Supremacy [Taekook]

By Akimasaland

15.2K 1.3K 826

Jungkook was a pawn that his boss could move as he pleased. For the past nine months he had been working for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 9

319 40 40
By Akimasaland

Hiiiii !!! I'm back with another chapter :) I'm posting this  later than usual I'm sorry but I'm on an internship so long story short I just got home. Anyway how have you been since last week ? 

As always I can't wait to see your reactions <3

Enjoy ! ^^ 


Taehyung backed away for good. I gradually regained a calm, steady breath. I lifted my head to look at the brunette. He walked to his large television, turned it on and put the remote control on the coffee table. I watched him while stroking my throat, which was still a little sore from my boss's grip.

He'd been rough on me. But I deserved it. He had been severe because I had disrespected him consistently tonight. So I decided to double my efforts to make up to Taehyung. He had a good reason to sell me out. By doing so, he saved our lives. And then he risked his life and the lives of his men to get me back, and all I did in return was a ridiculous fuss. I felt embarrassed and ashamed of my behavior. I really needed to grow up, obviously. But during these nine months, I had never experienced such things. Something was bothering me, something was wrong. And it had been that way for a little while now.

"I'll make something to eat anyway. Sit down and switch channels if you want."

I started as I heard his deep voice. He then passed me by without any glance and walked in the kitchen. Wanting to obey his every order no matter what, I went and sat down on the couch without further ado. I was surprised by the softness of the couch fabric, and it felt great. Hesitantly, I grabbed the remote control and changed the channel. I found some cartoons and decided to watch them, needing a bit of sweetness and calm. I could hear the faint noise that Taehyung was making in the kitchen. I blushed at the thought of my boss cooking for me.

The minutes went by and I started to feel woozy. My eyelids were heavy, my mind was foggy and I let myself slowly crawl into the couch. I let myself lie down on it and once my head touched the soft fabric I breathed a sigh of comfort. I was tired, very tired. I really needed a long sleep.

Gradually, my eyes closed and my breathing slowed down. I felt good, here. Taehyung's scent was floating in the air and just knowing that the brunette was in a nearby room made me happy without really knowing the reason of this weird feeling.

"Don't fall asleep."

I opened my eyes sharply and saw an imposing figure in front of the TV. I straightened up and rubbed my eyes with my fists.

"Oh, I-I... Sorry, sir. I'm a bit tired."

"I know. But dinner's almost ready and you have to feed yourself. Even though we ate at the restaurant, you haven't really eaten your meal."

I nodded and he left again. Indeed, Jiho quickly made me uncomfortable, which is why I stopped eating pretty soon. So I forced myself to sit in front of the flat screen, my thoughts elsewhere. About twenty minutes later, Taehyung came back into the living room and put two bowls on the table. I got up and hesitantly walked to a chair and sat down. My boss disappeared for the nth time and came back with water for me and...alcohol for him. Again. I frowned but said nothing.

"Thank you f-for the food."

No answer. His chair squeaked and he sat down, right in front of me. The beef noodles were calling me and my stomach was urging me to eat right away. So, I grabbed my chopsticks and started to eat quickly. I could feel Taehyung's intense stare on me. He wasn't eating, he was staring at me. Eventually, he grabbed his chopsticks too and started to eat. He was right, I hadn't eaten that much because of Jiho and his constant provocations during the dinner. My boss hadn't eaten that much either, from what I saw. We didn't talk, just enjoying the noisy silence. Yes, noisy from our gazes, our thoughts, our emotions overflowing from our exhausted bodies. Everything about the two of us reflected how far above our tolerance level we had gone.

We were both equally tired.

Suddenly, I couldn't help but glance at the glass of strong liquor that Taehyung almost drank in one go. That was a lot of alcohol for one evening. I bit my lips.

"S-sir... Why do you drink that much alcohol...?" I dared asking.

My boss chewed his noodles while staring at me with his dark eyes.

"And you? Why do you drink milk?"

