
By Elle_Barton

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(PG-13, Modern Quirkless College AU) - "Hmm.." "For fucks sake, dumbass! Order!" Shouto could practically see... More

Ch. 1 - Sasshole
Ch. 2 - Calls and Texts
Ch. 3 - Pastries
Ch. 4 - Wants and Needs
Ch. 5 - Sharing is Caring
Ch. 6 - Mario Kart
Ch. 7 - Cat Jokes
Ch. 8 - A New Side
Ch. 9 - Fake Dates and Stupidity
Ch. 10 - Soba Slut
Ch. 11 - Fun Times, and Late Questions
Ch. 12 - Questions And Answers
Ch. 13 - Sleepover?
Ch. 14 - Breakfast, With a Side of Drama
Ch. 15 - Breakfast, With a Side of Drama Pt. 2
Ch. 16 - Broken
Ch. 18 - Let's Go
Ch. 19 - Cars Aren't a Good Place For Therapy
Ch. 20 - Talks and Tattoos

Ch. 17 - Now I Can See

1.5K 99 50
By Elle_Barton

//This song and it's lyrics inspired certain parts of this, obviously. Give it a listen! I hope this is to y'all's liking. *nervous smile emoji* 


Katsuki was worried. He hated it, but he was worried. Normally he wouldn't be so worried about Shouto, he was an adult after all, but knowing that he had a bit of a meltdown the day before, Katsuki just.. he just needed to be sure that the dual-haired male was alright.

He stared at his phone off and on all day that day at work. No response to any of his messages. He even stayed up later than he usually would to see if Shouto would message him.

"Come on, Shouto.." Katsuki said quietly, lying back in his bed and looking at his phone screen with a frown. 'Let me know you are okay.'

[11:24PM, Half'nHalf (Shouto)

IcyHot.. for real. Please.]

Katsuki fell asleep soon after that; his phone still in his hand, and a soft frown still on his face even in sleep.


At Katsuki's normal wake up time, 7am, he blinked sleepily when he started to awake from his slumber. He brought his free hand up to rub the sleep from his eyes, then stretched with a soft moan. When the blonde realized that what he held in his other hand was his phone, he sat up quickly and powered it on.

Three texts, two app notifications, and a separate news update. He swiped all but the texts away.

[6:00AM, Pikachu (Dunce Face)

Hey, man! Yeah last night I texted Todoroki, but he didn't respond. He generally doesn't talk much, so don't worry about it!]

"He talks to me." Katsuki said quietly under his breath.

[6:35AM, Pikachu (Dunce Face)

Also how crazy is it that we all know each other?? 🤯]

[6:45AM, Dumb Hair (Ei)

Hey, you wanna hangout today? I know it's your day off!]

Katsuki stared at his phone, not sure what he wanted to do. He put his phone beside him, and brought his legs up to his chest and rested his arms atop them. 'Stop worrying. He's an adult. He can take care of himself.' He turned his head to look at his phone on the bed beside him. 'But.. sometimes it's nice to know that someone cares.' He closed just eyes. 'Don't text him again. Don't text him again. He doesn't need that.'

"Fuck." Katsuki muttered under his breath, lowering his legs and running his hands down his face. "I need a distraction." He looked back to his phone and grabbed it, unlocking it and going to answer Eijirou's text. The rambunctious redhead could always get him out of the dumps.

However before he could click the text banner, his phone began to vibrate and ring softly. It was Shouto.

Katsuki clicked answer a lot quicker than he would ever admit.

"Fuck, Todoroki!" Katsuki blurted out, sitting up straight again. "Where have you been?"

"I'm sorry." Shouto said. "I received your texts yesterday, but was too tired to reply last night."

Katsuki frowned. Shouto sounded.. off. "Don't worry about it- are you okay?"

Shouto responded immediately, "Yeah, why?"

"You sound strange.. Are you sure you're okay?"


"What.. what do you mean by 'strange'?"

"I don't know, you just.. sound down. And a little hoarse- like you've been yelling, or something." Katsuki paused, then added, "and yelling is my forte, so I know a thing or two about it."

There was a soft chuckle on the other line. "Yeah you do."

"Smartassery is your forte, however."

"Gee, thanks."

Shouto hoped Katsuki had forgotten his previous question. 'Are you okay?', because Shouto was very much not okay and he didn't want to lie to the other.

"Also, uhm.. why did you have Denki message me too?"

"Well damn, I don't know- maybe because you weren't responding to anything, and he is the only other person that we both know? Fuckin'- I.." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. ".. I know it's stupid, but I'm worried about you."


"I know you can take care of yourself, and you're an adult and shit, but after that impromptu visit with your dad?" Shouto flinched at the mention of his Father, which he was glad Katsuki couldn't see. "I just- I'm worried. Like a fuckin' concerned Mother, I know. You're going through shit, and I just want to be there for.." He sighed softly. "I just want to be there for you. You know?"

"I do.. and I want you to know how much that made me smile. Thank you.. But you don't have to worry about me."

