Always His { Completed }

By kiara_dee_

1M 52.1K 8.6K

{ Sequel to His Nanny .} * P.s This is not a stand alone book. You have to read the first book ' His Nanny' t... More

Author's note๐ŸŒธ.
10โš ๏ธ(Steamy Scene Alert)
15โš ๏ธ(Steamy Scene Alert)
Late posts๐ŸŒธ.
Late Posts again๐ŸŒธ.
32(โš ๏ธSteamy Scene Alert)
Late Posts Again (2)๐ŸŒธ.
Third Book๐ŸŒธ.


15.1K 792 152
By kiara_dee_

Song- Perfectly Wrong by Shawn Mendes.

You're perfectly wrong for me
And that's why it's so hard to leave
Yeah, you're perfectly wrong for me
You're perfectly wrong for me
All the stars in the sky could see
Why you're perfectly wrong for me...

Emma's POV

I woke up and checked the alarm clock beside me . It was four-thirty am in the morning. It's so annoying that I sleep late and still end up waking up early . I turned to my side to see Logan snoring quietly beside me and the events of last night and early this morning replayed in my mind from the moment we were talking in the kitchen to our hot session in the guest room .

I was so worn out from the work out last night that I couldn't even stand up yet . I wasn't ready to get up yet so I decided to lay in bed for a while.

I thought back to when I asked Logan about what his cousin told me yesterday and he denied everything about Lisa. What Liv told me really got to me especially because of the situation I was in now . But since Logan said that none of those things were the truth, I decided to believe him. Even though Logan's actions lately have been hurting me, I've still put it to myself to trust him. So if he says that Lisa was never pregnant for him, then I just had to believe him even though it was really hard right now.

What I don't understand is why Liv would say all those things if it wasn't true ? Why would she mention them to me casually like she did if the words didn't have an atom of truth in them ? To be honest, I was between a rock and a hard place right now because the way Liv talked about Lisa like she knew the whole story about Logan and her was so convincing. Still I couldn't push aside the off vibe I was feeling from her yesterday.

There was  just something about Liv that I'm not comfortable with even though she seems like a nice person on the outside. Apart from the fact that she looks a little bit familiar, I had a not so good feeling about her. Which is very weird to me because I've always felt a good connection towards any member of Logan's family that I've met.

Still relationships should be mostly if not entirely based on trust . Logan told me that he didn't date Lisa out of love and when he did tell me, he never mentioned anything about her being pregnant to me. I was doing my very best to trust him. I just hoped it wouldn't backfire.

For a brief moment, the thought of Lisa coming back into Logan's life appeared in my mind but Images of Logan and I from last night flooded my mind and pushed the thoughts of her away. I closed my eyes as I remembered the way my body responded to Logan's touch involuntarily. One minute I was angry at him for what he did at the interview and questioning him about Lisa and the next minute my body was craving him.

I did miss him . I've missed his kisses and his touch and just being happy with him . Genuinely happy. Maybe that's why I didn't stop him when he started kissing me . Maybe that's why I didn't stop him when he carried me into one of the guest rooms and maybe that's why I didn't stop him when he started devouring my body.

Deep in my mind I knew it wasn't right. I've been feeling like Logan is using me as a rebound just like he used Lisa but I tried to push the thoughts away. He always tells me how much he loves me but seeing the way he was still hung up on Amy, I was beginning to think otherwise.

I don't know why I couldn't stop him yesterday. I was angry at him but I couldn't resist his touch . No matter what he does to me, he's still on my mind every moment of every day. I still crave him and maybe that's my problem. Maybe that's one of the reasons I keep letting him treat me like this .

Something was definitely different about last night. I was so filled with emotions of sadness and anger that I didn't feel him or maybe I didn't want to feel the emotions. Coupled with the fact that I had become more sexually aroused recently and all the confusion and hurt. I was tired of feeling all the emotions and hurt. I just wanted to put them behind me for a few minutes . I wanted to push all the emotions aside and feel just with my body.

