before Arfie bounded towards me and started jumping. I crouched down and ruffled his hair, cuddling him and rubbing his belly as his tongue lolled out lazily.

"He's in his room," she said before I asked and sauntered away. I rose to my feet and shut the door behind me, making my way up the staircase and to Nico's room. I felt unexplained anxiety in my stomach. In all honesty, I didn't know how to cope if he didn't like me. But I figured I could worry about that later. 

I knocked on the door and a moment later his voice answered, making butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"It's open!"

I opened the door and saw Nico leaning back in his chair near the desk and gazing at me. Only the dim night lamp was on, bathing the room in a soft yellow glow. His eyes seemed to darken momentarily before he pulled his chair back near the desk and started typing furiously on his laptop. 


He didn't respond, deliberately taking a long time to save his word doc and shutting his computer with a painfully slow pace. I sat on the bed, shuffling my foot nervously on the ground as he finally turned his revolving chair to face me. 

"How was it?"

I was surprised to hear how hard his voice sounded. A flicker of hope kindled in my heart. There was a slight edge to his voice. Was it jealousy?

"It was fun. We went to Brewed. Had some coffee, Belgian chocolate and a croissant."

He scoffed. "That's the worst combination I've  ever heard."

I stared at him. His jaw was clenched, his eyes narrowed. "Er...they are all individually good so together they tasted good as well."

"Good," he said, rising to his feet and shutting his laptop with a bit too much force than necessary. I gaped at him as he started pacing around the room, fixing his books on the bookshelf so they were straight, wiping the dust off the photo frames mounted on the wall with his sleeve. Even though his room didn't really need organizing.

"What else? Was she nice?" he asked, finally standing still to glare at me.

I seemed to shrink under this gaze and smiled sheepishly. "Uh..yeah. She is really cool."

He seemed to chew on his tongue as if there was something he really wanted to ask but couldn't get himself too. "So-" he cleared his throat. "Are you guys dating now?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Will you be dating her?"

I shrugged again.

"Did you...kiss?"

I gulped nervously. Suddenly the idea of making Nico jealous by dating someone else and hopefully getting him to confess didn't seem like such a good idea after all. I had hoped he would be my first and hopefully last kiss. However, with the way things had transpired, I knew such fairytale-like things seldom happened in real life.  I nodded, biting my lip nervously. 

A solid silence fell between us and I didn't know where to look, glueing my eyes to my shoes instead. The silence was so suffocating that I decided to blab like an idiot. "Kiara is really cool.  And we get along great. She's smart and funny-" I hated how I sounded like I had learnt these things to tell him. It sounded forced. Unnatural. Or maybe that was just me. 

"She was really sweet and made things really easy. Oh, and the kiss as also really sweet. She smelled kinda like coffee which makes sense since we just drank-"

I stopped suddenly, hearing a sharp intake of breath. I gazed up and saw Nico gazing at me. His eyes were dark with grief, his beautiful features contorted with anguish. I stopped suddenly, my heart wrenching in agony. Before I could say anything, however, he spoke. 

"I...I like you, Wilder. And I...I thought you did too but-" his eyes seemed overbright and he tore his gaze away from me. His lower lip quivered and my heart seemed to break. That was as much confirmation as I needed. Butterflies started marching in victory in my stomach. I wasn't sure what would happen to us but at least I could now tell him what I felt. 

"'s going to be really hard to maintain my friendship with you if you keep...I can't-" he stuttered to a stop, biting his lip and gazing at me. I stared back at him, my heart hammering in my chest. Was it real? Did he actually like me back?

I felt my ears heating up at his confession. His face was flushed, whether with embarrassment or anger I wasn't sure. I rose to my feet, my mind working furiously. All my preparation suddenly seemed lost and gulped, taking steadying breaths. How should I say it?

I like you too, Nico.

I really like you too, Nico.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

My heart seemed to flutter in my chest and just before I could open my mouth to speak, there was a knock on the door. Nico's eyes widened and he glanced behind him. Mrs Evans poked her head inside and smiled at me, her eyes seemed oddly cold when they travelled to me and then back to her son who still seemed too bewildered. 

"Wilder? When did you arrive, honey?"

I rose to my feet, balling my fists nervously. "Er...just a while back."

"Your mom called. Haven't you been answering her calls?"

