Star Wars Episode II: THE SCO...

Par Gabe40

359 31 2

Make sure you go read Episode I: THE RESURGENCE OF THE JEDI before this story! Over the past few months, I ha... Plus

Main Title and Flight from Ajar Skota
Eraxo and the Star Reaper
Jurek Rido
Return to Rou Flodi
The Test
The Sith Pursuit
Duel on Roaxia
The Transmission
The Assault on Daoplov
Jeb vs. Zekko
The Star Reaper Unleashed
The Dawn of Hope and Finale

Back to Base

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Par Gabe40

Transition to Eraxo. Day. But looks like night. The Star Reaper looms over the Citadel. Enter the main conference room. General Riox enters. Ravok awaits his arrival.

"General, the Star Reaper test was a success. Your help in this achievement will be praised. I called this meeting because I feel a disturbance in the force, something I haven't felt in a long time. Darth Zekko is in danger. I want you to deploy your armies across the galaxy. Take Zekko's destroyer, And your army will follow." The Emperor says.

Riox nods, "Yes my Lord. And what of the Star Reaper?"

The Emperor chuckles, "When the time comes, we will strike again..."

The Troopers stand in respect of their leader Riox as he orders, "Prepare our destroyers for departure. We must find Lord Zekko..."

Transition to hyperspace. Enter the Centurion. Zekko in bonds.

G7 walks up to Zekko and they have a humorous moment, "Help me out of this..." Zekko says to G.

"No! My orders were to stand guard..." G says.

Zekko laughs, "You, so small. Stand guard? I can short you out in an instant."

Kellus walks in, "Silence. No more out of you. The Resilience General will be pleased with your capture."

Zekko responds, "Taking me to your precious base? After we destroyed your last home, we will destroy this one'll see."

Kellus wearily looks at Zekko then leaves the room Zekko is in and closes the door. Locking it.

Jeb sits at a table in the main area, spinning his lightsaber on the table. Still processing the news he heard.

Jurek walks in, "What you did out there, that was amazing."

Jeb smiles at him.

"Everything ok Jeb?" Jurek asks.

Jeb gets out of his daydream and look at him, "Oh oh yeah I'm sorry, I'm fine."

Jurek pats him on the back, "Well if you need anything please let me know."

Jeb smiles at him, "Thank you Jurek."

Kellus stands guard at the room Zekko is in. Jurek comes by, "What will happen to him when we arrive?"

Kellus sighs, "I don't know, but he has information we could use. To win this war. And he's a good bargaining chip. Where do you come from Jurek?"

Jurek responds, "I grew up on Tivillian 5. The Ship Graveyard. My family worked for the head master of the yard. Ever since I was a child I knew I one day was to join the Resilience. When I saved up enough to get out of the graveyard, I made my way to Daoplov. Met Quitos and went to pilot school. That's where I met Sarodhi."

Kellus smiles, "And what of your parents?"

Jurek's smile goes stern, "They work for the Sith. I haven't said anything cause I know nothing, all I know is they left me when I was young. They believed in the Sith plans, while I did not. They made their choices, and I haven't spoken to them since..."

Kellus gives Jurek a hug, "I'm sorry. Just remember, in times of hardship, the force is always with you."

Cut to the Centurion cockpit. Sarodhi is flying the ship, Jeb enters, she turns around.

"Jeb! I'm glad you're ok. Is everything alright? You seem down." She says.

Jeb stares at the hyperspace in from of him. "It's nothing. I'm ok."

Sarodhi sighs, "Jeb, I've known you for a while now, you have to start being honest with me. What's wrong?"

Jeb looks at her, "When you guys left, I talked to Zekko. He told me things I never knew."

Sarodhi puts the ship on auto pilot. "What things?"

Jeb looks at her, "Darth Zekko wasn't just my father's apprentice, he was his son, my brother. Darth Zekko is Andian Rangor." 

Sarodhi has a look of shock on her. "Your brother? How?"

Jeb stands up, "Ravok seduced him to the dark side and tinted my brother into something I know he isn't. I know deep down Andian is still there."

Sarodhi grabs Jeb's hand, "Thank you for telling me Jeb. If you think he can be saved, then trust your instincts."

He sits down in the seat next to her, "He is blinded by lies. He must see the truth for himself. That the Sith are truly evil."