I felt more hurt when I saw how Logan made sure he used a condom. I'm sure he didn't want to make the same 'mistake' again. I had been holding back tears. Tears from the pain he was causing me. It was not my intention to let them out but maybe it was how good Logan was making love to me or how in touch I was with my feelings that caused me to cry. He said he didn't want me to get rid of the baby but I knew deep down in his heart , that's what he wanted.

I have to admit that I was surprised when those words came out of my mouth .

"Fuck me. Fuck me like you're fucking up my life right now."

The words kept resounding in my head as my mind replayed the scenes of Logan doing justice to my words . It was a night I would never forget . He's almost always careful with me but last night he was different. Rough . If that was a good choice of words to describe it and in a way , I liked it . I wanted to feel different and I did.

I noticed the breaking dawn from the large windows in the room so I got up and wore my clothes . I was careful not to wake Logan up because I wanted to be gone before he woke up. I got to my room and took a shower then I took booked an appointment with Doctor Anderson.

I wasn't exactly ready to go for an ultrasound scan but I was taking Maddie , Tess and Greta's advice . Another reason was that would be the last chance for Logan to prove himself to me . I was giving him one more chance to change . So I would ask him to come with me to see the doctor . Mum also said that when Dad saw my sonograph that's when he came around so maybe it would be the same with Logan . Maybe seeing the ultrasound videos with me would soften his heart towards the baby.

After sending a text to Dr Anderson , I was about to place my phone down when another text notification came in. I checked and saw that it was a text from Maddie.

Maddie moo : Hey babes . Ron and I just left the city . We took an early morning flight out because we thought it would be a lot more private. I don't know when we'll be back but hopefully it'll be soon. Ron and I have to change our SIM cards because our phones might be tracked by that evil witch but I'll reach out to you with the new one. You can't tell anyone about this though except Tess of course. I love you girlie. See you soon. Xoxo😘

Me : Be safe Maddie, I LOVE YOU . Can't wait for you to come back already.❤️❤️

I sighed and placed my phone on the table beside me. I couldn't imagine being in Maddie's shoes . I couldn't imagine having to run away simply because I was being hunted by a psychopath. Maddie's life had literarily on pause because of Jenna. I prayed I would never experience something like this. Maddie has to be the strongest person I know.

I stayed in bed for a while thinking of how I would ask Logan to accompany me to the hospital and I ended up imagining my myself asking him to come with me for the ultrasound scan and him turning me down three hundred and sixty five times.

This is no good.

I decided not to let my imagination discourage me even though it was doing it's very best to. I was going to ask Logan this morning and that was that.

I found myself walking into his room during the hours of six am . I was sure he must have done his morning workout in his private gym and he was probably getting ready for work by now. I knocked on his door and it opened. Standing at the other side of the door was Logan dressed in just his towel and with a wet hair and body . He had obviously just taken his bath.

" Emma..." He said as his voice trailed off.

I gulped. I didn't know if it was because of how hot he looked coming out of the bathroom or how I awkward I felt because of last night. Maybe it was because I was really nervous to ask him to follow me to the hospital.

Keep it cool, Emma.
I walked into his room and stood in the open space. It felt a little bit foreign to be here. I couldn't remember the last time I slept in here with Logan since all the baby drama started. Well most times he didn't even sleep in here himself. He slept in her room.

" Last night was...something ." He finally said.

It was really something . I couldn't deny it but it's not the way I wanted to have sex with Logan. I didn't want to do it while I was mad at him but I did.

" I don't know what to say about last night." I told him softly. I didn't want to make things more awkward than they already were.

His face fell . " Did I do badly?"

"No you did great." I answered quickly. Too quickly for my liking. This was the first time I was seeing Logan nervous about his love making skills. I blew out a breath. " It's just... that's not the way I imagined us making love. It felt different."

" I'm sorry it had to be that way." Logan replied after a moment of thinking. I knew he felt it too. He felt the difference. Last night it wasn't about making love . It was just having sex.

" I booked an appointment to see Dr Anderson today. I want to go for an ultrasound and I need you to come with me." I looked straight into his eyes as I spoke. I needed to change the topic of last night to something different.

His jaw clenched and unclenched . " Emma, I..."

