The Fire Princess |ATLA Fanfi...

By eunoia_reads

1.5K 28 10

Hayes is the middle child of Ozai and Ursa.She has her older brother Zuko and younger sister Azula.One day sh... More

.Chapter 1.
.Chapter 2.
.Chapter 3.
.Chapter 4.
.Chapter 5.
.Chapter 6.
.Chapter 8.
Author's Note
.Chapter 9.
Author's Note
On Hold

.Chapter 7.

83 2 4
By eunoia_reads

We were riding on Appa.Aang was pacing around the saddle and breathing heavily.

"Would you sit down?" Sokka asks. "If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off. What's bugging you anyway?"

"Did you forget he's a airbender?And we're mid-air,what would we hit?" I ask.

"It's what Avatar Roku said. I'm supposed to master all four elements before that comet arrives." Aang says.

"Well, let's see. You pretty much mastered airbending and that only took you a hundred and twelve years. I'm sure you can master three more elements by next summer." Sokka says sarcastically.

"I haven't even started waterbending and we're still weeks away from the North Pole. What am I gonna do?" Aang asks.

"Couldn't Hayes teach you some firebending?" Sokka asks.

"Isn't there a order?Or like if you learn it out of order,it'll be harder." I explain.

"Then why are you with us?" Sokka asks.

"I'm the muscle." I say smiling.

"I'm the muscle!" Sokka says offended.

"Well,then you're the pretty face.No I lied,that's Aang and Katara." I say chuckling.

"Calm down, it's going to be okay. If you want, I can try to teach you some of the stuff I know." Katara tells Aang.

"You'd do that?" Aang asks with a big smile.

"We'll need to find a good source of water first." Katara says.

"Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in." Sokka says.

I giggle and Sokka looks at me with a smile.I look away quickly and twiddle my thumbs.
We stand in front of a river and waterfall.

"Nice puddle." I say.

Appa flys into the water and almost soaks Momo.

"Yeah! Don't start without me, boy!" Aang says running towards the water.

"Remember the reason we're here." Katara says.

"Oh right. Time to practice waterbending." Aang says.

"Great. So what are we supposed to do?" Sokka asks.

"You could ... clean the gunk out of Appa's toes." Aang says handing us a branch with leaves at the end.

"So, while you guys are playing in the water, we're supposed to be hard at work picking mud out of a giant bison's feet?" Sokka asks.

"Mud and bugs!" Aang says cheerfully.

"Well you can do that.I'm gonna chill under a tree." I say patting Sokka's shoulder.
I sit under a tree burning a small leaf.I look over and Katara and Aang water bending and Sokka cleaning Appa's toes.Aang sends a big wave towards Sokka and it knocks him in the water.I smile and look back over to Katara.She seems a little mad,but it could be nothing.
We started walking through a city market and port.I look over and whisper to Katara.

"These clothes are uncomfortable.Why can't I just wear my clothes and tell them I'm good." I whisper to Katara.

"Listen,next time you can show your Fire Nation,but we'll have to be careful." Katara whispers to me.

"We've got exactly three copper pieces left from the money that King Bumi gave us. Let's spend it wisely." Sokka says.

"Uh, make that two copper pieces, Sokka. I couldn't say no to this whistle!" Aang says happily.

He blows on the whistle,but I barley makes a sound.

"It doesn't even work. See? Even Momo thinks it's a piece of junk." Sokka says.

"No offense Aang,but I'll hold onto the money from now on." Katara says has Aang hands her the money.

We walk farther down the dock.

"Earth Nation! Fire Nation! Water Nation! So long as bargains are your inclination, you're welcome here! Don't be shy, come on by! Oh! You there, I can see from your clothing that you're world-traveling types. Perhaps I can interest you in some exotic curios?" A man says waving his arms around.

"Sure! What are curios?" Aang asks the man.

"I'm not entirely sure. But we got 'em!" The man says.

We walk inside a boat and look around.Katara walks up to a shelf and calls Aang over.

"Look at this, Aang. It's a waterbending scroll! Check out these crazy moves." Katara says excitedly.

"Where did you get a waterbending scroll?" I ask.

"Let's just say I got it up North, at a most reasonable price, free." One of the men says.

"Wait a minute ... Sea loving traders, with suspiciously acquired merchandise.You guys are pirates!" Sokka says.

"Your late bud." I say.

"We prefer to think of ourselves as "high risk traders." One of the pirates say.

Katara try's to get the scroll but it's a lot of money.Aang try's to bargain but it doesn't work.We wall out the shop and continue on our way.Suddenly the men from the shop run out and after us.

"Well, well. Look who's come to their senses. Told you the haggling would pay off." Aang says calmly.

"I don't think they're here to trade with us." I say.

We run down the dock.Katara and Aang run down one street and Sokka and I run down a different one.We turn and corner and meet back up with Katara and Aang.Katara freezes and puddle.Another set of pirates come from a street.We get cornered.

"Now, who gets to taste the steel of my blade first?" A pirate asks.

I blast them with fire and Aang takes out his glider.

"Hold on tight!" Aang says.

We fly over the pirates and back to our camp by the river.

"I used to kind of look up to pirates, but those guys are terrible." Aang says.

" I know. That's why I took this." Katara says showing the scroll we saw in the shop.

"No way!" Aang says excitedly.

"No wonder they were trying to hack us up! You stole their waterbending scroll!" Sokka says upset.

"I prefer to think of it as high risk trading." Katara says jokingly.

"Good one, Katara." I say smiling.