Sarodhi turns the piloting back on, "You will know when the time comes. Trust in the Force."

The Centurion blasts out of Hyperspace. Before it, Daoplov. The green and foggy planet awaits. Sunrise. The ship zooms down toward the Resilience base. As the ship docks, steam hisses from the rear. The ramp extends and exits Zekko in bonds guarded by Kellus and Jurek. Resilience troopers look on as the heroes exit the ship. Their enemy captured. Soldiers gasp and whisper as Zekko is walked through the crowd. The remaining Jedi Masters greet Kellus.

"I'm glad you're ok." Master Leli says.

Dytrillia walks up, "Come! Your return is much expected."

Troopers glare at Zekko. The Jedi stare at him. Sarodhi looks around, the Resilience has grown. The citizens of Rou Flodi now increase the number.

General Quitos greets our heroes. "I see you've captured Zekko. His capture will be most beneficial for the war. This could turn the tide."

Sarodhi nods, "Yes, it could. Hope is near General. I've seen what the Star Reaper does, it's horrifying. We must stop it's reign of terror. I am happy the citizens of Rou Flodi made it here safely, we barely made it out alive."

Quitos grabs Sarodhi's shoulder, "Master Leli contacted me. Thank you. Yes I agree, this weapon can no longer rule. Our forces are growing. The citizens want to fight back."

Sarodhi smiles, "Yes, this is what we need. And what of the damaged message from the spy?"

Quitos sighs, "No luck. It was destroyed. We couldn't figure out what he was saying. We will find out where this base is...we will."

A shot of Zekko's effects are shown being set on a table near the control center. His helmet and lightsaber. As Zekko is led down a hallway to the prison area, he passes a woman, Dara. He looks at her and begins to soften in his face. His mother. She looks at him and a tear rolls down her face. She recognizes her son Andian. Zekko looks at her then tunes the corner and they lose contact. Zekko is placed in a cell.

A trooper says, "You'll be here for a long time scum..."

Zekko laughs, "Keep thinking that."

The trooper activates the shield to protect the cell, through a monitor, Jeb watches.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Jeb says.

Dytrillia comments, "It will be ok Jeb. Things are turning up. We have Zekko."

Jeb sighs and puts his hand over his mouth.

Kellus pulls Dytrillia aside.

"He knows. About Andian. About Zekko."

Dytrillia looks at Kellus, "The boy is finding out his true path. Something a Jedi must do to build his strength and discoed who he truly is. Jeb is doing just that."

Kellus looks at his fellow master, "I know, I'm just afraid Jeb will go down the dark path. Like his brother."

Dytrillia responds, "Have faith Master Kellus. Jeb is strong. Like his father. Zekko was like his father, he still is. He just doesn't live like it. Your padawan is strong. Rangor will bring peace to the galaxy. The Jedi will be reborn again."

Cut to Jeb. He is walking down a hallway, and sees his mother. She goes up and hugs him.

"Son I'm glad you're ok. I saw Andian...Zekko."

She says as tears roll.

"I know mom. It's so hard. When Father went away with him, I didn't realize he trained him as his padawan. Andian turned to the dark side. I know we can bring him back."

Dara smiles, "Yes, we can. You can Jeb. I know it. I would like to speak with him."

Jeb nods. "Absolutely. You can go see him. I will go back to the command center."

They embrace once more.

Cut to Zekko, his eyes are closed.

"Andian." Dara says to her son from the other side of the shielded door.

Zekko's eyes open.

"I knew it was you." She continues.

"Don't call me that. I am Darth Zekko now."

Dara cries, "Not to me. You are and always will be my son. Come back home. Leave this life of evil and time away from it. It's not too late."

Zekko cries, "It's too late. I can't."

Dara opens the shielded door. Dara walks into the room with Zekko, she feels his face.

"Come home..." a pause happens.

Zekko looks at his mother straight in the eyes. A sentimental moment occurs. But it is short lasted, for Zekko comes back and forces Dara with his mind. Causing her to choke.

Through her short breaths, you can hear "Don't do this Andian..." she says as she's pinned to the wall.

Gasping for air. Still in his binders, he stands up and runs outside of his cell, closing it on Dara and locking her inside...

Continuer la Lecture

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