Vegas Magic

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My answer to lost bet and Blood Brandy's Vegas Vacation Challenge. Sirius died and to unlock Grimmauld Place... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1 - Hang-black-over
Not my League
Chapter 4 - trialing time

Chapter 2 - Viva Mag Vegas

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Vegas Magic - Chapter 2

Viva Mag Vegas!

He focused on the doors. He had his wand in one hand when he opened the doors. Outside he was greeted by a very much alive Sirius Black, his godfather!

"Sirius!?" Harry shouted surprised.

"Hya Pup... Can I come in?" He gave him a sheepish mischievous grin (don't ask how).

Too stunned to actually think straight, Harry walked to the side and let his godfather enter. Sirius looked around whistling. This prompted Harry to actually look around more closely. He noted that the place was a mess. The decorations were knocked over, some of the furniture was in a state of half-transfiguration between... whatever they were and a bed, finally there were tons of coins scattered around. Literally everywhere. He almost stumbled over a gold bar the size of bread loaf lying around.

"What the..." Harry never had a chance to finish because just then Zatanna entered the room. She now wore spaghetti strap lilac top, white trousers that reached just above her ankle and white trainers.

"Oh... I didn't think we made quite that big mess..." She said.

Sirius whistled again. "If I knew you were this busy pup, I would've waited a bit longer." He grinned at the blush that crept on Harry's face. He briefly noted that Zatanna also blushed, but his eye landed on her hand, more specifically on her finger. He started cackling madly. "Oh my! Prongs would be proud of you, pup! Landing such a pretty fish in just two days! I'm impressed!"

"Uh... Zatanna... Meet my dogfather, Sirius Black... The very dead Sirius Black." The last one was a jab directed at his godfather who was rolling on the half-transfigured armchair.

"Yeah... Sorry..." Sirius actually had the decency to look at least a bit apologetic. "I figured since the Rat could fake his own death, why not try it myself. It's actually harder than it seems ya' know?" Seeing the frosty glare from his godson Sirius shrugged and continued. "Finally, I came up with a different plan. But I decided to at least do something right and give you the best birthday ever. I managed to force the ol' Whiskers to allow you to travel to Magical Las Vegas, Mag Vegas for short, for a fully paid stay in Black Casino and Hotel, which I am the owner by the way."

Harry had half-mind to hug his godfather. The other half was screaming to hex him into oblivion and back.

"But couldn't you reveal yourself to us when we arrived?"

"I did. You were too drunk to recognize me in disguise." Sirius gave another chuckle. He pulled out a wand and waved over his face. His beard and mustache disappeared. Suddenly, Harry remembered seeing him during the evening. He was the one that gave him the coins! Seeing the realization dawn on Harry, Sirius smiled. "The best investment in my life! You robbed four casinos since you arrived here. And best of all, you won the Malfoy's casino." At that Harry couldn't help but smile. "But who is this pretty lady?" Sirius finally asked.

"This is..." Harry was unsure what to say, but the woman in question came to his help.

"I'm his wife, Zatanna Potter." She said confidently.

Sirius rose from his armchair and walked to her. To Harry's surprise, he bowed to her, albeit still grinning like a madman. "Pleasure to meet you, Lady Potter."

"Charmed." She giggled when he took her hand and kissed it.

"Um... can someone explain to me one thing?" Harry asked confused. "What the fuck!?"

Before anyone could answer the question, a loud squeak got their attention. In the corner, there was a cage with a small bird with purple feathers. In response, there was a screech from the other room. Harry and Sirius pointed their wands in that direction. A small griffin walked into the room. He looked around, yawned, and sat in an empty box in the corner. Zatanna cooed at the cute show.

Harry and Sirius relaxed a bit. That was before Harry's thoughts returned to the problem at hand. "So I won a baby griffin, some strange bird and... a casino?" Harry asked confused.

"Plus about two-third of Malfoy's fortune. And you cleared two other casinos. In theory, you also cleared mine, but since I was planning on handing over everything to you anyway..." He trailed off.

Harry collapsed into his armchair. That was just some dream. He would wake up in his bed any moment now, probably to his aunt shouting at him for being late with breakfast again. He would obediently walk down, listen to the scolding, and start making them food. If he was lucky he would even get a bacon strip for himself when nobody was looking.

A sharp knocking broke him from the musing.

"Open the doors now or I will break them!" A stern voice shouted loud enough for them to hear.

"Uh Oh... That's my dad." Zatanna suddenly paled.

"I... think it's better you open. The last thing he needs to see is an older man opening the doors when he is looking for his teenage daughter." Sirius said in a brief moment of common sense.

