Little Means Everything 2: Ev...


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After having the experience of being little, The newly weds decide on having their own little together. But o... Lebih Banyak

Coming Soon
Warnings and Message! (Important)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Notice (Please Read)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (End)
Another UPDATE!

Chapter 1

254 15 23

"I can't find him!"

"Where is he!"

"Please comeback!"



*Antis POV*
I woke up as I heard an intercom and shuffled in my seat, my breathe slightly rushed.

"Afternoon ladies and gents, we have arrived at our destination. Please keep your seatbelts on and prepare for landing."

Oh right we were on a plane. I relaxed a bit and brushed down the white poofy wedding dress I still had on. Dark and I had just left after our wedding to catch a flight to somewhere for a surprise or something. I had no clue about it and at this point I was highly positive that he was going to kill me in the middle of no where.

"Ugh, Just land this fucking thing already." Dark groaned, squirming in his seat.

I bit my lip and suppressed a giggle, hearing the demon next to me sigh dramatically and squirm every now and then was amusing. Especially when he would close his eyes and mutter his "last words".

"Every second more on this contraption is a step closer to disaster." He muttered under his breathe.

"Don't be a baby." I commented, laying back in my seat proudly for being such a brave boy.
Dark was tense this whole flight, I don't remember him being this afraid of heights, but after we landed he calmed down a bit.

With a quick drive to who knows where, I pulled my bag with me and held up my dress as Dark lead me to the surprise..all while blindfolded of course.

"Now just a few steps forward and...there! We're here."

I giggled and took off my blindfold, gazing in- what the absolute fuck!

"Is that a boat?" I asked, stunned.

"It's a cruise ship." My husband replied.

"So a fancy boat?"

"No its- Yes it's a fancy boat."

"I turned to the demon beside me and squinted. "You want to put me on this boat?"


"On the ocean?"


"Far away from land?"

"Right again, darling. So clever."

I glared for a while in total silence... "You're tryna kill me, ain't ya?" I questioned as my accent got thicker.

"Oh come now, it'll be fun. Seeing the views, dancing,, tanning on the deck. All sorts of things."

"Alright listen, Karen..." I started, putting my hands on my hips sassily. "You and I both know we don't tan, I look like a porcelain doll and you resemble 50 shades of gray. Second, the only view is an ocean, a body of water known to be feared by Mark. And third-"

"Will you just get on the damn boat!" He yelled.

My eyes went wide as his aura snapped at me. Just as I was about to comment he pointed towards the ship, glaring me down as I scrunched a bit of my white dress into my hands

"Alright. I'll get on your "fancy boat"."

"Thank you. Now let's get booked in."

After a long line of waiting we finally made it onto the ship. The first thing we did was get to our cabin. I sighed and dropped my bags onto the floor and hightailed it too the bed, jumping onto the soft surface.

"Comfy?" He chuckled, dropping his bags next to mine.

"Hm, I still prefer Pillowiplier. Will he like to come join me?"

Dark smirked tiredly as he closed the door, picking me up, laying down then adding me on top of him, chest to chest. I took a deep breath and sighed in relaxation, purring and playing with his loose tie. Every moment felt so perfect.


"Yes my gorgeous husband?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice."

I smiled at the man under me and booped his nose, "Awe, you're just a big ol softy."

"And you're a cutey with a big fat booty." He teased, brushing his hands up my dress to my ass, patting them like bongos.

"Stop you're gonna ruin my dress." I groaned, poofing the fabric back back down.

"You mean this dress?" He asked with a smirk, snaking his hand back down my right leg as the other hand held my waist.

I could feel him moving under me as he slowly pulled the white fabric higher up my thigh. His hands were cold, making me shiver as he traced his fingers on my pale skin.

"You know...I like the ritual where the groom takes off lace that has been wrapped around their bride's thigh with their teeth. Tell me, baby. What else are you wearing under this pretty~"

Dark was interrupted as a knock on the door was heard.

"Are you expecting anyone?"

I ignored his questions and decided to investigate, my eyes slit like a cat's as I took a knife from my left thigh holster.

"A knife? You were wearing a knife holster under the pretty dress." Dark mumbled in disappointment, rolling over and groaning into a pillow.

"Shh, What if it's a hitman or something?" I questioned, getting off him and slowly making my way to the door.

"Yes, cause hitmen knock on your door first to ask permission to snipe you through a window." He retaliated, his voice a harsh whisper.

I rolled my eyes and turned my vision towards him, a clear expression of annoyance written all over my face. "I don't appreciate the sarcasm, Chandler Bing."

"Whatever you say, Phoebe." He snickered.

"How dare you! I am a Rachel at best!"

"Oh yeah, well right now you're more uptight then Monica!"

Before I could argue someone knocked again. I glanced at the door then turned to glare at Dark.

"I should have never let you watch 'Friends'." I hissed.

"Stop procrastinating and go to the fucking door- Ya know what? Here, give me." Dark got up and walked passed me, taking the knife in process. He made it to the door and hid the weapon behind his back as he looked through the peep hole. With confusion he opened the door to reveal a preppy couple. One plastic Barbie looking bitch and an older, well aged man.