" I need you to be there for me Logan." I cut him off before he could say whatever he wanted to say . " I'm scared just like you are . I can't do this alone. Please, I'm begging you. I need you to come to the hospital with me today."

He stared at me for a while and I knew he was contemplating everything. From the look on his face, I knew he had a higher chance of saying no .

" Logan, this is your last chance to prove your love for me. I need you to show up for me. I'm giving you this chance because I still believe that you can change. Please don't prove me wrong." Every word I said was me practically begging him not to disappoint me.

" Okay, I'll be there." He finally answered and my heart leaped with joy. There was still hope for Logan and I. I knew there was still hope.

" You promise?" I asked. I had to make sure he wasn't just saying it for my comfort.

" I promise." He replied.

" Thank you." I said with a small smile as I moved to hug him. I was just so happy that he agreed to come with me. He was clearly surprised by the hug at first but then he held me tighter and pressed me to his body.

" I can't remember the last time you hugged me like this." He whispered against my neck, sending goosebumps down my spine. " I miss your hugs ."

My mind drifted back to when he told me that he missed me last night and I told him that I missed him too because I really did . I've really missed him so much that it hurts physically.

" I miss hugging you ." I looked up to his clear brown eyes .

He cupped my face in his hands . " I love you . Please don't leave me."

He keeps begging me not to leave him...

" I love you too." I told him . Normally I would promise not to leave him but right now , me not leaving him was depending on whether or not he was willing to fight for this relationship. He had agreed to come with me to the hospital so I guess we were off to a good start .

Since we're in a good mood this morning, I decided to tell him about the job offer from Jake. This was another thing I needed to get off my chest. I started talking but also he was saying something .

" Logan,  I need to tell you something."
" Emma, I need to tell you something."

We both laughed uneasily.

" You first ." Logan said .

" No , I think you should go first ." I think you should go first ." I replied. Whatever he wanted to say would at least give me time to prepare myself to tell him about Jake and I needed as much time I could get.

" Okay . I think you have to  sit down first ."

" Alright ." I replied uneasily as I sat down on his bed .

He sat down beside me . " The call I got yesterday in the car was from Mr Brown . He's a private investigator I hired to look into the rumor case . I told you I sued the news station that aired it and they haven't agreed to speak about who gave them the information they aired."

" Yes you told me about that ."

" Well Mr Brown has doing some more investigation on it . Privately. And he got someone from the news station who was willing to talk . His name was Daniel Brian but we found out that  he was murdered two days ago along side with his girlfriend in their apartment ."

" By who?" I asked in horror. I forgot that Logan was still keen on finding out whoever spread the rumors about us . I had let it go but he refused to do the same .

" That's what we don't know but Mr Brown suggested that there might be a chance that you and the kids might be in danger ."

" In danger ?!" I frowned . " Why would someone want to harm me or your kids ?"

" Because you're affiliated with me I guess." He shrugged like it was nothing . Like we weren't talking about death here . " In business world, there are lots of unseen enemies . If anyone wanted to hurt me , of course they would use you or my kids because they know how much you guys mean to me ."

I pursed my lips and looked down. The idea that someone might want to hurt me or Logan's kids still baffled me. I didn't do anything wrong to anyone. At least not that I know of. " Are you sure the person that was murdered has something to do with us?"

" It's just a speculation but Mr Brown thinks that whoever murdered Daniel and his girlfriend did so to keep them quiet. And if this is true, I'm sure the person will go through lengths to make sure the truth doesn't come out." Logan explained.

" I don't even know what to say." I lowered my gaze to the floor.

Logan took two my hands and I turned to look at him. " Don't be scared Angel, I'm here to protect you ."

" I'm not scared. I'm just overwhelmed." I told him and I saw a hint of surprise on his face. Well to be honest? Fear was far from me right now. I didn't do anything wrong so why should I be scared?

" Well I get that's it's overwhelming for you but that's why we need to be careful. This is one of the reasons I was angry at you for not waiting for Luke to take you home . I can't afford to lose you ." He held my gaze.

" So what now?" I asked him.

" I'm doubling the amount of security we have. That means I'm upgrading the security system here in the house. Also I'm going to employ more body guards. Some will be here at the house while you'll get personal bodyguards who will follow you wherever you want to go ."