"Yeah, well-"

"Also that's really Gay."

Katsuki paused right before saying something. He then laughed quietly, shaking his head. "Shut up, idiot." It made him smile when he heard Shouto's own quiet laugh. "Anyway, let's meet up tomorrow. I don't work tomorrow either, and my day is either going to be hanging out with you, or just working out all day."

The laughter cut off and was replaced by a quiet clear of the throat. "I-I, uh.. I can't tomorrow." 'I can't let you see me like this.'. "M-Maybe some other time? We can, uhm," Shouto tried to think of how long it would take to heal, so that Katsuki wouldn't have to see him injured. "We can- we can hangout next week?"

"... Todoroki."

Katsuki frowned. Shouto audibly swallowed.


"What aren't you telling me?"

"What do-" Shouto's voice unhelpfully cracked right at that moment, and he had to clear his throat again. "What do you mean?"

He could hear Katsuki sigh.

"Dammit, Shouto, for fucks sake.. what is going on?"

Silence on both ends.

"... Tell me to fuck off and I will. I'll stop asking. But until you tell me that, I'm gonna keep pushing."

More silence.

".... Katsuki?" Shouto said quietly after a few minutes, voice small and shaky.

Now Katsuki was concerned all over again.


"Please.. j-just let it go."

"That wasn't a 'fuck off'."


Katsuki bit his lip, debating on what to do.

Go over there and see for himself what was going on, or to stay and just play the waiting game.

'Fuck it.' Katsuki thought. And just like that, the decision was made. 'I'm going.'

"... Alright." He was gonna go over there. "I'll shut up." He stood up and began searching for clothes. "Text me though. If you don't, I'll worry more and spam you again, you idiot."

"I promise I will." Shouto replied quietly, both relieved and sad. He was kind of hoping that Katsuki would put two and two together. That he would figure it out on his own. That he would come and make everything better. "And I'll do it before stupid'o'clock."

"Good. Be safe, halfie."

"You too."

Katsuki was already dressed and grabbing his keys.


When Katsuki hung up, Shouto's heart fell a little. He lowered his phone from his ear, looking down at the screen. The default thing to do after ending a call was to go back to the main home screen, and Shouto's main home screen was still that photo of Katsuki that the blonde had taken the first day they'd actually met and talked, other than just Shouto ordering a coffee. It's been a few months now, and it was still that same photo.

Shouto smiled slightly at the photo before powering off his phone. The now black screen reflected back his own face, and he quickly had to look away, not wanting to see the damage done.

He knew he had to replace makeshift bandage he'd put on his earlobe to keep it clean and from getting infected. He would need to go to the hospital to get it stitched up, soon- thankfully, Enji had only ripped the one hoop out.

With a quiet sigh, Shouto threw his phone back onto the couch and went to the bathroom to take a look in his mirror. The right side of his face was bruised and displayed several shades of purples, reds, and yellowing where the more minor ones had already begun to heal. His lip was split as well, he noticed for the first time. He gently reached up to touch the slight puffiness and swelling that was happening mainly around his eye, and winced when he touched the tender flesh.

'This is gonna hurt for awhile.'

Tentatively, the male grabbed the hem of his shirt to study the hit on his stomach. A large bruise was already blossoming as of the first evening, and now it was even darker and took up a bit more of the pale flesh of his slim torso. He knew he had a bruised rib or two. His Father was a hard hitter; he knew this long before that day though.

"You shouldn't have gone." He said quietly to his reflection as he dropped his shirt, and placed his hands on the vanity to lean against it. He studied every bruise, every blemish, every little wound he had gained from that evening. "... You knew better." He finally broke eye contact with himself, looking down and closing his eyes while tightening his fists.

'He was right though. I'm doing a terrible job of keeping this place clean.' He thought to himself pitifully. 'He gave this to me and I can't even properly take care of it.'

Shouto suddenly opened his eyes and looked to his reflection again, a glare forming. "He does not own you, and you do not have to drive yourself insane from keeping this place spotless."

Yes, Shouto had to give himself pep talks sometimes. He wasn't crazy, he knew his reflection was just that; a reflection. It wasn't going to change or answer back, but it somehow helped anyway. After staring at himself for a moment longer, he let out a soft huff before going about changing the bandage he had on his ear, seeing as that was actually the entire reason he even went in there.

After the man's little moment in the bathroom, and after a few episodes of an American TV show he liked, he heard a knock upon his door. He startled slightly, which made the cat that had previously been in his lap, jump down and dart away.

'It couldn't be him..'

Shouto swallowed as he looked to his door, a slightly panicked look to his features. It couldn't be his Father.. could it?.. he didn't want to answer it. However, when there was a louder knock accompanied by a certain man's voice, Shouto relaxed immediately after hearing the familiar, aggressive but concerned tone of his friend.


"Open up, halfie!" Katsuki said loudly as to be heard through the door.

Shouto got up from his seat on the couch and went to the door, looking out the peephole. It was indeed Katsuki, and the blonde looked impatient as his arms were crossed and his foot tapped on the floor.