Harry reluctantly walked to the doors and opened them. Before him now stood a middle-aged man with green eyes and a prominent black mustache. He wore formal attire. The outfit was composed of three layers of clothing, which consisted of a white shirt with a red bow-tie attached, over which there was a yellow vest, which was finally topped by a black blazer.

"Can I... Can I help you?"

"Where is my daughter!?" He shouted at him.

"Here, dad." Zatanna walked into the view with arms crossed over her chest.

"Sweety! I was so worried!" He was about to rush inside when he noted the glimmering golden ring on her finger. "What's the meaning of this!? What have you done to my daughter!?"

"Um... Harry started to back away inside the room, cursing himself for leaving his wand in the armchair.

"Who are you?" He asked, pointing his wand at the boy. Harry briefly noted that it was made of black wood with white additions on both ends. From afar, it would look like a simple magician's wand from the Muggle shows.

Before Harry had a chance to answer, Zatanna walked to him and took his hand in her. "This is my husband."

Giovanni looked at her flabbergasted. For a few moments, he was unable to say anything. "Husband?" He finally asked.

"Harry Potter, sir. It's... a pleasure to meet you?" He finally decided. One thing he was sure of was that better not to get on the bad side of your in-laws.

This seemed to actually wake Zatara up. He turned to his daughter. "What were you thinking! Do you have any idea how worried I was!? First, you disappear without as much as a note, then you don't answer any texts and finally, you're gone for a night and then half a day! It's afternoon already!" He finally calmed down a bit. "You are in big trouble young lady." He stated firmly.

"Lady indeed." Sirius finally decided to join the discussion. "Since yesterday, your daughter is Lady Zatanna?" He looked for confirmation. After a nod, he resumed. "Lady Zatanna Potter of Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter."

"Wait. Potter... As in Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived?" Father and Daughter asked at the same time.

Harry immediately saddened. "Yeah... That's me..." He really hated that title.

"They are both underaged! How could they even get married!" Zatara started to argue.

"Well... Since last year, Harry is emancipated. And the minimum age for a witch is fifteen." Sirius pointed out to the angry father.

"What were you two thinking!?" He returned to scolding the teens.

"Well... Harry was pretty drunk and I was not exactly sober either..." Zatanna admitted. She did look a bit guilty about that. "And I wanted to spite you." She finally admitted. "At first I thought I would just... lose my virginity," seeing her father about to shout, she quickly added "...but Harry was a perfect gentleman. He refused to do anything more than a kiss before marriage. So we kinda decided to get married on the spot."

"Of all the stupid, crazy, unresponsible...!" Zatara raved on. "How could you be so... so..." He was lacking in words that in his mind would accurately describe the situation.

"It's not like we can't divorce." She said, earning a confused look from Sirius.

"What is 'divorce'?" He asked.

That actually got Giovanni's attention. "She means annulment." He gave the proper wizarding term.

"Yeah... that might be a problem." Sirius scratched the back of his neck. "Unless previously stated, there would be no annulment clause in your marriage contract..."

"What?!" Three shouts almost deafened the old mutt.

"According to the law in both Magical States of America and Wizarding Britain, the annulment is not required, only recommended," Sirius explained. "Had this been done in Wizarding Brittain, you would be able to annul the marriage as it did not have your approval. But since it's MACUSA territory and they don't exactly respect the House system... Let's just say that as backward as it is, it does have certain upsides." Sirius sighed.

"Great!" Harry shouted. He started to pace around the room. "So now not only the darkest lord of all times apparently took offense in the fact that he failed to kill me a few times, the ministry is trying to hang me and it's a miracle I didn't receive another few missives about underage magic so far, but now I am also dragging some else with me to their death!" He didn't see the surprised expressions of everyone gathered. "When Voldemort hears about it, she will have a target on her bigger than Snape's ego! And I can be sure that Malfoy will be out for revenge! The last thing I need is another person dying because of me!" He finally collapsed under the weight of his emotions. A small stream of tears was going down his cheek. Zatanna walked over and kneeled next to him. She pulled him into a tight hug. At first, Harry tensed out of instinct. he really wasn't used to hugs. Out of his friends, only Hermione hugged him on some occasions and even then he always felt awkward. There was also Mrs. Weasley, but then he always felt like she was actively trying to strangle him. After a moment, he relaxed and allowed Zatanna to pull him closer. It felt different than other hugs. It was close to Hermione, but more... He didn't really have a word to describe this. He just let the tears fall down his face while she held him close.