I froze, surprised that he wasn't offended. After all, he must have thought his little scolding from earlier was enough for tonight. Or my question still annoyed him, but he didn't show it.

"I... it gives me strength, c-courage."

Taehyung stared at his empty glass, thoughtful.

"But alcohol is b-bad for you compared to milk..." I continued.

"The harmful effects of alcohol no longer affects me."

So... *Clears throat* When he slightly strangled me earlier, he was fully aware of his actions?


I could tell by the look in his eyes that he knew what I was thinking about. I pursed my lips.

As I was about to speak again, his cell phone started ringing. This late...? My boss took it out and picked up after quickly checking who it was. He got up and walked to the kitchen. I still could hear what he was saying.



"Yes, I'm fine."


"I know he was a big contributor, but I had no choice but to turn on him."


"Because he had the kid."

I felt dizzy when I heard that. He was obviously talking about me.

"Enough, Jin."

My heart started to race. Jin...? So it was Jin calling him now? And why did my boss told him "enough" right after he talked about me? Obviously my boss's right hand man was talking about me behind my back. Pathetic. Taehyung came back, still talking in the phone, he was now mumbling some formalities.

"I gotta go now, I'm exhausted. And I'm not alone."


"I don't owe you any explanations. Good night."

He hung up without waiting for an answer. His clenched jaw showed his anger. He was annoyed by Jin's behavior. At least, that's what I assumed.

Eventually, Taehyung sat back on his chair and continued to eat with appetite. I found myself staring at him. I couldn't help but feel impressed by so much power, so much control over everything, over his life.

Over me, too.

"Are you done?"

I nodded and he cleared out our bowls. I drank a bit of water and stood up. I was stoic, arms outstretched, not quite sure what to do. My nervousness came back: I felt very small, here, in the middle of my boss's living room, smelling his shower gel and wearing his clothes.

"It's late, you need to sleep."

I started and looked at my superior who was staring at me with an intense gaze.


He waved at me again, just like earlier, and I followed him, obedient. We went upstairs once again and I finally discovered his room. Unsurprisingly, it had a sleek and simplistic decoration. The walls were grey, the double bed was covered with white sheets and in front of it there was a large black wardrobe with two large mirrors on the double doors. I pursed my lips as I walked into the room. I found the room really pretty. It was just like him.

"S-sir, I can take the couch, r-really..."

He didn't answer and walked towards the window. He closed the shutters and then came back to me. I had a gasp of surprise when I saw him about to walk out. In a surge of courage, I approached him and gently grabbed his left forearm. He froze, then turned around.

The brunette glared at me with his black eyes. He didn't seem very pleased.

"I j-just have a question..."

He sighed. I let go of him slowly and he folded his arms over his chest. I was quite surprised with my own action. Since when did I dare to touch his arm like that? And why didn't he seem surprised or annoyed by my touch?

"What now?" He grumbled with his deep voice.

My body tensed when I heard his cold tone. I stared at his chest, then I looked up at him. He had an arched eyebrow, waiting for me to speak.

"How old are you...?" I asked shyly.

A gleam of astonishment flashed in his eyes. He uncrossed his arms and closed the door - I didn't know why by the way. He leaned his back against it and shoved his hands in his pockets, watching me for a while. I stared at him, worried about his reaction.

And then, against all odds, I seemed to see the hint of a smile on his face. I wasn't sure, I didn't know if it was my imagination playing tricks on me, but that's what I saw. Not a real smile, no, just a slight smirk, a slight movement of his lips which spread upwards and disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

His expression became neutral again. He sneaked his tongue over his lips.

"Why do you want to know that?" He asked.

I was obviously expecting a question like that, but I hadn't found the answer yet. No, I definitely didn't know.I was just thinking about the fact that I didn't know how old he was since the beginning, even though I had been working for him for almost ten months. He was my boss so, I didn't necessarily need to know his age. But, to be honest, I've been dying to ask this question for a while.

"I... I d-don't know. Sorry, it was probably intrusive, sir..."

