A Black Thorned Rose (discont...

By 444TheNumber4

41.3K 427 384

The story of Raiden Rose, Ruby's twin brother who was abused and wanted to run away from his family and start... More

Prologue: A Hero's Beginning
Chapter 1: Six Years Later
Chapter 2: Our Performace Begins
Chapter 3: From Zero To Hero
Chapter 4: Unwanted Reunion
Chapter 5: The Truth Will Set You Free
Chapter 7: Rebuilding Bonds
Chapter 8: Learn To Let Go
Chapter 9: Tales From The Past
Chapter 10: Setting The Stage
Chapter 11: Let The Games Begin
Chapter 12: Attack On Vale
Chapter 13: Two Terrors
Chapter 14: A Needed Conversation
Chapter 15: Mending Bonds
Chapter 16: Welcome To Haven
Chapter 17: The Desert Rose
After a long while I have decided....
An Important Announcement

Chapter 6: Friends Reunited

2.6K 27 22
By 444TheNumber4

----( Y/N's POV )----

It has been a week since the White Fang incident and a lot of things had happen since then, now that I got contact with Roman, dust shop raids are no longer a common occurence in Vale, Weiss had been nursing Blake's injuries for the past week not to mention she would skip class just nurse Blake until she's feeling better. It's currently Saturday and I'm walking towards Tukson's book trade, a request from Weiss to return the books Blake borrowed

Y/N: (I wonder how good Blake is in bed, I mean she's got to have learned something from reading all of this)

Abaddon: (Seriously Y/N?)

Y/N: (What? I'm just curious, I mean this is the first time I've seen a girl interested in this, but it's not like I want to do it with her)

Abaddon: (Because of Weiss?)

Y/N: (And here I thought I was the only one who didn't notice that)

Abaddon: (Well isn't it obvious? She's very over cautious of Blake ever since that whole incident)

Y/N: (I could just imagine the things Weiss would do to anyone who would harm Blake)

Before Abaddon could answer my question I could hear footsteps coming towards our direction but before I could react, someone had already ran into me, knocking us both down

???????: Emerald! Are you okay?

Emerald: Yeah.... I'm fine Mercury

Y/N: Emerald? Mercury?

As I stood up, Emerald and Mercury, my two best friends are standing right in front of me with shocked expressions on their faces

Mercury: Y/N?

Before I could even answer Mercury's question Emerald tackled me while tears were running down her eyes


Y/N:*hugs back* It's good to see you guys too

Mercury then gave us both a hand at standing up we then looked at each other wondering what to say next until I spoke up

Y/N: Where have you two been?

Emerald: We came from Tukson's book trade

Y/N: Tukson? That's where I'm heading at

As I said that, Emerald and Mercury's eyes widen so something must've happened at that place

Y/N: Is something wrong? Did something happen?

Mercury: Well.... don't freak out or anything but uhhh.... we.... we killed him

Y/N: You guys killed him? But why?

Emerald: We were told to do so, Adam wanted him dead, and we had no choice

Y/N: Adam? The right hand of the White Fang?

Emerald: Yeah, we don't know why either but we had no choice, if we don't kill him then the White Fang will go after you

Y/N: Why me? Is it because that I'm your friend?

Mercury: And to keep us motivated I guess

Y/N: Let's talk somewhere else, I'm getting hungry

Emerald: Yeah sure

After about half an hour, we then arrived at a fast food restaurant, one that we used to visit quite a lot, and they day when we all shared a good laugh

Mercury: So why do you always order spicy chicken Y/N?

Y/N: Are you kidding me? Happy Hornet's chicken is the best I've ever tasted, the spicy ones are even better!

Emerald: Anyways.... other than that, is there anything else you'd want to tell us?

Y/N: Well I got into Beacon

Mercury: We know, Roman already told us

Emerald: Yeah! And don't worry, we'll be arriving at Beacon too!

Y/N: Seriously?