I wanted to protest but I decided not to. Now that there was a possibility of danger lurking, I knew that Logan would never listen to me even if I told him that I didn't want a bodyguard following me around. It was for my own safety anyways.

" Can I get Luke as my bodyguard?" I asked Logan.

He raised a suspicious eyebrow. " Why Luke?"

" Well , I already feel comfortable with him and you said he's been following me around for months." I narrowed my eyes to Logan . I still couldn't believe I didn't know that there was someone following me everywhere I went .

" Alright. Luke can be your body guard even though I don't like how you're getting comfortable with him."

I smirked ." Logan Ross, are you jealous?"

" No." He denied. " I don't just like the idea of you getting comfortable with another man that's not me."

" You're so possessive." I teased him.

" Say what you want but you're mine." He kissed my forehead. " And mine alone."

I smiled at him. The first genuine smile at him for days now, " I'm yours, Logan."

He caresses the side of my face. " I like that you like me marking my territory."

I bit my lip. "I do like it. It's kinda hot." God , I was just so happy with him right now. He agreed to come with me.

He pressed his lips against mine and kissed me possessively like he was truly marking his territory. I was almost out of breath when we were done . " I love you baby and if it really makes you happy then I'll go with you to the hospital. For once, I don't want to let you down."

I couldn't contain the happiness I was feeling .
" Thank you so much ."

" You're welcome ." He replied with a smile as he pecked my lips. " Well now you get two body guards . So it will be Luke and someone else."

" No way . One body guard is enough for me,  Logan. I already don't like the fact that I'm going to be walking around with a bodyguard behind me and you want to give me two?"

" Yes. It's for your own safety ." He answered automatically. " The more bodyguards you have with you, the safer you are."

I sighed , touching the side of his face and looking into his eyes. " Logan, I know you're doing what you think is best for me .  I appreciate that but I already don't feel like a normal person as it is with all the sudden face that I have now . I really want to feel normal again and making we go around with two bodyguards behind me isn't helping."

His beautiful eyes held my gaze for a while before he sighed. " Fine. You can have just one bodyguard but when you go out with the kids . You'll take two or more. I can't risk it."

" I understand and I'm fine with that." I smiled. I knew that Logan was ready to go lengths in order to protect his kids. It's one of the reasons why I love him.

" One more thing. You can't drive by yourself anymore. You have to let Wallace take you wherever you want to go."

I wanted to protest again but he cut me off. " Emma please, this is for your own good. It's only for a while until the private investigator finds out who the murderer is and we apprehend him. Until then, I'll take all the measures in the world to keep you and my kids safe."

" Okay." I agreed reluctantly. I guess I really had no choice.

" Thank you for agreeing with me on this one." He replied with a soft smile, stroking my hair at the same time.

" Well, it's not like I have a choice." I pointed out to him.

" I'm sorry." He grinned, making me smile. I don't know how he does that. He smiles and I smile too. " You said you wanted to tell me something too."

" Oh." I said, thinking of how to begin telling him about the Job. I didn't think it would be this hard for me to say it but I remembered Maddie and Tess's voices telling me to go ahead and let Logan know and assuring me that he would be happy for me.

" Earth to Emma?" Logan said, interrupting my thoughts.

I shook my head as my gaze fell on his eager eyes. This was it.

Be optimistic , Emma.

" Right. Logan I just wanted to tell you that I got a Job." I began.

Surprisingly, his face spread in to a smile.
" Really? That's great. One of the companies finally returned your emails?"

Okay, he's smiling. We're off to a good start.

" No . Actually Jake offered me a job." I played with my fingers as I watched his eyebrows gradually furrow.

" Which Jake?"

" Jake Hartley. He offered me a job in his company." I replied tentatively.

The frown on Logan's face became full blown as he got up from the bed. " You have to be kidding me."

Okay, things were getting heated up.

" Well, I'm not." I told him.

" When did this happen?"

" Last week. He invited me to a restaurant and he offered me the Job there."

Logan scoffed. " So you went on a date with Jake Hartley?"

