The Runaway

By toxicwonders

705 157 19

After a while of waiting, Violet finally decided to leave. She left everything behind including friends, fami... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 - Finale

Chapter 41

3 1 0
By toxicwonders

The uncontrollable hunger invaded her state of well-being as she sped her way through the streets searching and searching for a fix.

Flashbacks of her childhood flooded her thoughts and all she wanted to do was kill. All trace of humanity slowly depleted from her.

Angry, she ran as fast as she could until she spotted a breathing human. Without hesitation like before, she snapped the girl's neck and allowed herself to drain the remaining life from her body. It was like an adrenaline rush, and she wanted more. Every drop felt like a momentary high except...she didn't want it to end. So, with each street she found more and more victims until there was none left. 

Violet had officially lost herself. 

In a daze, she found herself reaching a telephone booth and dialing Phoebe's number. 

Ring ring

A click. 


"Where are you? I need to talk to you," Violet said innocently. "It's me-"

"111 Archangel Drive. See you then, Violet." 

Another click and a buzzing silence remained. 

Violet didn't know where she was and how far she needed to travel but oddly, she knew exactly where to go. There was the energy of a thousand suns burning within her and she would not quit until she was satisfied. 

No taxis nor buses were needed. All she relied on were her own two feet to keep moving.

The night was dead silent with only the sound of her shoes pounding the pavement racing down the empty roads.

She first believed she had run away to find Colton but now the realization occurred that it was just an easy excuse for her urge to wander. The core reason for her movement was to escape the past and start a clean slate. Every step leaving her home city was a step away from the old shadows that often lured her back into a dark pit. However, this time, she was no longer running away. 

Violet did not seem to fear anything anymore. 

Instead, she was mad.

So mad that her blood boiled.

It singed into her consciousness to the point of hypnosis where time and fatigue were no longer focused concerns. 

She was sprinting so aggressively, directly into the past and charging at it with vengeance.


3 knocks on the front door. 

Her heart was racing but she did not stop to catch a breath. The door creaked open and a head peeked out. 

"How the hell?" Colton stared at Violet with wide eyes. "You're already here?" 

It had only been half an hour compared to the hour long drive her parents forced her in. Her speed had widely improved intensely due to her strong determination for blood. 

Violet did not care that Colton was there as he was only in her way. 

"Where's Phoebe?" she spoke sternly. 

He hesitated to let her in and maintained his station at the door. "What's going on?" The expression on her face appeared unfazed by his concerns. Her eyes looked empty. 

She sighed and forced her way past him. He backed up against a wall and watched in surprise while she stormed her way into Phoebe's living room. 

"My, look who's back," Phoebe muttered under her breath. 

The whole group was present in the room wondering what Violet had in store. They watched her cautiously like she was a wild animal on the prowl.

"There is no cure," she stated eerily, glaring at Phoebe and ignoring the looks from her friends.  

Taken aback, Phoebe flinched before laughing. "What do you mean?"

Violet's body began to tremble. She caused this. She made me like this. She stepped closer to the witch. "Rest in peace, Wyatt," she spat at Phoebe. 

The witch froze and pierced her eyes at Violet. "Don't you dare." 

"Don't I dare?" Violet laughed and began to cry. "You're the real monster for making all of us like this. We had no choice." She stepped closer until she could smell Phoebe's horrid breath. "You turned me against my will." Her breath shook and she met Phoebe's eyes with deep hatred. "I was just a baby," she said between voice cracks. 

Everyone gasped, unsure what to do of the situation. Phoebe just stared at the girl in horror of her accusations. Finally, Phoebe responded snappily, "Stop lying. I had nothing to do with your transformation."

Violet cut in. "Bullshit. Wyatt was killed by my parents and you got your revenge by cursing me at birth." She choked a sob down. "Wasn't that revenge enough? You ruined my life." She shoved Phoebe with unnatural strength and repeated herself from before. "There is no cure." Phoebe fell to the floor and grunted. Violet unleashed a dagger from the inside of her socks, aiming it at the witch's throat. "Correct?"

Instead of answering her question, the witch began chanting in a foreign language intensely and suddenly Violet's dagger dropped with a clink as the metal met the marble tiles. Her body was paralyzed from the waist down and she was restricted from seeing clearly. Everything was a blur and all she could manage to control was her screaming levels. 

Violet screamed as loud as she could in pain and frustration. She was full of rage now and her lust for killing had skyrocketed. With full determination, she broke free from the spell and launched at Phoebe with her bare hands. She clawed the witch's face and wrapped her fingers around the neck. 

"Tell me the truth," she snarled as she tightened her grip. 

Phoebe's eyes watered and a cough escaped her throat. "P-Please." She gasped for air but nothing came through.

Colton stormed in and attempted pull Violet off of Phoebe but she wouldn't budge. "No!" he yelled. "What the hell are you doing?"

Violet loosened her grip and directed her anger at Colton. "Why are you so dense?" she hollered. "Don't you see she's scamming us?"

He glanced at Phoebe and then at Violet before questioning, "Where's your evidence? Where's all this coming from, huh?"

Violet was about to snap back but she was interrupted. "She's right," Phoebe mumbled before coughing some more and getting back on her feet. "I don't have the cure." There was a small pause. "Not yet at least."

Everyone's attention hung on tightly to each word she said. 

"What?" Aiden cut in. "Are you kidding me?" 

"I knew it," Riley said. 

Em and Delsin stayed silent but their shocked expressions were obvious.

They all hushed when Phoebe started laughing controllably. 

"What's so funny?" Violet asked. She leaned down to retreat her dagger. 

Phoebe grinned slyly and nodded at the point of the blade. "Kill me then. The Silver's will still be after you no matter what."

"They're after us because of you. This has always  been about you," Violet replied harshly.

The witch continued to smirk and faced every individual around the room. "Fine, I'll admit it. I used you but now you can't survive without me. Ironic, isn't it?"

Violet charged at her until the dagger punctured her abdomen causing Phoebe to tumble back down and cry in pain. A pool of blood permeated the white marble floor and everyone watched in silence as Phoebe laughed at herself. 

"I knew it would come to this," she whispered to herself. With tears in her eyes, she faced Violet. "You remind me of myself, so focused on revenge." Then, she relaxed her body and stared up into the ceiling. "Your own weapons will kill you eventually."

Colton fell to the floor. "No," he cried. "Turn us back."

She chuckled and closed her eyes, spitting up blood in the process. "You've always been so naive, Colton." She turned her head slowly to face him. "You can't turn back." 

He closed his eyes in defeat and got up to leave, not wanting to endure the backstabbing truth. 

"You'll always be my favorite," she stated, her voice growing faint. 

Everyone stood mesmerized as their last chance of hope grow stiff and cold. Her body was merely an empty vessel now.

Sadness and guilt suddenly swallowed the anger that had infiltrated Violet's well-being. 

Phoebe was dead. 

Colton stormed out and slammed the door. 

There was no hope left. 

There was nothing.

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