"Oh," I shook my head, suddenly even more nervous than I already had been. "Sorry. Must have been on silent."

She gave me a smile and shook her head amiably. "She's on hold for you. Come on."

I nodded and glanced at Nico once, my heart pounding in my chest. He averted his eyes from mine and instead went to stand in a corner. "Er..see you," I nodded at him, worried that my entire form would combust into flames. 

I like you, Wilder.

I didn't think I would ever hear Nicola Evans utter these words. For all his sweetness, he was still a closed book in many ways. Especially when it came to his feelings. I knew he was probably scared, owing to everything that had happened in elementary school. Something that he still hadn't told me anything about, except that 'it was bad'. That too, with a deadpan expression.

 I had a hard time to keep from grinning like an idiot as to my surprise, Mrs Evans led me downstairs. She pulled me into the kitchen and rounded on me, her eyes flashing. I realized that I didn't have any call and gaped at her, stunned by her ambush.

"Wilder, what are you doing?"

"Er...I just-"

"Look I-" she took a deep breath, looking agitated. "I do not feel comfortable with the proximity you have to my son."

I gawked wordlessly at her, unable to believe my ears. 

"And I know that this is an age when all children experiment and things but I do not want Nicola to engage and any such- activities."

I was unable to comprehend anything that she said. Did she actually mean what I thought she meant? My face flamed, whether from anger or humiliation I wasn't sure.

"But...I think Nico is delusional as well," she shook her head, biting her lip and looking distressed. My heart which had been fluttering pleasantly a while back seemed to have stopped suddenly. "I need you to stop seeing him."

"Huh?" I said stupidly. 

"Wilder," she sighed, "I don't want you to- look I don't care if you are gay." I hated the way the word sounded so venomous from her mouth. "I just don't want my son to be as well. So just...just..."

I felt anger flare up in me and spoke in a measured voice. "Are you listening to yourself right now, Mrs Evans? I am not making your son gay-"

"Wilder!" she said, raising her voice slightly before her eyes widened apologetically. I could tell that she was merely puzzled. Unable to decide what to say. But her meaning was clear. 

"I...I want you to...cut off ties with him. Out of sight out of mind. He will leave this..once you're..."

She stuttered to a stop. "I...just...he is my only son, Wilder. And he's...impressionable and he seems to worship you. Please-"

Her voice broke on the last word, breaking my heart as well. I felt disgusted to my core. Her eyes were glistening as she pleaded, her lower lip quivering. I knew if Nico knew about what his mom said, of what she asked of me, his heart would break. He was really close to her. He trusted her with everything. There was no way I would let his trust break.

It would just have to be my heart that broke then.

I took a shuddering breath and turned away from her, feeling the shattered pieces of my heart spiral to my stomach. I had felt delirious joy a second ago, and all I felt now was a vast void of emptiness. I couldn't imagine how badly it would break Nico to know how his mother felt. That he had a little 'problem'. That we had been 'experimenting.' 

I  was filled with anger and revulsion. I couldn't imagine him able to bear his mother's words. He couldn't live with hating her, not trusting her. 

So it would have to be me.

I took a shuddering breath and stored away from the kitchen and banged the main door open. I could hear Arfie start to bark loudly again and my heart wrenched in pain. I would never see him again then? All these years of friendship, memories, love, everything was fading to nothing in front of my eyes. I knew there was no way I could stay around him and not want to be more than just a friend. I stepped into the cold night air that suddenly felt even icier and broke into a run, letting the icy cold wind beat against my face as if punishing me for doing this to Nico. But it was much better this way. He deserved much better than me. He would get over me. He was much stronger than I was. Much braver. 

I stifled a loud sob, feeling my tears finally spill. My throat closed up. I felt like I was leaving a part of me behind myself. But I knew there were too many complications anyway. With my dad, Nico's mom, my 'image' in school. There was too much at stake. But for a while, I had been sure that it meant nothing next to the fact that we could be together. But we never would be. Maybe it would be better this way.

I had thought it would be easier, but it was the hardest thing I had ever had to do in my entire life. 


So...there. So you see frenz? Wilder is a softie. Do you think his decision was correct? I personally think there were two sides to this. Maybe somewhere, he underestimated his own feelings as well. 

Hope you guys are enjoying these bonus chapters! Next up will probably be Brad with the journal heheh <3

Stay safe and thank you again! 

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