Sirius took Zatara to the other room to give the teens some privacy. Seeing Harry relax, he decided to leave it to his new wife to comfort him. Once he closed the doors (much to Giovanni's chagrin), he summoned a bottle of Firewhiskey that happened to be lying around and poured two full glasses. He offered one to the angry father and took a seat on the couch.

"Harry is a really great kid." Sirius started. "His life was really fucked up to this point."

"Excuse me, but who are you supposed to be?" Zatara asked.

"Let me introduce myself then. Lord Sirius Orion Black the third. I'm Harry's sworn Godfather."

The other wizard immediately pointed his wand at Sirius. "You are a wanted criminal!"

"Technically, for now, I am presumed dead. And to be considered a wanted criminal they would need to convict me first." Padfoot pointed out calmly. He seemed completely unfazed by the fact that there was a wand pointed at him as he took a sip of firewhiskey. "Actually, I hoped to contact you anyway. You are MACUSA's delegate to the Justice League, right?"

"So, you recognize me. Not many wizards do. Most have no idea what the Justice League even is."

"Yeah. I did my homework after I escaped. I planned on formally petitioning for asylum. Both to Magical and No-maj side."

Zatara sank into his chair, but he didn't lower his wand. "While I don't trust Wizengamot any more than I trust Abra Kadabra to behave, we would need some kind of proof."

Sirius slowly reached to his pocket, keeping his other hand up. he pulled two vials with a white misty substance. "These are the memories that will prove both me and Bellatrix Black innocent." At a raised brow his face turned solemn. "When you see it, you will applaud me for breaking her out. We are also willing to submit to Veritaserum or this fancy lasso of yours."

Zatara nodded. "Fine. I will try to see what can be done. Now I think there is a more pressing matter."

"Look. I can only imagine how much you want to protect your daughter. The same goes for me with Harry. I made a mistake once. The pup... kid really had a horrible life. I don't know the details yet, but he was ready to come live with a total stranger. One who less than an hour ago he believed to be responsible for the death of his parents. This trip was supposed to be a chance for him to let out some steam, play some games, and get a chance to for once have fun."

"You call running around drunk and seducing my daughter 'fun'?" Zatara asked angrily

"Okay. I admit I had Bella give him a... potent drink. But if you really want to point fingers, it was your daughter who seduced him. At least she's seen him for just a cute boy and not this The-boy-who-lived mess. Look. Last year was really horrible for him. First, there was that mess with the tournament. The press was having a field day with ruining his reputation. Not to mention that he almost died several times over. One of his friends died in the end. Voldemort finally managed to return from the dead. Harry had to witness both of that and then duel the dark lord. He managed to escape only for the Minister to declare him a liar." Seeing Zatara unconvinced, Sirius sighed. "What I'm trying to say is that he really needed a break. And maybe someone to share the burden. Your daughter made a choice and now she has to face the consequences. You can either burn all the bridges with her or actually show her support and help her through the change. Besides, she is now legally an adult anyway."

Back with Harry and Zatanna, he finally managed to calm down a bit. His wife kept stroking his hair while he cuddled into her on the floor.

She had some time to think about the whole situation. Zatanna admitted to herself that she was a bit reckless. When she agreed to the idea she thought they could play married for some time and get a divorce when it didn't work. Her father never bothered to teach her the details of magical law. Truly, he tried to distance both of them from the Wizarding World. Since her mother died, her father did everything in his power to shelter her.

Now, now she was scared. Because of their rushed decision, they were both now forced into a marriage. Well, forced was not the right word because they chose it. Stuck would be a better term. As she looked at the boy... man cuddled into her she couldn't help but wonder how will it turn out. Everything she knew about Harry Potter was either from the history books or some random articles. She took that source with a bit of salt. Already Harry proved to be different from anything she heard. From what she's seen she could actually imagine falling for him. The last night was a good bonus She mused remembering their honeymoon.

For his part, after the initial breakdown passed Harry started to think about this. Okay, he was married, but it was in the States. The news might not have yet reached the Ministry of Magic, provided it does at all. Maybe if they acted as if nothing happened Voldemort wouldn't learn in time. As far as anyone was concerned Harry partied a bit in Mag Vegas before returning for his fifth year. Not married at all. A glamour would take care of the ring...

Both of the teens were torn back to reality when the doors to the other room opened and Sirius walked in with Zatara.

"I... I want to apologize." The magician started. "I overreacted. I should've been less angry and more supportive. To both of you." He added, eyeing Harry.

"I'm sorry too, Dad. I rushed into things without thinking."