I stood up and gave a long sigh. " It wasn't a date , Logan. Jake and I were friends in high school . I've told you this before. We reconnected few weeks ago and he asked me to work in company, that's it . I seriously thought you'd be happy for me."

" Happy for you?" Logan asked with an amused look on his face. " I don't know if he's the same Jake you knew in your high school but the Jake Hartley I know is a fucking son-of-a-bitch."

" Don't insult him. He didn't do anything to you." I warned him.

Logan laughed dryly. " On the contrary, he and his father have done a lot. Emma, Jake is the son of Ben Hartley the C.E.O of Orange inc.
Orange Inc has been know for its fraudulent activities over the years . They copy the  designs of other tech companies and portray them as their own . Sometimes they even have insiders in those companies to help them steal the designs so that they can produce the tech before the company. So many companies have tried to sue them but they always have a way to cover up their tracks and leave no traces of evidence."

I stared at Logan in utmost disbelief as he talked about Orange Inc. like it was a criminal organization. I couldn't believe he was actually talking about Jake's company like this just because he didn't like him .

" Look, I know you didn't particularly like Jake when you saw him at the gala  but that's no reason to make up stories about his family's company. That's a low blow , don't you think ?"

It was Logan's turn to look at me in disbelief .
" You think I'm making stories up ? Emma this has been going on for years . I know this because they've been  trying to steal my companies designs but I'm always one step ahead of them or those fuckers  would have gotten away with it ."

I still couldn't wrap my head around what he was telling me . Was he trying to say that Jake's company was a fraud? No . I wasn't going to allow myself to believe him . The Jake I know has always been an honest person . Why would he run a company just to steal designs from other companies? It didn't make any sense . Jake was a very smart person . In high school , everyone knew his dad was the owner of a very famous technology company . He had won so many awards for it . If he wasn't smart and talented I don't think he would have won those awards . If he was actually stealing other people's hard work , I'm sure he would have been arrested by now .

" But if Jake's father hasn't been caught doesn't that tell you something ? They might all be false allegations . You of all people should know how the media makes up stories just to gain popularity or cause a scandal ." I pointed out to him .

" Emma , you don't get it . Orange Inc. is a fraud. I know that they just moved to New York to start up a new branch of the company . of the tech they produce are not authentic. It's not theirs ." He ran his hands roughing through his wet hair . " If you think I'm lying , you can go on the Internet and see for yourself. They have so many lawsuits waiting for them in court but Ben Hartley has a lot of top lawyers working for him so that's how they haven't been caught. They also deny all allegations publicly."

I shook my head at him . " I can't believe you . Accusing Jake and his father of stealing your companies designs. Do you hate Jake this much ?"

" You just don't get it. It's not about hating him." He snapped then paced around the room . " Look, you can't take that job."

" And why not?" I folded my arms against my chest with one of my brows raised up .

" Because the Orange Inc. company are my rivals. You can't work for my rival , Emma. You're my girlfriend."

" Oh my God . You're so unbelievable. You're really pulling out that card?" My eyes met with his glaring gaze. " I finally got the job of my dreams and you're telling me not to take it because of some allegations that might not even be true?"

Logan walked to where I was and placed both hands on my shoulders and gazed into my eyes. " Look, I'm happy that you finally got a job but It's unfortunate that it was Orange inc. that offered you one. Just decline the offer and I promise you'll get a new one."

His mesmerizing eyes almost convinced me but I broke the trance and with all my willpower I said the words , " No."

He looked quite taken aback. Like he didn't believe that I just had the nerve to say no to him .

He studied me for a while before asking," What did you just say?"

" I said , NO." I stressed on the word this time so that he wouldn't miss it.


Hey guys!!! Had to end this here. Please remember to comment, leave your suggestions and VOTE! I love you guys.

Xoxo Kiara ❤️❤️

Hey guys!!!

We've come to the end of this chapter. I love you guys for sticking with me . I know it's not easy being patient but you guys have really been patient with me so thank you for that .

I know that you all are just dying to see Emma leave Logan . Well don't worry. It will happen - soon .

Please leave your comments , suggestions and VOTE by tapping the star below ! I love you guys so much .

Xoxo Kiara ❤️❤️

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