"Hi, we're your honeymoon neighbors!" The Dolly Parton impersonator greeted.

"I see." Dark replied, coldly.

"My name's Missy and this is Charlie. We're the Hitmens."

"Oh...Hey babe! I guess Hitmen do knock on the door." Dark chuckled.

"Oh is you're wife here too?"

"I don't have a wife." Dark said blankly.

I could see the lady furrow her drawn on eyebrows "I'm confused."

"Well you know what they say, 'Roses are red, clouds are grey."

"Don't you mean 'violets are blue'?"

"Yes, but blue doesn't rhyme with gay now does it?" The demon spat, glaring at the couple.

The couple stood there dumbfounded until the lady spoke again. "Oh because grey rhymes with gay!" She exclaimed, wheezing at the "humor". I walked to the door and tried my best to help Dark get out of the situation.

"Hi, I'm Anthony. This is my husband Damien."

"Oh hello! My name's Missy and this is Charlie." She reintroduced. "I love the dress."

"Well hello there pretty boy." A sudden wave of discomfort washed over me as the man known as Charlie winked at me.

"Charlie!" The woman gasped in a playful anger. "Don't fluster the poor boy. That's his job." She whispered that last part, pointing to Dark.

They both burst into laughter as Dark and I awkwardly joined them.

"Well we best be going, hopefully we can meet again at dinner?"

"Or not." Dark responded as he awkwardly smiled.

"Well till then, bye for now!"

Dark immediately slammed the door as they walked off and let out a shaky breath, passing the knife back to me.

"You okay?" I asked, putting the knife in my holster.

"I promise to not say a word if you never want to touch me again."

"You heard that too?! It was so fucking weird!"

Dark shivered at the memory as the awkward feeling slowly went away, making it easier to laugh at it.

"By the way...she wasn't wrong." I stated boldly.

Dark looked at me in confusion. I sat at the edge of the bed, gently kicking my legs and biting my lips.

Dark rose his eyebrow and glared down my body as the idea came to his mind.
"Are you sure?"

"I mean...I did ask you at our wedding."

He looked me up and down one last time before walking closer, lifting my chin with his index finger.

"Alright baby boy, but before anything happens I first want a shower."

I pouted as he kissed my head and dug in his bag for clothes. Once ready he made his way to the bathroom. He glanced over to me with a smirk and gestured for me to go towards him.

"Come join me."

Like a love sick puppy I ran towards the bathroom, stripping down then jumping into the shower. Dark joined shortly, kissing me as he pressed his back against the tiled wall.

"Why don't you heat things up a bit, Darky?" I growled, resting my hands around his neck.

Dark reached out to turn on the tap, warm water immediately falling onto my back, but that warm water soon turned cold, making me lose focus on our make out session.

"Can you make it warm again, please?"

"As you wish."

I heard the squeaky tap open more as more water poured down, but it was still cold, somehow getting even colder and colder.

"D-Dark, turn it off."

"It'll get warmer I promise." He said, trying to go in for another kiss.

Suddenly the temperature felt like ice hitting my back.

"Fuck! T-turn it off!" I pleaded, pushing into Dark's body for warmth. The icy water stopped, but my body was still shivering. Being a demon I was use to the warm fiery pits of hell, but this! It had barely been an hour and I already wanted to go home. But Dark seemed so happy about this stupid cruise...

*Dark's POV*

(I want to go home!)

(Celine, I cant agree more. Dark my good man, take us home at once)

What are you talking about, this was all you're idea!

(I thought it would be nicer than this. A cruise was supposed to be relaxing)

You realize as an Iplier the ocean is something I loath more than anything. And on top of all things-

(You're not getting any action)

Not that! Well that too I guess- Whatever. What I was trying to say is this was a mistake. And I'm sure Anti would of rather wanted something more childish yet entertaining.

(Then go do something entertaining here)

Like what?

(Go dancing, have a drink at the bar or even watch a movie-)

"Hey Dark! Come check the irony. They're playing Titanic on a cruise!"

I walked into the room to see Anti wrapped in blankets, smiling as chaos happened on the screen.

Entertaining you say?


I walked towards Anti and wrapped my arms around the ball of blankets.



"How would you like to get into a little...trouble?"

"How̗͞ ̡̻̳͚͙m҉̦̫̤͉̞u͉c͚̗͓̩̀h̲̬͍͚ t̺̺͔̪r̖̳ouble?"

(A lil time skipp)
After Anti got warmed and dressed back into his wedding gown we set up our plan then walked to the front of the boat with our bags.

"Oh Darky, were gonna have soo much fun!" Anti cheered.

I chuckled as he almost ran right to the edge, waiting for me to speed over as his dress and hair flailed perfectly in the wind.

"Common, I wanna fly!"

"Coming Rose."

Anti giggled in static as he stood on the metal bars while I held his waist, his hands spread out like in the movie.

"You ready my darling?"

"You better fuckin believe it!"

