Chatoyant College Book 7: Upo...

By clarekrmiller

349 63 2

As Edie falls deeper into her relationship with Leila, her friends worry about her. The revelation about her... More

Prologue: The Dream
Chapter 1: Get Our Blood Moving
Chapter 2: A Picnic
Chapter 3: Embarrassment
Chapter 4: The Haunted Sticker
Chapter 5: It's Real Food
Chapter 6: Dreams and Visions
Chapter 7: Curious
Chapter 8: Not That Long
Chapter 9: Pizza
Chapter 10: Dream Posters
Chapter 11: Digging in Dirt
Chapter 12: Poster Experiments
Chapter 13: Faeries in the Department
Chapter 14: Theories
Chapter 15: Invited
Chapter 17: Party Time
Chapter 18: Antlers
Chapter 18: Antlers
Chapter 19: Painting
Book 7 now on Smashwords!
Chapter 20: Dancing
Chapter 21: Thresholds
Chapter 22: Under the Influence
Chapter 23: Sleeping
Chapter 24: Empty Campus
Chapter 25: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 26: Halloween Ball
Chapter 27: Escape
Chapter 28: ID
Chapter 29: Over the Wall
Chapter 30: Cold Morning
Chapter 31: Don't Tell Me
Chapter 32: Breakfast
Chapter 33: Craft Fair
Chapter 34: Globe
Chapter 35: Glitter
Chapter 36: Hair Brushing
Chapter 37: Unusual Interest
Chapter 38: A Tumble
Chapter 39: Dolls
Chapter 40: Science and Magic
Chapter 41: A Talk
Chapter 42: Thread
Chapter 43: Needling
Chapter 44: Brandon
Chapter 45: Vanished
Chapter 46: Searching
Chapter 47: The Path
Chapter 48: Following the Path
Chapter 49: Men Sell Not Such in Any Town
Chapter 50: Faerie Food
Chapter 51: Magical Pranks
Chapter 52: Questions
Chapter 53: Rules
Chapter 54: Come Buy
Chapter 55: The Rat-Faced Spoke a Word
Chapter 56: Stormy Weather
Chapter 57: Conference
Chapter 58: Gone or Invisible
Chapter 59: Friends
Chapter 60: Power
Book 7 Is Complete!

Chapter 16: Candy

5 1 0
By clarekrmiller

Dawn was relieved to be walking out of the forest again, with the comfort of her two friends and Tom by her sides. She didn't entirely think she should trust Tom, but she did anyway. Maybe it was just because her aunt had. Maybe it was because he'd helped them by escorting Troy away from the fight despite his own desires.

"What's in the bag?" he asked cheerfully as they walked downhill. Naomi was carrying all of their bags of candy in a plastic grocery bag.

"Our entry tickets," she said, pulling one of the bags out and handing it to Tom. "Everyone has to bring a bag of candy to the party to get in. We got an extra one for you."

He took the plastic bag of mini candy bars and turned it about in his hands, looking perplexed. He shook it, then brought it close to his face and sniffed at it. "This is candy?"

"Yes," Dawn said, trying not to laugh. "Wrapped in plastic. We'll open them up when we get there, I guess."

"But what's inside moving around?"

"That's the candy." Dawn shook her head, grinning. "Haven't you ever had candy before?"

"I don't think so." He squeezed the bag.

Naomi snatched it back out of his hands and dropped it into her grocery bag. "We'll show you how to eat it when we're at the party. You'll love it, I promise."

"Candy is awesome," Corrie said, coming up between Naomi and Tom as the path widened a little more. They could see the open grass of the campus, just a few yards ahead. "But what about Mardalan? What's going on with their politics? She's not dead, right?" Dawn winced. She didn't want to talk about these people now. She was too afraid they might be overheard. But maybe she was being unnecessarily paranoid, since Corrie evidently wasn't worried about it.

Tom's cheerful smile spread into a feral grin. He was plainly delighted to gossip about the faerie court. "No, not dead, but she will be a very long time in healing. There are holes in her that her little leaf servant is having to keep constantly patched up."

"I didn't know it was particularly her servant," Dawn said. All of the other faeries in that area—with the clear exception of Ever—had seemed to dance attendance on Mardalan, and to a lesser extent, Feloc and Belara. She relaxed further as they left the woods, though she didn't think she'd be entirely comfortable with this topic of conversation until they were out of the woods.

Tom nodded enthusiastically. "Ah, that is one of the many delightful surprises. It is supposed to follow whoever is ruling at the time, but it has refused to leave Mardalan's side since she was injured, even though Feloc and Belara have both ordered it away. Normally, you see, the three of them are constantly fighting each other, always attempting to topple whoever is in authority and take over that role. That is what is so strange about Belara and Feloc working together."

"Do you think they'll be able to accomplish more with two of them in charge?" Dawn asked.

"Accomplish?" Tom laughed sharply, then stopped in mid-guffaw, his left hand rising half to his face. "Actually... you may be on to something there. I assumed they were simply a frivolous group, interested in nothing but music, dancing, and playing tricks, but perhaps that is because the three with the most power were constantly engaged in defeating one another."

"They definitely worked together to mess with Leila," Corrie said quietly. "Edie told me that they used Belara's poison to hurt the trees, anyway. It was Mardalan's idea, but she wasn't the only one working for it."

Tom shrugged dismissively. "She could simply have ordered them to help her. Until one of the others take charge they do have to obey her. But this is different, entirely unprecedented."

"What do you think they would want to accomplish?" Dawn asked. Her stomach churned a little at the thought of the faeries who had kidnapped Annie and possibly tried to steal Edie being even more competent than before.

"I have no idea," said Tom, sounding bored. "But look!" He pointed ahead, to a building that had all of its windows lit brightly. The sounds of laughter, shrieks, and snatches of music emerged from it. "I hope that is your party, as it sounds like a marvelous time!"

Naomi grinned. "That's it! Let's get in and have a good time. Don't worry about anything else."

She took off running toward the door before Dawn could stop her, and Tom followed with an exultant laugh. She dearly wanted to ask him to watch the party so they could see if there was any nefarious planning going on, but she didn't think he would listen at this point. "I don't think I can quit worrying," she whispered to Corrie as they followed at a more sedate pace.

Corrie shook her head. "I don't either."

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