Mercury: Yep.... me, Emerald, Roman and Neo are going to Beacon

Y/N: Roman? Isn't he like in his 30s?

Emerald: He's the master of disguise so you don't need to worry about that

Y/N: I'll have to tell them Headmaster about this and don't worry I'll make sure to let him know that the four of you are with me

Mercury: Thank Oum! This will make it much easier of all of us

As we were eating our meals we then heard screaming, we turn our heads to look at an angry woman screaming at the manager

Y/N: You guys remember Neo's outburst?

We then chuckled, remembering that one time where Neo got pissed at them for not serving neapolitan flavored ice cream

Mercury: Yeah, I just liked how Roman had to do all the talking while Neo was just throwing a silent tantrum beside him

Emerald: She wouldn't let us come back here unless it's a drive-thru

Y/N: And this is the place where you two had your first date and first ki----

Emerald & Mercury: ----NO!

As they screamed that word they became a blushing mess from all the embarrassment of remembering their first date along with their first kiss and the in the restaurant people staring at them from their sudden outburst

Y/N: Okay.... I'll shut up now

We sat there eating our meals in silence as the tension from their earlier died out, Emerald's scroll start ringing

Emerald: Oh ummm.... Mercury we need to head back to Roman

Mercury: Why? Did something happen while we were gone?

Emerald: No not really, we were supposed to be back about a few hours ago and they need us for another task

Mercury: Great, another one like they can't do this themselves, but they actually CAN do it themselves

Y/N: Remember Mercury, to them you two are just puppets and they're the ones who would pull your strings

Mercury:*sighs* Well.... you're not wrong

Y/N:*stands up* Anyways, I'll have to head back to Beacon, I hope Ruby isn't too worried

Emerald: Yeah, we'll see you at Beacon Y/N

Y/N: Yeah, I'll see you guys at Beacon too

Time Skip
----( 3rd Person POV )----

As Y/N arrived at Beacon he then suddenly saw Yang brust through the roof the cafeteria screaming all the way up, Y/N rushed in to the cafeteria only to see team JNPR splattered on the wall with a bunch of food, Ruby posing on top of the tables, the monkey faunus from last night looking in awe, and a blue haired guy covered by all different kinds of food

Y/N: What happened here?

Sun:*turns around* Food fight

Before Y/N could answer back Glynda suddenly passed by him as she use her semblance to clean the mess they made

Glynda: Children, we do not play with our food----

While Glynda was scolding them Yang scream could then be heard, figuring what was about to happen, Y/N used [Shadow's Wrath] and brought life to all nearby shadows to catch Yang which they did, and as soon as Yang was back on her feet and the shadows disappeared, Glynda was about to continue scolding them until Nora burped so loud the sound echoed inside the cafeteria, there was a moment of silence before Jaune started laughing then Ruby then Yang then everyone except Y/N and Glynda who was still furious

Y/N: (This will not end well)

But before Glynda could scold them even more, Ozpin arrived and place a hand on Glynda's shoulder calming her down

Ozpin: Let it go Glynda, they're just teenagers

Glynda:*sighs* They're supposed to be defenders of the world

Before Ozpin could answer Y/N spoke up his own answer to Glynda's question

Y/N: They will be, but for now let them have their fun, being a teenager is a roll we can't play forever

Glynda: Well.... you're not wrong

As Y/N was about to go to Ruby he heard the sound of a bullhead landing, but the bullhead landing had an atlas symbol on it's side

Y/N: Hey Ozpin, Were you expecting a visitor from atlas?

Ozpin: Visitor?

As the bullhead almost landed Ozpin, Glynda & Y/N walked towards it, and as it landed and opened it's door, someone they all know too well came out

Ironwood: Ozpin! It's good to see you again

Ozpin: James, I see you came unannounced

Y/N: (What is Ironwood doing here?)

Abaddon: (Ironwood?)