I held Anti tightly as my power sparked his, creating a surge of electricity, powered through Anti, as it conducted through the ship, taking control of the engines.

I took his arms then steered the ship as if he was a helm.

(Damien, what is a helm?)

(I believe the pirate Iplier said it was a steering wheel for ships)

(Oh...on another note, stop this madness before you get everyone killed!)

(This is you're fault! You gave him the idea of doing something entertaining!)

(I meant a movie or shuffleboard!)

(They're demons not an old married couple)

Will both of you shut up, you're giving me a headache!

I shook away the voices as I continued to steer with Anti, making a sharp turn that sent the ship to tilt until it fell sideways. The screams of defenseless humans looking for lifeboats was thrilling, I could almost taste the fear in the salty air.
From bellow the sinking ship I could hear our ride. I helped Anti down and jogged to get our bags, tossing them over board. Lastly I picked Anti bridal style and jumped. The world felt slow as Anti laughed and smiled, his hair and dress flying once again as we fell.
I landed with ease onto our get away vehicle, still holding the love of my life.

"Welcome aboard Mr. Darkiplier sir."

We looked to see Captain Magnum, one of Mark's recently found ego's, standing on the dock.

"Captain." I greeted. "Thank you for the lift."

"Not a worry matey. Get yourselves comfortable while I get us out of here, there's a bed in my quarters if ya need rest."

I set Anti down then took our bags that I dropped earlier into the Captain's Quarters, Anti following behind me. I set them down and shut the door, watching Anti flop onto the bed.

"Hmm perfect." He sighed.

I chuckled as he gestured for me to join him. I laid down on the other side, our feet hanging off each edge as our faces were close together.
Anti gave a lazy smile, giggling at who knows what.

"What you smiling about?"

"Nothing, you just make me happy."

I playfully rolled my eyes and kissed his head, sinking back into the bed.

"I love you so much." I whispered, playing with his hair.

Anti blushed as he tried to look away, fiddling with the locket he had on. It brought back memories. I could still picture her red and green eyes, shining. The puncture wound in her neck and her raven hair burned into my brain. Her words sophisticated yet still modern. She was my little girl, and nothing would take her away this time.

"Dark?" My thoughts were interrupted as I saw Anti, his face showing concern. "You okay?"

"Of course. Why do you ask?"

"You just seemed quiet." He answered, stroking my cheek.

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

Anti looked to wear I was gazing, knowing immediately as he saw the locket in his fingers. His eyes pricked with tears as he continued to stare at the object he had once given.

I continued to play with his hair to give him time. He eventually looked back up to me and pecked my lips, snuggling closer to my body. I moved so I was laying against the head rest as Anti crawled on top of me. We kissed again and again, becoming more heated with each encounter. I could hear his heart beat as I kissed lower down his neck, sucking and softly moaning against his skin. My actions stopped as I heard the back of his dress unzip, immediately swatting his hands away from it.

"Don't take it off." I commanded.

Anti leaned back to look at me suspiciously, a smirk playing on his lips. "Why?"

"I just want you to keep it on, okay?"

Anti smirked as he booped my nose. "Well aren't you a kinky bastard."

"What if I was?" I questioned, rolling us around so that I was on top, pinning his hands above his head as he giggled.

"I'm going to ask this again, and the answer better not be a knife this time."

"I'm listening."

"What do you have under this pretty white dress of yours?"

Anti bit his lip as he tried to hold back his blush, failing miserably.

"Let's find out shall we?"

(Time skip, because I don't feel like writing explicit things)

*Anti's POV*
I woke up next to Dark who was still fast asleep. I wanted to change so badly, maybe into something more comfortable and appropriate. I looked under the covers and saw my dress was poofed all around me yet my underwear was missing in action. I slowly peeled off the blankets and stood up, immediately regretting my decision. I clenched my fist and bit into it, trying my best not to make a noise. With a bit of effort I tip toed to my bag, digging for a hoodie, jeans and new underwear. Once I got dressed I decided to explore the ship. As I walked out the door I was immediately greeted by a band of mischievous pirates walking around.

"Going somewhere?" A voice behind me asked. I jumped as I felt them touch my waist, quickly turning to only sigh in relief.

"I thought you were still asleep, I didn't want to wake you."

"Sleep is for the weak." Dark scoffed playfully.

I giggled and cupped his face, giving a quick kiss as I snuggled into his embrace.

"I see you've awaken."

I twisted in Darks arms to see the Captain. He was tall and shaggy and seemed a bit on edge. Dark pressed me closer to his chest and held my head as if to protect me.

"We have."

"Well then, where are we off to?"

I looked up and saw Dark thinking. He looked as if he was talking to someone in his head...odd. He suddenly perked up with an idea.

"I know just the place!"

Dark let go of his strong grip on me and walked up to where the captain had his map, spread across a table.

"I know somewhere we can go. Somewhere that is pure evil, somewhere where true horror can be seen. Somewhere where the unholy maggots feast in the dark recesses of the human soul!"

"And where might that be?"

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