I lowered my head, embarrassed and frustrated. I was a champ at getting myself into embarrassing situations like that. Getting out of them, however, was another story.

Suddenly, an idea occurred to me and I was surprised to see some interest in Taehyung's eyes. He seemed to want to understand why I asked that question.

"But... You d-don't know my age either...!" I exclaimed, feeling like I'd discovered something major.

He frowned.

"Of course I know it, Jungkook."

"Oh, r-really...? And how?" I asked, astonished.

"You told me you were seventeen the first time we met."

"Ah, yes... that's right..."

I stared blankly at the floor, then at my feet. I felt a strange feeling as I remembered that very special day when I met my boss. I was still thanking God for that day.

But I really wanted to know the brunette's age. It was vital to me. I didn't know why, but I needed to know more about him. I wanted to gauge his maturity, and his age would probably help me figure it out.

Suddenly, as I wanted to insist, my boss answered himself, in a calm voice.

"I'm twenty-four."

My eyes were so wide open that I could swear I saw that same grin on his lips that a few minutes earlier. Without realizing it, I walked up to him with my mouth ajar, amazed. He watched me taking a few steps towards him, still leaning on the door, without blinking.

"We're... six years apart?" I whispered in disbelief.

He didn't reply but glared at me with his deep, dark eyes. I looked up at him.

Knowing his age, knowing that he was twenty-four years old only made me feel even smaller.

We were so different, he and I.

Just when I thought I was satisfied with his answer, a dozen other questions popped into my head. Did he go to school? Did he have 'normal' teen years? Had both of his parents been there for him? Was he in a relationship? With Jin? With a woman?

I just stared at him and, for the first time ... I didn't lower my eyes. No, I looked at him without being embarrassed, just with endless curiosity. He saw my interested and questioning eyes.

"Is Jin your boyfriend?"


Jeon Jungkook. Did you really just ask that question? Did you feel that comfortable to dare and ask this?

For fuck's sake.

Taehyung's eyes changed, unsurprisingly. He looked first surprised then his gaze got darker. I backed off a bit. I stepped back a little, as if to run away from my question, as if to run away from the reality of the situation.

"I... S-sorry, I didn't mean that, s-sir... I'm going to bed now."

He didn't move. He seemed to be completely impressed by my nerve. And he had good reason to be.

"Good n-night," I whispered with my heart pounding, crawling into his bed.

Then, he sighed and ran a hand over his face. He seemed extremely annoyed by my behavior. I bit my lips and turned my back on him, almost hiding under the cover. I was way too embarrassed after what had just happened.

"I'm leaving pretty early tomorrow, I probably won't be here when you wake up."

Once he said that, he left, letting his last words floating in the air. He trusted me enough to leave me here alone? I was pretty happy about that. But I felt some awkwardness again when I remembered what I asked him.

I was stupid.

I buried myself in the fresh sheets, inhaling the good smell of lye. Everything at Taehyung's smelled fresh, I'd even say new. Did that mean he didn't spend a lot of nights here? If it did, where did he sleep?

I mentally punched myself. I was going too far, my behavior towards my boss was becoming unhealthy. I had no right to ask myself such questions about him. No, it was definitely indecent. What should he think of me now? I was hoping he wouldn't mind.


My eyes opened to the alarm clock right in front of me. 6:02am. I straightened up in the bed that wasn't mine. I looked around and my eyes widened as I remembered that I was at my boss's house.

Unrealistic situation: the comeback.

But why did I wake up so early?

Suddenly, I heard some noise and snippets of conversation coming from downstairs. It sounded like an argument. So that's what woke me up so early.

I got up slowly and looked at myself in the wardrobe mirror. My hair was a mess and my clothes were wrinkled. I quickly fixed all that, and began to open the door as slowly as possible to avoid making any noise, for no real reason.

I walked to the stairs and went down a few steps. The voices were now clearer. I froze in the middle of the stairs when I realized that the second voice belonged to Jin. So, Taehyung and Jin were currently having a fight in the living room, talking loud enough to have woken me up.