"Sokka, where do you think they got it? They stole it from a waterbender!" Katara says defending her actions.

"It doesn't matter. You put all of our lives in danger just so you could learn some stupid, fancy splashes." Sokka says.

"These are real waterbending forms. You know how crucial it is for Aang to learn waterbending!" Katara says.

"Whatever." Sokka says rolling his eyes.

"Look,what's done is done.Might as well use it." I say.
I sit back under my tree looking at the water.

"I just want to try this one move first and then it's all yours." Katara says looking at the scroll. "Here, hold it open for me. The single water whip. Looks doable."

"OW!" Katara says hitting herself in the head.

Sokka laughs and I glare at him.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, but you deserved that. You've been duped; she's only interested in teaching herself." Sokka says looking at Aang.

"Aang will get his turn once I figure out the water whip. Ugh, why can't I get this stupid move?" Katara asks herself.

"You'll get it." Aang says reassuring Katara. "You just gotta shift your weight through the stances. There, see, the key to bending is-"

"Will you please shut your air hole? Believe it or not your infinite wisdom gets a little old sometimes! Why don't we just throw the scroll away since you're so naturally gifted!" Katara yells.

Everyone is silent,until I start laughing.

"Do you find that funny?" Sokka asks.

"Yes,I do.And I know it's messed up,it's just my comedy." I say still laughing.

"Oh my gosh, Aang, I am so sorry, I don't know what came over me. But you know what, it won't happen again." Katara says looking at Aang with tears in his eyes.

"Here, this is yours. I don't want to have anything to do with it anymore."

Sokka gets Katara to apologize to Momo.Then he tries to get a apologize to.It doesn't work for him.
I lied in my sleeping bag,not able to get some sleep.I looked over and noticed Katara gone.I got up and walked towards the river to see her waterbending.

I walk over to her and look at the water.

"Why can't I get this." Katara asks.

"Who knows." I say.

I hear something and grab Katara's arm.We hide behind a bush.I peak out to see what it was.We turn around and see a pirate.He grabs us.

"Let go of us you freak!" I yell out.

I fire blast him in the face and he lets go.We start to run but Zuko grabs us.

"I'll save you from the pirates." Zuko says.

"I would take the pirates." I say

We get tied to a tree and Zuko stands in front of us.

"Tell me where he is and I won't hurt you or your brother." Zuko says.

"Go jump in the river!." Katara yells.

"Try to understand. I need to capture him to restore something I've lost, my honor." Zuko begins to say.

"No one cares about you and your honor!" I say upset.

"Perhaps in exchange I can restore something you've lost." Zuko finishes.

He holds up Katara mother's necklace.

"My mother's necklace! How did you get that?" Katara asks angrily.

"I didn't steal it,if that's what you're wondering.Tell me where he is." Zuko says.

"I was wondering and no.If you want him find him yourself." I say.

The pirates come up behind him and talk to him.I guess he was in a agreement to get the scroll.More pirates come forward with Sokka and Aang.

"Nice work." Zuko says looking at the pirates.

"Aang,this is all my fault." Katara says.

"No Katara,it isn't." Aang says.

"Yes,yes it is." I say.

"Give me the boy." Zuko says.

"You give us the scroll." The pirate says.

"You're really gonna hand over the Avatar for a stupid piece of parchment?" Sokka asks.

"Don't listen to him, he's trying to turn us against each other!" Zuko yells.

"Your friend is the Avatar?" The pirate asks.

"Sure is, and I'll bet he'll fetch a lot more on the black market than that fancy scroll." Sokka says.

"Shut your mouth, you Water Tribe peasant!" Zuko says yelling at Sokka.

"He isn't a peasant.Just because your 'royalty' doesn't mean anything.At least his dad actually loves him." I say glaring at Zuko.

"Dad doesn't love you either." Zuko says looking at me.

"I'm fine with that.You seem to be losing sleep because everyone hates you." I say with a grin.

"Hayes what are you doing?" Katara whispers to me.

I burn the rope and sweep fire across Zuko's face.

"Katara go!" I yell.

Zuko knocks me back and I fall into the tree.The pirates go after Aang with Katara and Sokka.

I kick Zuko back to the ground.I go over to him and look down on him.

"Do it." He says.

"No." I say.

"Why not.You seem to be fine." He says.

"I may hate you with every bone in my body,but your still my brother." I say walking away.

I run over to the water and see Katara and Aang moving a ship into the water.

"Hayes,lets go!" Sokka yells to me.

We get into the boat and Sokka goes to steer.

"Sokka,can't you make it go any faster?" Aang asks.

"I don't know how.This thing wasn't made by the Water Tribe!" Sokka says.

I run over and grab the wheel with Sokka.I steer it faster.

"How do you know how to do this?" Sokka asks.

"Uncle.Taught me when I was 12." I say.

"Stop chit chatting!We're headed towards a waterfall!" Katara yells.

"We have another problem!" I yell.

Zuko got another boat and it was headed towards us.

"JUMP!" Sokka,Katara and Aang yell.

We fall onto Appa's saddle.

"I knew a bison whistle would come in handy!Thanks Appa." Aang says holding up the whistle.

"Yeah,we owe you one." Sokka says.

"What did I get myself into?" I mumble to myself.

"You got yourself into a world of Sokka!" Sokka says wrapping his arm around me.

"I would rather go back to the Fire Nation." I say moving his arm.

Aang and Katara laugh and Sokka looks like a mad puppy.

I turn towards the back of Appa and blush.

This chapter was lengthy,but it'll be fine. -Mystic

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