"That's all nice and great, but I just remembered another detail. Where in the world is Remus?"

"Last time I saw him with some blonde woman at our wedding..." Zatanna remembered.

"Blonde!?" Sirius asked in half-scream of surprise.

"Yeah... She was tall and dressed in a jade set of robes." Zatanna tried to bring back the memory, but it was hazy.

"Moony you wolf!" Sirius called before he started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Um... Sirius? Who was that woman?"

"That, pup, was Narcissa Black. Formerly Malfoy." Sirius explained once he finally calmed down. "Before Bella and I left Britain, I used my position as Lord Black to annul her marriage and take her with us. She was really unhappy with Lucy-boy, but I didn't expect her to go after Remus of all people." He started cackling once more.

"Maybe we should... I don't know... look for them?" Harry asked his godfather, who only cackled more.

"The old wolf knows where to find me and Bella. I met with him yesterday just after the show. He didn't believe me at first, but I convinced him. Then he punched me so hard I could actually see stars."

"O-kay... But what now then?"

"Now, the two of you need to sort things between yourself while Mr. Zatara and I deal with my petition for Asylum. Then we can move to the Black Mansion in Gotham or maybe find a nice penthouse in Metropolis and ward it to the point when even Superman can't enter."

"But... I need to return to Britain. Voldemort..."

"No. You don't." Sirius said firmly. "I didn't go through all this trouble to set all of this so you could return and play a sheep for the slaughter. I am applying for asylum here. You would too, but I think you already got the citizenship done." He grinned, looking at the two teens. They actually had the decency to look a bit sheepish about it.

"And what about my friends?" He asked, not giving up.

"If Hermione knows what is right for her, she will convince her parents to move to America with her. Or Australia. Even Brazil will be safer! As for others, they already decided for themselves. Twins are the ones who helped me set this up and they plan on joining us as soon as they finish school. They will try to convince the rest. If they prefer to get involved in a civil war, they can as well go sc... play themselves." Sirius stopped himself from cursing.

"But Dumbledore..."

"nothing. Dumbledore does not control your life. It's time for you to start thinking about yourself for once. You warned them. They ignored you. You are fifteen. It's not your responsibility to deal with this." Sirius sighed. "Listen, pup. I know I failed you. I should have taken care of you, but revenge blinded me. I am not making the same mistake again."

"If Voldemort really is back, maybe the League can help?" Zatara offered. He remembered stories from his youth. The obituaries sometimes took more than two pages of newspapers.

"Fat chance," Harry grumbled. "Ministry would first need to acknowledge this. And they won't as long as death eaters feed Fudge galleons under the table."

"Ah. So corrupted government. And the International Confederation of Wizards is not doing anything?" Zatara asked, not really surprised. He really disliked the wizarding world. It was so broken that no amount of magic could fix it.

"Oh! They are!" Harry was in a bad mood again. "They booted Dumbledore as supreme mugwump for the fiasco with Tri-wizard tournament and Cedric's death. They think he invented this story to cover his rear because he promised the tournament was completely safe and yet one of the champions died." Then, he whispered, "Yet they weren't bothered that I was entered." Zatanna squeezed his hand lightly, reminding him of her presence. "Well, at least you can be happy. I will probably not live to see my seventeenth birthday so you will be free to..." He was interrupted by a loud Slap!. Harry reeled back, massaging his cheek.

"Don't you even start with this. I am happy to try and make this work. I don't fancy being a widow before sixty."

"Yes ma'am." Harry saluted with a straight face before smiling.

Zatara watched the young couple with amusement. Maybe the two would actually, somehow, possibly, unexpectedly, work this out and come out on top.

"Sirius... what about my hearing? It's in just a few days. I need to be there or they will somehow pin on me more than just the Patronus!" Harry suddenly remembered yet another sad fact about his life.

"Yeah... That is a problem." Sirius mused. "I have no idea what are they playing with this one, but you are required by law to attend. If not, they can try you in absentia and nobody is allowed to speak in your defense. Well, they can try, but the case is practically lost if you are not present."

"What kind of broken system is that?!" Zatanna protested.

"It had two reasons really. One is that it was established in the belief that no innocent man needs to fear trial and second is that some people benefit from this system too much. Actually, we should probably return to Britain earlier to have time in case something changes."

"Well, I should start packing then..." Zatanna mused to herself while getting up from the floor.

"Absolutely not!" Her father shouted. "I will not allow you to travel to that country when there is a terrorist on the loose."