I bit my lip and listened closely, hiding in the middle of the the carpet stairs.

"So you're really telling me he's currently crashing in your bed?" Jin spat angry.

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Shit, so I was the subject of their argument...?

"Yeah. And if you keep talking so loud, you're gonna wake him up," Taehyung noted in a cold tone.

"I can't believe it, you're worried about his sleep now?"

"He had a rough night, Jin."

"Oh come on, he was only there for an hour and you went after him, Tae."

"An hour, for a pervert like Jiho, is a whole decade. He must've touched him long before I got there."

My limbs froze when I heard the last sentence of the brunette. No, not that, I didn't want him to know about it...! Tremors shook me as I was holding on to the railing of the stairs. I was trying to catch my breath. I'd forgotten how insightful Taehyung was. Moreover, he had known Jiho for quite some time now, since he was his collaborator. He must've known about his dirty intentions towards young people like me. I bit my inner cheek, closing my eyes. I didn't want him to know that Jiho had laid his hands on me. I didn't want him to know that his mouth had grazed my skin. No, I didn't know why, but I really didn't want to.

Taehyung shouldn't know that I have been soiled.

"Yeah, maybe, but still, you could have taken him home last night."

"What is this? A fit of jealousy? You're not my boyfriend, Jin," my superior answered.

I was surprised. So, I had the answer to my question. Jin was a complete asshole, I was glad he wasn't my boss's boyfriend.

"So I'm just your regular fucking booty call? That's what I am to you, huh?" My boss's right-hand man said disdainfully.

Damn it. I spoke too soon. But I had an answer again.

Jin and Taehyung were having sex together.

Since I heard no answer from my boss to Jin's question, I took this silence as an opportunity to walk in. The two men turned to me when they heard me coming. They were in the middle of the living room, facing each other, three feet apart.

Jin's eyes widened while my boss's glared at me with a stern look.

"Good morning, s-sir..." I said bowing to him.

"Go back to bed. It's too early," my boss answered in a bossy tone.

I pursed my lips and did my best to ignore Jin, assuming that he didn't want me to greet him. I was playing with my fingers and walked closer to my boss.


"Okay, I'm out of here," Jin cut me off.

I started and Taehyung looked at him for a moment. Jin grabbed his jacket and slammed the door on his way out, not forgetting to give me an evil look. I blushed in embarrassment. The brunette then sighed and came closer to me.

"Have you been listening?" he asked me.

I froze. Stay calm, Jungkook. Don't react in any way that might show you're guilty.

"Listening to w-what...?"

I looked up at him with my feignedly clueless stare. I felt bad about lying to him, but I couldn't admit that I'd heard everything. I didn't want him to find out that I knew about him and Jin. It would be far too embarrassing for everyone. Besides, it was none of my business.

Was it?

"Nothing," he sighed and I could see on his face that he was relieved.

"I should leave now, sir..." I said, ignoring the order he'd given me earlier to go back to bed.

He just stared at me, but he seemed slightly annoyed. I knew it was because of Jin. His jaw was tightly clenched.

"Thank you for your hospitality and especially for the dinner."

He quickly nodded and headed to the kitchen. I saw him drinking a glass of water. I noticed the clothes I'd left on the chair last night. I took them and went upstairs again, to quickly put them on in the bathroom. I put the clothes he lent me last night in the hamper and went downstairs. Taehyung was on his phone typing rapidly on his screen. I stared at his serious face.

... Twenty-four.

"T-thank you again, sir. See you tonight then..." I said awkwardly, shyly heading to the front door.

I saw him lift his head before walking me to the door. I put on my shoes promptly and my jacket under his heavy gaze. He finally opened the door and I bowed one last time. He looked me in the yes and handed me something. I looked down at his hand and recognized the envelope.

"T-thank you..."

I stuffed it in an inside pocket of my jacket.

"Will you know how to get home from here?"

"Y-yes, I'll be fine, thank you..."

I gulped. That moment was particularly awkward. More than usual.