"What are you doing here?" Shouto asked through the door. He was torn on whether or not he should let Katsuki in.

The blonde looked up when he got a response.

"I'm here to check on you, dipshit. Open up."

"I don't need to be checked on." Shouto replied, a soft flush coming to his cheeks. 'He cared enough to come all the way here?'

"I told you I was worried, didn't I?" Katsuki looked to have sighed though Shouto couldn't hear it. He did however hear and see Katsuki's head hit the door with a light thump. "Please, for the love of all things good and fuckin' dandy, open your door. I need to see that you're okay."

Shouto screwed his eyes shut tightly, moving away from the door and covering his face. "Why did you have to come?" He asked the empty room quietly. He took a deep breath through his nose, before slowly letting it out through his mouth. "Give me a second." He said loud enough for the blonde to hear.

"Fine." He heard in return, before hurrying to his room. He grabbed the first long sleeved shirt he saw, then changed out of his tank top into that. Long sleeved would at least cover the bruises on his arms.

Shouto hurried back to the front door, then unlocked it. "I'm fine." He said as he opened the door, strategically staying behind it so Katsuki wouldn't see him right away.

"Finally." Katsuki groaned. He ran his hand through his hair, sighing quietly in relief as he looked up to the ceiling. "Dammit. You could have-" he cut himself off immediately when he saw Shouto after he closed the door. His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped slightly, majorly taken aback by the injured male's appearance.

"What.. the fuck.." Katsuki breathed out, looking vaguely horrified by the damage done to Shouto's previously blemish free right side of his face. It had been a few days, and it was obviously in that ugly stage of healing. His face still looked tender and swollen, his bottom lip was split, his right eye a bit puffy and swollen in the way that suggested he'd been hit and there were small scratches- Katsuki can only assume came from rings, if he'd been back handed or punched.

Shouto averted his gaze, looking away as he rubbed his right arm lightly. He prepared himself for the barrage of questions he was undoubtedly about to receive.

Katsuki was speechless as he cautiously stepped closer to the other. "... What happened?" He asked quietly.

Silence, and the dual-haired male closed his eyes.

Katsuki waited.

"It.. it took me by surprise.."

Katsuki slowly reached forward and gripped Shouto's chin gently, turning his face a bit more to see the damage. His earlobe also looked torn, where his small silver hoop earring used to be. It looked like it'd been ripped out. Shouto's hair was in the way of his other ear but Katsuki hoped it didn't look the same.

"What did?"

"... The hatred in his eyes." Shouto continued quietly.



"Who did this?" Katsuki hoped this man that was being spoken of was not who he thought it was.

"I.. I pushed that man as far as he could go," Shouto added brokenly, refusing to look at Katsuki. He looked down at his own arms and pulled up his sleeves. There were small bruises scattered, and a very obvious handprint on his left arm, and a circular bruise around his right wrist where he'd been grabbed as well. Katsuki's breath hitched, and Shouto moved his arms before Katsuki could touch them. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up, revealing the rather large bruise on his toned stomach.


Shouto swallowed, then looked up to the blonde as he let his shirt drop. There were tears in his eyes. "When he lost the words to say how he felt.. he found a different way to get his point across." A single stream of tears fell down Shouto's left cheek, and he swiped it away with his hand, and in turn made the tears from his other eye fall. "N-now I can see it's all my fault.."

"No, it-"

"I've disappointed him." Shouto interrupted, his voice shaky. 'I've always disappointed him.'. "I deserve this."

"Nobody deserves this." Katsuki said. "Please answer my question. Who did this?"

"Guess." Shouto said, voice thick with emotion as he just let the tears fall, not bothering to wipe them away.

'Damn it to fucking Hell.'

"Your Dad." Katsuki responds softly. Shouto nodded, closing his eyes as Katsuki moved his hand from the dual-haired male's chin to fully cup his left cheek. He used his thumb to swipe away the tears. He searched Shouto's teary eyes, and he could see the hurt in them; physical and emotional.

Shouto let out a choked sob and he covered his mouth, looking away from the blonde. The tears fell heavily and he tried to stay as silent as possible, his shoulders shaking. This was too much. The dam was so so close to being obliterated, and he was ashamed and embarrassed but he didn't move. He couldn't.

Katsuki sighed softly and stepped closer. "Shouto," He said quietly as he gingerly wrapped his arms around Shouto's trembling body, surprising even himself. The shaking boy leaned into the blonde quicker than Katsuki thought he would. He didn't add anything else as Shouto let out a full bodied sob against Katsuki's shoulder. He just let Shouto cry as he placed a soft kiss to his temple, before resting his chin atop the other's head.

Katsuki didn't normally hug.. well.. anyone- his parents sometimes, but that was different. He didn't coddle, and he definitely didn't wipe tears away and place soft kisses.

"Shhh, Icy-" Katsuki stopped, then continued after a moment, just above a whisper. "Shouto. I'm here. I've got you."

I've got you.

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