"Then it's a shame I won't ask for your permission." She smiled. "Dad. I know you are worried, but it will be for two weeks top. We will sort things out and then come back here safe and sound."

"Fine. Sorry Sweetheart. I just really don't want to see you hurt."

"I know daddy, but I am no longer a little girl. In less than two years I will be an adult."

"Actually, by law, you are already an adult." Sirius once again decided to clarify. His studying for his own case actually gave him insight into many different aspects. "The marriage served as immediate emancipation."

"Oh..." She just looked at the two adults. "That makes it even easier. So should I pack?"

"Actually, I would also feel better if you stayed." Harry voiced his opinion. "I was hoping we could keep this married thing quiet so Voldemort doesn't have any reason to actively try and hunt you and your family."

"That won't work. Your marriage is already in the files in the ministry since she became the new Lady Potter. That means it will break the news by the end of the week. Did you happen to be a pure-blood by chance?"

Zatanna looked at her father, who nodded. "Apparently, whatever that means."

"Pure-blood is a witch or wizard who is backed by at least two generations of only wizards. Basically, both your parents and grandparents had magic."

"Ah. Yeah. The Zatara family had magic for generations."

"Good. Then if we act fast enough, we can spin the media story about you both upholding the tradition and bringing in new blood." At their confused and on Harry's part slightly disgusted expression, Sirius decided to explain. At this rate, they will start calling me Professor Black soon. That's what you get from actually learning something Pads... "I know it has nothing to do with the real reason, but it will appease both the Dark and somewhat the Light."

"Fine. But I really don't like how it sounds..."

"Me neither pup, but that's the reality we must face. Now onto the merrier news, you two still have at least three days before we leave, so you two can enjoy each other's company some more." He wiggled his eyebrow suggestively, but at the firm gaze of Zatara, he added, "maybe take her to a cinema or for a romantic stroll through the city?"

"We should first find Remus," Harry suggested. "I really feel bad about losing him in the crowd."

"that's fine by me. We can..."

Sirius was interrupted when Zatara suddenly pressed his hand to the ear. "...Acknowledged. I am already in the area on.. personal matter. Will be there as fast as I can." He disconnected and looked at the group. "League emergency. Stay on the magical side. There is an Android rogue in No-maj Vegas."

"Is he by chance anywhere near Luthor Plaza?" Sirius asked with a frown.

"Yeah, why?"

"That's where Bella is staying and where Remus and Cissy would be now." A quick wave of his wand confirmed that theory. "Yup. All three are in the building." Sirius pulled out a velvet piece of clothing. "Grab on. I have the portkey."

"The kids stay," Zatara ordered.

"The room number is 7007," Sirius said before he and the superhero grabbed the piece of clothing and disappeared.

"Do we act like good kids and stay here?" Zatanna asked, a bit disappointed.

"Nope." Harry grinned. "Dobby!"

"What can Dobby do for Great Master Harry Potter, Sir?" An elf popped in almost immediately.

"How would you like a job?" Harry asked.

"Great Master Harry Potter Sir wants to bond with little Dobby!? That's the greatest day of Dobby's life. Yes! Yes! I will gladly bond with Great Master Harry Potter Sir!"

"Um... But don't you enjoy being a free elf?"

"Dobby likes to be free of Malfoy, but being free is not healthy for Dobby. Dobby would wish to serve a good master like Great Master Harry Potter sir!"

Zatanna watched with amusement how the overly energetic elf bounced around. "I have no problems with taking a stray. We already have a strange bird and a small griffin." She pointed at the two animals. One was in a cage while the other was sleeping.

"Fine. Hermione's gonna kill me, but I will worry later. So Dobby, do I need to..." Harry didn't get a chance to finish because Dobby already practically leaped at him. He grabbed his hand and placed it on his forehead.

"Dobby binds his magic, his core, his soul to Great Master Harry James Potter Sir. Dobby swears to follow his will to the best of his abilities."

Suddenly, Harry felt a tug on the back of his mind. It was as if his very magic was responding. "I, Lord Harry James Potter, The head of Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, accept your oath. I swear to provide you with shelter and magic to sustain you. So I speak, so I will, so must it be." A light emanated from the ring on Harry's finger. For a moment, he felt another tug on his magic before it all settled.

"Now, Dobby, could you take us close to Luthor Plaza?" receiving a nod, Harry continued. "After you do, I want you to clean this place of all my winnings and take them... "

"Dobby can take them to Black Mansion in Gotham."

After brief consideration, Harry nodded. "Then let's go to Luthor Plaza."

Dobby grabbed both of their hands and the two disappeared.

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