"Eight o'clock at the latest," he said.

He was talking about when I had to be at the club tonight. The door slammed and I huffed slightly. I began to walk rapidly, leaving the private area and recognized some streets. I didn't need to use my phone to find my way home, I just walked down familiar streets. I had walked for a good hour though. But my thoughts were racing in my mind so much that it seemed like a short walk. I realized that I knew now where my boss lived. Did he trust me? He had taken me to his house after all.

I was now home. I took a quick shower before putting on my clothes and going to college.

Hoseok had been talking to himself all day. This is because I had spent every hour of the day recalling the previous night at Taehyung's house and the argument between him and his right-hand man this morning. These events haunted my mind for the rest of the day. It was around 6pm when I said goodbye to Hoseok and went home. I changed into sober clothes, as always. I was wearing a simple sweat and jeans and I put on my jacket.

I saw my mother in the living room. I walked to her and we greeted each other. We looked at each other without talking, then, we eventually both said at the same time:

"How was your night?"

I slightly giggled and she started laughing too. She first told me about her evening with the man she had met. It went well, apparently. I then told her about mine quickly, without dwelling on the details, and with many lies. She only nodded. I eventually let go of her because I had to leave. I waved her goodbye before walking out.

I'm sorry mom.


I was dragging my feet on my way to the nightclub. Not that I didn't want to go, no. But I felt like I was carrying a big secret, too big for me. Taehyung and his right-hand man were sleeping together and I knew it. Fuck. I wish I didn't know.

It bothered me to know that.

I bit my tongue so hard that I felt a metallic taste in my mouth. I frowned, crossing the last crosswalk before arriving at the club. I walked in and greeted some employees. I walked to the gray door in a hurry and walked in. I knocked at Namjoon's office. I heard him say, "Come in. There was a lot of noise in the room. Everyone was there talking about business. Jimin greeted me cheerfully. Yoongi and Namjoon were chatting while Taehyung and Jin were having a discussion in the back of the room. I fiddled with the bottom of my sweater with my naturally trembling fingers, staring at my boss from afar. I was waiting for him to come and give me for tonight's directions.

He finally noticed me. Jin followed the brunette's gaze and gave me a dark look, peering at me wickedly from top to bottom. Taehyung had moved closer to him and whispered something, Jin seemed to enjoy their proximity. I looked away, this sight was strangely irritating to me. Eventually, I left the room, leaning against the wall near the door. I put my hands in my pockets and stared at the ground, waiting for Taehyung.

He finally came out, along with his right-hand man. Jin didn't look at me this time. He smiled at Taehyung far too sweetly and then left. The brunette hadn't returned his smile, which didn't surprise me.

"Good evening, sir," I eventually said.

I went up to him and bowed. He looked at me for a moment and then ran a hand through his hair.

"I've got a new case for you. A man, Hanseul. He's part of a rather modest ring, but he had enough men to storm one of our nightclub. It also serves as a warehouse for our weapons. Problem is, we don't know where they are now."

I nodded, focused. His black hood was falling down on his hair. I examined him for a moment, noticing a veil of tiredness on his face, but especially his hatred towards this Hanseul.

"I give you two days to find him, is that clear? "

His bossy tone got the better of me and I answered in a shy but determined voice:

"At your command, s-sir."

That's when I saw his satisfied expression again. Taehyung came closer to me, which really surprised me. Standing at about thirty centimetres away from me, he stared at me silently with a strange intensity. I felt bewitched by his aura, by the obvious dominance that came out of him. Then, in a deep and calm voice, he whispered these two little words.

These two little words that made me both breathless and disturbed, while the brunette had a powerful gaze on me.

"Good boy."



Well things are evolving slowly but surely ... 

Btw last time I saw that some of you did't get the notification here so just a lil reminder that you can follow me on my twitter account I always do a little post to say that I've posted : @/ltbnya. (and i can be funny sometimes :) lol) 

I wish you a good week see you on fridayy <3 ^^ 

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