Y/N: (James Ironwood, headmaster of atlas academy as well as general of the atlas military)

Ironwood: We have many things to talk about old friend

Y/N: Excuse me Headmaster Ozpin but I would like to join in your conversation since I want to help you with the Vytal festival

Ironwood:*looks at Y/N* What we're going to discuss is something you wouldn't understand

Ozpin: James it's okay he can join with us----

Ironwood: ----Ozpin! Are you out of your mind?

Y/N: No worries general Ironwood, I won't tell anyone about Salem

Ironwood eyes widen as soon as Y/N said the name Salem, Ironwood glared at Ozpin but the nodded as Ozpin nodded back

Ozpin: Now then, we need to talk things out

Ironwood, Ozpin & Y/N went into Ozpin's office where they could discuss about the upcoming Vytal festival as well as their next move on Salem

Ironwood: Ozpin, could you explain to me how a student knows about Salem

Ozpin: It's rather complicated general but he can help us out, trust me

Ironwood:*sighs* Alright fine

Y/N: Okay, now that's out of the way, I need some.... demands

Ironwood: Like what?

Y/N: Torchwick and his subordinates would not be arrested

Ozpin was surprised to hear this while this sent Ironwood over the edge, which made him stood up and slam the table


Y/N: I'm not finished yet general. As I was saying, Roman as well as his subordinates are just pawns they're not the main threat, they are just decoys

Ozpin: How do you know this?

Y/N: Roman was the one who took care of me before he became a criminal, because someone forced him to work for Salem

Ironwood: So what your telling us is that there is someone else pulling the strings?

Y/N: Yes.... Roman Torchwick was forced to work with whoever this person is

Ironwood: So are there any other reasons why we shouldn't arrest them

Y/N: I've got contact with Roman ever since the harbor incident, and because of that he gives me information about where they will strike to next

Ozpin: (So that's how you knew those attacks?)

Ironwood: So let me get this straight, you're telling me that all you want is for us to not arrest Roman as well as his associates?

Y/N: The names of his associates are Emerald Sustrai, Mercury Black & Neo Politian

Ozpin: Hold on, aren't they the transfer students from Haven academy?

Y/N: No not at all

Ozpin: So Romeo Politian is Roman Torchwick undercover?

Y/N: Yes

Ozpin and Ironwood looked at each other, Ozpin nods signaling that he agrees with my demands while Ironwood sighs but then nods in agreement

Ironwood: Fine, if it's to help us stop Salem then we'll look after them

Y/N:*stands up* Thank you general it has been a pleasure negotiating with you

----( Ozpin's POV )----

As Y/N leaves my office Ironwood looks at me as he spoke up

Ironwood: So who is he exactly?

Ozpin: To answer your first question his name is Raiden Rose----

Ironwood: ----Hold on, Raiden Rose? as in THE Raiden Rose who went missing 6 years ago!?

Ozpin: Yes, and I'm surprised you know him, tell me how do you know him?

Ironwood: Qrow came to atlas 6 years ago and begged for me to find his nephew, he never told me exactly why his nephew ran away, all he wanted was to have him back. I know me and Qrow don't get along well, but it was the first time when I saw him taking something serious in a long time, as if he wasn't the same Qrow I lived with, it felt so alien to me, it was the first time felt uncomfortable in a very long time

Ozpin:*sighs* I'll tell you why Qrow wanted to find him. It's because they want him to came back and forgive them after they abused him

Ironwood looks at me with wide eyes and a shocked expression on his face

Ozpin: Raiden was abused by his family for a long time that he decided to run away

I looked at Ironwood who was clutching his fist and shaking with rage, as if he was ready to kill someone with in his vicinity


Ozpin: Ironwood! Calm yourself, I know you're angry but please, you don't need to arrest them

Ironwood: And give me a reason why I shouldn't?

