Frozen Tears

By SophiaKjeldbjerg

1.1M 48K 3.5K

COMPLETED. "What are you?" he asks, his deep melodious voice vibrating in my ears. I refuse to show him any w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
2015 YEAH!
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Three

48.1K 1.9K 213
By SophiaKjeldbjerg

"Yo Emma!" I look around until I spot Brad, hurrying towards me, trailing every girl's eyes with him. I know he's captain of the football team, and yes, he's kind of hot, but this attention is completely unnecessary for me. Yes, you heard me; Brad's been following me everywhere since I started two days ago and let's just say that I'm getting kind of used to his attention. 

As he hugs me tightly, I notice that same girl from Mr Arwin's class the first day, mind-stabbing me. 

"Umm, Brad?" I breathe out against his hug, my eyes frozen on the girl who quickly directs her hateful gaze from me and continues speaking with her group of girlfriends. He lets go off me with a raised eyebrow.


-Who's that girl over there?" I ask, indicating her with my eyes. She glances at us again but swiftly turns her back on us as he follows my gaze and sighs.

"Angelina Fiord." He replies, "She's had this creepy stalker crush on me since 5th grade. It's kinda weird." I chuckle and he looks at me, grinning. 

"Let's go get some lunch. I'm starving!" He says, casually switching the subject at my laughter and swinging his arm over my shoulders. This draws some pairs of eyes on us as we walk into the student-filled cafeteria.

When I first step in, I smell the familiar cheap canteen food that I've gotten used to from the previous school that I attended. From what I can see from standing here at the entrance, the view of the food today hasn't improved over the days. Brad guides me over to the usual table.

Yes, there's a usual table now. He's integrated me into his group so quickly that I've hardly remembered some of the names of his friends. A couple of his football teammates are already there, and they've kind of gotten used to me being with them, even though that doesn't stop them from being disgusting and pervy. I merely sit there silently most of the time and try to contain the urge to slap them all from the thoughts that they have when a pretty-looking girl walks by the table once in a while. 

When we sit down with our trays, Brad immediately engages in a heated conversation with one of his teammates, which I zone out, as usual. As I twirl my fork around in the questionable food on my plate my eyes also sweep over the crowded cafeteria. They settle onto a brooding form sitting nearby, alone at a table. The people walking by either avoid his piercing gaze with ducked heads and heavy steps or are immediately rejected by him when they try to sit at his table. Seemingly feeling my gaze on him, he raises his eyes to meet mine and his expression morphs into one of deeper annoyance. He glares at Brad beside me, who still has his arm around me. 

I shrug Brad's arm off, and my brooding maths class neighbour immediately looks away coldly.

"Brad?" I ask Brad, cutting him off in his discussion with his friends.

-What's up?" He shoots, directing his full attention to me. 

"The sky." I retort, and he looks at me with 'are-you-serious?' eyes. "What?"

-That was lame." He says nonchalantly, and I glare playfully at him. I nod towards the guy in question sitting completely still at his own table.

"What's his name?"

-Who's?" Brad asks, feigning ignorance. I want to slap him so hard in that moment.

-You know who." I reply sharply. He sighs and leans back in his chair, rocking back and forth with annoyance.

"Jay Jakobs." He mumbles. I raise an eyebrow at his answer. "Yeah, I know it's a weird combination but I guess his parents didn't like him very much." 

I punch him lightly in the arm and he grins, winking. 

Damn she's hot.

"Don't say a thing like that." I say, as his thought hits me suddenly. The whole table stops their conversations to look at me.

"I didn't say anything Em-" He begins, but the same thoughts still swarm heavily around in his head. 

"I have to go." I declare brusquely, no longer feeling the need to eat anything. I feel ill all of a sudden. I stand up and grab my tray, leaving the boys staring curiously after me. 

On my way out, I notice Jay stiffen at his table. He punches a number into his phone, bringing it up to his ear. I stop in my tracks and stare at him as he talks quickly in a hushed tone to the receiver on the other line. I try focusing more on his mind, attempting to get something, anything at all. 

Nothing. He is the only one with thoughts I can't read. Even though reading minds brings me great pain and discomfort, the fact that I can't do the same to him infuriates me. 