Ozpin: Y/N wants to deal with it himself, even I tried to help him in arresting them but he refused

Ironwood:*sighs* Alright then, I just.... I would never expect STRQ, Beacon academy's star team would even do this, especially their own child

Ozpin: I had the same reaction when I also found out about it, I'm very disappointed in them

Silence filled the room for a short while until Ironwood spoke up once more

Ironwood: Now that's out of the way, let's talk about our plans for the Vytal festival

----( Ruby's POV )----

Ruby: (Okay.... I can do this, with Jaune by my side we can win this)

But before I could enter the control room, Jaune stabbed me at the back with a knife as I felt betrayed for trusting him

Announcer: Imposters win!

Ruby & Nora: NOOOOOOOO!!!!

Jaune: Yeah! Easy game!

Blake: I told you guys that Jaune was the imposter but all of you wouldn't listen

Yang: I knew Vomit boy was acting suspicious

Pyrrha: Good game Jaune

Ren: Well played

Weiss:*slams head on table* I hate this game of emotions we play

Nora:*stands up and points at Jaune* As queen of the castle I demand another round until I win

Before anyone could Nora's question we heard the door open, I turned around to see Raiden with a smile on his face

Ruby: Raiden! *runs to him and hugs him* What took you so long?

Y/N: Geez Ruby, it's only been 15 minutes

Ruby: I know *hugs him tighter*

Y/N: So what are you guys playing?

Yang: The game is called "Among Us" it's really fun you should try it out

Y/N: Did I ask you?

Yang: N-no....

Y/N: Then you should shut your mouth

I looked and Yang who had lowered her head in sadness from Raiden's words

Ruby: (Don't worry Yang tomorrow you might be able to convince him)

Weiss: Blake? What's wrong?

Everyone's attention turned to Blake who had an expression of sadness in her face

Blake: It's Torchwick, him and the White Fang are working together, which is something I find strange

Pyrrha: Blake you don't to worry about that for now, you need to rest you're still incapable to fight

Blake: I know, it's just.... worrying me to know that the White Fang are working with a criminal, I feel scared to know what Torchwick has planned for the White Fang to do

Y/N: Torchwick is just a pawn

Everyone's attention this turned to Raiden who looking at us with a serious expression on his face

Weiss: What?

Y/N: Torchwick was forced to work with the White Fang by someone, I'm not sure who or why but, all I know is that Torchwick is not the one that you're looking for

Jaune: But why though?

Y/N: Well whoever this person is has a lot of power a large group like the White Fang wouldn't back down easily if it was a human trying to control them but if it was a faunus then it would make some sense but why a work with a human when there other faunus that could do a better job than him, it just doesn't add up

Pyrrha: How do you know this?

Y/N: Torchwick is an old friend of mine


Y/N: Well he's more of a father than a friend now that I actually think about it

These words made me feel hurt, that a criminal raised him better than we did. I looked at Yang who had a more sad expression on her face

Ren: So you were raised by a criminal?

Y/N: He wasn't always a criminal, he used to be the most famous gambler in Vale, he was raising me during that time, one day someone invade our home but he let me escape first, then after that he became a criminal because of his lien and his combat skills, they used his lien to supply themselves with whatever materials they could afford and his combat experience allows him to be good at assassinating someone

Everyone went silent from the story Y/N was telling to us until Weiss decided to break the silence that filled the room

Weiss: Was he..... a good dad?

Y/N: He was the best dad I could ever have ever asked for, he was much better than my old man

With that said Yang stood up and ran out of our dorm with a trail of tears following behind and her cries echoed through the empty halls

Ruby: Yang! Come back

I began chasing Yang and thanks to my semblance I was able to catch up with her, that's when we arrived at the middle of the courtyard where Yang sat down on the statue

Ruby: Yang? What's wrong?

Yang: I don't know if it would still work Ruby, I don't think he needs us anymore, he may have forgave you but not the rest of us, and I'm scared to know if he will never forgive me, all I just want is to have my little brother back into my life

Ruby:*hugs Yang* It's okay Yang, he can't hate you all forever, he'll forgive you.... all of you tomorrow

--------[ TO BE CONTINUED ]--------

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