"Hot isn't he?" I spin around in shock and come face to face with the girl in front of me. She's wearing skinny jeans and a crop top, despite the cold weather. Her sleek, black hair falls perfectly around her shoulders, and familiar piercing eyes gaze at me intently, with obvious curiosity. She's gorgeous. I feel inferior and uncomfortable even just standing next to her. Compared to her, I'm below average. 

Not a great confidence booster for a teenage girl to say the least.

"Umm... I..."

-Don't worry about that." She cuts me off from my stupid mumbling,  "Everyone thinks so." She winks and spins around, swaying her hips in a casual seductiveness as she walks away. I stare after her, mouth open, before quickly closing it and looking around to see if anyone saw us. I relax when I realise that I'm alone. Everyone else is still eating inside of the cafeteria. I tighten the bag strap on my shoulder out of instinct and begin walking towards the direction of my locker. I have so many books that need unloading and they're weighing down painfully on my shoulder-

"Stay away from Brad." A high-pitched voice cuts me off from my own thoughts and I turn slowly. I raise an eyebrow as I spot Angelina sashaying towards me with confident strides. By the looks of her stricken face, she's furious. 

"What do you mean?" I decide to play stupid, hoping that she goes away. I'm wrong.

"Shut up, bitch." She hisses, "You've only been here for three fucking days. I've known him since 5th grade. Stay. Away. From him." 

Her satisfied smirk making some of that anger evaporate thanks to the name-calling has some anger of my own seeping into me. 

"Listen." I begin with a hard and tense voice, "I don't know what crazy little fantasy world you're living in but at least get this: Brad. Doesn't. Like You." I hiss. She stares at me, shocked, but quickly regains control.

"You'll regret this." And with that, she disappears down the hallway with angry strides. I shake my head at her pathetic attempt of confident retaliation.  

I feel someone poke my shoulder.

"Yes, Brad?" I ask with forced cheer without turning around. At my quick recognition of him he laughs and I turn around to face him with a sigh, "What is it?"

-I think you should come to my party after the game." I roll my eyes and attempt to walk around him. He quickly catches up and pokes my shoulder again. That's beginning to seriously annoy me. "I mean it." He presses, actual worry lacing his tone. 

"Listen Brad, I'm really not much of a partier or anything-" I begin, but I'm quickly cut off when he brings out those stupid puppy eyes.


-Fine!" I exclaim, eager to get away from him. He gives me a thumbs up, backing away, and disappears into the new-formed crowd streaming gradually out from the cafeteria. Someone bumps into my shoulder harshly from behind and I'm about to say something when I recognise the muscular, broad and leather jacket-clad back Jay Jakobs walking away from me. I groan in annoyance and make my way to my next class. 


The day passes by surprisingly quick and I'm soon approaching my recently moved-into two-story house. The cold is still there and the temperature has been dropping, but my fluffy coat is doing its best to keep it out. I rub my freezing hands greedily together in the attempt to create some more warmth, but the frigid air blows it out again like a flame immediately.  

When I'm a few feet away from the front door, I hear footsteps crunching the pebbles behind me. I spin around, but no one is there. I'm sure I heard something though. Cautiously, I turn around and nearly have a heart-attack.

"You freaking idiot!" I exclaim, slapping Jay hard on the chest. He feels as cold as ice. He doesn't even budge at my adrenaline-charged assault. That's a definite confidence deflater. 

"What are you Emma?" He says, his voice icy cold and his words dripping venom.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AT MY HOUSE?" I yell, shock making my voice come out much stronger. I take a deep breath and still the trembles in my words, "Are you stalking me?" 

He takes a dangerous step closer to me and takes a hold of my cold hand. His is so much colder, and it doesn't do well to get some warmth into me. There's a different kind of heat though, that spreads from his touch. "What are you?" He lowers his face closer to mine and I rip my hand from his strong hold with annoyance.

"Stop asking me that!" I yell, backing away from Jay, who's now wearing a curious look on his face.



-Because isn't an answer.

-Well too bad!" I walk up the porch steps and slam the door shut. When I look out of the window giving view to the street, he's already gone. 

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